Friday, March 17, 2006
Actor's Name, Character Played, Program
Aaker, Lee Rusty Rin-Tin-Tin
Aames, Marlene McWilliams, Lauralee Story of Holly Sloan, The
Abbott, Judith Lawson, Agnes Aldrich Family, The
Abbott, Minabelle Sothern, Mary Life of Mary Sothern, The
Ace, Goodman Ace, Goodman Easy Aces
Ace, Goodman Ace, Goodman Mister Ace and Jane
Ace, Jane Ace, Jane Easy Ac es
Ace, Jane Ace, Jane Mister Ace and Jane
Adams, Bill Cotter, Jim Rosemary
Adams, Bill Hagen, Mike Valiant Lady
Adams, Bill Roosevelt, Franklin Delano March of Time, The
Adams, Bill Salesman Travelin' Man
Adams, Bill Stark, Daniel Roses and Drums
Adams, Bill Whelan, Father Abie's Irish Rose
Adams, Bill Wilbur, Matthew Your Family and Mine
Adams, Bill Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Adams, Edith Gilman, Ethel Those Happy Gilmans
Adams, Franklin Mayor of a model city Secret City
Adams, Franklin Jr. Skinner, Skippy Skippy
Adams, Franklin Pierce Emcee Word Game, The
Adams, Guila Mattie Step Mother
Adams, Inge Elona Light of the World, The
Adams, Inge Florenz, Countess Our Gal Sunday
Adams, Mary Barbour, Francis "Fanny" One Man's Family
Adams, Mason Harry the Hack Big Town
Adams, Mason Scott, Ned Jones and I
Adams, Mason Student, The Dear Margy, It's Murder
Adams, Mason Vet Dear Margy, It's Murder
Adams, Mason Wadsworth, Clifton Road of Life
Adams, Mason Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Adams, Nick Uncle Ben Meyer the Buyer
Adams, William Pa House Beside the Road, The
Adams, William Pa Wayside Cottage
Adams, William P. Uncle Henry Collier Hour, The
Adams, Wylie Tanner, Mel Lone Journey
Adamson, Helen Collier, Fran Avenger, The
Adler, Luthur Gentle, Peter Mystery Without Murder
Aherne, Brian Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Aherne, Brian Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Albert, Eddie Mitty, Walter Secret of Walter Mitty, The
Albert, Elaine Hornblow, Clarabell Lone Ranger, The
Albert, Grace Wayne, Nancy Pepper Young's Family
Albertson, Jack Grouch Grouch Club, The
Albertson, Jack Lefty Lefty
Albertson, Mabel Countess of Kleptomania Iodent Dress Rehearsal
Alexander, Ben Bashful Ben Great Gildersleeve, The
Alexander, Ben Sheldon, Junior This Is Judy Jones
Alexander, Ben Smith, Officer Frank Dragner
Alexander, Ben Waterford, "Bashful" Ben Great Gildersleeve, The
Alexander, Ben West, Phillip Brenthouse
Alexander, Denise Daughter It's Higgins, Sir
Alexander, Denise Marriott, Emily Marriage, The
Alexander, Denise Nolan, Francie Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Alexander, Denise Sharp, Debbie Big Guy
Alexander, Joan Bates, Carol (Carol West) Bright Horizon
Alexander, Joan Dennis, Althea Brighter Day, A
Alexander, Joan Girlfriend Major North, Army Intelligence
Alexander, Joan Girlfriend Man from G-2
Alexander, Joan Lane, Lois Adventures of Superman
Alexander, Joan Malone, Tracy Young Dr. Malone
Alexander, Joan Martinson, Peggy King This Is Nora Drake
Alexander, Joan Roberts, Audrey Rosemary
Alexander, Joan Scott, Nicole Against the Storm
Alexander, Joan Secretary Philo Vance
Alexander, Joan Society Reporter Lefty
Alexander, Joan Street, Della Perry Mason
Alexander, Joan Sullivan, Marion Burton Second Mrs. Burton, The
Alexander, Joan West, Carol (Carol Bates) Bright Horizon
Alexander, Larry Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Aley, Albert Harrigan, Hop Hop Harrigan
Aley, Albert James, Bob Stella Dallas
Alford, Bobby Allison, Jeep My Son Jeep
Allen, Arthur Crowell, Jonah Four Corners U.S.A.
Allen, Arthur Dickey, Dan'l Snow Village Sketches
Allen, Arthur Finney, Asa Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Allen, Arthur John Stebbins Boys, The
Allen, Arthur Prouty, Medical Examiner Doc Adventures of Ellery Queen
Allen, Arthur Uncle Abe Uncle Abe and David
Allen, Barbara Jo Holly, Beth One Man's Family
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Bob Hope Show, The
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Jimmy Durante Show, The
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Signal Carnival
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Vera Vague Show, The
Allen, Casey Miller, Dusty Big Story, The
Allen, Casey Wells, Tom Ma Perkins
Allen, Charme Aunt Polly David Harum
Allen, Charme Carlton, Mrs. As the Twig Is Bent
Allen, Charme Carlton, Mrs. We Love and Learn
Allen, Charme Carson, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Allen, Charme Mercy Backstage Wife
Allen, Charme Mother Mother and Dad
Allen, Charme Mother Mother and Dad
Allen, Charme Mother We Love and Learn
Allen, Charme Mueller, Mrs. Abie's Irish Rose
Allen, Charme Murger, Mrs. Pretty Kitty Kelly
Allen, Charme Owen, Ma Into the Light
Allen, Charme Whipple, Sarah County Seat
Allen, Dayton Bluster, Phineas T. Howdy Doody
Allen, Dayton Flubadub Howdy Doody
Allen, Don Martin, Pokie Arkie the Arkansas Woodchopper
Allen, Fred Allen, Fred Fred Allen Show, The
Allen, Harriett Em Clara, Lu and Em
Allen, Hoyt Taylor Backstage Wife
Allen, Judith Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Allen, Lynn Miller, Barbara My Son Jeep
Allen, Steve Horribly, Claude Smile Time
Allen, Vera Aunt Agatha Thanks for Tomorrow
Allen, Vera Burton, Nurse Big Sister
Allen, Vera Doblen, Grace Hilltop House
Allen, Vera Malone, Mother Young Dr. Malone
Allenby, Peggy Andrews, Mary Archie Andrews
Allenby, Peggy Benton, Mrs. Easy Aces
Allenby, Peggy Brown, Mrs. Claudia and David
Allenby, Peggy Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Allenby, Peggy Julia Dot and Will
Allenby, Peggy Kimball, Mrs. Life Can Be Beautiful
Allenby, Peggy O'Farrell, Peggy Rich Man's Darling
Allenby, Peggy Wells, Susan Price David Harum
Allenby, Peggy Wife It's Higgins, Sir
Allison Jone Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Allison, Fran Agatha Meet Mr. Meek
Allison, Fran Aunt Fanny Breakfast Club, The
Allison, Fran Aunt Fanny Sunday Dimmer at Aunt Fanny's
Allison, Fran Aunt Fanny Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Allison, Fran Clara Clara, Lu and Em
Allison, Fran Fran Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Allison, Fran Meek, Agatha Meet Mr. Meek
Allison, Fran Peabody, Helen Peabodys, The
Allison, Fran Sister Emmy Sister Emmy
Allison, Jone Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Allison, Jone Bauer, Meta Guiding Light, The
Allison, Jone Davison, Lois Home of the Brave, The
Allison, Jone Dawson, Patti Rosemary
Allison, Jone Field, Sylvia When A Girl Marries
Allison, Jone Lambert, Marty Brave Tomorrow
Allison, Jone Malone, Tracy Young Dr. Malone
Allison, Jone Penny Hearts In Harmony
Allison, Jone Roberts, Audrey Rosemary
Allman, Elvia Biddle, Mrs. Glamour Manor
Allman, Elvia Bongschnook, Cuddles Jimmy Durante and Garry Moore Show, The
Allman, Elvia Cobina Bob Hope Show, The
Allman, Elvia Dinwiddie Sister Bill Goodwin Show, The
Allman, Elvia Dithers, Cora Blondie
Allman, Elvia Gillis, Olive "Honeybee" Life of Riley, The
Allman, Elvia Maude Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Allman, Elvia Niles, Mrs. Abbott and Costello Show, The
Allman, Elvia Penelope the Pelican Cinnamon Bear
Allman, Elvia Sagwell, Tootsie George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Allman, Elvia Vandereer, Mrs. Jimmy Durante Show, The
Allman, Lee Case, Leonore "Casey" Green Hornet, The
Allyn, Harriet Horn, Aggie In the Case of Aggie Horn
Alt, Joan Peabody, Harriet Peabodys, The
Alt, Joan Webster, Liz Those Websters
Ameche, Don Bachelor, Beau Beau Bachelor
Ameche, Don Bickerson, John Bickersons, The
Ameche, Don Bickerson, John Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Ameche, Don Bickerson, John Old Gold Show, The
Ameche, Don Capatain Jack Captain Jack
Ameche, Don Detective Milligan and Milligan
Ameche, Don Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Ameche, Don Forest Ranger, The National Farm and Home Hour
Ameche, Don Hughes, Captain Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Ameche, Don McLain, Junior Rin-Tin-Tin
Ameche, Don Pasquale Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Ameche, Jim Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Ameche, Jim Regan, Terry Attorney at Law
Ameche, Jim Silver Eagle, The: Jim West Silver Eagle
Ameche, Jim West, Jim: The Silver Eagle Silver Eagle
Ames, Evelyn Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
Ames, Marlene Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
Amsdell, William Hughey, Boss Houseboat Hannah
Andelin, James Grimm, Tom Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Andelin, James Ru Og, Son of Fire
Andelin, Jim Clem Houseboat Hannah
Anders, Rudolph Van Meter, Dr. Space Patrol
Anderson, Arthur Buddy Tony and Gus
Anderson, Arthur Davis, Mark Lawyer Tucker
Anderson, David Sharp, Joshua Jr. Big Guy
Anderson, Eddie Rochester Van Jones Jack Benny Program, The
Anderson, Eddie Van Jones, Rochester Jack Benny Program, The
Anderson, Katherine Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Anderson, Marjorie Collins, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Anderson, Marjorie Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Anderson, Marjorie Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Anderson, Marjorie Parker, Mrs. Parker Family, The
Anderson, Marjorie Redding, Miss Lucy Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Anderson, Marjorie Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Anderson, Warner Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Andre, Pierre Uncle Andy Little Orphan Annie
Andrew, Andy Singing Comic Al Pearce Show, The
Andrews, Cameron Enor Lone Journey
Andrews, Cameron Hot Shot Charlie Terry and the Pirates
Andrews, Cameron Janitor My Silent Partner
Andrews, Cameron Jones, Forsythe "Jughead" Archie Andrews
Andrews, Dana Cevetic, Matt I Was a Communist for the F.B.I.
Andrews, Edward Nat Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Andrews, Ernie Schultz, Otto Today's Children
Andrews, Robert Hardy Cranston, Lamont: The Shadow Shadow, The
Andrews, Robert Hardy Shadow, The: The Shadow Shadow, The
Andrews, Stanley Warbucks, Daddy Little Orphan Annie
Ansell, George Ocko Backstage Wife
Anthony, Allen C. Beagle, Bugs Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Anthony, John Garrick, Douglass Lux Radio Theatre
Anthony, John Tasek, Mr. O'Neills, The
Anton, Anita Julia Backstage Wife
Aplon, Boris Fox, Harvey Scattergood Baines
Aplon, Boris Shark, Ivan Captain Midnight
Aplon, Boris Warbucks, Daddy Little Orphan Annie
Appel, Anna Cohen, Mrs. Abie's Irish Rose
Appleton, Ray Minter, Jimmy Myrt and Marge
Archer, John Cranston, Lamont: The Shadow Shadow, The
Archer, John Shadow, The: The Shadow Shadow, The
Arden, Eve Brooks, Connie Our Miss Brooks
Arden, Eve Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Arden, Eve Propietress of Store Village Store
Arden, Eve Store Manager Sealtest Village Store
Arnall, Curtis Davis, Red Red Davis
Arnall, Curtis Rogers, Buck Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Arnall, Curtis Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Arnez, Desi Ricardo, Rickey I Love Lucy
Arnold, Betty Banning, Peggy Wings of Destiny
Arnold, Betty Dramp, Mrs. Uncle Walter's Dog House
Arnold, Betty March, Iris Guiding Light, The
Arnold, Betty Porter, Genevieve Step Mother
Arnold, Betty Woman Sweet River
Arnold, Edward President Mister President
Arnold, Gene Interlocutor Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Arnold, Gene Riley, James Whitcomb Way Down Home
Arnoux, G.C. Uncle Billy Uncle Billy
Arquette, Cliff Aunt Addie Hollywood Spotlight
Arquette, Cliff Aunt Emmy Aunt Emmy and Bert
Arquette, Cliff Blasingame, Rupert: Old Timer Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Captain Bill Glamour Manor
Arquette, Cliff Cornfelder, Thaddeus Myrt and Marge
Arquette, Cliff Ferguson, Luke Welcome Valley
Arquette, Cliff Gildersleeve, Wallingford Tuttle Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Manager Glamour Manor
Arquette, Cliff Old Timer: Rupert Blasingame Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Willett, Ben Point Sublime
Arquette, Cliff Wilson, Mrs. Dick Haymes Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Wilson, Mrs. Glamour Manor
Arthur, Jack Donovan, Danny Gay Nineties Revue
Arthur, Jack Drake, Bradley Stories of the Black Chamber
Arthur, Jack Hudson, Henry, Jr. Echoes
Arthur, Jack Russo, Tom Indictment
Arthur, Jack Steve When A Girl Marries
Arthur, Jon Big Jon Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Jon Big Jon No School Today
Arthur, Jon Plumpfront, Mayor Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Jon Sparkie Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Jon Ukey, Betcha Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Louise Holm, Pat Saint, The
Arthur, Louise Knight, Phyllis "Phyl" Michael Shayne
Arthur, Louise Sally Story of Holly Sloan, The
Arthur, Louise Templeton, Anne Woman In White
Ascot, Rita Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Astor, Mary Christmas, Mary Merry Life of Mary Christmas, The
Audley, Eleanor Smith, Elizabeth Father Knows Best
Auer, Mischa Mischa Mischa the Magnificant
Auerbach, Artie Kitzel, Mr. Jack Benny Program, The
Auerbach, Artie Schneider, Mr. Goldbergs, The
Austin, William Professor of the English Department Jack Oakie's College
Avery, Phyllis McNutley, Peggy Meet Mr. McNutley
Avery, Tol Brown, Thaddeus (Thad) Dragnet
Ayres, Jack Wigglesworth, Snuffy Keeping Up With Wigglesworth
Ayres, Lew Kildare, Doctor James Doctor Kildare
Baar, Bill Bobbie Grandpa Burton
Baar, Bill Burton, Grandpa Grandpa Burton
Baar, Bill Fraser, Jack Jane Arden
Babbitt, Harry Hookenlooper, Harry Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
Bacall, Lauren Duval, Sailor Bold Venture
Bachanan, Stuart Goofy Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Backus, Georgia Aunt Keturah Story of Holly Sloan, The
Backus, Georgia Brent, Portia Brenthouse
Backus, Georgia Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Backus, Georgia Mitzi Date With Judy, A
Backus, Georgia Nesheim, Olga Orange Lantern, The
Backus, Georgia Riley, Peg Life of Riley, The
Backus, Jim Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Backus, Jim Casey, Jack Casey, Crime Photographer
Backus, Jim Cavendish, Victor Gaslight Gayeties
Backus, Jim Fenwick, Chester Sad Sack
Backus, Jim Hayes, Dexter Society Girl
Backus, Jim Hendricks, Mr. Bill Goodwin Show, The
Backus, Jim Updike, Hubert Alan Young Show, The
Backus, Jim Wiggins, Horace Penny Singleton Show, The
Baer, Max Smith, Lucky Lucky Smith
Baer, Parley Clemmens, Doc Rogers of the Gazette
Baer, Parley Eb Granby's Green Acres
Baer, Parley Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Baer, Parley Michon, Rene Count of Monte Cristo, The
Baer, Parley Peter Honest Harold
Baer, Parley Proudfoot, Chester Wesley Gunsmoke
Baer, Parley Truitt, Grandpa Truitts, The
Bagwell, William Taylor, Sanderson "Sandy" Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Bailey, Bob Archer, Harry Meet Corliss Archer
Bailey, Bob Borden, Raymond One Man's Family
Bailey, Bob Carpenter, Lieutenant Front Page Farrell
Bailey, Bob Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Bailey, Bob Gooch, Mortimer Mortimer Gooch
Bailey, Bob Jones, Bob Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Bailey, Bob Knight, John Girl Alone
Bailey, Bob Mead, Bill Aunt Mary
Bailey, Bob Starr, Johnny Story of Holly Sloan, The
Bailey, Bob Valentine, George Let George Do It
Bailey, Jack Villain Stop the Villain
Bailey, Ruth Day, Alice Woman In White
Bailey, Ruth Jones, Meredith Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Bailey, Ruth Kransky, Rose Guiding Light, The
Bailey, Ruth Kransky, Rose Right to Happiness, The
Bailey, Ruth Marjorie Bachelor's Children
Baker, Florence Bradley, Susan Glorious One
Baker, Florence Brent, Jane Brenthouse
Baker, Joan Girard, Carol Renfrew of the Mounted
Baker, Kenny Propietor Glamour Manor
Ball, Lucille Cooper, Liz My Favorite Husband
Ball, Lucille Ricardo, Lucy I Love Lucy
Ballard, Dave Voice of Think Think
Balthy, Ann Do Do Re Me Program
Banks, Joan Armour, Carlotta Lagorro Today's Children
Banks, Joan Barrett, Joan Valiant Lady
Banks, Joan Clark, Ellen Her Honor, Nancy James
Banks, Joan Dineen, Lynne Young Dr. Malone
Banks, Joan Foster, Mary Editor's Daughter
Banks, Joan Joan House In the Country, A
Banks, Joan Judy McCoy, The
Banks, Joan MacDonald, Eleanor This Day Is Ours
Banks, Joan Manning, Arlene Harrison Portia Faces Life
Banks, Joan Nancy Falcon, The
Banks, Joan Phyllis Young Dr. Malone
Banks, Joan Reynolds, Andrea As the Twig Is Bent
Banks, Joan Reynolds, Andrea We Love and Learn
Banks, Joan Scott, Joan Valiant Lady
Banks, Joan Stacy, Jane My Friend Irma
Banks, Joan Willard, Carrie This Small Town
Bannon, Julie Sally Lux Radio Theatre
Bara, Nina Tonga Space Patrol
Barcelo, Rosa Gregory, Joan Magic Island
Barcelo, Rosa Queen Melissa Cinnamon Bear
Barclay, John Argyle, Inspector Silver Eagle
Barclay, John Blue Coal's Expert Shadow, The
Barclay, John Gaylord, Richard Guiding Light, The
Barclay, Luise Carey, Sandra Backstage Wife
Barclay, Luise Harding, Karen Woman In White
Barclay, Luise Houston, Joan Tale of Today, A
Barclay, Luise O'Neill, Mother O'Neills, The
Barclay, Luise Telephone Operator Grand Hotel
Barclay, Luise Tremaine, Connie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Barclay, Luise Wakefield, Connie Right to Happiness, The
Bard, Katherine Naughton, Claudia Claudia and David
Barker, Brad Animal Sounds Circus Days
Barker, Brad Animal Sounds Renfrew of the Mounted
Barker, Brad Sandy the Dog Little Orphan Annie
Barklie, Laine Carter, Hope Modern Cinderella
Barkstable, Everett Jailbusters Jailbusters
Barley, Willie Son My Mother's Husband
Barnes, Paul Albright, Red: Captain Midnight Captain Midnight
Barnes, Paul Captain Midnight: Red Albright Captain Midnight
Barnes, Paul Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Barnett, Griff Wilson, Editor Story of Sandra Martin, The
Barney, Marion Davis, Mother Red Davis
Barney, Marion Davis, Mother When A Girl Marries
Barney, Marion Mother Rosemary
Barney, Marion Tish (Leticia) Tish
Barney, Marion Young, Mary Pepper Young's Family
Barrett, Joan Miss Mead's Child 1 of 3 Miss Meade's Children
Barrett, Pat Uncle Ezra: Uncle Ezra Waters Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Barrett, Pat Waters, Uncle Ezra: Uncle Ezra Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Barrett, Tony Bradley, Biff Pepper Young's Family
Barrett, Tony Donovan, Mark Adventures of Frank Race
Barrett, Tony Dyer, Charlie This Life Is Mine
Barrier, Edgar Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Barrier, Edgar Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Barron, Fred Chandler, Howard Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Barron, Robert Blackbeard Flint Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Barrows, Richard Harrison, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Barry, Jack Barry, Jack It's the Barrys
Barry, Jeff Barry, Jeff It's the Barrys
Barrymore, Ethel Thompson, Hattie Miss Hattie
Barrymore, Lionel Gillispie, Doctor Leonard Doctor Kildare
Barrymore, Lionel Mayor Mayor of the Town
Bartell, Harry Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Bartell, Harry Seiberts, Lieutenant Fort Laramie
Bartell, Harry Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Barth, Ruth Misty Don Winslow of the Navy
Barton, Barbara Ellis, Nellie Stella Dallas
Barton, Joan Cashier Meet Me at Parky's
Baruch, Allan Corntassle, Joe Little Orphan Annie
Bates, Jeanne Barbour, Teddy Lawson One Man's Family
Bates, Jeanne Jones, Kay I Love Adventure
Bathurst, Peter Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Bauer, Charita Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Bauer, Charita Bauer, Bert Guiding Light, The
Bauer, Charita Cummings, Fran Second Husband
Bauer, Charita Mason, Maudie Maudie's Diary
Bauer, Charita McDonald, Carver Gail Lora Lawton
Bauer, Charita Sarah Rose of My Dreams
Bauer, Charita Wakefield, Susan Right to Happiness, The
Beal, John Doon, Bonnie Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Beals, Dick Reid, Dan Lone Ranger, The
Beasley, Irene Old Dutch Girl Red Hook 31
Beavers, Louise Beulah Beulah
Beck, Jackson Beanie Adventures of Superman
Beck, Jackson Bluto Popeye the Sailor
Beck, Jackson Cisco Kid Cisco Kid, The
Beck, Jackson Hargate, Pat Myrt and Marge
Beck, Jackson Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Beck, Jackson Logan, Inspector Casey, Crime Photographer
Beck, Jackson Prieto, Emilio Woman of America
Beck, Jackson Sinbad Popeye the Sailor
Beck, Jackson Tinker Hop Harrigan
Beck, Jackson Turp, Joe Joe and Ethel Turp
Beck, Jackson Vance, Philo Philo Vance
Beck, Jackson Whizzer Busy Mr. Bingle
Becker, Barbara McLeod, Jocelyn Road of Life, The
Becker, Sandy Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Beckett, Scotty Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Beckmark, Peggy Tena Tena and Tim
Bedelia, S.P. Thomas, Mrs. Smackouts, The
Beemer, Brace Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Beemer, Brace Preston, Sergeant William Challenge of the Yukon, The
Beemer, Brace Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Begely, Ed Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Begley, Ed Britt, Dan Official Detective
Begley, Ed Brown, Will Aldrich Family, The
Begley, Ed Chinese Representive House on Q Street, The
Begley, Ed Dittenfeller, Papa Alan Young Show, The
Begley, Ed Graham, Stephen Stephen Graham, Family Doctor
Begley, Ed Hayfield, Francis Myrt and Marge
Begley, Ed Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Begley, Ed Levinson, Walt Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Begley, Ed O'Hara, Sergaent Fat Man, The
Behmiller, Helen Sue Just Neighbors
Behrens, Fank Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Behrens, Frank Babu Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Behrens, Frank Bannion, Tom Guiding Light, The
Behrens, Frank Barker, Jim Lorenzo Jones
Behrens, Frank Grimm, Tom Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Behrens, Frank Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Behrens, Frank Palmer, Roy Woman In White
Belasco, Leon Zeldschmidt, Pagan Man Called X, A
Belgrad, Madeline Jennings, Marion Second Husband
Belkin, Norman Dinelli, Sergeant Sid Matthew Slade, Incorporated
Bell, Joseph Stark, Mr. Twenty Thousand Years In Sing Sing
Bell, Ralph Drake, Alfred This Is Nora Drake
Bell, Ralph Eastman, Jack Valiant, Lady
Bell, Ralph Gleason, Charles Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Bell, Ralph Mitchell, Detective Backstage Wife
Bell, Ralph Rogers, Travis Barrie Craig, Confidential Investgator
Bell, Ralph Voice of Superstition Superstition
Bell, Shirley Donovan, Patsy Captain Midnight
Bell, Shirley Little Orphan Annie Little Orphan Annie
Bellamy, Ralph Barnett, Mike Man Against Crime
Beller, Mary Linn Dennis, Barbara "Babby" Brighter Day, A
Bemner, Muriel Grant, Susan Bachelor's Children
Benadaret, Bea Wingate, Mrs. Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Benaderet, Bea Anderson, Mrs. Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Benaderet, Bea Carstairs, Millicent Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Benaderet, Bea Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Benaderet, Bea Gearshift, Gertrude Jack Benny Program, The
Benaderet, Bea Gloria Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Benaderet, Bea Goodwin, Eve Great Gildersleeve, The
Benaderet, Bea Granby, Iris Granby's Green Acres
Benaderet, Bea Mamma Meet Millie
Benaderet, Bea Margaret Penny Singleton Show, The
Benaderet, Bea Werewolf, Wanda Glamour Manor
Bender, Dawn McAllister, Mary Margaret His Honor, the Barber
Bender, Dawn Murray, Margaret Herbet One Man's Family
Bender, Dawn Sample, Susie Cousin Willie
Bender, Dawn Truitt, Gladys Truitts, The
Bendix, William Riley, Chester A. Life of Riley, The
Benell, Julie Dallas, Helen Stella Dallas
Bennett, Lois Gibson, Sally Gibson Family, The
Bennett, Lois Gibson, Sally Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Benny, Jack Benny, Jack Jack Benny Program, The
Benson Court Watson, Doctor John H. C.B.S. Mystery Theatre
Bentley, Spencer Cameron, Barry Barry Cameron
Bentley, Spencer Clark, Robby Hilltop House
Bentley, Spencer Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Bentley, Spencer Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Bentley, Spencer Shelly Man I Married, The
Bentley, Spencer Stanwood, Douglas Romance of Helen Trent, The
Berald, Ara Chatton, Kathleen Just Plain Bill
Berg, Gertrude Glass, Bessie House of Glass
Berg, Gertrude Goldberg, Molly Goldbergs, The
Bergen, Edgar Klinker, Effie Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar Lindquist, Lars Edgar Bergan and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar McCarthy, Charlie Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar Puffington, Podine Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar Snerd, Mortimer Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Berger, Hal Parker, Shafter Shafter Parker and His Circus
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Harv Harv and Esther
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Mizznick, Mayer Meyer the Buyer
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Palooka, Joe Joe Palooka
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Uncle Happy Tim and Irene Show, The
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Wright, Mr. Valiant Lady
Bernard, Tommy Ames, Raymond Meet Corliss Archer
Bernard, Tommy Bullard, Craig Great Gildersleeve, The
Bernard, Tommy Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Bernard, Tommy Nelson, David Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Berner, Sara Berner, Sara Sara's Private Caper
Berner, Sara Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Berner, Sara Flapsaddle, Mabel Jack Benny Program, The
Berner, Sara Horowitz, Mrs. Life With Luigi
Berner, Sara Jacoby, Mrs. Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Berner, Sara Lowbridge, Bubbles Nitwit Court
Berner, Sara Mataratza, Ingrid Jimmy Durante Show, The
Berner, Sara Muriel George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Berner, Sara Wagner, Ruby Jack Benny Program, The
Berner, Sara Zybisco, Gladys Jack Benny Program, The
Bernett, Griff Rexall Family Druggist Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Beroyhelmer, Isabel Lu Clara, Lu and Em
Berry, Aline Lee, Mrs. Raising Junior
Berwick, Viola Bell, Bertha Sky King
Berwick, Viola Mirandy Scattergood Baines
Berwin, Bernice Barbour, Hazel One Man's Family
Bey, Turhan Tarique, Francois Notorious Tarique, The
Bickhart, Sanford Adam Light of the World, The
Bickhart, Sanford Schultz, Mr. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Billsbury, Rye Boone, J.R. Jr. Meet Millie
Billsbury, Rye Dillon, Mark Gunsmoke
Bingham, Leslie Penny Against the Storm
Binyon, Conrad Butch Mayor of the Town
Binyon, Conrad Hoople, Alvin Major Hoople
Binyon, Conrad Murray, Henry Herbert "Hank" One Man's Family
Binyon, Conrad Nebbs, Junior Nebbs, The
Binyon, Conrad Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Birch, Tommye Foster, Eva Dan Harding's Wife
Bisher, Jane Wickersham, "Wickie" Honeymooners, The
Bishop, Richard Chief, The Howie Wing
Bivens, Jack Clipper Sky King
Bivens, Jack Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Bixby, Bob Regent, Bob Chandu, the Magician
Blackburn, Arline Clone, Genevive Red Trails
Blackburn, Arline Countess Glennannan: Kitty Kelly Pretty Kitty Kelly
Blackburn, Arline Kelly, Kitty: Countess of Glennannan Pretty Kitty Kelly
Blackburn, Arline Linda Linda's First Love
Blackburn, Arline Storm, Barbara Young Widder Brown
Blackburn, Arline Turner, Eileen O'Neills, The
Blaine, Joan Barrett, Joan Valiant Lady
Blaine, Joan Dumont, Dolores Welcome Valley
Blaine, Joan Houston, Joan Tale of Today, A
Blaine, Joan Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Blaine, Joan Scott, Joan Valiant Lady
Blaine, Martin Bennett, Gary Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Blaine, Martin Scott, Truman "Tubby" Valiant Lady
Blaine, Martin Sheppard, Adam F.B.I. In Peace and War, The
Blair, Henry Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Blair, Henry Henderson, Donnie Beulah
Blair, Henry Little Beaver Red Ryder
Blair, Henry Nelson, Ricky Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Blake, Carter Arkwright, Commander Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Blake, Judy Marsha Second Husband
Blanc, Mel Blanc, Mel Mel Blanc Show, The
Blanc, Mel Carmichael the Polar Bear Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Floyd Great Gildersleeve, The
Blanc, Mel Goo Goo the Duck Baker's Broadcast
Blanc, Mel Happy Postman George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Blanc, Mel Hornblower, Mr. Nitwit Court
Blanc, Mel LeBlanc, Professor Pierre Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Maxwell (Car) Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Moon, August Point Sublime
Blanc, Mel Pan Pancho Cisco Kid, The
Blanc, Mel Peabody, Hubert Camel Comedy Caravan
Blanc, Mel Pedro Judy Canova Show, The
Blanc, Mel Polly the Parrott Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Rover Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Blanc, Mel Sy the Little Mexican Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Train Announcer Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Twiggs, Tiffany Major Hoople
Blanc, Mel Twink, Botsford Abbott and Costello Show, The
Blanc, Mel Twombley, Gene Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Uncle Petie Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Blanc, Mel Wortle, Roscoe E. Judy Canova Show, The
Blanc, Mel Zookie Mel Blanc Show, The
Block, Vivian Pan Wheatenaville Sketches
Block, Vivian Weston, Ann Wilderness Road
Blondell, Gloria Booker, Gerry "Jerri" I Love a Mystery
Blondell, Gloria Dean, Gloria Hollywood Mystery Time
Blondell, Joan Vance, Mary Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Blume, Ethel Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Blume, Ethel Betty Easy Aces
Boardman, Thelma Minnie Mouse Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Bogart, Humphrey Shannon, Slate Bold Venture
Bogue, Mervyn Ish Kabibble Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
Bogue, Mervyn Kabbible, Ish Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
Boland, Joe Police Sergeant Abie's Irish Rose
Boles, Jim Deputy Tennessee Jed
Boles, Jim Green, Fulmer King's Row
Boles, Jim Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Boles, Jim Mister Fix-It Mister Fix-It
Boles, Jim Mister Fixit Mr. Fixit
Boles, Jim Winton, Bob O'Neills, The
Boley, Anne Ruth Mighty Show, The
Bond, Richard Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Bond, Tommy Foster, Randolph Date With Judy, A
Bondhill, Gertrude Tremaine, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Boone, Richard Police Chief Dragnet
Booth, Shirley Assistant to the Press Agent Strictly Business
Booth, Shirley Daughter Hogan's Daughter
Booth, Shirley Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Boreum, Clara Mendoza Island Venture
Bouchey, Bill Albright, Red: Captain Midnight Captain Midnight
Bouchey, Bill Bartlett, Stanley Midstream
Bouchey, Bill Barton, Pa Bartons, The
Bouchey, Bill Captain Midnight: Red Albright Captain Midnight
Bouchey, Bill Corbett, Jeff Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Bouchey, Bill Cunningham, Charles Guiding Light, The
Bouchey, Bill Decker, Gordon Romance of Helen Trent, The
Bouchey, Bill Drew, Harvey Betty and Bob
Bouchey, Bill Gilman, Gordon Those Happy Gilmans
Bouchey, Bill Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Bouchey, Bill Sherman, Inspector Man from Homicide
Bouchey, Bill Sherman, Inspector Man from Homicide
Bourbon, Diane Jessie Charlie and Jessie
Bowman, Lee Cooper, George My Favorite Husband
Bowman, Lee Kegg, Jonathan Jonathan Kegg
Bowman, Lee Kegg, Jonathan Life In Your Hands, A
Boyar, Burt Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Boyd, Henry Canary Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Boyd, William Cassidy, Hopalong Hopalong Cassidy
Boyer, Burt Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Boyer, Charles Michel Presenting Charles Boyer
Boyle, Jack Gump, Andy Gumps, The
Bracken, Eddie Bracken, Eddie Eddie Bracken Show, The
Bracken, Eddie Stevens, Dizzy Aldrich Family, The
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Bradley, Curley Curley Bradley, Singing Marshal
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Ranch Boy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Snood, Amos Q. Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Stumpy Road to Danger
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Williams, Pecos Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Williams, Pecos Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Truman Brad Easy Aces
Brady, Pat Sidekick Roy Rogers Show, The
Braham, Horace Banning, Ernest Big Sister
Braham, Horace Harison, George Woman of Courage
Braham, Horace Harrison, Frank As the Twig Is Bent
Braham, Horace Harrison, Frank We Love and Learn
Braham, Horace Lang, Charles Wendy Warren and the News
Braham, Horace Raffles, A.J. Raffles
Bramley, Raymond Finke, Silas David Harum
Bramley, Raymond Johnson, Lewis Stella Dallas
Bramley, Raymond York, Burton Howie Wing
Brandon, Orson Tremaine, Mr. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Bratz, Barbara Mary Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Brayden, Sarah Crain, Betty Madame Courageous
Brayton, Margaret Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Brayton, Margaret Dudley, Martha Brenthouse
Brayton, Margaret Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Brayton, Margaret Gertrude Joe Penner Show, The
Brazier, Bert Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Bremner, Muriel Bradley, Helen Woman In White
Bremner, Muriel Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Bremner, Muriel Lake, Sandra Crime Files of Flamond, The
Bremner, Muriel Lee, Monica In the Case of Aggie Horn
Bremner, Muriel Sherman, June Crime on the Waterfront
Brennan, Walter Bean, Judge Roy Law West of the Pecos
Brennan, Walter Vanderhof, Grandpa You Can't Take It with You
Brent, Martin Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Brenton, William Bob Mary and Bob
Bresee, Franklin Hoople, Alvin Major Hoople
Bresee, Franklin Little Beaver Red Ryder
Breston, Cheer Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Brewster, John Benedict, Joseph Woman of Courage
Brian, David Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Brian, David Voice of the Law Mister District Attorney
Brice, Edwin Strong, Larry Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Brice, Fanny Baby Snooks Baby Snooks Show, The
Brice, Fanny Higgins, Baby Snooks Baby Snooks Show, The
Brice, Fanny Irma Fanny Brice Show, The
Brickert, Carlton Assistant to Howard Thurston Thurston the Magician
Brickert, Carlton Barnett, Captain Barnet Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 2
Brickert, Carlton Post, David Story of Mary Marlin, The
Briggs, Donald Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Briggs, Donald Chase, Mark Death Valley Sheriff
Briggs, Donald Chase, Mark Shafter Parker and His Circus
Briggs, Donald Curtis, Scoop Girl Alone
Briggs, Donald First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Briggs, Donald Greatguy, Coach Dick Daring's Adventures
Briggs, Donald Harker, Tony Betty and Bob
Briggs, Donald Holton, Stanley Portia Faces Life
Briggs, Donald Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Briggs, Donald Merriwell, Frank Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Briggs, Donald Wells, Brian David Harum
Briggs, Finney Dari-Dan Adventures of Dari-Dan
Briggs, Finney Dari-Dan While the City Sleeps
Briggs, Finney Uncle Bill Woman In White
Bright, Patricia Girlfriend Slapsie Maxie Show, The
Brinker, Kaye Barbara Our Gal Sunday
Brinker, Kaye Hamilton, Barbara Our Gal Sunday
Brinker, Kaye Locke, Patricia Manhatten Mother
Brinker, Kaye Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Brinker, Kaye Voice of Romance Romance
Brisson, Carl Brisson, Carl Voice in the Night, A
Britton, Barbara North, Pamela Mister and Mrs. North
Brixton, Jonathon Assistant to Roger Allen Attorney for the Defense
Brock, Arlene Miss Mead's Child 2 of 3 Miss Meade's Children
Brodie, Steve Malloy, Mike Mike Malloy, Private Eye
Brodrick, Malcolm Marriott, Peter Marriage, The
Brody, Don Grouch Grouch Club, The
Brook, Clive Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Brooks, Larry Boy Passport to Romance
Brooks, Orville Jailbusters Jailbusters
Brooks, Theodore Jailbusters Jailbusters
Brower, Florence Helen Lonely Women
Brower, Millicent Brown, Ellen Young Widder Brown
Brown, Alfred Og Og, Son of Fire
Brown, George Frame Gus Tony and Gus
Brown, Helen Foster, Miss Big Town
Brown, Himan Marino, Papa Little Italy
Brown, James Masters, Rip Rin-Tin-Tin
Brown, John Al My Friend Irma
Brown, John Barker, Jim Lorenzo Jones
Brown, John Bingle, J.B. Busy Mr. Bingle
Brown, John Broadway Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Brown, John City Editor Charlotte Greenwood Show, The
Brown, John Dean of Fairmont College Mel Torme Show, The
Brown, John Doe, John Fred Allen Show, The
Brown, John Dorsey, Mr. Adventures of Maisie
Brown, John Fernak, Inspector Saint, The
Brown, John Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
Brown, John Gillis, Jim Life of Riley, The
Brown, John Lenord, Mr. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Brown, John O'Dell, Digby "Digger" Life of Riley, The
Brown, John Simpkins, Boss Tillie the Toiler
Brown, John Son-In-Law Gay Mrs. Featherstone, The
Brown, John Thornberry, Thorny Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Brown, John Willoughby, Homer Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Brown, Oscar Prior, Lowell Secret City
Brown, Reed Jr. Wright, Gordon Roses and Drums
Browne, Laidman Holmes, Sherlock Corner In Crime
Brownell, Lalive Higgins, Mrs. Baby Snooks Show, The
Bruce, Bob Operator 63 Gallant Heart
Bruce, Edwin Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Bruce, Edwin Joey Little Herman
Bruce, Edwin Son Gramps
Bruce, Nigel Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Bruce, Virginia Read, Susan Rexall Summer Theatre, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Dithers, Julius C. Blondie
Bryan, Arthur Q. Duke Forever Ernest
Bryan, Arthur Q. Fuddle, Mr. Blondie
Bryan, Arthur Q. Gamble, George "Doc" Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Grouch Grouch Club, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Hoople, Amos Major Hoople
Bryan, Arthur Q. Levinson, Walt Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Bryan, Arthur Q. Munson, Floyd Great Gildersleeve, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Rolinson, Roland "Rawhide" Red Ryder
Bryan, Arthur Q. Tubbs, Homer Ethel Merman Show, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Wadcliff, Waymond Band Wagon, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Warren, Professor Halls of Ivy, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Willow, Mr. Nitwit Court
Bryan, Warren James, Bob Stella Dallas
Bryan, Warren Worthington, Dick Orphans of Divorce
Bryant, Geoffrey Mizznick, Milton Meyer the Buyer
Bryant, Geoffrey Tex Mystery In the Air
Bryant, Geoffrey Tobin, Dan City Desk
Bryant, Nana Tilsey, Miss Fabulous Dr. Tweedy
Bryce, Edward Strong, Captain Larry Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Bryon, Gene Molly Molly of the Movies
Buckley, Floyd Popeye Popeye the Sailor
Buckley, May Aggie Tish
Budd, Wilbur Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Buffington, Sam Slaughter, Luke Luke Slaughter of Tombstone
Buka, Donald Mallory, Barney: The Sparrow Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Buka, Donald Sparrow, The: Barney Mallory Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Buloff, Joseph Glass, Barney House of Glass
Bunce, Alan Arbuckle, Albert Ethel and Albert
Bunce, Alan Hart, Ted Pepper Young's Family
Bunce, Alan Hopkins, Ted Hello Peggy
Bunce, Alan Howard, Spencer Home of the Brave
Bunce, Alan Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Burbig, Henry Chastnut, De Willage CeCo Couriers
Burbig, Henry Dangerous Jake the Jew CeCo Couriers
Burbig, Henry Levy at the Bat CeCo Couriers
Burch, Dale Holt, Mary Road of Life, The
Burdick, Cornelia Allen, Kate Doctor Kate
Burdick, Hal Night Editor Night Editor
Burke, Billie Billie Billie Burke Show, The
Burke, Billie Featherstone, Mrs. Gay Mrs. Featherstone, The
Burke, Frankie Scott, Frances It Takes A Woman
Burke, Georgia Lily When A Girl Marries
Burke, James Producer Rose of My Dreams
Burke, Walter Assistant to Mark Saber Inspector Mark Saber
Burlen, Margaret Jones, Mother Tillie the Toiler
Burlen, Margaret Ma Ma and Pa
Burns, Bob Akansas Traveler Bob Burns Show, The
Burr, Anne Marsh, Nona Wendy Warren and the News
Burr, Anne Nurse City Hospital
Burr, Anne Rawlings, Regina Backstage Wife
Burr, Raymond Backstrand, Ed Dragnet
Burr, Raymond Hellman, Inspector Pat Novak for Hire
Burr, Raymond Quince, Lee Fort Laramie
Burrell, Lloyd Mitchell, Steve Dangerous Assignment
Burroughs, Joan Parker, Jane Tarzan
Burtis, Eric Grouch Grouch Club, The
Burton, Sarah Bixby, Mrs. Missis Miniver
Burton, Sarah Laura As the Twig Is Bent
Burton, Sarah Laura We Love and Learn
Burton, Sarah Lisa Against the Storm
Bushman, Francis X. Carver, Mr. Margo of Castlewood
Bushman, Francis X. Dorn, Michael Story of Mary Marlin, The
Bushman, Francis X. Fairchild, John Step Mother
Bushman, Francis X. Marshall, John Those We Love
Bushman, Francis X. McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Bushman, Francis X. McLean, Corporal McLean of the Northwest Mounted
Bushman, Francis X. Standish, Peter Betty and Bob
Bushman, Francis X. Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Butler, Frank Arnold, Dave Mister Chameleon
Butterfield, Herb Alvarado, Jose Romance of the Ranchos
Butterfield, Herb Chief Silent Men
Butterfield, Herb Commissioner Dangerous Assignment
Butterfield, Herb Conway, Bart Presenting Charles Boyer
Butterfield, Herb Ferguson, Dean Young Love
Butterfield, Herb Herringbone, Phineas Ma Perkins
Butterfield, Herb Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Butterfield, Herb Jones, Lt. Lee Dragnet
Butterfield, Herb Lorenzo Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Butterfield, Herb Queen, Inspector Richard Adventures of Ellery Queen
Butterfield, Herb Weissoul Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Butterfield, Herb Wellman, Clarence Halls of Ivy, The
Butterfield, Roland Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Butterfield, Roland Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Buyeff, Lillian Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Byers, Billy Bracefield, Mirian Hawthorne House
Byington, Spring Ruskin, Lily December Bride
Byron, Brook Sister Meet Me In St. Louis
Caine, Berry Annie Story of Mary Marlin, The
Caine, Betty Carrie Just Neighbors
Caine, Betty Houston, Joan Tale of Today, A
Caine, Betty Miller, Elizabeth Second Mrs. Burton, The
Caine, Betty Newspaper Woman Whisper Men
Caine, Betty O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Caine, Betty Sothern, Mary Life of Mary Sothern, The
Calder, King Anderson, James Second Mrs. Burton, The
Calder, King Hale, Inspector Hearts In Harmony
Calder, King Stevenson, Will Barry Cameron
Calvert, Charles Tartalgia, Sergeant Broadway Is My Beat
Calvert, Marge Judy Judy and Jane
Calvin, John Henry Sharp, Joshua Big Guy
Cameron, Al Dirk, Steve Brenthouse
Campbell, Clyde Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Campbell, Flora Forbes, Lambert Jean Brave Tomorrow
Campbell, Flora King, Janice Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Campbell, Kay Fitz, Evey Perkins Ma Perkins
Campbell, Patsy Archer, Kitty: The Mouse McGarry and His Mouse
Campbell, Patsy Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Campbell, Patsy Dawson, Patti Rosemary
Campbell, Patsy Joan House In the Country, A
Campbell, Patsy Mouse, The: Kitty Archer McGarry and His Mouse
Campbell, Patsy Turp, Ethel Joe and Ethel Turp
Canova, Judy Canova, Judy Judy Canova Show, The
Cantor, Charlie Barker, Mister Meet Mr. Meek
Cantor, Charlie Finnegan, Clifton Duffy's Tavern
Cantor, Charlie Herbie Amazing Mr. Smith, The
Cantor, Charlie Levy, Soloman Abie's Irish Rose
Cantor, Charlie Mulligan, Socrates Fred Allen Show, The
Cantor, Charlie Uncle Buckley Life of Riley, The
Cantor, Charlie Zero Alan Young Show, The
Card, Kathryn Barton, Grandmother Bartons, The
Card, Kathryn Bess Just Neighbors
Card, Kathryn Hemp, Emily Honest Harold
Card, Kathryn Kate Girl Alone
Card, Kathryn Wiggins, Mrs. Uncle Walter's Dog House
Carden, Fran Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Carden, Frances Hunt, Ella Man I Married, The
Carew, Helen Johnson, Vera Stella Dallas
Carew, Helen Mitchell, Mrs. Barry Cameron
Carey, Macdonald Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Carey, Macdonald Hickory Young Hickory
Carey, Macdonald Hillery, Jonathan Just Plain Bill
Carey, Macdonald Jason Jason and His Golden Fleece
Carey, Macdonald Knight, John Girl Alone
Carey, Macdonald Markham, Dr. Lee Woman In White
Carillo, Leo Pedro Grapevine Rancho
Carlon-Reid, Linda Miss Bean Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Carlon-Reid, Linda Parker, Mrs. Parker Family, The
Carlon, Fran Blake, Portia Portia Faces Life
Carlon, Fran Dunlap, Shirley Attorney at Law
Carlon, Fran Galway, Irene Our Gal Sunday
Carlon, Fran Hudson, Helene Lora Lawton
Carlon, Fran Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Carlon, Fran Keene, Kitty Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Carlon, Fran Kilbourne, Lorelei Big Town
Carlon, Fran Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Carlon, Fran Martell, Joan Joan and Kermit
Carlon, Fran Mitchell, Bunny Story of Mary Marlin, The
Carlon, Fran Patty Today's Children
Carlon, Linda Scott, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Carlon, Linda Sothern, Mary Life of Mary Sothern, The
Carlon, Linda Westcott, Agnes Valiant Lady
Carlon, Linda Westcott, Mrs. Agnes Valiant Lady
Carlson, Ernest Brent, Peter Brenthouse
Carney, Art Angus Lorenzo Jones
Carney, Art Athelete, The Henry Morgan Show, The
Carney, Art Charlie Morey Amsterdam Show, The
Carney, Art Montague's Father Magnificent Montague, The
Carney, Art Oldham, Billy Joe and Ethel Turp
Carney, Art Red Lantern Land of the Lost
Carney, Art Roosevelt, Franklin Delano March of Time, The
Carnovsky, Morris Bassett, Adam Prairie Folks
Carnovsky, Morris Kriss, Mr. Into the Light
Carothers, Isabel Lu Clara, Lu and Em
Carpenter, Cliff Abbott, Jack We, The Abbotts
Carpenter, Cliff Bassett, Curtis Prairie Folks
Carpenter, Cliff Carlton, Jim We Love and Learn
Carpenter, Cliff Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Carpenter, Cliff Whipple, Jerry County Seat
Carpenter, Laura Mae Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Carr, Tommy Hall, Jerry Magic Island
Carroll, Charles Scott, Truman "Tubby" Valiant Lady
Carroll, Charles Vernon, Jack O'Neills, The
Carroll, Gene Carroll, Gene Gene and Glenn
Carroll, Gene Lena Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Carroll, Helen Carroll, Helen Merry Macs, The
Carroll, Jean Propietress Sealtest Village Store
Carroll, Madeleine Gentry, Doctor Anne Affairs of Dr. Gentry, The
Carson, Jack Carson, Jack Jack Carson Show, The
Carson, Jack Carson, Jack Signal Carnival
Carson, Jack Propietor Sealtest Village Store
Carson, Shorth (Ken) Ranch Boy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Carter, Wilfie Montana Slim Montana Slim
Casey, Angel Intercom Voice Road of Life, The
Castle, Irene Best Dressed Woman Life of Irene Castle, The
Cates, Opie Cates, Opie Opie Cates Show, The
Cecil Patrick, Johnny Cecil and Sally
Cecil, Mary Chandler, Miranda Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Chalmers, Thomas Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Chamlee, Mario Tony Tony and Gus
Chandler, Jeff Boynton, Philip Our Miss Brooks
Chandler, Jeff Dana, Dr. Private Life of Dr. Dana
Chandler, Jeff Dana, Steve Private Practice of Dr. Dana, The
Chandler, Jeff Remington, Chad Frontier Town
Chandler, Jeff Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Chaney, Frances Burma Terry and the Pirates
Chaney, Frances Joan House In the Country, A
Chaney, Frances Kerby, Marion Adventures of Topper
Chapin, Michael Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Chapman, Patte Morrison, Anne Mother O' Mine
Chapman, Patte Operator That's Rich
Chase, Frank Walker, George Front Page Farrell
Chatterton, Ruth Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Cheatle, John Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Chinley, Jeanette Libby Goldbergs, The
Choate, Helen Beldon, Myra Brenda Curtis
Choate, Helen Bowen, Patsy Nick Carter, Master Detective
Choate, Helen Devere, Billie Myrt and Marge
Choate, Helen Elliott, Jane Eno Crime Club
Choate, Helen Miller, Joyce Rosemary
Choate, Helen Wilson, Bunny Pretty Kitty Kelly
Chrisie, Audrey Assistant to Peter Standish Doctor Standish, Medical Examiner
Christy, Bill Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Christy, Ken Clark, Leonard Step Mother
Christy, Ken Father Sad Sack
Christy, Ken Gates, Police Chief Great Gildersleeve, The
Christy, Ken Happy Saint, The
Christy, Ken Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Christy, Ken Lodge, Sullivan Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Christy, Ken Prentiss, Ed Gallant Heart
Christy, Ken Quinn, Police Lt. Great Gildersleeve, The
Christy, Ken Talia-San Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Christy, Ken Twitchell, Mr. Sad Sack
Christy, Ken Weemish, Mr. Baby Snooks Show, The
Churchill, Beatrice Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Cisar, George Tim Tena and Tim
Claire, Helen Andrews, Betty Stories of the Black Chamber
Claire, Helen Browning, Edith Bright Horizon
Claire, Helen Dexter, Ada Stella Dallas
Claire, Helen Graham, Betty Roses and Drums
Claire, Helen Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Claire, Helen Lansing, Virginia Backstage Wife
Claire, Helen O'Neill, Sally Scott O'Neills, The
Claire, Helen Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Claire, Helen Thackery, Jan Shafter Parker and His Circus
Claire, Helen Winters, Edith Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Claire, Malcolm Old Man Malcolm Claire
Claire, Malcolm Old Witch Malcolm Claire
Claire, Malcolm Spare Ribs Malcolm Claire
Claire, Malcolm Spare Ribs Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Claire, Malcolm Spare Ribs Spare Ribs
Claire, Malcolm Whitewash Malcolm Claire
Clark, Dane Chambers, Peter Crime and Peter Chambers
Clark, Dane Quisinberry, Perry "Quiz" Passport for Adams
Clark, Everett Flamond Crime Files of Flamond, The
Clark, Lon Carter, Nick Nick Carter, Master Detective
Clark, Lon Hoyt, Andy Pepper Young's Family
Clark, Lon Markham, David Backstage Wife
Clark, Lon Richards, Keith Bright Horizon
Clark, Lon United Press Correspondent Soldiers of the Press
Clark, Lon Weston, Sam Wilderness Road
Clark, Virginia Trent, Helen Romance of Helen Trent, The
Clarke, Everett Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Clarke, Philip Adam Light of the World, The
Clarke, Philip Keen, Mister Mister Keen, Tracer of Last Persons
Clarke, Philip Keeper of the Book Sealed Book
Clarke, Philip Reimer, Doctor Against the Storm
Clay, Carlton Quakenbush, Cobadiah Hoosier Philosopher
Cleary, Leo Bailiff His Honor, the Barber
Clemens, Jack Gibson, Bobby Gibson Family, The
Clemens, Jack Gibson, Bobby Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Clemens, Loretta Marsh, Dotty Gibson Family, The
Clemens, Loretta Marsh, Dotty Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Clyde, Andy Carlson, Jack (California) Hopalong Cassidy
Cobb, Irvin S. Old Southern Colonel Pacducah Plantation
Cobb, Lee J. Tailgunner Roosty of the A.A.F.
Coburn, Charles Jackson, Andrew Roses and Drums
Colby, Julius Mister Hollywood Mr. Hollywood
Cole, Dewey Yukon King Challenge of the Yukon, The
Coleman, Nancy Hughes, Alice Young Dr. Malone
Collier, Constance Atwood, Jessie Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Collier, Lois Chandler, Carol Dear John
Collins, Ann Worth, Ann Ann Worth, Housewife
Collins, Gail Collins, Gail It's a Crime Mr. Collins
Collins, Ray Boone, Daniel Wilderness Road
Collins, Ray Booth, John Trouble House
Collins, Ray Craig, Alvin Life Begins
Collins, Ray Hackett, Doc Will County Seat
Collins, Ray Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
Collins, Ray Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Collins, Ray York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Collins, Tom Blanding, John Gallant Heart
Collins, Tom Chandler, Frank: Chandu, the Magician Chandu, the Magician
Collins, Tom Chandu, the Magician: Frank Chandler Chandu, the Magician
Collins, Tom Desmond, Harvey Greatest of These, The
Collins, Tom Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
Collins, Tom Race, Frank Adventures of Frank Race
Collins, Tom York, Reggie I Love Adventure
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Conway, Michael Pretty Kitty Kelly
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Davis, Chip Chip Davis, Commando
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Hopkins, Tom Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Kent, Clark: Superman Adventures of Superman
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Powell, Henry Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Smith, Logan Life Can Be Beautiful
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Stafford, Wyn Kitty Foyle
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Superman: Clark Kent Adventures of Superman
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Taylor, Tom Phyl Cole Radio Mysteries
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Turner, Peter Young Widder Brown
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Waring, Adam Man I Married, The
Colman, Ronald Hall, William Todhunter Halls of Ivy, The
Colona, Jerry Colona, Professor Bob Hope Show, The
Colston, Warren Clone, Tim Red Trails
Colston, Warren Minor, Davis House Beside the Road, The
Colston, Warren Minor, Davis Wayside Cottage
Colton, Kingsley Nielsen, Hancey Prairie Folks
Colton, Kingsley Watson, Buddy My Son and I
Comer, Twila Barbara Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Comstock, Bill Lish, Tizzie Al Pearce and His Gang
Comstock, Bill Lish, Tizzie Your Blind Date
Condon, Eva Aunt Polly David Harum
Condon, Eva Wiggs, Mrs. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Conklin, Peggy Archer, Kitty: The Mouse McGarry and His Mouse
Conklin, Peggy Daughter That's My Pop
Conklin, Peggy Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Conklin, Peggy Mouse, The: Kitty Archer McGarry and His Mouse
Conklin, Peggy Peggy Life of Riley, The
Conklin, Peggy Riley, Barbara "Babs" Life of Riley, The
Connell, Gordon Sherwood, Billy Hawthorne House
Connery, John Leighton, Colonel Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Connolly, Walter Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Connor, Whitfield Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Conrad, Paul Daley, Ralph Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Conrad, Paul Travis, Morning star Cimarron Tavern
Conrad, William Burns, Walter Front Page
Conrad, William Chief Silent Men
Conrad, William Dave the Dude Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Conrad, William Dillon, Matt Gunsmoke
Conrad, William Dingle, Captain Meet Miss Sherlock
Conrad, William Dumont, Louis Jason and His Golden Fleece
Conrad, William Dundy, Lieutenant Adventures of Sam Spade
Conrad, William Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Conrad, William Warchek Johnny Madero, Pier 23
Conried, Hans Cushing, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Conried, Hans Dolittle, Colonel Lucius Much About Dolittle
Conried, Hans Hemingway, Mr. Judy Canova Show, The
Conried, Hans Honeywell, Oliver Great Gildersleee, The
Conried, Hans Kropotkin, Professor My Friend Irma
Conried, Hans Mildew, Jonathan Alan Young Show, The
Conried, Hans Porter, Pete December Bride
Conried, Hans Schultz, Mr Life With Luigi
Conried, Hans Schweinkampf, Rudolph My Favorite Husband
Conried, Hans Snoop, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Conried, Hans Uncle Baxter Life of Riley, The
Conried, Hans Woods, Mr. My Favorite Husband
Conte, John Husband My Good Wife
Conway, Joseph Drake, Alfred This Is Nora Drake
Conway, Julie Armstrong Girl Armstrong Theatre of Today
Conway, Tom Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Conway, Tom Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Conway, Tom Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Coogan, Jackie Botch, Ernest Forever Ernest
Coogan, Richard Hughes, Robbie Young Dr. Malone
Coogan, Richard Jonathan Light of the World, The
Coogan, Richard Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Cook, Barbara Boyd, Julie Great Marlini, The
Cook, Donald Allison, Robert My Son Jeep
Cook, Donald Charlie Charlie and Jessie
Cook, Donald Crawford, Lloyd Life Begins
Cook, Donald Morrison, John Mother O' Mine
Cook, Donald Young, Dick Life Begins
Cook, Thomas Coffin Joshua Old Homestead, The
Cook, Tommy Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Cook, Tommy Little Beaver Red Ryder
Cook, Tommy Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Cooley, Frank McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Cooley, Frank Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Coons, Johnny Clark, Smelly Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Clipper Sky King
Coons, Johnny Cracky, Otto Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Dean, Harry Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Gartner, L.J. Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Gook, Rush Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Miller, Russell Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Coons, Johnny Sprawl, Mervyn S. Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Wheeney, Orville Vic and Sade
Cooper, Ben Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Cooper, Ben Scotty Mark Trail
Cooper, Claude Gaddis, Pegleg Moonshine and Honeysuckle
Cooper, Ed Cooper, Ed Milt Hearth Trio, The
Coppin, Grace Maude Life of Riley, The
Coppin, Grace Riley, Peg Life of Riley, The
Corbet, Lois Sycamore, Penny You Can't Take It with You
Corbett, Lois Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Corbett, Lois Henderson, Alice Beulah
Corbett, Lois Higgins, Mrs. Baby Snooks Show, The
Cordell, Cathleen Brewster, Monica Valiant Lady
Cordell, Cathleen Cummings, Brenda Second Husband
Cordell, Cathleen Sullivan, Marion Burton Second Mrs. Burton, The
Corey, Jeff Abar, Lieutenant (Ybarra) Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Corey, Jeff Ybarra, Lieutenant (Abar) Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Corey, Wendell McGarry, Dan McGarry and His Mouse
Corley, Bob Beulah Beulah
Corn, Alfred Tony Little Italy
Correll, Charles Andy (Andrew H. Brown) Amos 'n' Andy
Correll, Charles Brown, Andrew H. Amos 'n' Andy
Correll, Charles Henry (Henry Johnson) Sam 'n' Henry
Correll, Charles Johnson, Henry Sam 'n' Henry
Correll, Charles Van Porter, Henry Amos 'n' Andy
Corrigan, Lloyd Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Costello, William Freddie Frog Betty Boop's Fables
Cotsworth, Staats Adams, Roger Marriage for Two
Cotsworth, Staats Alex Right to Happiness, The
Cotsworth, Staats Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Cotsworth, Staats Casey, Jack Casey, Crime Photographer
Cotsworth, Staats Farrell, David Front Page Farrell
Cotsworth, Staats Howe, Sam Roger Kilgore, Public Defender
Cotsworth, Staats Leighton, Edward Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Cotsworth, Staats Mason, Jack Second Mrsl Burton, The
Cotsworth, Staats North, Major Hugh Major North, Army Intelligence
Cotsworth, Staats North, Major Hugh Man from G-2
Cotsworth, Staats Pickney, Chales Cavalcade of America
Cotsworth, Staats Roger Marriage for Two
Cotsworth, Staats Roosevelt, Franklin Delano March of Time, The
Cotsworth, Staats Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Cotsworth, Staats Thayer, Sylvanus Cavalcade of America
Cotsworth, Staats Thorne, Inspector Inspector Thorne
Cotsworth, Staats Trail, Mark Mark Trail
Cotsworth, Staats Washington, George Cavalcade of America
Cotsworth, Staats Wayne, John Big Sister
Cotsworth, Staats Weigand, Bill Mister and Mrs. North
Cotten, Joseph Bell, Matthew Private Files of Matthew Bell, The
Coulouris, George Chairman As the Twig Is Bent
Coulouris, George Drummond, Hugh "Bulldog" Bulldog Drummond
Coulouris, George Harrison, Frank As the Twig Is Bent
Coulouris, George Reynolds, Neil Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Council, Betty Equestrienne Circus Days
Courtleigh, Stephen Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Courtleigh, Stephen Scott, Stonewall Mystery In the Air
Courtleigh, Stephen Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Coy, Walter Lanyard, Michael: The Lone Wolf Lone Wolf, The
Coy, Walter Lone Wolf,: Michael Lanyard Lone Wolf, The
Crabtree, Paul Naughton, David Claudia and David
Craig, Dr. Earl Quiz, Professor Professor Quiz
Cramer, Marjorie Reporter, Girl Black Hood, The
Crane, Dolores Cameron, Betty Meet Corliss Archer
Craven, Opal Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
Crawford, Bill Aviator Thunder Over Paradise
Crawford, Boyd Leighton, Edward Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Creade, Donna Merritt, Judith Backstage Wife
Creighton, Sally Gregory, Mrs. Patricia Magic Island
Crenna, Dick Beasy Hardy Family, The
Crenna, Dick Denton, Walter Our Miss Brooks
Crenna, Dick Pringle, Oogie Date With Judy, A
Crenna, Dick Thompson, Bronco Great Gildersleeve, The
Crenna, Dick Waldo George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Crisp, Donald Trimble, Jonathan Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Croft, Mary Jane Abbott, Barbara One Man's Family
Croft, Mary Jane Colby, Betty Mel Blanc Show, The
Croft, Mary Jane Cook, Mrs. Too Many Cooks
Croft, Mary Jane Dolores Bill Goodwin Show, The
Croft, Mary Jane Enright, Mrs. Our Miss Brooks
Croft, Mary Jane Evelina Honest Harold
Croft, Mary Jane Harriet Blondie
Croft, Mary Jane Henderson, Alice Beulah
Croft, Mary Jane Martin, Sandra Story of Sandra Martin, The
Cromwell, Richard Marshall, Kit Those We Love
Cronyn, Hume Marriott, Ben Marriage, The
Crosby, Lou Grant, Jim (the Pecos Kid) Law West of the Pecos
Crosby, Wayne O'Bannon, Cherokee Frontier Town
Crowder, Constance Brewster, Jane That Brewster Boy
Crowder, Constance Cameron, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Crowder, Constance Mintern, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Crowder, Constance Moynihan, Mother Painted Dreams
Crowder, Constance Truitt, Gert Truitts, The
Crowder, Constance Webster, Jane Those Websters
Crowley, Matt Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Crowley, Matt Bradley, Jim: Jungle Jim Jungle Jim
Crowley, Matt Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Crowley, Matt Casey, Jack Casey, Crime Photographer
Crowley, Matt Drake, Paul Perry Mason
Crowley, Matt Jungle Jim: Jim Bradley Jungle Jim
Crowley, Matt Perry, John John's Other Wife
Crowley, Matt Rogers, Buck Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Crowley, Matt Tracy, Dick Dick Tracy
Crowley, Matt Trail, Mark Mark Trail
Crowley, Matt Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Crumit, Frank Singing Ring Master Spotlight Review
Crutcher, Marion Vance, M.R. Spencer Betty and Bob
Cullen, Lois Miscellaneous Nanny Goat Goat Island Goats
Culver, Howard Adams, Steve: Straight Arrow Straight Arrow
Culver, Howard Barnes, Jud Defense Attorney
Culver, Howard Biggs, Stephen Gallant Heart
Culver, Howard Dillon, Mark Gunsmoke
Culver, Howard Maritime Narrator We Deliver the Goods
Culver, Howard Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Culver, Howard Straight Arrow: Steve Adams Straight Arrow
Cummings, Robert Adair, Davis Those We Love
Cunneen, Nora Cecelia Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Curley, Leo Jackson, Ed Backstage Wife
Curley, Leo Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Currie, Donelda Porter, Genevieve Step Mother
Curry, Ivan Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Curtin, Joseph Chandler, Max Whisper Men
Curtin, Joseph Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Curtin, Joseph Cummings, Grant Second Husband
Curtin, Joseph Englishman Rose of My Dreams
Curtin, Joseph Galway, Peter Our Gal Sunday
Curtin, Joseph John David Harum
Curtin, Joseph Jordan, Mr. Story of Bess Johnson, The
Curtin, Joseph Lennox, John David Harum
Curtin, Joseph North, Jerry Mister and Mrs. North
Curtin, Joseph Perry, John John's Other Wife
Curtin, Joseph Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Curtin, Joseph Wharton, Mayor Richard Her Honor, Nancy James
Curtis, Donald Doctor Doctor's Wife
Curtis, Donald Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Cuthbertson, John Saunders, Singapore Bill Saunders of the Circle X
Dagmar, Doris Winthrop, Peggy Lux Radio Theatre
Dahl, Delores Friend Edith Adam's Future
Dahlhart, Vernon Barbarsol Ben Barber Shop Blues
Daigneau, Ken Bradley, Jeff Romance of Helen Trent, The
Daigneau, Ken Silver, Captain Sea Hound
Dalkin, Phil Smith, Ellis Guiding Light, The
Dalton, Doris Voice of Romance Romance
Daly, John C. Fu Manchu, Doctor Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Dameral, Donna Minter, Marge Myrt and Marge
Damon, Les Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Damon, Les Abbott, Pat Adventures of the Abbotts
Damon, Les Baker, Bill Portia Faces Life
Damon, Les Barton, Pa Bartons, The
Damon, Les Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Damon, Les Campbell, Richard Right to Happiness, The
Damon, Les Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Damon, Les Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Damon, Les Kennelly, Captain Frank Twenty-First Precinct
Damon, Les Knight, John Girl Alone
Damon, Les Nichols, Jim Houseboat Hannah
Damon, Les Saber, Mark Inspector Mark Saber
Damon, Les Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Damon, Les Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Damon, Les Wells, Christopher Adventures of Christopher Wells
Dandridge, Ruby Brown, Mammy Gallant Heart
Dandridge, Ruby Geranium Judy Canova Show, The
Dandridge, Ruby Oriole Beulah
Dane, Frank Brent, Fred Road of Life, The
Dane, Frank Bryson, Tom Backstage Wife
Dane, Frank George Betty and Bob
Dane, Frank Hendricks, Never-Fail Story of Mary Marlin, The
Dane, Frank Kent, Jimmy Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dane, Frank Mitchell, Lawrence Bachelor's Children
Dane, Frank Tim Tena and Tim
Dane, Frank Tragg, Arthur Perry Mason
Darnay, Toni Field, Sylvia When A Girl Marries
Darney, Toni Dutell, Nona Nona from Nowhere
Darney, Toni Dutell, Vernon Nona from Nowhere
Darney, Toni Winters, Evelyn Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Darvas, Lillie Madame Sophie As the Twig Is Bent
Darvas, Lillie Madame Sophie We Love and Learn
Davidson, Ed Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Davidson, Gretchen Gaines, Clara Mickey of the Circus
Davidson, Gretchen Kennedy, Carol Carol Kennedy's Romance
Davidson, Gretchen Nora the rectory housekeeper Adventures of Father Brown
Davies, Marjorie Armour, Carlotta Lagorro Today's Children
Davies, Marjorie Mason, Sylvia Maudie's Diary
Davies, Marjorie Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Davies, Marjorie Oakley, Clarissa David Harum
Davis, Dix Barton, Belly-Laugh Jack Benny Program, The
Davis, Dix Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Davis, Dix Duncan, Dinky Today at the Duncans
Davis, Dix Foster, Randolph Date With Judy, A
Davis, Dix Fuddle, Alvin Blondie
Davis, Dix Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Davis, Edith Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Davis, Edith Drake, May Betty and Bob
Davis, Edith Fletcher, Mrs. Step Mother
Davis, Edith Gardenia Betty and Bob
Davis, Edith Grimm, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Davis, Edith Mattie Step Mother
Davis, Humphrey Douglas, Al Life Can Be Beautiful
Davis, Humphrey Heath, Sergeant Philo Vance
Davis, Humphrey Jackson, Sheriff Tennessee Jed
Davis, Humphrey Shallum Light of the World, The
Davis, Jeanette Torrid Songstress Avalon Time
Davis, Joan Joan Joan Davis Show, The
Davis, Joan Propietress Sealtest Village Store
Davis, Joel Nelson, David Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Davis, Owen Jr. McCrea, Allen Those We Love
Davison, Edward Pennington, Red Don Winslow of the Navy
Dawson, George (Nick) Bannister, Clay Follow the Moon
Dawson, George (Nick) Gentry, Dan Dangerous Paradise
Dawson, George (Nick) O'Neill, Eddie C. O'Neills, The
Dawson, Hal K. Yess, Elmer Everett Elmer Everett Yess
Day, Dennis Day, Dennis Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Day, Dennis Day, Dennis Jack Benny Program, The
Day, Dolly Belker, Mrs. Vic and Sade
Day, Dolly Harris, Mrs. Vic and Sade
Day, Dorothy Brainfeeble, Dottie Vic and Sade
Day, Dorothy Lu Clara, Lu and Em
Day, Dorothy Rogers, Phyllis Myrt and Marge
Day, Elizabeth Barbara Thunder Over Paradise
Day, Elizabeth Burns, Margaret Just Plain Bill
Day, Elizabeth Jones, Sally Five-Star Jones
De Angelo, Carlo Carlo As the Twig Is Bent
De Angelo, Carlo Carlo We Love and Learn
de Cordoba, Pedro Alvarado, Jose Romance of the Ranchos
de Cordoba, Pedro Marshall, John Those We Love
de Corsia, Ted Black, Peter Inspector Pursuit
de Corsia, Ted Corkin, Flip Terry and the Pirates
de Corsia, Ted Eddie Big Story, The
de Corsia, Ted Hammer, Mike That Hammer Guy
de Corsia, Ted Joe Joe and Mabel
de Corsia, Ted McGarry, Dan McGarry and His Mouse
de Corsia, Ted Mulvaney, Patrick Home of the Brave
de Corsia, Ted Mussolini, Benito March of Time, The
de Corsia, Ted Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
de Corsia, Ted Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Dean, Eddie Burton, Larry Modern Cinderella
Dean, Jimmy Endman Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Deane, Bobbe Sherwood, Mariette Hawthorne House
DeCamp, Rosemary Madge Dot and Will
DeCamp, Rosemary Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Dee, Margaret Ma Ma and Pa
Deeds, Jack Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Deeds, Jack Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Deering, Olive Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Dehner, John Black, Peter Pursuit
Dehner, John Hermit Hermit's Cave
Dehner, John Judge Judge, The
Dehner, John Kendall, Jonathan B. Frontier Gentleman
Dehner, John Paladin Have Gun, Will Travel
Dehner, John Truitt, Elmer Truitts, The
Dekker, Albert Fletcher, Johnny Johnny Fletcher
DeKoven, Roger Allen, Jason McKinley Against the Storm
DeKoven, Roger Harris, Charlie Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
DeKoven, Roger Henderson, Myron Life Can Be Beautiful
DeKoven, Roger King, Andrew This Is Nora Drake
DeKoven, Roger Lambert, Hal Brave Tomorrow
Delano, Gwen Kingsley, Mrs. Nellie Gallant Heart
Delano, Gwen Maid Ann Worth, Housewife
Delano, Gwen Mesquite Molly Straight Arrow
Delbridge, Edwin Announcer Smith Family, The
Delmar, Kenny Claghorn, Beauregard "Senator" Fred Allen Show, The
Delmar, Kenny Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Delroy, Irene Delroy, Irene Stratosphere Murder Mystery
Delroy, Irene Delroy, Irene Transcontinental Murder Mystery
Demarest, William Cobb, Mr. Cobbs, The
Demarest, William Connie's Father Eddie Bracken Show, The
Denning, Richard Cooper, George My Favorite Husband
Denning, Richard North, Jerry Mister and Mrs. North
Denning, Richard Uncle Jack It's a Crime Mr. Collins
Denvir, Dorothy Gardner, Margaret Bachelor's Children
Denvir, Dorothy Gump, Min Gumps, The
Derby, Frank Kevin Houseboat Hannah
Derry, E.J. Three Cheers Al Pearce Show, The
DeSales, Francis Farrell, Lieutenant Tales of Fatima
DeSales, Francis Mitchell, Parris King's Row
DeSales, Francis Weigand, Bill Mister and Mrs. North
DeSantis, Joe Scott, Jim Under Arrest
Desmond, Johnny Johnny Judy, Jill and Johnny
Deval, Joe Fe Fo the Giant Cinnamon Bear
Devine, Andy Buck Law West of the Pecos
Devine, Andy Jones, Jingles P. Wild Bill Hickok
Devine, Andy Mulch, Mose Lum and Abner
Devitt, Alan Kai (Kukai) Sea Hound
Devitt, Alan Kukai (Kai) Sea Hound
Devitt, Alan White, Brellerton Myrt and Marge
Devitt, Alan Wong This Day Is Ours
DeWit, Jacqueline Thompson, Ruth Meet Mr. McNutley
DeWit, Jacqueline Valerie Second Husband
Dickson, Artells Maverick Jim Maverick Jim
Dickson, Artells Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Dickson, Artells Slim Pretty Kitty Kelly
Dickson, Artells Tex Mighty Show, The
Diehl, Ilka Stone, Gertrude In the Case of Aggie Horn
Dietrich, Marlene LaVolta, Diane Time for Love
Dietrich, Marlene Madou, Mlle. Cafe Istanbul
Dillon, Rosemary Carter, Hope Modern Cinderella
Dingle, Charles Employer Meet the Dixons
Dinsdale, Shirley Splinters, Judy Eddie Cantor Show, The
Disney, Walt Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Dix, Richard King, Sergeant David King of the Royal Mounties
Dixon, Jeanne Grimm, Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dixon, Jeanne Grimm, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dixon, Peter Lee, Mr. Raising Junior
Dobkin, Lawrence Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Dobkin, Lawrence Louie Saint, The
Dobkin, Lawrence Police Lieutenant Judge, The
Dobkin, Lawrence Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Dobkin, Lawrence Sergeant Dave Man from Homicide
Dobson, Jimmy Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Dobson, Jimmy Mantle, Reggie Archie Andrews
Dobson, Jimmy Wakefield, Tom Right to Happiness, The
Donald, Peter Burgess, Dick Your Family and Mine
Donald, Peter Cassidy, Ajax Fred Allen Show, The
Donald, Peter Chamberlain, Neville March of Time, The
Donald, Peter Ching, Oswald Story of Mary Marlin, The
Donald, Peter Connie Terry and the Pirates
Donald, Peter First Brother Into the Light
Donaldson, Ted Anderson, Bud Father Knows Best
Donehue, Vincent Davison, Neil Home of the Brave, The
Donlevy, Brian Mitchell, Steve Dangerous Assignment
Donley, Robert Carpenter, Lieutenant Front Page Farrell
Donnelley, Tom Brown, Mark Young Widder Brown
Donnelly, Andy Jimmy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Donnelly, Andy Tracy, Junior Dick Tracy
Donnelly, Andy Wiggs, Billy Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Donnelly, Jimmy Adair, Jerry Hilltop House
Donnelly, Jimmy Collins, Eddie O'Neills, The
Donnelly, Jimmy Craig, Richard Life Begins
Donnelly, Jimmy Matey (Sonny) Popeye the Sailor
Donnelly, Jimmy O'Neill, Eddie C. O'Neills, The
Donnelly, Jimmy Sonny (Matey) Popeye the Sailor
Donnelly, Jimmy Weston, Peter Wilderness Road
Donnelly, Tom Cummings, Dick Second Husband
Dopheide, Hazel Aunt Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dopheide, Hazel Grandma Grandma Travels
Dopheide, Hazel Yokum, Mammy Li'l Abner
Dorr, Doctor Alfred T. Hansen, Dean Erik Open Door
Doty, Jack Hughes, Captain Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Douglas, Don Steele, John John Steele, Adventurer
Douglas, Don Wizard Black Castle
Douglas, Paul Feldman, Lawyer Meyer the Buyer
Douglas, Scott Black Hood, The: Kip Burland Black Hood, The
Douglas, Scott Burland, Kip: The Black Hood Black Hood, The
Douglas, Sharon Anderson, Millie Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Douglas, Sharon Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Douglas, Sharon Cartwright, Penny Sealtest Village Store
Douglas, Sharon Daughter My Mother's Husband
Douglas, Sharon Holland, Lois One Man's Family
Douglas, Sharon Riley, Barbara "Babs" Life of Riley, The
Douglas, Sharon Steffanson, Greta One Man's Family
Douglas, Susan Baker, Jean Backstage Wife
Douglas, Susan Judy Judy, Jill and Johnny
Douglas, Susan Weatherby, Laura Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Douglas, Susan Weatherby, Laura Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Douglass, Nancy Forbes, Lambert Jean Brave Tomorrow
Douglass, Nancy Hall, Peg Woman of America
Douglass, Nancy Hughes, Barbara Houseboat Hannah
Douglass, Nancy Manning, Arlene Harrison Portia Faces Life
Dowling, Eleanor Grainger, Ethel Betty and Bob
Dowling, Jeanette Cameron, Irma When A Girl Marries
Dowling, Jeanette Intercom Voice Road of Life, The
Dowling, Jeanette Lambert, Louise Brave Tomorrow
Doyle, Len Harrington, Len Mister District Attorney
Dragonette, Jessica Vivian the Coca-Cola Girl Coca-Cola Orchestra
Drake, Allen Friend Ethel Merman Show, The
Drake, Allen Tubbs, Homer Ethel Merman Show, The
Drake, Betsy Blandings, Muriel Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Drake, Pauline Bessie Great Gildersleeve, The
Drake, Pauline Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Draper, Margaret Dennis, Elizabeth "Liz" Brighter Day, A
Draper, Margaret Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Dream Singer Kirberry, Ralph Mohawk Treasure Chest, The
Dressler, Eric British Army Officer House on Q Street, The
Dressler, Eric Homicide Inspector Doctor Standish, Medical Examiner
Dressler, Eric Temple, Herbert Young Widder Brown
Dressler, Eric Thompson, Mr. Miss Hattie
Drew, Barry Fenton, Frank Ma Perkins
Drew, Wendy Brown, Ellen Young Widder Brown
Dryden, Robert Maggio, Sergeant Call the Police
Dryden, Robert Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Dryden, Robert West, Doctor We Love and Learn
Dubov, Paul Kirby, Tony You Can't Take It with You
Dubov, Paul Race, Frank Adventures of Frank Race
Dubov, Paul Regan, Jeff Lion's Eye, The
Dudley, Donald Tremaine, Jerry Hawthorne House
Dudley, Doris Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Duff, Howard Chandler, Josh Dear John
Duff, Howard McCoy, Mike McCoy, The
Duff, Howard Spade, Sam Adventures of Sam Spade
Dugan, Daisy Smith, Betty Smith Family, The
Dumas, Helene Bradley, Lydia Romance of Helen Trent, The
Dumas, Helene Dulcy Dot and Will
Dumas, Helene Edna Goldbergs, The
Dumas, Helene Laura Easy Aces
Dumas, Helene McDonald, Betty When A Girl Marries
Dumas, Helene Veronica Young Dr. Malone
Dumas, Helene West, Louise Jane Arden
Dumke, Ralph Captain Walt Hook 'n' Ladder Follies
Dumke, Ralph Plenty, Pat Quality Twins, The
Dumke, Ralph Tompkins, Willie We, The Abbotts
Dumke, Ralph Wilbur Life Begins
Dumond, Joe Higgins, Josh Josh Higgins
Dumond, Joe Higgins, Josh Josh Higgins of Finchville
Duncan, Alistair Brinthrope, Lord Henry Our Gal Sunday
Duncan, Buddy Cinnamon Bear aka Paddy O'Cinnamon Cinnamon Bear
Duncan, Buddy O'Cinnamon, Paddy: Cinnamon Bear Cinnamon Bear
Dunlap, Patricia Brewster, Nancy That Brewster Boy
Dunlap, Patricia Burns, Betty Backstage Wife
Dunlap, Patricia Curtis, Pat This Day Is Ours
Dunlap, Patricia Curtis, Pat Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Dunlap, Patricia Fairchild, Betty Armstrong of the S.B.I.
Dunlap, Patricia Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Dunlap, Patricia Lake, Sandra Crime Files of Flamond, The
Dunlap, Patricia Nad Og, Son of Fire
Dunlap, Patricia Pendeleton, Gladys Ma Perkins
Dunlap, Patricia Ryder, Janet Bachelor's Children
Dunlap, Patricia Sample, Fran Cousin Willie
Dunlap, Patricia Schultz, Bertha Lonely Women
Dunlap, Patricia Schultz, Bertha Today's Children
Dunn, Violet O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Dunne, Irene Armstrong, Susan Bright Star
Dunne, Michael Danfield, Daniel Danger, Dr. Danfield
Dunne, Steve Larson, Lucky Dangerous Paradise
Dunne, Steve Larson, Lucky Deadline Mystery
Dunne, Steve Spade, Sam Adventures of Sam Spade
Durante, Jimmy Bowers, Claudia "Brainy" Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Durrell, Guy Silver, Captain Pirate Ship
Duryea, Dan Dana, Lieutenant Lou Man from Homicide
Dwyer, Virginia Dee, Doris Backstage Wife
Dwyer, Virginia Farrell, Sally Front Page Farrell
Dwyer, Virginia Smith, Ellen Houseboat Hannah
East, Ed Gwendolyn Quality Twins, The
Eastman, Carl Bixby, Carl Missis Miniver
Eastman, Carl Lerner, Davis Abie's Irish Rose
Eastman, Carl Nelson, Toby Life Can Be Beautiful
Eastman, Carl Willard, Russ This Small Town
Easton, Bob Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Edmondson, Delmar Editor Heinz Magazine of the Air
Edmondson, Jimmy Backwards, Professor Jimmy Edmondson Show, The
Edney, Florence Aunt Maizie Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Edwards, Cliff Jiminy Cricket Fun and Fancy Free
Edwards, Douglas Edwards, Douglas Wendy Warren and the News
Edwards, Florida Sherwood, Mariette Hawthorne House
Edwards, Jack Grubb, Wayne One Man's Family
Edwards, Jack Legorro, David Today's Children
Edwards, Jack Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Edwards, Jack Mead, Bill Aunt Mary
Edwards, Sam Baker, Tracy One Man's Family
Edwards, Sam Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Edwards, Sam Husband First Hundred Years, The
Edwards, Sam Sherwood, Billy Hawthorne House
Edwards, Sam Smith, Billy Father Knows Best
Egan, Audrey Abbott, Barbara We, The Abbotts
Egan, Audrey King, Shirley Just Plain Bill
Egan, Audrey White, Betty Billy and Betty
Egelston, Charles Burt Portia Faces Life
Egelston, Charles Fuller, Humphrey Just Plain Bill
Egelston, Charles Pop Backstage Wife
Egelston, Charles Shober, Shuffle Ma Perkins
Eggleston, Shirley Secretary Crime Letter from Dan Dodge
Eher, Richard Bobby My Friend Irma
Eiler, Barbara Anderson, Millie Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Eiler, Barbara Dilley, Barbara Glamour Manor
Eiler, Barbara Girlfriend Mel Torme Show, The
Eiler, Barbara Graves, Lois Junior Miss
Eiler, Barbara Olive You Can't Take It with You
Eiler, Barbara Riley, Barbara "Babs" Life of Riley, The
Eiler, Barbara Student Fabulous Dr. Tweedy
Eiler, Barbara Sycamore, Alice You Can't Take It with You
Eiler, Barbara Wife First Hundred Years, The
Einstein, Harry Parkyakarkas, Nick Eddie Cantor Show, The
Einstein, Harry Parkyakarkas, Nick Meet Me at Parkys
Elders, Harry Adams, John Woman In White
Elders, Harry Baxter, Bill Baxters, The
Elders, Harry Evans, Bill Road of Life, The
Elders, Harry Gardner, Frank Bachelor's Children
Elders, Harry Houseman, David Step Mother
Elders, Harry Landis, Jack Woman In White
Eldredge, John Yess, Elmer Everett Elmer Everett Yess
Eley, Helen Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Elkins, Jeanne Pixie Hilltop House
Ellen, Minetta Barbour, Francis "Fanny" One Man's Family
Elliott, Bob Ballou, Wally Bob and Ray Show, The
Elliott, Bob Blaisdell, Tex Bob and Ray Show, The
Elliott, Bob Bosco, Steve Bob and Ray Show, The
Elliott, Bob Elliott, Bob Bob and Ray Show, The
Ellis, Ann Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Ellis, Bobby Aldrich Henry Aldrich Family, The
Ellis, Bobby Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Ellis, Bobby Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Ellis, Bobby Junior Fitz Ma Perkins
Ellis, Bobby Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Ellis, Caroline Caroline Caroline's Golden Store
Ellis, David Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Ellis, David Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Ellis, David Friday, Bart Adventures by Morse
Ellis, Georgia Button, Maggie Rogers of the Gazette
Ellis, Georgia June I Fly Anything
Ellis, Georgia Russell, Kitty Gunsmoke
Ellis, Herb Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Ellis, Herb Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Ellis, Maruice Jim Huckleberry Finn
Ellis, Robert Tremaine, Dal Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Ellstrom, Sidney Chauncy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Ellstrom, Sidney Coast Guards Flying Patrol
Ellstrom, Sidney Duffy, Mr. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Ellstrom, Sidney Emerson, George Helpmate
Ellstrom, Sidney Falvey, Hal Flying Time
Ellstrom, Sidney General, Revolutionary Thunder Over Paradise
Ellstrom, Sidney Halvorson Flying Time
Ellstrom, Sidney Snood, Amos Q. Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Ellyn, Jean Cook, Margie "Cookie" Valiant Lady
Ellyn, Jean Flatbush Siren Joe and Mabel
Ellyn, Jean Watson, Doctor Strange Dr. Karnac
Elsom, Isabel Hughes, Jessie Young Dr. Malone
Elstner, Anne Aggie Tish
Elstner, Anne Booth, Martha Trouble House
Elstner, Anne Dallas, Stella Stella Dallas
Elstner, Anne Gaddis, Cracker Moonshine and Honeysuckle
Elstner, Anne Gibson, Ma Gibson Family, The
Elstner, Anne Weston, Mary Wilderness Road
Emerson, Hope Berkeley, Mrs. Leave It to Mike
Emerson, Hope Cobb, Mrs. Cobbs, The
Emerson, Hope Elsie the Cow Happy Island
Emerson, Hope Topper, Henrietta Adventures of Topper
Emmet, Katherine Anthony, Agatha Romance of Helen Trent, The
Engel, Roy King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
Englund, Robert Rik Space Adventures of Space Noodle
Eric, Elspeth Anderson, Lillian Second Mrs. Burton, The
Eric, Elspeth Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Eric, Elspeth Marsha Young Dr. Malone
Eric, Elspeth Mother Mommie and the Man
Eric, Elspeth Nancy Falcon, The
Eric, Elspeth Olson, Emily Central City
Eric, Elspeth Ramsey, Diane Big Sister
Eric, Elspeth Richards, Eleanor Valiant Lady
Eric, Elspeth Standish, Lucia Young Dr. Malone
Eric, Elspeth Stewart, Dorothy This Is Nora Drake
Erickson, Leif Rhinelander III, Rich My Friend Irma
Erickson, Louise Bety Alan Young Show, The
Erickson, Louise Emmy Lou Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Erickson, Louise Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Erickson, Louise Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Erickson, Louise Granby, Janice Granby's Green Acres
Erickson, Louise Mildred Meet Corliss Archer
Erickson, Louise Mitzi Date With Judy, A
Ericson, Thor Yohnson, Honny Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Erlanger, Gloria Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Erskine, Jane Hale, Lucretia Against the Storm
Erskine, Marilyn Brown, Jane Young Widder Brown
Erskine, Marilyn Martin, Cherry Romance of Helen Trent, The
Erskine, Marilyn McDonald, Carver Gail Lora Lawton
Erwin, Stu Finnegan, Fairchild Phone Again Finnegan
Erwin, Trudy Miriam Bob Hope Show, The
Eubanks, Eugene Milburn, Doctor Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Eustis, Elizabeth Miller, Irene Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Evans, Bruce Trapeze Artist Circus Days
Evans, Dale Evans, Dale Roy Rogers Show, The
Evans, Mitch Olsen, Jimmy Adventures of Superman
Evans, Reynolds Achmed Arabesque
Evanson, Edith Helmi Myrt and Marge
Evelyn, Judith Marshall, Grace Helpmate
Evelyn, Judith Miniver, Kay Missis Miniver
Everett, Ethel Abbott, Emily We, The Abbotts
Everett, Ethel Anderson, Elsie David Harum
Everett, Ethel Gordon, Mayme O'Neills, The
Everett, Ethel Norris, Kathleen By Kathleen Norris
Everett, Ethel Wickes, Mrs. As the Twig Is Bent
Everett, Ethel Wickes, Mrs. We Love and Learn
Everett, Ethel Zaidda Omar the Mystic
Everett, Mento Judy Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Everson, Jack L. Bellwether Goat Goat Island Goats
Fant, Roy Deacon Perkins David Harum
Fant, Roy Elmer Ma and Pa
Fant, Roy Hubbell, Grandpa O'Neills, The
Fant, Roy Lively Our Gal Sunday
Fant, Roy Parker, Grandfather Parker Family, The
Fant, Roy Printer Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Farnum, Willard Adams, John Woman In White
Farnum, Willard Blake, Harry Flying Time
Farnum, Willard Garland, Jack Dan Harding's Wife
Farnum, Willard Martin, Dick Tale of Today, A
Farnum, Willard Meredith, David Midstream
Farnum, Willard Riley, James Whitcomb Way Down Home
Farnum, Willard Teen, Harold Harold Teen
Farrar, Stanley Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
Farrell, Charles Albright, Verne My Little Margie
Farrell, Glenda Captain of Team One Quizzer's Baseball
Faust, Charley "Rastus" African Goat Goat Island Goats
Faust, Donovan Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Faust, Donovan Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Faust, Gilbert Perkins, John Ma Perkins
Faye, Alice Faye, Alice Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Faye, Joey Recruit Rookies, The
Fein, Bill Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Feinberg, Anthony Frome, Anthony Poet Prince, The
Felton, Verna Aunt Agatha (Aggie) Judy Canova Show, The
Felton, Verna Barton, Mother Cinnamon Bear
Felton, Verna Blimp, Blossom Sealtest Village Store
Felton, Verna Day, Mother Jack Benny Program, The
Felton, Verna Dean of Lynnhaven College Meet Mr. McNutley
Felton, Verna Hanover, Evelyn "Evy" Point Sublime
Felton, Verna Hirsch, Hattie Point Sublime
Felton, Verna Junior's Grandmother Red Skelton Show, The
Felton, Verna McIntyre, Mrs. Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Felton, Verna Neighbor My Mother's Husband
Felton, Verna O'Detts, Mrs. My Little Margie
Felton, Verna Pierce, Liz Judy Canova Show, The
Fennelly, Parker Crowell, Eben Four Corners U.S.A.
Fennelly, Parker Dad Mother and Dad
Fennelly, Parker David Uncle Abe and David
Fennelly, Parker Esly Stebbins Boys, The
Fennelly, Parker Feathers, Mister Mister Feathers
Fennelly, Parker Foster, Henry Editor's Daughter
Fennelly, Parker Hagen, Mike Valiant Lady
Fennelly, Parker Moody, Titus Fred Allen Show, The
Fennelly, Parker Neville, Hiram Snow Village Sketches
Fennelly, Parker Pa Ma and Pa
Fennelly, Parker Sam House In the Country, A
Fennelly, Parker Smiley Prairie Folks
Fennelly, Parker Tucker, Dan Lawyer Tucker
Fennelly, Parker Uncle Abner Spotlight Review
Fennelly, Parker Williams, Ebenezer Adventures of the Thin Man
Fennely, Parker Gibbs, Gideon Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Fenneman, George Buzz I Fly Anything
Fenton, Lucille Kirby, Paula Myrt and Marge
Fernandez, Peter Allen, Skip Right to Happiness, The
Fernandez, Peter Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Ferrer, Jose Minister We Love and Learn
Ferrer, Jose Vance, Philo Philo Vance
Field, Betty Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Field, Norman Bebson, Judge Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Field, Norman Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Field, Norman Police Inspector Mystery Is My Hobby
Field, Norman Principal Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Field, Norman Uncle George Meet Corliss Archer
Fielder, Johnny Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
Fields, Sidney Guffy, Mr. Eddie Cantor Show, The
Fifield, Georgia Cynthia Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Fifield, Georgia Hathaway, Sarah Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Fifield, Georgia Hipplewater, Mrs. Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Fifield, Georgia Matron Nobody's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Fillbrandt, Laurette Bauer, Trudy Guiding Light, The
Fillbrandt, Laurette Burton, Jen Today's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Daisey Mae Li'l Abner
Fillbrandt, Laurette Daley, Jane Affairs of Anthony, The
Fillbrandt, Laurette Fitz, Evey Perkins Ma Perkins
Fillbrandt, Laurette Graham, Ruth Ann Bachelor's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Hardesty, Virginia Girl Alone
Fillbrandt, Laurette Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Fillbrandt, Laurette Houston, Dot Tale of Today, A
Fillbrandt, Laurette Jennifer Today's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Rancher Thunder Over Paradise
Fillbrandt, Laurette Sherwood, Sydney Lone Journey
Fillbrandt, Laurette Stewart, Nancy Guiding Light, The
Fillbrandt, Laurette Susan Affairs of Anthony, The
Fillmore, Clyde Aldrich, Sam Aldrich Family, The
Fire Cheif Wynn, Ed Fire Chief
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Brewster, Joey That Brewster Boy
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Brooks, Sonny Let George Do It
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Fingerhood, Seymour Goldbergs, The
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Sherwood, Billy Hawthorne House
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Teen, Harold Harold Teen
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Truitt, Clarence Truitts, The
Fisher, Helen Stevens Little Lady of the House National Farm and Home Hour
Fiske, Robert Robertson, Speed Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Fitch, Louise Adams, Betty Woman In White
Fitch, Louise Astra Light of the World, The
Fitch, Louise Betty Lou Mortimer Gooch
Fitch, Louise Brewster, Nancy That Brewster Boy
Fitch, Louise Caleb Light of the World, The
Fitch, Louise Comstock, Eloise Scattergood Baines
Fitch, Louise Deborah Light of the World, The
Fitch, Louise Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Fitch, Louise Farraday, Bernice Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Fitch, Louise Locke, Dale Manhatten Mother
Fitch, Louise Nelson, Susan Backstage Wife
Fitch, Louise Spencer, Debby Two On A Clue
Fitz, Kathleen Brent, Portia Brenthouse
Fitz, Kathleen Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Fitzgerald, Barry Fitz, Bernard His Honor, the Barber
Fitzgerald, Peggy "Pegeen" Moffatt, Connie Connie Moffatt
Fitzmaurice, Michael Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Fitzmaurice, Michael Hastings, Bob This Life Is Mine
Fitzmaurice, Michael Hawk, The: Spencer Mallory Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Fitzmaurice, Michael Kent, Clark: Superman Adventures of Superman
Fitzmaurice, Michael Kent, Jimmy Myrt and Marge
Fitzmaurice, Michael Mallory, Spencer: The Hawk Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Fitzmaurice, Michael Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Fitzmaurice, Michael Superman: Clark Kent Adventures of Superman
Fitzmaurice, Michael Taylor, Steve Highway Patrol
Fitzmaurice, Michael Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Fitzmaurice, Micheal Curtis, Jim Brenda Curtis
Fleming, Nell Holden, Mary Helen Holden, Government Girl
Flick, Pat C. Ittheptiches, Pablo Fred Allen Show, The
Flippen, Jay C. Sergeant Rookies, The
Flynn, Bernardine Barker, Mathilda Welcome Valley
Flynn, Bernardine Gook, Sade Vic and Sade
Flynn, Bess Moynihan, Mother Painted Dreams
Flynn, Bess Tilda Gumps, The
Flynn, Bess Webster, Martha Life Begins
Flynn, Charles Armstrong, Jack Armstrong of the S.B.I.
Flynn, Charles Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Flynn, Charles Gump, Chester Gumps, The
Flynn, Charles Kent, Michael Bachelor's Children
Flynn, Charles Super Noodle Space Adventures of Space Noodle
Flynn, Charles Teen, Harold Harold Teen
Flynn, Charles Webster, Tony We Are Four
Flynn, Erroll Casanova, Christopher Modern Adventures of Casanova
Fontaine, Frank Sivoney, John L.C. Jack Benny Program, The
Foray, June Junie Smile Time
Forbes, Murray Bill Masquerade
Forbes, Murray Clyde Joe Palooka
Forbes, Murray Fitz, Willie Ma Perkins
Forbes, Murray Fox, Benny Foxes of Flatbush, The
Forbes, Murray Schultz, Mr. Lonely Women
Forbes, Murray Schultz, Papa Today's Children
Ford, Chris Wilkes, Doctor Bachelor's Children
Ford, Glenn London, Christopher Adventures of Christopher London
Ford, Jan aka Terry Moore Smith, Shirley "Bumps" Smiths of Hollywood
Ford, Paul Carter, Mark David Harum
Ford, Whitey Duke of Paducah Duke of Paducah and Opry Songs
Ford, Whitey Duke of Paducah Plantation Party
Fordyce, Jessie Raymond, Ginger O'Neills, The
Forester, Evelyn Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Forman, Bill Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Forte, Joe Conklin, Osgood Our Miss Brooks
Forte, Joe Horowitz Life With Luigi
Forte, Joe Inspector Michael Shayne
Forte, Joe Thompson, Mr. Great Gilsersleeve, The
Foss, Bill Uncle Billy Kids Klub Program
Fox, Josephine Anders, Anne Prairie Folks
Fox, Templeton MacDonald, Eleanor This Day Is Ours
Fox, Templeton Mitchell, Bunny Story of Mary Marlin, The
Foy, Fred Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Foy, Fred Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Francis, Anne Cameron, Kathy When A Girl Marries
Francis, Arlene Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Francis, Arlene Harper, Linda Helpmate
Francis, Arlene Jennings, Marion Second Husband
Francis, Arlene Rand, Miss Mister District Attorney
Francis, Arlene Scotland, Ann Affairs of Ann Scotland
Francis, Arlene Wife My Good Wife
Francis, Dorothy King, Sylvia Backstage Wife
Francis, Dorothy Summers, Stephanie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Frank, Carl Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Frank, Carl Hadley, Arch Your Family and Mine
Frank, Carl Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Frank, John Allen, Jimmie Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Franke, Dane Hughes, Captain Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Frankel, Harry Singin' Sam Reminiscin' With Singin' Sam
Frankel, Harry Singin' Sam Singin' Sam
Frankham, David Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Franklin, Maurice Judge Famous Jury Trials
Franklin, Maurice Novack, George Her Honor, Nancy James
Franklin, Maurice Voice of the Law Mister District Attorney
Franklin, Maurice Walker, E.J. Jane Arden
Franklin, Maurice Zarkoff, Doctor Flash Gordon
Franklyn, Allen Carney, Mr. Bachelor's Children
Fransworth, Scott Scott, Jack Jones and I
Frawley, Tim Old Ranger Death Valley Days
Frawley, William Mertz, Fred I Love Lucy
Frazer, Bob Fletcher, Doctor Gallant Heart
Freberg, Stan Man That's Rich
Freeman, Florence Arnold, Liz Open Door
Freeman, Florence Barrett, Joan Valiant Lady
Freeman, Florence Brown, Ellen Young Widder Brown
Freeman, Florence Brown, Mrs. Abie's Irish Rose
Freeman, Florence Dane, Prudence Woman of America
Freeman, Florence Harrison, Betty Jane Arden
Freeman, Florence Horton, Dot Dot and Will
Freeman, Florence Jones, Ellen Young Widder Jones
Freeman, Florence Scott, Joan Valiant Lady
Freeman, Florence Warren, Wendy Wendy Warren and the News
Freeman, Janet Janet Wheatenaville Sketches
Frees, Paul Adams, Charles "Doc" Gunsmoke (12-12-53)
Frees, Paul Aladdin, Robert Mister Aladdin
Frees, Paul DuMont, Jethro: Green Lama Green Lama, The
Frees, Paul Green Lama: Jethro DuMont Green Lama, The
Frees, Paul McGee, Richard A. Confession
Fridell, Vivian Holt, Mary Road of Life, The
Fridell, Vivian Jeanette Romance of Helen Trent, The
Fridell, Vivian Noble, Mary Backstage Wife
Fritz, Adelaide Nancy Witch's Tale
Frost, Alice Hazy, Miss Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Frost, Alice Jackson, Martha Woman of Courage
Frost, Alice Marcia Second Mrs. Burton, The
Frost, Alice North, Pamela Mister and Mrs. North
Frost, Alice Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Fugit, Merrill Darring, Dick Dick Daring's Adventures
Fugit, Merrill Harding, Dean Dan Harding's Wife
Fugit, Merrill Steele, Dick Dick Steele, Boy Reporter
Fugit, Merrill Van Schuyler, Percy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Fuller, Barbara Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Fuller, Barbara Buskirk, Ma Opie Cates Show, The
Fuller, Barbara Calkins, Barbara Scattergood Baines
Fuller, Barbara Fairchild, Peggy Step Mother
Fuller, Barbara Jehosheba Light of the World, The
Fuller, Barbara Susan His Honor, the Barber
Fuller, Margaret Lang, Fredrika Guiding Light, The
Fuller, Margaret Reynolds, Torchy Guiding Light, The
Furness, Betty Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Fussell, Sarah Donovan, Wiki Just Plain Bill
Fussell, Sarah Hermie I Love A Mystery
Gabel, martin Javert, Inspector Les Miserables
Gabel, Martin Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Gabel, Martin Voice of Adventure Dangerously Yours
Gabel, Martin Wayne, John Big Sister
Gabel, Martin Williams, Neil Easy Aces
Gage, Ben Gale, Jimmy Modern Cinderella
Gair, Sondra Rourke, Jeannie Masquerade
Gair, Sondra Sherlock, Jane Meet Miss Sherlock
Galbraith, John Hellman, Inspector Pat Novak for Hire
Gallagher, Don Callahan Backstage Wife
Gallagher, Don Carver, P. Wallace Houseboat Hannah
Gallagher, Don Dickenson, Humble Joan and Kermit
Gammill, Noreen Cathy Opie Cates Show, The
Gammill, Noreen Dinwiddie Sister Bill Goodwin Show, The
Gannon, John Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Garbell, Rosemary Josie Harold Teen
Garbell, Rosemary Tootie Story of Mary Marlin, The
Garbell, Rosemary Wynn, Joy Bartons, The
Garde, Betty Abbott, Emily We, The Abbotts
Garde, Betty Aunt Mimi Morey Amsterdam Show, The
Garde, Betty Farrell, Sally Front Page Farrell
Garde, Betty Jones, Belle Lorenzo Jones
Garde, Betty Kitty's Mother McGarry and His Mouse
Garde, Betty Mamie Mickey of the Circus
Garde, Betty Mason, Kate Maudie's Diary
Garde, Betty Mother Jane Arden
Garde, Betty O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Garde, Betty Sullivan, Mary Police Woman
Garde, Betty Tish (Leticia) Tish
Garde, Betty Vance, Connie (Connie Watson) My Son and I
Garde, Betty Watson, Connie (Connie Vance) My Son and I
Garde, Betty Wiggs, Mrs. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Gardell, Tess Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima
Gardenas, Maxine Hamilton, Katy Backstage Wife
Gardner, Ed Archie Duffy's Tavern
Gardner, James Tim Tena and Tim
Gargan, William Burke, Inspector Murder Will Out
Gargan, William Craig, Barrie Barrie Craig, Confidential Investigator
Gargan, William Dolan, Ross I Deal In Crime
Gargan, William Kane, Martin Martin Kane, Private Eye
Garland, Judy Romantic Interest Hardy Family, The
Garland, Margaret Dale, Joan Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Garner, Peggy Ann Smith, Esther Meet Me In St. Louis
Gates, Ruth Lenord, Mrs. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Geer, Will Penny Bright Horizon
Geisle, Eugene Beanie In the Case of Aggie Horn
Gent, Margaret Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
George, Earl Gardo Captain Midnight
Gerald, Ara Florenz, Countess Our Gal Sunday
Gerson, Betty Lou Adams, Helen Girl Alone
Gerson, Betty Lou Adams, Karen Woman In White
Gerson, Betty Lou Capitola Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Gerson, Betty Lou Colby, Mercedes Don Winslow of the Navy
Gerson, Betty Lou Dorn, Henrietta Story of Mary Marlin, The
Gerson, Betty Lou Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Gerson, Betty Lou Jackson, Julie Shoestring Castle
Gerson, Betty Lou Larimore, Marilyn Lonely Women
Gerson, Betty Lou Larimore, Marilyn Today's Children
Gerson, Betty Lou Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Gerson, Betty Lou Meredith, Julia Midstream
Gerson, Betty Lou Miss Sarah Mister President
Gerson, Betty Lou Rogers, Anne Hot Copy
Gerson, Betty Lou Sue Flying Time
Gerson, Betty Lou Tremaine, Connie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Gerson, Betty Lou Wilson, Charlotte Guiding Light, The
Gibbons, Floyd Gibbons, Floyd Headline Hunter, The
Gibbons, Floyd Gibbons, Floyd World Adventures With Floyd Gibbons
Gibbs, Genelle Hemingway, Rosemary Woman In White
Gibbs, Genelle Kirkoff, Sonia Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Gibson, John Connie Terry and the Pirates
Gibson, John Doc Michael and Kitty
Gibson, John Dunlap, Barney Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police
Gibson, John Ethelbert Casey, Crime Photographer
Gibson, John Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Gibson, John Matthews, Jim Lone Journey
Gibson, John Montague's Agent Magnificent Montague, The
Gibson, John Pennington, Red Don Winslow of the Navy
Gibson, John Quackenbush Stoopnagel and Budd
Gibson, John Trumbull, Cornelius Two On A Shoestring
Gibson, Wynne Amah Thanks for Tomorrow
Gibson, Wynne Angie When A Girl Marries
Gielgud, John Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Light Programme
Gilbert, Jane Fairchild, Billy Step Mother
Gilbert, Janice Adair, Jean Hilltop House
Gilbert, Janice Anderson, Carol Sea Hound
Gilbert, Janice Carney, Kathleen Bachelor's Children
Gilbert, Janice Clock, Nina Gasoline Alley
Gilbert, Janice Collins, Janice O'Neills, The
Gilbert, Janice Cummings, Fran Second Husband
Gilbert, Janice Keller, Madge Her Honor, Nancy James
Gilbert, Janice Little Orphan Annie Little Orphan Annie
Gilbert, Janice O'Neill, Janice C. O'Neills, The
Gilbert, Jody Rosa Life With Luigi
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Bartlett, Amy Midstream
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Calvert, Kit Aunt Mary
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Naomi Today's Children
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Shapiro, Bunny Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Gilbert, Lauren Hastings, Norman Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gilbert, Ruth Public Stenographer My Silent Partner
Giles, Erva Jane Seth Parker
Gillen, Dolores Allen, Siri Against the Storm
Gillen, Dolores Davis, Sammy When A Girl Marries
Gillen, Dolores Levy Twins Abie's Irish Rose
Gillen, Dolores Marlin, Davey Story of Mary Marlin, The
Gillen, Dolores Mommie's Child 1 of 3 Mommie and the Men
Gillespie, Jean Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Gillespie, Jean Burrage, Inze Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Gillespie, Jean Clock, Nina Gasoline Alley
Gillespie, Jean Mildred Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Gillespie, Jean Piper, Martha Tales of Willie Piper
Gillette, William Holmes, Sherlock Lux Radio Theatre
Gillette, William Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Gillis, Dellie Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Gilman, Lucy Edna Myrt and Marge
Gilman, Lucy Granger, Nancy Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gilman, Lucy Moran, Lucy Today's Children
Gilman, Lucy Sister Attorney at Law
Gilman, Lucy Teenie Welcome Valley
Gilman, Page Barbour, Jack One Man's Family
Gilman, Toni Adams, Betty Woman In White
Gilman, Toni Craig, Virginia Life Begins
Gilman, Toni Julie Robinson Crusoe Jr.
Gilman, Toni Williams, Marjorie Young Widder Brown
Ginyard, J.C. Jailbusters Jailbusters
Girardin, Roy Uncle Roy Aunt Harriet's Neices and Nephews
Glantz, Harry Bugle Call Death Valley Days
Glass, Walter Cassidy, Danny Eno Crime Club
Glazzer, Tom Tom Tom, Timmy and Mae
Gleason, Jimmy Gleason, Jimmy Jimmy Gleason's Diner
Gleason, Lucille Gleason, Lucille Jimmy Gleason's Diner
Gobel, George Jimmy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Godkin, Kenny Ames, Raymond Meet Corliss Archer
Goetz, Theo Bauer, Papa Guiding Light, The
Goff, Norris Abner (Abner Peabody) Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Gray, Mousey Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Huddleston, Dick Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Miller, Doc Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Peabody, Abner Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Squire Skimp Lum and Abner
Golden, Florence Stratford, Phyllis Life of Mary Sothern, The
Goldworthy, John Hutchinson, Mr. Tena and Tim
Goldworthy, John Williams In the Case of Aggie Horn
Goodkin, Alice Latham, Penny Dan Harding's Wife
Goodkin, Alice Lily Bright Horizon
Goodkin, Alice Minter, Marge Myrt and Marge
Goodwin, Bill Fletcher, Johnny Johnny Fletcher
Goodwin, Bill Fletcher, Johnny Johnny Fletcher
Goodwin, Bill Goodwin, Bill Bill Goodwin Show, The
Gordon, Bert Mad Russian Eddie Cantor Show, The
Gordon, Elsie Mae Callahan, Ma Callahans, The
Gordon, Elsie Mae Cummings, Estelle Valiant Lady
Gordon, Elsie Mae Grainger, Mrs. Tony and Gus
Gordon, Elsie Mae Phoebe Trouble House
Gordon, Gale Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Gordon, Gale Clayton, Cecil Tarzan
Gordon, Gale Cole, Bill Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Gordon, Gale Conklin, Osgood Our Miss Brooks
Gordon, Gale Father Leahy Johnny Madero, Pier 23
Gordon, Gale Gordon, Flash Flash Gordon
Gordon, Gale Granby, John Granby's Green Acres
Gordon, Gale Graves, Harry Junior Miss
Gordon, Gale Grundell, Judge Beshomer Penny Singleton Show, The
Gordon, Gale Henry VIII English Coronets
Gordon, Gale Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Gordon, Gale LaTrivia, Mayor Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Gordon, Gale Merriweather, John Halls of Ivy, The
Gordon, Gale Miller, District Attorney Big Town
Gordon, Gale Ostrich Cinnamon Bear
Gordon, Gale Paradine Stories of the Black Chamber
Gordon, Gale Patterson, Mr. Crossroads
Gordon, Gale Scott, Mr. Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Gordon, Gale Steven, Ralph Glorious One
Gordon, Gale Trimble, Jonathan Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Gordon, Gale Weary Willie the Stork Cinnamon Bear
Gordon, Gale Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Gordon, Gale Williams, Foggy Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Gordon, Gavin Norfolk, Doctor Brenthouse
Gordon, Gloria Maid Halls of Ivy, The
Gordon, Gloria O'Reilly, Mrs. My Friend Irma
Gordon, Joyce Cherry Mark Trail
Gordon, Joyce Miller, Barbara My Son Jeep
Gordon, Mary Emmett, Mrs. Those We Love
Gordon, Mary Hudson, Mrs. Sherlock Holmes
Gordon, Paul Mantle, Reggie Archie Andrews
Gordon, Richard Barrett, Jim Valiant Lady
Gordon, Richard Bishop Bishop and the Gargoyle, The
Gordon, Richard Colt, Thatcher Thatcher Colt Mysteries
Gordon, Richard Father Jane Arden
Gordon, Richard Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Gordon, Richard Worthington, Cyril Orphans of Divorce
Gordon, Stanley Rority, Pat Step Mother
Gordon, Stanley Sheriff Sky King
Goring, Marius Blakeney, Sir Percy: Scarlet Pimpernel Scarlet Pimpernel, The
Goring, Marius Scarlet Pimpernel: Sir Percy Blakeney Scarlet Pimpernel, The
Goris, Albert Uncle Wiggily Uncle Wiggily
Gosden, Freeman Amos Amos 'n' Andy
Gosden, Freeman Jones, Amos Amos 'n' Andy
Gosden, Freeman Lightnin' Amos 'n' Andy
Gosden, Freeman Sam (Sam Smith) Sam 'n' Henry
Gosden, Freeman Smith, Sam Sam 'n' Henry
Gosden, Freeman Stevens, George "Kingfish" Amos 'n' Andy
Goss, James Fairchild, Jim Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Gothard, David Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Gothard, David Barry, John Hilltop House
Gothard, David Brook, Lawrence Joan and Kermit
Gothard, David Carpenter, Don Bachelor's Children
Gothard, David Chandler, Bryant Woman In White
Gothard, David Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Gothard, David King, Phillip Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gothard, David Kingsley, Bruce O'Neills, The
Gothard, David Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Gothard, David Speaker Light of the World, The
Gothard, David Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Gothard, David Whitney, Gil Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gottschalk, Norman Delfeeno, Roy Vic and Sade
Gottschalk, Norman O'Leary, Dan Houseboat Hannah
Gottschalk, Norman Palooka, Joe Joe Palooka
Gottschalk, Norman Peabody, Harvey Peabodys, The
Gottschalk, Norman Sago Backstage Wife
Gould, Mitzi Bartlett, Barbara Story of Bess Johnson, The
Gould, Mitzi Emily Into the Light
Gould, Mitzi Grahame, Taffy As the Twig Is Bent
Gould, Mitzi Grahame, Taffy We Love and Learn
Gould, Mitzi Nolan, Gale Hop Harrigan
Gould, Mitzi Parker, Nancy Parker Family, The
Gould, Mitzi Powell, Thelma Nona from Nowhere
Gould, Mitzi Prentice, Kathy Carol Kennedy's Romance
Gould, Mitzi Yates, Rita Life Can Be Beautiful
Gould, Sandra Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Gould, Sandra Mitzi Date With Judy, A
Gould, Sandra Twitchell, Lucy Sad Sack
Goulding, Ray Burns, Biff Bob and Ray Show, The
Goulding, Ray Goulding, Ray Bob and Ray Show, The
Goulding, Ray McGoon, Mary Bob and Ray Show, The
Goulding, Ray Webster, Webley Bob and Ray Show, The
Grable, Marian Helen of Hollywood Helen of Hollywood
Grafton, Gloria Considine, Mickey Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Graham, Frank Regan, Jeff Lion's Eye, The
Graham, Frank Smith, Diogenes Lum and Abner
Graham, Frank Wandering Vaquero Romance of Helen Trent, The
Graham, Frank Webster, B.J. Lum and Abner
Grainger, Sharon Gordon, Phyllis Guiding Light, The
Grainger, Sharon Meredith, Midge Midstream
Grainger, Sharon Moran, Pat Flying Patrol
Grainger, Sharon Shark, Fury Captain Midnight
Granby, Joe O'Brion, District Attorney Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Granby, Joseph Conners, Mead We are Always Young
Grant, Cary Blandings, Jim Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Grant, Charles Baines, Jimmy Scattergood Baines
Grant, Eva Baxter Daughter Baxters, The
Grant, Eva Voice of the P.T.A. Baxters, The
Graser, Earl Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Graser, Earl Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Greaza, Walter Rose, Inspector Crime Doctor
Greaza, Walter Russ Lora Lawton
Greaza, Walter Wilson, Steve Big Town
Green, Bill Fairchild, John Step Mother
Green, Bill McGrath, Sheriff His Honor, the Barber
Green, Eddie Eddie Duffy's Tavern
Green, Eddie Jerry Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Green, Ivan Taggart, Mack Story of Sandra Martin, The
Green, Mitzi Girl Passport to Romance
Green, William Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Green, William Whitney, Gil Romance of Helen Trent, The
Greene, Lorne Host Monday, Western Night Sears Radio Theatre
Greene, Rosaline Dale, Peggy Peggy's Doctor
Greene, Rosaline Dodsworth, Fran Dodsworth
Greene, Rosaline Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Greenstreet, Sidney Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Greenwald, Joseph Glass, Barney House of Glass
Greenwood, Charlotte Greenwood, Charlotte Charlotte Greenwood Show, The
Greffen, Joy Cooper, Betty Archie Andrews
Gregg, Virginia Asher, Helen Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Gregg, Virginia Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Gregg, Virginia Carter, Betty One Man's Family
Gregg, Virginia Jane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Gregg, Virginia Lewis, Betty Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Gregg, Virginia Parker, Nurse Doctor Kildare
Gregg, Virginia Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Gregg, Virginia Wong, Miss Have Gun, Will Travel
Gregory, Dorothy Jones, Jill Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Gregory, James Kennelly, Captain Frank Twenty-First Precinct
Greig, John Butts, Professor Lucifer Collier Hour, The
Grey, Ernest Tenor Goat Goat Island Goats
Grey, Nan Marshall, Kathy Those We Love
Griffin, Bob Marlin, Joe Story of Mary Marlin, The
Griffin, Bob Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Griffin, Ken Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Griffin, Ken Burton, Paul Woman In White
Griffin, Ken Dorn, Captain Roger Peter Quill
Griffin, Ken Greenman, Edward Guiding Light, The
Griffin, Ken Hardy, Vic Armstrong of the S.B.I.
Griffin, Ken Hardy, Vic Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Griffin, Ken Locke, Lawrence Manhatten Mother
Griffin, Ken Noble, Larry Backstage Wife
Griffin, Robert Drainard, Bob Welcome Valley
Griffin, Robert Gardner, Frank Tale of Today, A
Griffin, Robert Ramage, Wilbur Story of Holly Sloan, The
Griffin, Robert West, Michael Bright Horizon
Griffis, Bill Evans, Bill Road of Life, The
Griffis, Bill Flambeau, Police Detective Adventures of Father Brown
Griffis, Bill Lodge, Mr. Archie Andrews
Griffis, Bill Pablo the Gypsy Cohort Doctor Six Gun
Griffith, Andy Host Tuesday, Comedy Night Sears Radio Theatre
Griggs, John Bartlett, Russell My Best Girls
Griggs, John Claymore, Randy Roses and Drums
Griggs, John Creighton, Christopher Creightons Are Coming, The
Griggs, John Elliott, Roger Adventure Parade
Griggs, John Elliott, Roger House of Mystery, The
Griggs, John Mattan Light of the World, The
Griggs, John Mystery Man House of Mystery, The
Griggs, John Smith, Zero Howie Wing
Grimes, Jack Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Grimes, Jack Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
Grimes, Jack Davie Life of Riley, The
Grimes, Jack Finn, Huck Huckleberry Finn
Grimes, Jack Hunt, Ted Man I Married, The
Grimes, Jack Marty Affairs of Peter Salem, The
Grimes, Jack Mommie's Child 2 of 3 Mommie and the Men
Grimes, Jack Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Grimes, Jack Shoiman Joe and Mabel
Grimmer, Toby Hermit Hermit's Cave
Grinnell, John Brinthrope, Lonnie Our Gal Sunday
Gruber, Chester Cabooch, Tony One-Man Radio Show
Gruber, Chester Cabooch, Tony Tony Cabooch
Grundy, Doris Cooper, Betty Archie Andrews
Guilbert, Bob Coast Guards Flying Patrol
Guilbert, Bob Jamison, Ben Story of Mary Marlin, The
Guilbert, Bob Winslow, Don Don Winslow of the Navy
Guion, Milton Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Gulla, Richard Smith, Hank Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Gurvey, Henry Lion Tamer Circus Days
Gustin, Harriet Aunt Harriet Aunt Harriet's Neices and Nephews
Gwynne, Gladys Gordon, Mrs. Glorious One
Haag, Robert Chase, Mark Death Valley Days
Haag, Robert Chase, Mark Death Valley Sheriff
Haag, Robert Chase, Mark Shafter Parker and His Circus
Haag, Robert Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Hackett, Evelyn Allen, Jane American Woman's Jury
Hadley, Reed Remington, Chad Frontier Town
Hadley, Reed Ryder, Red Red Ryder
Haig, Bob Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Haines, Larry Boats Now Hear This
Haines, Larry Hammer, Mike That Hammer Guy
Haines, Larry Lincoln, Joe Treasury Agent
Haines, Larry Molina, Fred This Is Nora Drake
Haines, Larry Police Lieutenant Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Haines, Larry Stevens, Drew Manhunt
Haines, Larry Ward, Carl Young Dr. Malone
Hale, Franc DeVries, Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Hale, Franc Rogers, Annette John's Other Wife
Hale, Franc Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Hale, Travis Three Cheers Al Pearce Show, The
Haley, Jack Helper Sealtest Village Store
Haley, Jack Propietor Sealtest Village Store
Haley, Jack Propietor of Store Village Store
Hall, Bob Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Hall, Bob Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Hall, Cliff Sharlie Baron and the Bee, The
Hall, Cliff Sharlie Jack Pearl Show, The
Hall, Eunice McDonald, Betty When A Girl Marries
Hall, Juanita Valentine, Ruby Story of Ruby Valentine, The
Hall, Louis Pearson, Gregory Orphans of Divorce
Hall, Thurston Hanvey, Jim Townsend Murder Mysteries, The
Halop, Billy Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Halop, Billy Kent, Dick Home, Sweet Home
Halop, Florence Armstead, Polly Bobby Benson's Adventures
Halop, Florence Brown, Irene Shorty Bell
Halop, Florence Callahan, Penelopie Callahans, The
Halop, Florence Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Halop, Florence Hortense Henry Morgan Show, The
Halop, Florence Houlihan, Hotbreath Jimmy Durante Show, The
Halop, Florence Mamma Meet Millie
Halop, Florence Swichboard Girl Phone Again Finnegan
Hamilton, Margaret Aunt Effie Couple Next Door
Hamilton, Margaret Maid Doctor's Wife
Hamilton, Neil Raffles, A.J. Raffles
Hampden, Burford Basil O'Neills, The
Hampden, Walter Witherall, Leonidas Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
Hanna, Betty Hayworth, Luelle Step Mother
Hanna, Betty Matthews, Deborah Ma Perkins
Hanna, Phil Three Cheers Al Pearce Show, The
Hannan, Marjorie Graham, Ruth Ann Bachelor's Children
Hannan, Marjorie Grant, Gloria Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hannan, Marjorie Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Hannan, Marjorie Madison, Sally Sally of the Talkies
Hannan, Marjorie Webster, Nancy We Are Four
Hanson, Carl Topper, Arnie Dan Harding's Wife
Harbater, Muriel Jane Jolly Bill and Jane
Harding, Joseph Husband Edith Adam's Future
Harding, Vince Drake, Ted Ted Drake, Guardian of the Big Top
Hardwicke, Cedric Churchill, Winston These Four Men
Hardwicke, Cedric Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Hare, Ernie Best Food Boy Best Food Boys, The
Hare, Ernie Flit Soldier Flit Soldiers, The
Hare, Ernie Happiness Boy Happiness Boys, The
Hare, Ernie Interwoven Pair Interwoven Pair, The
Hare, Ernie Tasty Breadwinner Tasty Breadwinners, The
Hare, Ernie Tasty Loafer Tasty Loafers, The
Hare, Ernie Tastyeast Jester Tastyeast Jesters, The
Hare, William McDonald, Angus Lora Lawton
Harens, Dean Anderson, Arthur We, The Abbotts
Harlan, Jane Archer, Gail Starr of Space
Harmon, Jim Williams, Pecos Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Harper, Annette Andrews, Ruth Midstream
Harper, Annette Sister Lillian Guiding Light, The
Harrington, Dot Beatrice Meyer the Buyer
Harrington, Fred Greystroke, Lord Tarzan
Harrington, Mary Lou Roberts, Joan One Man's Family
Harriot, Elinor Gibbons, Sally Story of Mary Marlin, The
Harriot, Elinor Jones, Ruby Amos 'n' Andy
Harriot, Elinor Taylor, Ruby Amos 'n' Andy
Harriot, Elinor Wright, Dorothy Couple Next Door
Harris, Arlene Higgins, Mrs. Baby Snooks Show, The
Harris, Arlene Human Chatterbox Al Pearce and His Gang
Harris, Arlene Swichboard Operator Here Comes Elmer
Harris, Phil Harris, Phil Jack Benny Program, The
Harris, Phil Harris, Phil Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Harris, Stacy Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Harris, Stacy Blades, Ted Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Harris, Stacy Taylor, Jim This Is Your F.B.I.
Harris, Stacy Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Harris, Stacy Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Harris, Stanley Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Harris, Stanley Hall, Arthur Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Harrison, Adele Grayson, Barbara O'Neills, The
Harrison, Rex Saunders, Rex Private Files of Rex Saunders, The
Hart, Marlin Dick Affairs of Tom, Dick and Harry, The
Hartley, Jack H. Connelly, Boss Portia Faces Life
Hartzell, Clarence Baldy In the Case of Aggie Horn
Hartzell, Clarence Cottonseed Road to Danger
Hartzell, Clarence Doc Silver Eagle
Hartzell, Clarence Uncle Fletcher Vic and Sade
Hartzell, Clarence Withers, Ben Lum and Abner
Hartzell, Clarence Withers, Benjamin Franklin Lum and Abner
Hartzell, Clarence Yokum, Pappy Li'l Abner
Hartzell, Clarnece Duke Doc, Duke and the Colonel
Harvey, Harry Pringle, Oogie Date With Judy, A
Hastings, Bob Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Hastings, Bob Jerry Sea Hound
Hathaway, Joy Grosvenor, Laurel Stella Dallas
Hathaway, Joy Jane Seth Parker
Hathaway, Joy Leighton, Amanda Dyke Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hathaway, Joy Wallace, Irma Second Husband
Hatton, Raymond Football Coach Jack Oakie's College
Hayashi, Tokutaro (Raymond Toyo) Kato Green Hornet, The
Haydn, Richard Carp, Professor Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Hayes, Albert Adam Light of the World, The
Hayes, Albert Clark, Tom Doc Barclay's Daughters
Hayes, Albert Garrick, Douglass Lux Radio Theatre
Hayes, Albert Price, Norman Valiant Lady
Hayes, Doug Mallory, Steve Private Eye
Hayes, Gabby Sidekick Roy Rogers Show, The
Hayes, Helen Bambi Bambi
Hayes, Helen Meitner, Lise Quick and the Dead, The
Haymes, Dick Crane, Cockery I Fly Anything
Hays, Harvey Dorn, Michael Story of Mary Marlin, The
Hays, Harvey Houston, Robert Tale of Today, A
Hays, Harvey Old Prospector Death Valley Days
Hayward, Joyce Waters, Vi Backstage Wife
Hayworth, Vinton Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Hayworth, Vinton Arnold, Jack Myrt and Marge
Hayworth, Vinton Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Hayworth, Vinton Father It's Higgins, Sir
Hayworth, Vinton Port Lone Journey
Hayworth, Vinton Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Hayworth, Vinton Smith, Glenn Meet Me In St. Louis
Hazel, Claire Honey Chile Bob Hope Show, The
Head, Betty Lou Martin, Lolly Hawthorne House
Hearn, Sam Schlepperman Glamour Manor
Hearn, Sam Schlepperman Jack Benny Program, The
Hearne, John Brown, Hippocrates Scattergood Baines
Hecht, Albert Easter, Dyke Dyke Easter, Detective
Hecht, Arthur Jackson, Jim Woman of Courage
Heckle, Margaret Munro, Margaret Munros, The
Hector, Louis Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Hector, Louis Moriarity, Professor Sherlock Holmes
Hedge, Ray Tiffingtuffer, Clarence Myrt and Marge
Heehan, Neal Munro, Gordon Munros, The
Heen, Gladys Hutchinson, Mrs. Tena and Tim
Heflin, Van Delany, Slim Our Gal Sunday
Heflin, Van Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Heflin, Van Marlowe, Philip Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Heflin, Van Shellanberger, Bob Central City
Heflin, Van Waring, Adam Man I Married, The
Heistand, John Mithcell,Professor Young Love
Helgson, Joe Anders, Anne Prairie Folks
Heming, Violet Wakefield, Connie Right to Happiness, The
Hemus, Percy Judge Court of Human Relations, The
Hemus, Percy Old Wrangler Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Hemus, Percy Winslow, Doctor Road of Life, The
Hench, John Gilman, Stanley Those Happy Gilmans
Hendrickson, Rod Cosmo Backstage Wife
Hendrickson, Rod Danny Bulldog Drummond
Hendrickson, Rod Douglas, Martin Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hendrickson, Rod Van Vliet, Cornelius Second Mrs. Burton, The
Hendrickson, Rod Warren, Sam Wendy Warren and the News
Henry, Bill Marshall, Kit Those We Love
Henshaw, Gail Duffy, Alice Backstage Wife
Henshaw, Gail Keene, Kitty Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Henshaw, Gail Morgan, Tess Backstage Wife
Herbert, Hugh Father That's My Pop
Herbert, Wilms Francis Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Herbert, Wilms Keith Today's Children
Herbert, Wilms Lyon, Anthony J. Jeff Regan, Investigator
Herbert, Wilms Otis, Sergeant Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Herman, Milton Gargoyle Bishop and the Gargoyle, The
Herman, Milton Italo Today's Children
Herman, Milton Lillienthal Valiant Lady
Hern, Art Gardo Captain Midnight
Hern, Art Great Dane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Hern, Art Mudd, Ichabod "Ichy" Captain Midnight
Hern, Art Stone, Richard Today's Children
Hernandez, Juano Bones, Mr. (Abraham Lincoln Watts) As the Twig Is Bent
Hernandez, Juano Bones, Mr. (Abraham Lincoln Watts) We love and Learn
Hernandez, Juano Indian Chief Tennessee Jed
Hernandez, Juano Job Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hernandez, Juano Kolu Jungle Jim
Hernandez, Juano Lothar Mandrake the Magician
Hernandez, Juano Watts, Abraham Lincoln (Mr. Bones) As the Twig Is Bent
Hernandez, Juano Watts, Abraham Lincoln (Mr. Bones) We love and Learn
Hersholt, Jean Christian, Doctor Paul Doctor Christian
Hewitt, Alan Davis, Kent My Son and I
Hewitt, Alan Dorn, Kari Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hewitt, Alan Martinson, Ken This Is Nora Drake
Hewitt, Virginia Karlyle, Carol Space Patrol
Higby, Mary Jane Angie When A Girl Marries
Higby, Mary Jane Arsinoe Coronets
Higby, Mary Jane Carter, Cynthia Romance of Helen Trent, The
Higby, Mary Jane Davis, Joan When A Girl Marries
Higby, Mary Jane Drake, Nora This Is Nora Drake
Higby, Mary Jane Foyle, Mother Linda's First Love
Higby, Mary Jane Howe, Ann Joe Palooka
Higby, Mary Jane Martin, Beatrice Stella Dallas
Higby, Mary Jane Mary Tudor English Coronets
Higby, Mary Jane Miller, Joyce Rosemary
Higby, Mary Jane Swanson, Cynthia Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hilary, Ann Talbot, Sandra Brighter Day, A
Hill, Alice Carson, Gail Peter Quill
Hill, Alice Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Hill, Alice Keller, Madelyn Bachelor's Children
Hill, Alice Margot Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hill, Alice Webster, Lydia We Are Four
Hill, Arthur Callahan, Pa Callahans, The
Hill, George Brother Doctor's Wife
Hill, Josephine Miss Julia Miss Julia
Hill, Sammie Bates, Carol (Carol West) Bright Horizon
Hill, Sammie Casino Home of the Brave
Hill, Sammie Creighton, Crottie Creightons Are Coming, The
Hill, Sammie Jones, Sally Jones and I
Hill, Sammie March, Beth Little Women
Hill, Sammie West, Carol (Carol Bates) Bright Horizon
Hillias, Margaret Locke, Patricia Manhatten Mother
Hillias, Margaret Radcliffe, Alison Bachelor's Children
Hillpot, Billy Trade Smith Brothers
Hindermeyer, Harvey Gold Dust Twin Gold Dust Twins, The
Hinkel, Wilde Noble, Larry Jr. Backstage Wife
Hirshfield, Harry Meyer Meyer the Buyer
Hitz, Elsie Brewster, Gail Dangerous Paradise
Hitz, Elsie Howe, Ann Joe Palooka
Hitz, Elsie Josephine Barry Cameron
Hitz, Elsie Page, Judith Follow the Moon
Hitz, Elsie Randolph, Ellen Story of Ellen Randolph, The
Hitz, Elsie Whitfield, Josephine Barry Cameron
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Light Programme
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock Children's Hour
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock Saturday Night Theatre
Hobbs, Peter McCoy Charlie Wild, Private Detective
Hodge, Al Allen, Roger Attorney for the Defense
Hodge, Al Brixton, Jonathon Attorney for the Defense
Hodge, Al Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Hodge, Al Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Hodge, Al Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Hodiak, John Benton, Steve Wings of Destiny
Hodiak, John Cavendish, Butch Lone Ranger, The
Hodiak, John Holden, Hed Guiding Light, The
Hodiak, John Lane, Davie Bachelor's Children
Hodiak, John Patterson, Pat Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Hodiak, John Yokum, Li'l Abner Li'l Abner
Hoey, Dennis Padre Thunder Over Paradise
Hoey, Dennis Welby, Edward Pretty Kitty Kelly
Hoffa, Portland Hoffa, Portland Fred Allen Show, The
Hoffman, Howard Chandler, Frank: Chandu, the Magician Chandu, the Magician
Hoffman, Howard Chandu, the Magician: Frank Chandler Chandu, the Magician
Hogg, Mrs. W.B. Hopkins, Mrs, Josiah Goose Creek Parson The
Hogg, Reverend W.B. Hopkins, Josiah Goose Creek Parson The
Hoier, Tom Old Timer This World Is Ours
Hoier, Tom Uncle Josh Young Widder Brown
Holbrook, Hal Dennis, Grayling Brighter Day, A
Holbrook, John Hamilton, Stephen Life Can Be Beautiful
Holden, Eddie Watanabe, Frank Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Holden, Fay Hardy, Mrs. Hardy Family, The
Holden, Gloria Archer, Janet Meet Corliss Archer
Holden, Jack Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Hole, Johnathan Clifford, Doctor Bachelor's Children
Hole, Johnathon Smith, Hank Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Holland, Bert Emmett Shorty Bell
Holland, Charlotte Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Holland, Charlotte Drake, Nora This Is Nora Drake
Holland, Charlotte Lehman, Corey Open Door
Holland, Charlotte Mitchell, Elsie King's Row
Holland, Charlotte Reimer, Kathy Against the Storm
Holland, Charlotte Sherwood, Sydney Lone Journey
Holland, Dick Barton, Bud Bartons, The
Holland, Tom Bingham, Eddie Guiding Light, The
Hollenback, William Daniel Light of the World, The
Holliday, Gloria Barstow, Bessie Great Gildersleeve, The
Holliday, Gloria Gloria Honest Harold
Hollister, Leona Miss Broadway Miss Broadway
Holm, Celeste Daughter House on Q Street, The
Holm, Douglas C. Senator House on Q Street, The
Holmes, Lois Waters, Jane Second Mrs. Burton, The
Holmes, Patricia Holmes, Patricia Saint, The
Holmes, Phillips Davis, Riley Wings for America
Holmes, Wendell Baines, Scattergood Scattergood Baines
Holmes, Wendell Flack, Humphrey Colonel Humphrey Flack
Holmes, Wendell Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Holt, Ethel Mollie Meyer the Buyer
Holtby, Grace Daughter My Children
Homeier, Skippy Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Homeier, Skippy Victor Reg'lar Fellers
Honeyman, Lawrence Finn, Huck Tom Sawyer
Hood, Adelyn Cutie-cle Barber Shop Blues
Hope, Bob Taxpayer Quick and the Dead, The
Hopkins, Barry Ranger Bill Ranger Bill
Hopper, Hedda Brent, Portia Brenthouse
Horton, Bert Callaway, Duke Hawthorne House
Horton, Bert Herbert, Bill One Man's Family
Horton, Bert Peffer, Hank Saunders of the Circle X
Horton, Bert Tireless Storyteller Saunders of the Circle X
Hosley, Pat Daughter It's Higgins, Sir
Hosley, Pat Dennis, Patsy Brighter Day, A
Hosley, Patricia Bellwood, Elsie Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Houston, Jane Grosvenor, Mrs. Stella Dallas
Houston, Jane Vi Mister and Mrs.
Howard, Claire Benedict, Susan Woman of Courage
Howard, Claire Penny I Love Linda Dale
Howard, Eunice Barclay, Luda Red Davis
Howard, Eunice Benton, Linda Pepper Young's Family
Howard, Eunice Hopkins, Peggy Hello Peggy
Howard, Eunice Young, Linda Pepper Young's Family
Howard, Fred Buskirk, Pa Opie Cates Show, The
Howard, Fred Father Cass Daley Show, The
Howard, Fred Larkin, Lefty Aunt Mary
Howard, Fred McCloud, Packy Straight Arrow
Howard, Fred Morgan, Mr. Dearest Mother
Howard, Fred Pringle, Mr. Date With Judy, A
Howard, Fred Tooley, C. Pemberton Ma Perkins
Howard, Joyce March, Meg Little Women
Howard, Meredith Jackson, Maggie Pete Kelly's Blues
Howard, Terry Jones, Arbadella Amos 'n' Andy
Hoyt, Allen Collier, Clay Little Orphane Annie
Hoyt, John Robard, Don Shorty Bell
Hubbard, Irene Aunt Marie Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
Hubbard, Irene Aunt Mary Special Delivery
Hubbard, Irene Cameron, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Hubbard, Irene Fuller, Rose This Is Nora Drake
Hubbard, Irene Gridley, Thelma Hilltop House
Hubbard, Irene Horton, Mother Dot and Will
Hubbard, Irene Jamison, Marie Show Boat
Hubbard, Irene Leighton, Susan Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hubbard, Irene March, Mrs. Little Women
Hubbard, Irene Mintern, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Hubbard, Irene Naughton, Mrs. Claudia and David
Hubbard, Irene Seawick, Mrs. Our Gal Sunday
Hubbard, John Faye, Wille Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Hubbard, Tom Stripes, Cadet Sergeant Starr of Space
Huber, Harold Fu Manchu, Doctor Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Huber, Harold Poirot, Hercule Hercule Poirot
Huber, Harold Poirot, Hercule Mystery of the Week
Hudson, Bobbie Pinto Saunders of the Circle X
Hughes, Arthur Botak Orange Lantern, The
Hughes, Arthur Dallas, Stephen Stella Dallas
Hughes, Arthur Davidson, Bill Just Plain Bill
Hughes, Arthur Fu Manchu Collier's Hour, The
Hughes, Arthur Host-Editor Collier's Hour, The
Hughes, Arthur Judge I Love Linda Dale
Hughes, Arthur Keen, Mister Mister Keen, Tracer of Last Persons
Hughes, Charles P. First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Hughes, David Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Hughes, Donald Rollo Daddy and Rollo
Hughes, Floy Margaret Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Hughes, J. Anthony Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Hughes, Margaret Little Orphan Annie Little Orphan Annie
Hughes, Paul Martin, Thunder Lone Ranger, The
Hughes, Tommy Chandler, Dickie Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Hulick, Wilber "Budd" Budd Stoopnagel and Budd
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Captain of Team Two Quizzer's Baseball
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Crachet, Stringbean Hook 'n' Ladder Follies
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Thimbledrip Hook 'n' Ladder Follies
Hull, Henry Hale, Nathan Roses and Drums
Hull, Henry Lincoln, Abraham Honest Abe
Hull, Josephine Kayden, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Hull, Warren Hamilton, Jack Gibson Family, The
Hume, Benita Hall, Victoria Cromwell Halls of Ivy, The
Humphrey, Harry Horace Ma and Pa
Humphrey, Harry Old Ranger Death Valley Days
Hunt, Marsha Bickerson, Blanche Bickersons, The
Hunt, Marsha Bickerson, Blanche Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Hunter, Henry Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Hunter, Henry Brooklyn Wings of Destiny
Hunter, Henry Marleybone, Anthony Jr. Affairs of Anthony, The
Hunter, Henry Murray, Bill Bartons, The
Hunter, Henry Regan, Terry Attorney at Law
Hunter, Henry Webb, Scott Girl Alone
Hunter, Mary Mallory, Mrs. Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Hunter, Mary Marge Easy Aces
Hunter, Mary Stevenson, Martha Barry Cameron
Hunter, Mary Taylor, Kip Against the Storm
Hunter, Raymond Captain Bang Seth Parker
Hurndall, Richard Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Light Programme
Hurt, Marlin Beulah Beulah
Hurt, Marlin Beulah Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Hurt, Marlin Beulah Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 2
Hurt, Marlin Jackson, Bill Beulah
Hurt, Marlin Madamoiselle Levy Avalon Time
Husing, Ted Narrator March of Time, The
Hutchinson, Blanche Hutchinson, Blanche Flying Family
Hutchinson, Blanche Hutchinson, Blanche Flying Hutchinson's, The
Hutchinson, Col. George Hutchinson, Col. George Flying Family
Hutchinson, Col. George Hutchinson, Col. George Flying Hutchinson's, The
Hutchinson, Janet Hutchinson, Janet Flying Family
Hutchinson, Janet Hutchinson, Janet Flying Hutchinson's, The
Hutchinson, Kathryn Hutchinson, Kathryn Flying Family
Hutchinson, Kathryn Hutchinson, Kathryn Flying Hutchinson's, The
Idelson, Billy Carter, Clay Woman In My House
Idelson, Billy Clark, Ben Secret City
Idelson, Billy Emil Those Websters
Idelson, Billy Gook, Rush Vic and Sade
Idelson, Billy Hugo Truitts, The
Idelson, Billy Murray, Henry Herbert "Hank" One Man's Family
Idelson, Billy Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Idelson, Billy Skeezix Gasoline Alley
Ingram, Michael Manuel Against the Storm
Ingram, Rex Fullerton, Mr. Against the Storm
Intropidi, Ethel Howard, Mrs. Front Page Farrell
Intropidi, Ethel Welby, Phyllis Pretty Kitty Kelly
Irving, Charles Gillespie, Mr. Tales of Willie Piper
Irving, Charles Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Irving, Charles Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Irwin, Jim Axford, Mike Green Hornet, The
Isbell, Harold Bert Aunt Emmy and Bert
Ito, Betty Lotus Don Winslow of the Navy
Ivars, Elaine Aunt Susan Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's
Ives, Raymond Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Ives, Raymond Billy Land of the Lost
Ives, Raymond Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Ives, Raymond Brother Keeping Up With Rosemary
Ives, Raymond Channing, Joe This Life Is Mine
Ives, Raymond Puddinhead, Duffy Reg'lar Fellers
Jackson, Joan Kittenger, Stringbean Aldrich Family, The
Jacobs, David Lord Tony Scarlet Pimpernel, The
Jacobs, Rodney Chan, Lee: Number One Son Adventures of Charlie Chan
Jacobs, Rodney Number One Son: Lee Chan Adventures of Charlie Chan
Jacobson, Arthur Curtis, Scoop Girl Alone
Jacobson, Arthur Harding, Kirk Woman In White
Jacobson, Arthur Marleybone, Anthony Jr. Affairs of Anthony, The
Jacobson, Arthur Murray, Bill Bartons, The
Jacobson, Arthur Post, David Story of Mary Marlin, The
Jacoby, Mary Jacoby, Mary Milt Hearth Trio, The
James, Gee Gee Tillie O'Neills, The
James, Gee Gee Tulip Hilltop House
James, Hugh Flood, Bill Wendy Warren and the News
James, John M. Carey, Arnold Backstage Wife
James, John M. Manning, Roger Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
James, Shelia Williamson, Sue Penny Singleton Show, The
Jameson, House Aldrich, Sam Aldrich Family, The
Jameson, House Harding, David Counterspy
Jameson, House Host Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Jameson, House Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
Jameson, House Renfrew, Douglas Renfrew of the Mounted
Jameson, House Temple, Herbert Young Widder Brown
Janaver, Dick Kirby, Lee Myrt and Marge
Janiss, Vivi Calvert, Kit Aunt Mary
Janney, Leon Alec Private Files of Rex Saunders, The
Janney, Leon Carter, Chick Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Janney, Leon Chan, Lee: Number One Son Adventures of Charlie Chan
Janney, Leon Cole, Dick Adventures of Dick Cole
Janney, Leon Cole, John Romance of Helen Trent, The
Janney, Leon McCoy, Eddie Ethel Merman Show, The
Janney, Leon Number One Son: Lee Chan Adventures of Charlie Chan
Janney, Leon Parker, Richard Parker Family, The
Janney, Leon Stratford, Danny Life of Mary Sothern, The
Janney, William Haven, Gary We Are Always Young
Janney, William Wing, Howie Howie Wing
Jay, Lester Terry Terry and Ted
Jean, Louise Camp Hostess Rookies, The
Jeanne, Phyllis Girl I'll Find My Way
Jeigesen, Joe Yorke, Joe Hollywood Airport
Jellison, Bob Calamity Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Jellison, Bob Ching, Oswald Story of Mary Marlin, The
Jellison, Bob Enor Lone Journey
Jellison, Bob Gunn, Buster Great Gunns
Jellison, Bob Sandy Midstream
Jellison, Bob Shadow Harold Teen
Jergens, Adele Curtis, Carol Stand by for Crime
Jerome, Edwin "Ed' Stalin, Josef March of Time, The
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Alden, Gregory Rich Man's Darling
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Blackstone, Harry Blackstone, the Magic Detective
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Byron, Roger Trouble House
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Dietrich, Doctor Mystery In the Air
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Field, Samuel Tilden When A Girl Marries
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Selassie, Haile March of Time, The
Jeske, Fred L. Uncle Remus Uncle Remus
Jewell, Jim Jones, Cy Happy Home Village
Jewell, Jim Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Jewell, Jim Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Joachim, Maurice H.H. Omar Omar the Mystic
Joachim, Maurice H.H. Unseen Friend Your Unseen Friend
Johnson, Bess Johnson, Bess Hilltop House
Johnson, Bess Johnson, Bess Story of Bess Johnson, The
Johnson, Bess Lady Esther Lady Esther Serenade
Johnson, Bess Moran, Francis Today's Children
Johnson, Bess Webster, Martha Life Begins
Johnson, Dora Fitz, Evey Perkins Ma Perkins
Johnson, Jason Warren Married Life of Helen and Warren
Johnson, JoAnne Fairfax, Rusty Danger, Dr. Danfield
Johnson, King Johnson, King Milt Hearth Trio, The
Johnson, Lamont Douglas, Bruce Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Johnson, Lamont Douglas, Mark Wendy Warren and the News
Johnson, Lamont Tarzan Tarzan
Johnson, Mel Hermit Hermit's Cave
Johnson, Raymond Edward Atwood, Robert Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Johnson, Raymond Edward Carey, Philip Of Human Bondage
Johnson, Raymond Edward Dale, Eric I Love Linda Dale
Johnson, Raymond Edward Forest Ranger, The National Farm and Home Hour
Johnson, Raymond Edward Hickory Young Hickory
Johnson, Raymond Edward Host Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Johnson, Raymond Edward Kilgore, Roger Roger Kilgore, Public Defender
Johnson, Raymond Edward Lambert, Hal Brave Tomorrow
Johnson, Raymond Edward Lincoln, Joe Treasury Agent
Johnson, Raymond Edward Mandrake Mandrake the Magician
Johnson, Raymond Edward Masters Tennessee Jed
Johnson, Raymond Edward Matthews, Henry Story of Mary Marlin, The
Johnson, Raymond Edward Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Johnson, Raymond Edward Morrison, Paul Valiant Lady
Johnson, Raymond Edward Porter, Bruce Bachelor's Children
Johnson, Raymond Edward Porter, Bruce I Love Linda Dale
Johnson, Raymond Edward Smith, Ellis Guiding Light, The
Johnson, Raymond Edward Spaulding, Ed Man I Married, The
Johnson, Raymond Edward Sutter, Bill Welcome Valley
Johnson, Raymond Edward Winslow, Don Don Winslow of the Navy
Johnson, Rita Curtis, Martha John's Other Wife
Johnson, Rita Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Johnstone, Bill Barrett, Jim Valiant Lady
Johnstone, Bill Bob, Mr. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Johnstone, Bill Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Johnstone, Bill Editor Five-Star Jones
Johnstone, Bill Groggins Bill Goodwin Show, The
Johnstone, Bill Guthrie, Ben Line-Up, The
Johnstone, Bill Hunt, Doctor Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Johnstone, Bill Mason, Wilfred Maudie's Diary
Johnstone, Bill Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Johnstone, Bill Swain Woman from Nowhere
Johnstone, Bill Taylor, Sanderson "Sandy" Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Johnstone, Bill Weston, Simon Wilderness Road
Johnstone, Bill Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Johnstone, Bill Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Jolley, Norman Malinaro, Doctor Space Patrol
Jones, Billy Best Food Boy Best Food Boys, The
Jones, Billy Flit Soldier Flit Soldiers, The
Jones, Billy Happiness Boy Happiness Boys, The
Jones, Billy Interwoven Pair Interwoven Pair, The
Jones, Billy Tasty Breadwinner Tasty Breadwinners, The
Jones, Billy Tasty Loafer Tasty Loafers, The
Jones, Billy Tastyeast Jester Tastyeast Jesters, The
Jones, Buck Jones, Buck Hoofbeats
Jones, Dickie Aldrich Henry Aldrich Family, The
Jones, Ginger Carroll, Alice Romance of Helen Trent, The
Jones, Ginger Carroll, Marjory Bachelor's Children
Jones, Ginger Jane Right to Happiness, The
Jones, Ginger Marshall, Kitty Backstage Wife
Jones, Ginger Ward, Joan Portia Faces Life
Jones, Gloria General's Wife Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
Jones, Gordon Thompson, Pete Meet Mr. McNutley
Jones, Mendel Mister Information Mr. Information
Jones, Venezuela Robinson, Susie Our Gal Sunday
Jones, Virginia Peabody, Jenny Jenny Peabody
Jones, Virginia Randolph, Mildred Carter Carters of Elm Street, The
Jordan, Bobby Peter Wheatenaville Sketches
Jordan, Jim Chickie Breakfast Club, The
Jordan, Jim Dancing Bear (Garibaldi) Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Donovan, Mickey Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Jim Fitzgerald, Joe Smith Family, The
Jordan, Jim Garibaldi the Dancing Bear Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Gray, Luke Luke and Mirandy
Jordan, Jim Gray, Luke Abinadab Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Jim Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Lovejoy, Squire Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim McGee, Fibber Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Jim McSmack, Perky Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Pigmeyer, Augie Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Stafford, Major George Carleton Selwyn Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Toops, Mort Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Turner, Speed Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Wintergreen, Cy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Marian Bertrand, Batceste de Molay, etc. (Marie) Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Boop, Bertha Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Cat (Percy) Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Geraldine Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Gray, Mirandy Luke and Mirandy
Jordan, Marian Gump, Gertie Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Marian McGee, Molly Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Percy the Cat Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Sis Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Smith, Nora Smith Family, The
Jordan, Marian Teeny Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Teeny Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Thomas, Mrs. Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Toops, Lavinia Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Toots Breakfast Club, The
Jordan, Marian Upton, Mrs. J. High-Hat Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Van Schuyler, Mrs. Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Marian Wearybottom, Mrs. Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Wheedledeck, Cornelia Smackouts, The
Jordan, Owen Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Jordon, Jackie Moorehead, Billy County Seat
Joslyn, Allyn Roger Dot and Will
Jostyn, Jay Barry, Brian Foreign Assignment
Jostyn, Jay Curtis, Curt This Day Is Ours
Jostyn, Jay Harrington, Len Mister District Attorney
Jostyn, Jay Jackie Our Gal Sunday
Jostyn, Jay Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Jostyn, Jay Parker, Mr. Parker Family, The
Jostyn, Jay Porter, Ben Second Husband
Jostyn, Jay Tilley, Max Life of Mary Sothern, The
Jostyn, Jay Voice of the Law Mister District Attorney
Jostyn, Jay Willard, Russ This Small Town
Julian, Joseph American in England American In England
Julian, Joseph Coleman, Mr. O'Neills, The
Julian, Joseph Editor's Assistant Keeping Up With Rosemary
Julian, Joseph Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Julian, Joseph Grant, Commissioner Bill Call the Police
Julian, Joseph Matson, Sandy Lorenzo Jones
Julian, Joseph O.S.S. Agent Cloak and Dagger
Julian, Joseph Stratford, Danny Life of Mary Sothern, The
Julian, Joseph Tony Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Julian, Joseph West, Michael Big Sister
Julian, Joseph West, Michael Bright Horizon
Juster, Evelyn Curtis, Jean Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Juvelier, Jeanne Madame Babette Arnold Grimm's Daughter
KaDell, Carlton Benton, Steve Wings of Destiny
KaDell, Carlton Conroy, Dennis Backstage Wife
KaDell, Carlton Field, Tom Masquerade
KaDell, Carlton Hardy, Vic Armstrong of the S.B.I.
KaDell, Carlton Kegg, Jonathan Jonathan Kegg
KaDell, Carlton Kegg, Jonathan Life In Your Hands, A
KaDell, Carlton King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
KaDell, Carlton Ryder, Red Red Ryder
KaDell, Carlton Tarzan Tarzan
Kalish, Scheindel Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Kamman, Bruce Applegate, Ulysses A. Kaltenmeyer Kapers
Kamman, Bruce Kaltenmeyer, August Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Kamman, Bruce Mickey's Father Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Kamman, Bruce Spivens, Elmer Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Kane, John Clink Red Davis
Kane, John Havens, Nick Pepper Young's Family
Kane, John Jones, Tom "Five-Star" Five-Star Jones
Kane, John Norris, Chick When A Girl Marries
Kane, John Wilson, Scubby Nick Carter, Master Detective
Kaplin, Marvin Alfred Meet Millie
Kappel, Waldemar Mendoza, Gyp Life Can Be Beautiful
Kaufman, Irving Lazy Dan Lazy Dan the Minstrel Man
Kay, Alister Son Missis Miniver
Kay, Bonita Christine Backstage Wife
Kay, Bonita Davis, Margery Houseboat Hannah
Kay, Bonita Grimm, Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Kay, Geraldine Barbara Orphans of Divorce
Kay, Geraldine King, Kyle Lone Journey
Kay, Geraldine Palmer, Barbara Masquerade
Kay, Joan Gilman, Phyllis Those Happy Gilmans
Kay, Joan Moore, Marian Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Kaye, A.T. Nelson Valiant Lady
Kaye, Virginia Dawson, Rosemary Rosemary
Keane, Charlotte Beatrice Backstage Wife
Keane, Charlotte Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Keane, George Roberts, Bill Rosemary
Keane, Rose Beatrice Little Italy
Keane, Teri Adams, Vikki Marriage for Two
Keane, Teri Brent, Jocelyn Road of Life
Keane, Teri Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Keane, Teri Conrad, Carol "Chichi" Life Can Be Beautiful
Keane, Teri Evans, Hope Big Sister
Keane, Terry Secretary Mystery Without Murder
Kearns, Joseph Botsford, Benchley Judy Canova Show, The
Kearns, Joseph Caleb Let George Do It
Kearns, Joseph Colby, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Kearns, Joseph Crazy Quilt Dragon Cinnamon Bear
Kearns, Joseph Doc Yak Yak Honest Harold
Kearns, Joseph Ed, Keeper of the Underground Vault Jack Beny Program, The
Kearns, Joseph Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
Kearns, Joseph Grebb, Matt Line-Up, The
Kearns, Joseph Lukey Judy Canova Show, The
Kearns, Joseph Man In Black Suspense
Kearns, Joseph Neighbor My Mother's Husband
Kearns, Joseph Thompson, Mr. Great Gildersleeve, The
Kearns, Joseph Thompson, Mr. Great Gilsersleeve, The
Kearns, Joseph Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Keath, Donna Dineen, Lynne Young Dr. Malone
Keating, Larry Puzzlewit, Professor Professor Puzzlewit
Keddy, Grace Barker, Irma Lorenzo Jones
Keddy, Grace Van Cleave, Mrs. As the Twig Is Bent
Keddy, Grace Van Cleave, Mrs. We Love and Learn
Keene, William Red Lantern Land of the Lost
Keith, Conna Lynne Young Dr. Malone
Keith, Richard "Dick" Brock, Frank W. Special Investigator
Keith, Richard "Dick" Editor True Detective Mysteries
Keith, Richard "Dick" Hotel Manager Two On A Shoestring
Keith, Richard "Dick" Hunt, Ray Myrt and Marge
Keith, Richard "Dick" McCarey, Charles Bright Horizon
Keith, Richard "Dick" Police Commissioner Mister Chameleon
Keith, Richard "Dick" Shuttleworth, John True Dectective Mysteries
Kelk, Jackie Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
Kelk, Jackie Cummings, Dick Second Husband
Kelk, Jackie Gump, Chester Gumps, The
Kelk, Jackie Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Kelk, Jackie Morrison, Pete Mother O' Mine
Kelk, Jackie Olsen, Jimmy Adventures of Superman
Kelk, Jackie Tolliver, Jim Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Kelk, Jackie Tyler, Tommy Rosemary
Kelly, Andrew Dooley, Mr. Horse Sense Philosophy
Kelly, James Brady, Patrick Nona from Nowhere
Kelly, Jim Clancy, Mike Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons
Kelly, Joe Jolly Joe Jolly Joe and His Pet Pals
Kelly, Joe Jolly Joe Jolly Joe's Junior Jamboree
Kelly, Nancy Dorothy Wizard of Oz, The
Kelly, Nancy Roosevelt, Eleanor March of Time, The
Kelton, Pert Agnes Magnificent Montague, The
Kelton, Pert Girlfriend It's Always Albert
Kelton, Pert Lolita We Are Always Young
Kemmer, Ed Corey, Buzz Space Patrol
Kendall, Cy Captain Taffy the Pirate Cinnamon Bear
Kendall, Cy Carter, Judge Remarkable Miss Carter, The
Kendall, Cy Indian Chief Cinnamon Bear
Kendall, Cy Thome, Atam Tarzan
Kendall, Cy Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Kendall, Cy Tracy, Captain Tarzan
Kendall, Cy Wong-Tai Tarzan
Kendrick, Richard Baker, Bill Portia Faces Life
Kennedy, John B. Uncle Henry Collier Hour, The
Kent, Elaine Charlotte Our Gal Sunday
Kent, Elaine Houston, Iris Lora Lawton
Kent, Elaine Johnson, Lois County Seat
Kent, Elaine March, Jo Little Women
Kent, John Hermit Hermit's Cave
Kenton, Billy City Intruder I'll Find My Way
Kenyon, Doris Ann Crossroads
Kenyon, Doris Cooper, Ann Crossroads
Kettering, Frank Kettering, Frank Hossier Hot Shots
Kilpack, Bennett Barclay, Doc Doc Barclay's Daughters
Kilpack, Bennett Benson, James David Harum
Kilpack, Bennett Keen, Mister Mister Keen, Tracer of Last Persons
Kilpack, Bennett Peters, Cephus Seth Parker
Kilpack, Bennett Pettingal, Laith Seth Parker
Kilpack, Bennett Uncle Josh Young Widder Brown
King, Jane Helen Married Life of Helen and Warren
King, Jean Lonesome Gal Lonesome Gal
King, John Reed King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
King, Louise Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
Kingston, Lenore Daley, Jane Affairs of Anthony, The
Kingston, Lenore Ebba Against the Storm
Kingston, Leonore Carney, Mrs. Bachelor's Children
Kingston, Leonore Colby, Mercedes Don Winslow of the Navy
Kingston, Leonore Ebba Against the Storm
Kingston, Leonore Jinny Midstream
Kinsella, Walter Cooney, Ambrose Mighty Casey
Kinsella, Walter General Manager Circus Days
Kinsella, Walter Harrington, Len Mister District Attorney
Kinsella, Walter Irish Policeman Fresh Up Show, The
Kinsella, Walter McMann, Hap Martin Kane, Private Eye
Kinsella, Walter McNally, Mike Leave It to Mike
Kinsella, Walter McNally, Mike Paging Mike McNally
Kinsella, Walter Mike Joe and Mable
Kinsella, Walter Mullins, Sergeant Mister and Mrs. North
Kinsella, Walter Murphy, Pat Abie's Irish Rose
Kinsella, Walter Patton, Pat Dick Tracy
Kinsella, Walter Tracy, Junior Dick Tracy
Kinsella, Walter Windy Peewee and Windy
Kirberry, Ralph Dream Singer, The Mohawk Treasure Chest, The
Kirby, Kleve Murray, John Today's Children
Kirby, Pete Oswald, Bashful Brother American Ace Coffee Time
Kirkland, Muriel Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Kirkland, Muriel Todd, Mary Honest Abe
Kirkpatrick, Jess Henderson, Harry Beulah
Kirkwood, Jack Uncle Jim Hawthorne House
Kirkwood, Jack Williams, Joe Saunders of the Circle X
Kleeb, Helen Tuttle, Sarah Doctor Kate
Klein, Adelaide Dragon Lady Terry and the Pirates
Klein, Adelaide Farrell, Mildred Valiant Lady
Klein, Adelaide Hilda We, the Abbotts
Klein, Adelaide Meek, Agatha Meet Mr. Meek
Klein, Adelaide Russian Countess House on Q Street, The
Klein, Adelaide Wentworth, Mrs. S. Kent Life Can Be Beautiful
Klose, Virginia Klose, Virginia Red Hook 31
Klose, Woody Klose, Woody Red Hook 31
Knight, Frank Gilbert, Doctor Arabesque
Knight, Ray Bachelor, Billy Wheatenaville Sketches
Knight, Ray Shopkeeper House In the Country, A
Knight, Raymond Weems, Ambrose J. Cuckoo Hour, The
Knotts, Don Wales, Windy Bobby Benson's Adventures
Knudsen, Peggy Harding, Karen Woman In White
Knudson, Peggy Graves, Lois Junior Miss
Knudson, Peggy Phillipa Bill Goodwin Show, The
Kohl, Arthur Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Kohl, Arthur Graham, Bob Bachelor's Children
Kohl, Arthur Mintern, Fred Right to Happiness, The
Kollmar, Richard Boston Blackie Boston Blackie
Kollmar, Richard Markham, Barry Life Can Be Beautiful
Kollmar, Richard Naughton, David Claudia and David
Kollmar, Richard Perry, John John's Other Wife
Kollmar, Richard Pierce, Dennis Pretty Kitty Kelly
Kollmar, Richard Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Kollmar, Richard Van Orpington, Jackie Pretty Kitty Kelly
Kollmar, Richard West, Michael Big Sister
Kollmar, Richard West, Michael Bright Horizon
Koss, Sid Gook, Rush Vic and Sade
Kovacs, Bela Black Falcon, The: Prince Baccarritti Space Patrol
Kovacs, Bela Prince Baccarritti: Black Falcon Space Patrol
Kraatz, Donald Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Kraatz, Donald Welch, Francis Bartons, The
Kramer, Mandel Bryson, Tom Backstage Wife
Kramer, Mandel Cain Light of the World, The
Kramer, Mandel Collins, Greg It's a Crime Mr. Collins
Kramer, Mandel Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Kramer, Mandel Ellis, Sam Stella Dallas
Kramer, Mandel McGloin, Mahatma Mister and Mrs. North
Kramer, Mandel Peter Counterspy
Kramer, Mandel Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
Kramer, Mandel Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Kramer, Mandel Tragg, Arthur Perry Mason
Kramer, Phil Grouch Grouch Club, The
Kramer, Wright Jamison, Walter Show Boat
Krieger, James Pratt, Alex Orphans of Divorce
Krieger, James Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Kroeger, Barry Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Kroeger, Barry Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Kroeger, Barry Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Kroeger, Barry Williams, Sam Young Dr. Malone
Kroenke, Carl Brainfeeble, Chuck Vic and Sade
Kroenke, Carl Ferguson, Alec Houseboat Hannah
Kroenke, Carl Sterling, Louie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Kruger, Alma Mayfield, Emily Those We Love
Kruger, Alma Wife of Captain Henry Show Boat
Krugman, Lou Boss of Flying City Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Krugman, Lou Griffith, Tony Romance of Helen Trent, The
Krugman, Lou Hink, Ulysses Dear Mom
Kruschen, Jack Muggowen, Sergeant Broadway Is My Beat
Kuhn, Ethel Talmedge, Pamela Betty and Bob
Kummer, Eloise Allen, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Kummer, Eloise Barclay, Sandra Doc Barclay's Daughters
Kummer, Eloise Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Kummer, Eloise Greenman, Norma Guiding Light, The
Kummer, Eloise Kramer, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Kummer, Eloise Manning, Marcia Backstage Wife
Kummer, Eloise Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Kummer, Eloise Murphy, Patricia Hot Copy
Kummer, Eloise Rogers, Anne Hot Copy
Kummer, Eloise Stone, Kathy Betty and Bob
Kupfer, Kurt Steinbloch, Joseph Romance of Helen Trent, The
Kvalden, Greta Hattie Pepper Young's Family
Kyle, Alastair Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Kyle, Alastair Brinthrope, Lonnie Our Gal Sunday
Kyser, Kay Quizmaster Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
LaBelle, Rupert Kane, Rufus Story of Mary Marlin, The
Labriola, Tony Oswald Hollywood Hotel
Labriola, Tony Oswald Ken Murray Program, The
LaCurto, James Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
LaCurto, James Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
LaCurto, James Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
LaCurto, James Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Ladd, Alan Holliday, Dan Box 13
Ladd, Hank Beetle Phil Baker Show, The
Lake, Arthur Bumstead, Dagwood Blondie
Lake, Florence Daughter Gay Mrs. Featherstone, The
Lake, Florence Jessie Charlie and Jessie
Lake, Florence Smith, Miss Phone Again Finnegan
Lake, Florence Terwilliger, Tess David Harum
Lake, John Bradley, Jake Glorious One
Lambert, George Courtleigh, Walter Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Lambert, George Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Lambert, George Leighton, Edward Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Lambert, Scrappy Mark Smith Brothers
Lambright, Rosemary Thelma Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Lamoy, Olive Oyl, Olive Popeye the Sailor
Landi, Elissa Carroll, Lorna Wings for America
Landick, Olyn Cassandra Death Valley Sheriff
Landick, Olyn Cousin Cassie Death Valley Days
Landick, Olyn Drinkwater, Cassandra Shafter Parker and His Circus
Landis, Jessie Royce Housekeeper House on Q Street
Lane, Richard Faraday, Inspector Boston Blackie
Lang, Harry Fuddle, Mr. Blondie
Lang, Harry Pan Pancho Cisco Kid, The
Langan, Glenn Drake, Barton Murder Is My Hobby
Langan, Glenn Drake, Barton Mystery Is My Hobby
Langan, Glenn Morgan, Chuck Stand by for Crime
Langford, Frances Bickerson, Blanche Bickersons, The
Langford, Frances Bickerson, Blanche Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Langford, Frances Bickerson, Blanche Old Gold Show, The
Lansing, Hall Walsh, Knobby Joe Palooka
Lansing, Mary Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Lansing, Mary Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Lansing, Mary Barbour, Mary Lou One Man's Family
Lansing, Mary Collins, Julie Guiding Light, The
Lansing, Mary Crane, Betty Greatest of These, The
Lansing, Mary Duncan, Mary Today at the Duncans
Lansing, Mary Gorcey, Nurse Private Practice of Dr. Dana, The
Lansing, Mary Gorsey, Nurse Private Life of Dr. Dana
Lansing, Mary Graves, Grace Junior Miss
Lantz, Mary Louise Daughter Edith Adam's Future
LaPoine, Lucille Aunt Polly Tom Sawyer
Larch, John Starr, Rocky Starr of Space
Larkin, John Cliff Brighter Day, A
Larkin, John Darnell, Peter Backstage Wife
Larkin, John Gabler, Roy Romance of Helen Trent, The
Larkin, John Grant, Major Mister Moto
Larkin, John Harper, Steve Helpmate
Larkin, John Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Larkin, John McKenzie, Lance Lone Journey
Larkin, John Mercury, Mister Mister Mercury
Larkin, John Nelson, Miles Right to Happiness, The
Larkin, John Nichols, Jim Houseboat Hannah
Larkin, John Nolan, Johnny Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Larkin, John Rogers, Buck Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Larkin, John Trail, Mark Mark Trail
Larkin, John Watson, Eric Portia Faces Life
Larkin, John Wells, Tom Ma Perkins
Larrimore, Earl Hamilton, Stephen Life Can Be Beautiful
Latham Joe Lively Our Gal Sunday
Latham, Joe Brent, Father Road of Life, The
Latham, Joe Hackett, John When A Girl Marries
Latham, Joe Pop Myrt and Marge
Latham, Joe Stubbins Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Latham, Joe Uncle Will Home, Sweet Home
Latimer, Ed Borris, Mr. Adventures of Topper
Latimer, Ed Gordon, Don Home of the Brave
Latimer, Ed Handyman House In the Country, A
Latimer, Ed Joe Home of the Brave
Latimer, Ed Mathison, Matty Nick Carter, Master Detective
Latimer, Ed O'Toole, Bugsy Romance of Helen Trent, The
Latimer, Ed Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
Latting, Bob Dalton, Eddie Story of Sandra Martin, The
Latting, Bob Landis, Jack Woman In White
Lauck, Chester Edwards, Columbus "Lum" Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Lum (Columbus Edwards) Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Spears, Grandpappy Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Weehunt, Cedric Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Hogan, Snake Lum and Abner
Lauren, Jane Lang, Adele Wendy Warren and the News
Laurie, Joe Jr. Sniffy We Are Always Young
Lawes, Warden Lewis E. Lawes, Warden Lewis E. Crime Cases of Warden Lawes, The
Lawrence, Charles Wimpy, Wellington J. Popeye the Sailor
Lawrence, Charlotte Britton, Reba Just Plain Bill
Lawrence, Charlotte Kenmore, Leona Our Gal Sunday
Lawrence, Charlotte McGill, Stacy Adventures of Christopher Wells
Lawrence, Elizabeth Brent, Francis Road of Life, The
Layne, Zella Crocker, Betty Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air
Lazer, Joan Allison, Peggy My Son Jeep
Lazer, Joan Daughter Gramps
Lazer, Joan Jessica Rosemary
Lazer, Joan Malone, Jill Young Dr. Malone
Lazer, Joan Sharp, Debbie Big Guy
LeCornec, Bill Dilly Dally Howdy Doody
LeDoux, Leone Barbour, Abigal One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Barbour, Constance One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Barbour, Deborah One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
LeDoux, Leone Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
LeDoux, Leone Farnsworth, Paul John One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Higgins, Robespierre Baby Snooks Show, The
Lee, Barbara Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Lee, Billy Beasley Flying Time
Lee, Earl Ben One Man's Family
Lee, Earl Jones, Lt. Lee Dragnet
Lee, Earl Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Lee, Irvin Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Lee, Johnny Calhoune, Algonquin Jr. Amos 'n' Andy
Lee, Madaline Blue, Genevieve Amos 'n' Andy
Lee, Madaline Burton, Wendy Second Mrs. Burton, The
Lee, Madaline Gertrude Henry Morgan Show, The
Lee, Melba Morgan, Mrs. Dearest Mother
Lee, William Hendricks, Never-Fail Story of Mary Marlin, The
Leeds, Peter Eugor Rogue's Gallery
Leeds, Peter Joe, the Yes Man Alan Young Show, The
LeFevre, Bill May, Pete Family Doctor
LeFevre, Ned Holden, Hed Guiding Light, The
LeFevre, Ned Kegg, Jonathan Life In Your Hands, A
LeFevre, Ned Phil Masquerade
Leff, Henry Millard, Ray Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Leff, Jana Barbour, Jane One Man's Family
Lefferty, Fran Vikki Marriage for Two
LeGrand, Richard Ole Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
LeGrand, Richard Peavy, Richard Q. Great Gildersleeve, The
LeGrand, Richard Smithers, Pa Memory Lane
Leiber, Fritz Madison, James Roses and Drums
Lemmon, Jack Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Lenni, Francesca Narda Mandrake the Magician
Lenni, Francesca Putnam, Laura Your Family and Mine
Lenrow, Bernard Barns, Geoffery Molle Mystery Theatre
Lenrow, Bernard Bradley, Mr. Aldrich Family, The
Lenrow, Bernard Carson Valiant Lady
Lenrow, Bernard Logan, Inspector Casey, Crime Photographer
Lenrow, Bernard Nebucadnezzer Light of the World, The
Leonard, Gene Allison, Glen Trouble House
Leonard, Gene Barrett, Jim Valiant Lady
Leonard, Sheldon Crunchmiller, Joe Judy Canova Show, The
Leonard, Sheldon Grogan Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Leonard, Sheldon Koska, Sergeant McCoy, The
Leonard, Sheldon Sam Johnny Fletcher
Leonard, Sheldon Sharp, Orvill Meet Me At Parky's
Leonard, Sheldon Tout Jack Benny Program, The
Lescoulie, Jack Grouchmaster Grouch Club, The
Lesser, Jerry Benson, John Life of Mary Sothern, The
Lester, Jack Bideaux, Joe Silver Eagle
Lester, Jack King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
Lester, Jack King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
Lester, Jack Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Lester, Jay Brown, Robinson Jr. Robinson Crusoe Jr.
Lester, Jay Gump, Chester Gumps, The
Levy, Estelle Cosette (Younger) Les Miserables
Levy, Estelle Helen Adventures of Helen and Mary
Levy, Estelle Helen Adventures of Helen and Mary
Levy, Estelle Stella Hilltop House
Lewis, Abby Telephone Operator House In the Country, A
Lewis, Cathy Daughter Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Lewis, Cathy Daughter of Mrs. Danbury Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Lewis, Cathy Knight, Phyllis "Phyl" Michael Shayne
Lewis, Cathy Milford, Kathryn Great Gildersleeve, The
Lewis, Cathy Stacy, Jane My Friend Irma
Lewis, Diana Thatcher, Becky Tom Sawyer
Lewis, Elliott Carney, Philip Voyage of the Scarlet Queen
Lewis, Elliott Durango, Hawk Hawk Durango
Lewis, Elliott Durango, Hawk Hawk Larabee
Lewis, Elliott Friday, Bart Adventures by Morse
Lewis, Elliott Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Lewis, Elliott Graves, Harry Junior Miss
Lewis, Elliott Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Lewis, Elliott Knicherbocker, Mr. Knicherbocker Playhouse
Lewis, Elliott Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Lewis, Elliott Peterson, Mr. This Is Judy Jones
Lewis, Elliott Presto the Magician Cinnamon Bear
Lewis, Elliott Remley, Frank Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Lewis, Forrest Agamemon Scattergood Baines
Lewis, Forrest Baker, Ernie Scattergood Baines
Lewis, Forrest Ben One Man's Family
Lewis, Forrest Carter, James Woman In My House
Lewis, Forrest Delfeeno, Roy Vic and Sade
Lewis, Forrest Green, Doc Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Lewis, Forrest Howard, Jim Betty and Bob
Lewis, Forrest Keats, J. Wellington Scattergood Baines
Lewis, Forrest Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Lewis, Forrest Michael I Love A Mystery
Lewis, Forrest Peavy, Richard Q. Great Gildersleeve, The
Lewis, Forrest Rufus Ma Perkins
Lewis, Forrest Tooley, C. Pemberton Ma Perkins
Lewis, Forrest Wash Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Lewis, Forrest Wilde, Jonah Roy Rogers Show, The
Lewis, Helen Hopkins, Kate Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Lewis, Helen Lowell, Maggie Road of Life, The
Lewis, Helen Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Lewis, Helen Pendeleton, Gladys Ma Perkins
Lewis, Helen Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Lewis, Helen Sally Mighty Show, The
Lewis, Helen Trueheart, Tess Dick Tracy
Lewis, Jack Madigan, Jocko Pat Novak for Hire
Lincoln, Ann Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Lincoln, Ann Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Lipton, Bill Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Lipton, Bill Carter, Chick Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Lipton, Bill Dantro Planet Man
Lipton, Bill Friend Hearts In Harmony
Lipton, Bill Malone, David Young Dr. Malone
Lipton, Bill Skeezix Gasoline Alley
Lipton, Billy Wilbur, Ken Your Family and Mine
Lipton, James Grant, Dick Guiding Light, The
Lipton, James Reid, Dan Lone Ranger, The
Liss, Ronald Bobby Bright Horizon
Liss, Ronald Crutch Story of Bess Johnson, The
Liss, Ronald Grayson, Dick: Robin Adventures of Superman
Liss, Ronald Ned Peables Takes Charge
Liss, Ronald Robin: Dick Grayson Adventures of Superman
Liss, Ronald Scotty Mark Trail
Liss, Ronald Son That's My Pop
Liss, Ronald Wade, George "Buddy" Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Liszt, Marge Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Livingston, Chuck Barclay, Bob Thrills of the Secret Service
Livingston, Mary Livingston, Mary Jack Benny Program, The
Locke, Ralph Brownspun, Milton Second Husband
Locke, Ralph Employer Mister Feathers
Locke, Ralph Knapp, Professor Dot and Will
Locke, Ralph Soloman, David Life Can Be Beautiful
Lockhart, Gene Nebbs, Mr. Nebbs, The
Lockhart, Kathleen Nebbs, Mrs. Nebbs, The
Lockser, Judith Dennis, Barbara "Babby" Brighter Day, A
Lockser, Judith Henderson, Paulette Ma Perkins
Lockwood, Ben Romantic Interest Keeping Up With Rosemary
Lockwood, Grace Cary, Mrs. Betty and Bob
Lockwood, Grace Hendrix, Mrs. Betty and Bob
Lockwood, Grace Regan, Mrs. Attorney at Law
Loeb, Philip Goldberg, Jake Goldbergs, The
Loftus, Cecilia Wright, Sarah Roses and Drums
Logan, Janet Fairchild, Kay Step Mother
Logan, Janet Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Logan, Janet Jones, Jill Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Logan, Janet Kingsley, Grace Gallant Heart
Logan, Janet Moore, Stella Girl Alone
Logan, Janet Sinclair, Sandra Romance of Helen Trent, The
Look see: Bumstead, Alex Baby Dumpling Blondie
Look see: Bumstead, Blondie Blondie Blondie
Lord, Philips H. Country Doctor Country Doctor
Lord, Philips H. Gunn, Pop Great Gunns
Lord, Philips H. Mitchell, Frazier Story of Mary Marlin, The
Lord, Philips H. Parker, Seth Seth Parker
Lord, Philips H. Sprague Flying Time
Lord, Sophie Peters, Lizzie Seth Parker
Loring, Joan Turrie, Suzanne This Is Nora Drake
Lorre, Peter Moto, Mr. I.A. Mister Moto
Love, Elizabeth Graham, Betty Roses and Drums
Love, Elizabeth Leighton, Mrs. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Love, Sunda Barton, Clara Junior Nurse Corps
Love, Sunda Bennett, Miss Bachelor's Children
Love, Sunda Fairchild, Kay Step Mother
Love, Sunda Karamench Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Love, Sunda Lawrence, Leota Myrt and Marge
Love, Sunda Moran, Francis Today's Children
Lovejoy, Frank Barnes, Christopher Today's Children
Lovejoy, Frank Blue Beetle, The: Dan Garrett Blue Beetle, The
Lovejoy, Frank Broadway Harry Gay Nineties Revue
Lovejoy, Frank Chaney Life of Mary Sothern, The
Lovejoy, Frank Ellerbe, Chris Valiant Lady
Lovejoy, Frank Forbes, Brad Brave Tomorrow
Lovejoy, Frank Garrett, Dan: The Blue Beetle Blue Beetle, The
Lovejoy, Frank Halliday, Larry Bright Horizon
Lovejoy, Frank Malone, John J. Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Lovejoy, Frank Malone, John J. Murder and Mister Malone
Lovejoy, Frank Martin, Charles Stella Dallas
Lovejoy, Frank McBride, Rex Here Comes McBride
Lovejoy, Frank Narrator This Is Your F.B.I.
Lovejoy, Frank Paul This Day Is Ours
Lovejoy, Frank Peters, Bill As the Twig Is Bent
Lovejoy, Frank Peters, Bill We Love and Learn
Lovejoy, Frank Stone, Randy "Lucky" Nightbeat
Lovejoy, Frank Weigand, Bill Mister and Mrs. North
Lovell, Leigh Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Lovett, Dorothy Andrews, Cecily Lone Journey
Lovett, Dorothy Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Lowe, Edmund Quirt, Sergeant Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
Lowell, Dorothy Brinthrope, Sunday Our Gal Sunday
Lowell, Dorothy Linda Hilltop House
Lowell, Dorothy Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Lowell, Helen Lizzie Tish
Lowry, Judith Annie Story of Mary Marlin, The
Lowry, Judith Ferguson, Emmy Welcome Valley
Lowry, Judith Graham, Mrs. Dan Harding's Wife
Lowry, Judith Grimm, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Lowry, Judith Stevens, Emma "Stevie" Valiant Lady
Lubin, Lou Shorty Amos 'n' Andy
Luckey, Susan Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Luckey, Susan Barbour, Jane One Man's Family
Luddy, Barbara Adams, Janet Munson Woman In White
Luddy, Barbara Ahtea Tarzan
Luddy, Barbara Carver, Margo Margo of Castlewood
Luddy, Barbara Clark, Judith Lonely Women
Luddy, Barbara Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Luddy, Barbara Gunn, Veronica Great Gunns
Lujack, Johnny Lujack, Johnny Johnny Lujack of Notre Dame
Lukas, Paul Einstein, Albert Quick and the Dead, The
Lund, John Chaplain Jim Chaplain Jim
Lund, John Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Lung, Charlie Sycamore, Paul You Can't Take It with You
Lung, Charlie Wing, Lo Out of the Deep
Lupton, Danny Lee, Martin In the Case of Aggie Horn
Luther, Paul Elmond, Ward Backstage Wife
Luther, Paul Hitler, Adolf Our Secret Weapon
Lydon, Jimmy Jimmy Young Love
Lynch, Ken American Cafe Istanbul
Lynch, Ken Assistant to the Police Commissioner Top Guy
Lynch, Ken Gargoyle Bishop and the Gargoyle, The
Lynch, Ken King, Lieutenant Matt Twenty-First Precinct
Lynch, Ken Stark, Slim Woman of America
Lynch, Ken Tinker Hop Harrigan
Lynch, Ken Victor Backstage Wife
Lynch, Peg Arbuckle, Peg Ethel and Albert
Lynd, Helen Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Lynn, Billy MacDougal, Mac Tillie the Toiler
Lynn, Billy Milquetoast, Casper Timid Soul, The
Lynn, Lorna Bartlett, Jill My Best Girls
Lynn, Lorna Dennis, Barbara "Babby" Brighter Day, A
Lyon, Priscilla Adams, Fluffy Junior Miss
Lyon, Priscilla Archer, Corliss Meet Corliss Archer
Lyon, Priscilla Foster, Amy Those We Love
Lyon, Priscilla Holly, Ann Mayor of the Town
Lytell, Bert Randall, Lee: Jimmy Valentine Alias Jimmy Valentine
Lytell, Bert Stuart, Jeb Roses and Drums
Lytell, Bert Valentine, Jimmy: Lee Randall Alias Jimmy Valentine
Lytton, Herb Johnson, Bill Gallant Heart
MacAllister, Charles Halsey, Jack Doctor Kate
MacAteer, Alan Pop Backstage Wife
MacBride, DeWitt Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
MacBryde, Jack Cassidy, Danny Eno Crime Club
MacBryde, Jack McCloud, Sergeant Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
MacBryde, Jack Old Ranger Death Valley Days
MacBryde, Jack Peewee Peewee and Windy
MacBryde, John Dyke, Joseph Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
MacDonald, Ed Hughes, Tommy Big Town
MacDonald, Edmund Burke, Inspector Murder Will Out
MacDonald, Margaret Moore, Betty Betty Moore
MacGibbon, Harriet Kent, Lucy Home, Sweet Home
MacGregor, Joan Moran, Dorothy Today's Children
MacHarrie, Lindsay Wesley the Whale Cinnamon Bear
Mack, Gilbert Tex Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Mack, Helen Archer, Janet Meet Corliss Archer
Mack, Helen Minter, Marge Myrt and Marge
MacKaye, Fred Craig, Stephen Crossroads
MacKaye, Fred Rice, Monk Point Sublime
MacLaughlin, Don Chaplain Jim Chaplain Jim
MacLaughlin, Don Collins, Kit As the Twig Is Bent
MacLaughlin, Don Collins, Kit We Love and Learn
MacLaughlin, Don Harding, David Counterspy
MacLaughlin, Don Sloan "Tennessee" Jed Tennessee Jed
MacLaughlin, Don Swanson, Dwight Romance of Helen Trent, The
MacLaughlin, Don Thorne, Tex Zane Grey Show, The
MacMurray, Fred Harvey, George Bright Star
Macy, Jerry Berkeley, Mr. Leave It to Mike
Macy, Jerry Chico Terry and Ted
Macy, Jerry Harvey Trouble House
Macy, Jerry Kruger, Judge Valiant Lady
Madison, Guy Hickok, Wild Bill Wild Bill Hickok
Madison, Joan Bronson, Isobel Carol Kennedy's Romance
Madison, Joan Lowry, Ann Trouble House
Mael, Merrill Uncle Fletcher Vic and Sade
Maher, Ellen Aunt Hearts In Harmony
Maher, Mont Crowley, Fred Doctor Kate
Maher, Wally Boyfriend Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Maher, Wally Dudley, Lance Brenthouse
Maher, Wally Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Maher, Wally Leighton, Creighton This Is Judy Jones
Maher, Wally Mike Adventures of Maisie
Maher, Wally Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Maher, Wally Riley, Lieutenant Let Geroge Do It
Maher, Wally Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Mahoney, Jock Guest Star Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Maitland, Arthur Crane, Mr. Stella Dallas
Maitland, Arthur Drake, Silas Your Family and Mine
Maitland, Arthur Minister Marriage for Two
Maitland, Arthur Sweeney, Zeke David Harum
Maitland, Arthur Weatherby, Mr. Archie Andrews
Malone, Florence Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Malone, Florence Diamond, Mrs. Adventures of Captain Diamond
Malone, Florence Ellis, Miss Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons
Malone, Florence Gilder, Mrs. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Malone, Pick Molasses Molasses and January
Malone, Pick Molasses Show Boat
Malone, Pick Pick Model Minstrels
Malyan, Eily Greystroke, Lady Tarzan
Mandeville, Butler Bolger, Doctor Joan and Kermit
Mangano, Don Tony Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Mann, Gloria Chandler, Marilyn Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Mann, Gloria Lodge, Veronica Archie Andrews
Mann, Paul Kerby, George Adventures of Topper
Mann, Paul Quisinberry, Perry "Quiz" Passport for Adams
Manners, Pam Rogers. Gwen Myrt and Marge
Manning, Connie Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Manning, Irene Night Club Singer Mister Broadway
Manning, Jack Crawford, David Young Dr. Malone
Manson, Charlotte Barrington, Bryn Clark Society Girl
Manson, Charlotte Bertrand, Marcelle Backstage Wife
Manson, Charlotte Bowen, Patsy Nick Carter, Master Detective
Manson, Charlotte Fairchild, Kay Step Mother
Manson, Charlotte Gray, Gillian This Is Nora Drake
Manson, Charlotte Karamench Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Manson, Charlotte Kransky, Rose Guiding Light, The
Manson, Charlotte Randy King's Row
Manson, Maurice McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Manville, Butler Tweedy, Mr. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
March, Hal Cook, Mr. Too Many Cooks
March, Hal Henshaw, Matt December Bride
March, Hal March Sweeney and March
March, Judith Morgan, Rita Dearest Mother
Marden, Adrienne Jordan, Patricia Story of Bess Johnson, The
Margetts, Monty Sherlock, Jane Meet Miss Sherlock
Margo Mitty, Betty Secret of Walter Mitty, The
Margo Tanya Into the Light
Marin, Jerry Brown, Buster Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
Marion-Crawford, Howard Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Marivale, Philip Spence, Reverend One Foot In Heaven
Markey, Enid Burke, Lillian Woman of Courage
Markin, Al Astro Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Marks, Sherman Binney, Joe Backstage Wife
Marks, Sherman Mudd, Ichabod "Ichy" Captain Midnight
Marlon, Paul Husband Merry Life of Mary Christmas, The
Marlowe, Anne Penny Hearts In Harmony
Marlowe, Hugh Curtis, Jim Brenda Curtis
Marlowe, Hugh Julius Caesar Coronets
Marlowe, Hugh Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Marr, Eddie Press Agent Jack Carson Show, The
Marr, Edie Nolan, Detective Murder Will Out
Marsac, Maurice French Teacher Our Miss Brooks
Marsh, Audrey Esther Harv and Esther
Marsh, Dixie Martha Hawthorne House
Marsh, Myra Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Marsh, Myra Hilda Junior Miss
Marsh, Myra Rhinelander, Mother My Friend Irma
Marshall, Brenda Smith, Nancy Smiths of Hollywood
Marshall, Herbert Man Called X: Ken Thurston Man Called X, A
Marshall, Herbert Thurston, Ken: The Man Called X Man Called X, A
Marshall, Nancy Holt, Natalie Story of Bess Johnson, The
Marshall, Nancy Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Marson, Truda Marley, Alice Gallant Heart
Martens, Thora Smith, Irene Smith Family, The
Martin, Frank Archer, Harry Meet Corliss Archer
Martin, Frank Hartley, Hashknife Hashknife Hartley
Martin, Ian Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Martin, Ian Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Martin, Ian Harland, Lord Top Secret
Martin, Ian Inspector, The Dear Margy, It's Murder
Martin, Ian Kirk, Arnold Right to Happiness, The
Martin, Ian Nathan Against the Storm
Martin, Ian Sutton, Horace Young Dr. Malone
Martin, Ian Victor, Johnny Man About Music
Martin, Ian Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Marx, Chico Penelli Marx of Time, The
Marx, Chico Ravelli, Emmanuel Beagle, Shyster and Beagle
Marx, Chico Ravelli, Emmanuel Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel
Marx, Groucho Beagle, Waldorf T. Beagle, Shyster and Beagle
Marx, Groucho Drivel, Ulysses H. Marx of Time, The
Marx, Groucho Flywell, Waldorf T. Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel
Mason, Lewis Betts, Clem Moonshine and Honeysuckle
Mason, Mary Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Mason, Mary Bartlett, Penny My Best Girls
Mason, Mary Mason, Maudie Maudie's Diary
Mason, Mary Roberts, Jinny Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Mason, Reginald Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Massey, Ilone Gaza, Karen Top Secret
Masters, Natalie Matson, Candy Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Mather, Jack Cisco Kid Cisco Kid, The
Mather, Jim Indian Dialect Red Ryder
Mattheson, Ruth Scott, Nicole Against the Storm
Matthews, George Friend Hearts In Harmony
Matthews, Grace Chandler, Susan Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Matthews, Grace Dennis, Elizabeth "Liz" Brighter Day, A
Matthews, Grace Erickson, Julie Hilltop House
Matthews, Grace Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Matthews, Grace Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Matthews, Junius Eph, Grandpa David Harum
Matthews, Junius Red Lantern Land of the Lost
Matthews, Junius Wee, Ling Gasoline Alley
Matthews, Junius Wichita Luke Slaughter of Tombstone
Max, Ed Blotto Executioner Cinnamon Bear
Max, Ed Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Max, Ed Doherty, Bingo Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Max, Ed Gallagher, Mr. Voyage of the Scarlet Queen
Maxwell, Bobby Dean Marlin, Davey Story of Mary Marlin, The
Maxwell, Frank Garvey, Uthas P. Colonel Humphrey Flack
Maxwell, Ted Carlisle, Gunnar H. Out of the Deep
Maxwell, Ted Morgan, Chuck Hawthorne House
Maxwell, Ted Nino, Fred Masquerade
Maxwell, Ted Ross, Captain Flying Time
Maxwell, Ted Santo, Ralph Today's Children
Maxwell, Ted Warner, Leo Girl Alone
May, Naomi Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Mayehoff, Eddie Greentree, Waldo Against the Storm
Mayehoff, Eddie Scott, Mark Against the Storm
Mayer, Ken Robertson, Robbie Space Patrol
Mazurki, Mike Sam Johnny Fletcher
McAllister, Charles Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
McAllister, Ian Crony Meet Mr. Meek
McBride, DeWitt Tanner, Mel Lone Journey
McCabe, Leo Dallas, Stephen Stella Dallas
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Caruso City Desk
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Lawrence, Sydney One Man's Family
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Skeezix Gasoline Alley
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Weston, James Wilderness Road
McCallion, Jimmy "Jimmy" White, Billy Billy and Betty
McCambridge, Mercedes Bryant, Martha Ellis Defense Attorney
McCambridge, Mercedes Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
McCambridge, Mercedes Jones, Judy This Is Judy Jones
McCambridge, Mercedes Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
McCambridge, Mercedes Meredith, Midge Midstream
McCambridge, Mercedes Mitzi Date With Judy, A
McCambridge, Mercedes Richards, Sunny I Love A Mystery
McCambridge, Mercedes Ruthledge, Mary Guiding Light, The
McCambridge, Mercedes Spencer, Sarah Ann Family Skeleton
McCambridge, Mercedes Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
McCammon, Bess Anthony, Agatha Romance of Helen Trent, The
McCammon, Bess Dubois, Mrs. Backstage Wife
McCammon, Bess Fairchild, Mother Step Mother
McCammon, Bess King, Jesse Lone Journey
McCammon, Bess McEvoy, Olive Young Widder Brown
McCammon, Bess Sanders, Alice Life of Mary Sothern, The
McCarthy, Jack Barclay, Bob American Agent
McCarthy, Jack Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
McCarthy, Jack Jordan, Ned Ned Jordan, Secret Agent
McCarthy, Jack Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
McCarthy, Kevin Holmes, Sherlock C.B.S. Mystery Theatre
McCarthy, Kevin Lawless, Richard Richard Lawless
McCarthy, Mary Would-Be-Model Redhead, The
McCarthy, W.J. Mulligan, Matthew Jumbo Fire Chief Program
McClain, Jimmy Doctor I.Q. Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
McClain, Jimmy Doctor I.Q. Jr. Doctor I.Q. Jr.
McClain, Jimmy Mental Banker, The Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
McCloud, Mercer Cummings, Fran Second Husband
McClure, Vance Endman Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
McComb, Kate Evans, Mrs. Valiant Lady
McComb, Kate Maggie Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
McComb, Kate O'Neill, Mother O'Neills, The
McConnell, Art Culbertson, Jack Vic and Sade
McConnell, Art McBlock, Sweet Corn Vic and Sade
McConnell, Ed Froggie the Gremlin Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed Grande the Piano Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed McConnell "Smilin" Ed Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed Midnight the Cat Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed Squeeky the Mouse Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Mary Day, Carolyn Carolyn Day, Detective
McCormick, Myron Adams, Doug Passport for Adams
McCormick, Myron Dodge, Dan Crime Letter from Dan Dodge
McCormick, Myron Harper, Steve Helpmate
McCormick, Myron Manning, Walter Portia Faces Life
McCormick, Myron Mason, Steve Buck Private and His Girl
McCormick, Myron Shellenberger, Bob Central City
McCormick, Myron Sherwood, Paul Joyce Jordan, M.D.
McCormick, Myron Wells, Christopher Adventures of Christopher Wells
McCoy, Jean Marge Snow Village Sketches
McCoy, Jean Margie Scattergood Baines
McCoy, Jean Matson, Abby Lorenzo Jones
McCoy, Jean Sue Chick Carter, Boy Detective
McCoy, Joanne Sue Chick Carter, Boy Detective
McCoy, Malcom Husband Ann Worth, Housewife
McCrae, Joel Pearson, Jace Tales of the Texas Rangers
McCune, Catherine Potts, Clara Scattergood Baines
McCune, Vance Wash Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
McCune, Vance Wheat Aunt Jemima on the Air
McDaniel, Hattie Beulah Beulah
McDaniel, Hattie Mammy Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
McDaniel, Hattie Mammy Show Boat
McDevitt, Ruth Channing, Jane This Life Is Mine
McDevitt, Ruth Mother Keeping Up With Rosemary
McDonald, Jean Grimm, Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
McDonald, Margaret Holly Life Begins
McDonald, Margaret Hopkins, Kate Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
McDonald, Margaret Regent, Dorothy Chandu, the Magician
McDonnell, Craig Daddy Daddy and Rollo
McDonnell, Craig Drake, Captain John Under Arrest
McDonnell, Craig Harka Bobby Benson's Adventures
McDonnell, Craig Harum, David David Harum
McDonnell, Craig Husband Gramps
McDonnell, Craig Moore, Dinty Bringing Up Father
McDonnell, Graig Britt, Dan Official Detective
McFadden, George Jailbusters Jailbusters
McGeehan, Pat Calvert, Ben Aunt Mary
McGeehan, Pat Fer de Lance: Bill Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McGeehan, Pat Lance, Bill: Fer de Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McGeehan, Pat Wandering Vaquero Romance of Helen Trent, The
McGovern, Johnny Foster, Randolph Date With Judy, A
McGovern, Johnny Gallagher, Mike Highway Patrol
McGovern, Johnny Husband Story of Ellen Randolph, The
McGovern, Johnny Little Beaver Red Ryder
McGovern, Johnny Ramsey Backstage Wife
McGovern, Johnny Wilkinson, Harold O'Neills, The
McGovern, Mary Barbour, Mary Lou One Man's Family
McGrady, Jeanette Wilson, Grace Valiant Lady
McGrath, Audrey Airline Hostess Angels in Blue
McGrath, Audrey Regent, Betty Chandu, the Magician
McGrath, Audrey Smith, Monica Romance of Helen Trent, The
McGrath, Paul Allison, Robert My Son Jeep
McGrath, Paul Crawford, David Young Dr. Malone
McGrath, Paul Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
McGrath, Paul Hamilton, Doctor Philip Affairs of Dr. Gentry, The
McGrath, Paul Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
McGrath, Paul Host Inner Sanctum Mysteries
McGrath, Paul Lorimer, Edwin This Life Is Mine
McGrath, Paul Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
McGrath, Paul Wayne, John Big Sister
McGraw, Charles Backstrand, Ed Dragnet
McGraw, Janet Crawford, Lucille Young Dr. Malone
McGuire, Arnold Lem the ScowlerLafe the Thinker Golden State Blue Monday Jamaboree, The
McGuire, Dorothy Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
McHugh, Frank Finnegan, Fairchild Phone Again Finnegan
McHugh, Frank Jolly, Mr. Hotel for Pets
McInnes, Marvel Bowman, Betz This Is Judy Jones
McIntire, John Abbott, John We, The Abbotts
McIntire, John Apple, Mister Meet Mr. Meek
McIntire, John Carter, Peter Line-up, The
McIntire, John Dundy, Lieutenant Adventures of Sam Spade
McIntire, John Fer de Lance: Bill Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McIntire, John Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
McIntire, John Lance, Bill: Fer de Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McIntire, John Mantel, Hamlet Glamour Manor
McIntire, John Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
McIntire, John Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
McIntyre, Frank Captain Barney Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
McIntyre, Frank Captain Henry Show Boat
McKay, Carolyn Cunningham, Celeste Guiding Light, The
McKay, Cher McKay, Cher Merry Macs, The
McKay, Morris Dodsworth, Sam Dodsworth
McKay, Richard Longacre, Henry David Harum
McKay, Scott Nelson, John Barry Cameron
McLaglen, Victor Flagg, Captain Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
McLaglen, Victor Lewis, Eric Red Trails
McLaughlin, Don Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
McLaughlin, Don Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
McLaughlin, Don Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
McLean, Murray Allen, Jimmie Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
McLean, Murray Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
McMahon, Coletta Dane, Linda Woman of America
McMair, Lelah Daughter My Children
McManus, Maureen Young, Sally Pepper Young's Family
McMichael, Joe McMichael, Joe Merry Macs, The
McMichael, Judd McMichael, Judd Merry Macs, The
McMichael, Ted McMichael, Ted Merry Macs, The
McMillian, Gloria Bronson, Sharlee Mayor of the Town
McMillian, Gloria Conklin, Harriet Our Miss Brooks
McNaughton, Harry Bottle Phil Baker Show, The
McNaughton, Harry Higgins It's Higgins, Sir
McNear, Howard Adams, Charles "Doc" Gunsmoke
McNear, Howard Anderson, Northrop C. Carolyn Day, Detective
McNear, Howard Barlow, Clint Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police
McNear, Howard Duncan, Chaplain William Gallant Heart
McNear, Howard Heywood, Steve Story of Sandra Martin, The
McNear, Howard Higgins, Ulysses Adventures of Bill Lance
McNear, Howard Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
McNear, Howard Moore, Calvin Gunsmoke
McNear, Howard Samuel the Seal Cinnamon Bear
McNear, Howard Taylor, Sanderson "Sandy" Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
McNear, Howard Wandering Vaquero Romance of Helen Trent, The
McNeel, Wakelin Ranger Mac Afield with Ranger Mac
Mcoy, Jean Crowell, Mary Four Corners U.S.A.
McPherson, John Mystery Chef Mystery Chef, The
McQuade, Arlene Goldberg, Rosalie Goldbergs, The
McQuade, John Lansing, Steve Our Gal Sunday
McQuade, John Wild, Charlie Charlie Wild, Private Detective
McQueen, Butterfly Oriole Beulah
McReller, Elizabeth Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
McVeagh, Eve Beatty, Harriet Clyde Beatty Show, The
McVey, Tyler Giddings, Elwood One Man's Family
McVey, Tyler Tyler Glamour Manor
McWilliams, Jim Uncle Jim Uncle Jim's Question Bee
Meade, Doris Dell Harvey and Dell
Meade, Dorothy Dorothy Harvey and Dell
Meade, Dwight Harvey Harvey and Dell
Meecham, Malcolm Marshall, Gerald Backstage Wife
Meighan, James Andrews, Cullen Lone Journey
Meighan, James Carter, Peter Lora Lawton
Meighan, James Collins, Richard Marie, the Little French Princess
Meighan, James Dale, Eric I Love Linda Dale
Meighan, James Donovan, Kerry Just Plain Bill
Meighan, James Drake, Alan Special Agent
Meighan, James Drake, Allen Gentleman Adventurer
Meighan, James Eisenhower, Dwight D. These Are Our Men
Meighan, James Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Meighan, James Gordon, Flash Flash Gordon
Meighan, James Horton, Will Dot and Will
Meighan, James McKeever, Doctor John Peggy's Doctor
Meighan, James Michael Orphans of Divorce
Meighan, James Noble, Larry Backstage Wife
Meighan, James Randall, Lee: Jimmy Valentine Alias Jimmy Valentine
Meighan, James Valentine, Jimmy aka Lee Randall Alias Jimmy Valentine
Meighan, James Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Meighan, James Wilson, Reid Against the Storm
Meighan, James Winters, Jack City Desk
Melchoir, Elaine Valmar, Ardala Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Menken, Helen Cummings, Brenda Second Husband
Mercer, Jack Popeye Popeye the Sailor
Meredith, Burgess Adams, Red Red Adams
Meredith, Burgess Davis, Red Red Davis
Meredith, Jay Dennis, Althea Brighter Day, A
Meredith, Jay Jean Mighty Show, The
Meredith, Jay Leighton, Marion Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Meredith, June Underwood, Eve Story of Mary Marlin, The
Meredith, June Webb, Dorothy Wallace Attorney at Law
Meredith, Lucille Paige, Laura County Seat
Merkel, Una Bacon, Nancy Nancy Bacon Reporting
Merkel, Una Fairchild, Adeline Great Gildersleeve, The
Merlin, Jan Manning, Roger Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Merman, Ethel Merman, Ethel Ethel Merman Show, The
Merrifield, Don Grimm, Arnold Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Merrill, Gary Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Merrill, Gary Nelson, Miles Right to Happiness, The
Merrill, Gary Stan Second Mrs. Burton, The
Merrill, Gary Standish, Peter Doctor Standish, Medical Examiner
Merrill, Gary Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Merrill, Howard Bloom, Mickey Goldbergs, The
Merrill, Lou Hyland, Thomas Crime Classics
Merrill, Lou MacKenzie, Craig Latitude Zero
Merrill, Lou Neely, Ed Those We Love
Merrill, Lou Santa Claus Cinnamon Bear
Merrill, Lou Saul, Aaron Point Sublime
Meyers, Dickie Murray, Henry Herbert "Hank" One Man's Family
Michael, Jay Cavendish, Butch Lone Ranger, The
Michael, Jay Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Michael, Jay Preston, Sergeant William Challenge of the Yukon, The
Michael, Jay Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Middleton, Ray Lincoln, Abraham Honest Abe
Miles, Betty Anderson, Millie Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Miles, Ogden Dane, Tommy Woman of America
Miles, Ogden Jehoida Light of the World, The
Milford, Mary Grouch Grouch Club, The
Milland, Ray McNutley, Ray Meet Mr. McNutley
Millar, Lee Regent, Bob Chandu, the Magician
Miller, Marvin Amhurst, Captain Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin Bishop, Doctor Judy and Jane
Miller, Marvin Brandon, Mark Press Club
Miller, Marvin Brooks, Rodney Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin Cousin Consider One Man's Family
Miller, Marvin DeManfield, Edward Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Miller, Marvin Fitt, Colonel Billie Burke Show, The
Miller, Marvin Gloomy Great Gunns
Miller, Marvin Guthrie, Banker Billie Burke Show, The
Miller, Marvin Hero Stop the Villain
Miller, Marvin Jenks, Beezie Harold Teen
Miller, Marvin Lyon, Ben Jeff Regan, Investigator
Miller, Marvin Markham, Lee Woman In White
Miller, Marvin Marleybone, Anthony, Sr. Affairs of Anthony, The
Miller, Marvin McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Miller, Marvin Moe Great Gunns
Miller, Marvin Monihan, Mike Dear Mom
Miller, Marvin Quill, Peter Peter Quill
Miller, Marvin Sample, Marvin Cousin Willie
Miller, Marvin Snells, Larson Great Gunns
Miller, Marvin Sterner, Fritz Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin Stone, Roderick One Man's Family
Miller, Marvin Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Miller, Marvin Whitney, Gil Romance of Helen Trent, The
Miller, Sidney Sidekick Mel Torme Show, The
Milligan, Spike Eccles Goon Show, The
Milligan, Spike Henry Goon Show, The
Mills, Noel Davis, Joan When A Girl Marries
Mills, Warren Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Milner, Martin Lockwood, Officer Bill Dragnet
Milton, John Babcock, Jim Log Cabin Dude Ranch
Miner, Jan Erickson, Julie Hilltop House
Miner, Jan Gloria Glamour Manor
Miner, Jan Lawton, Lora Lora Lawton
Miner, Jan Street, Della Perry Mason
Miner, Jan Wesley, Mary Boston Blackie
Miner, Jan Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Minor, Jan Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Mintz, Eli Brother Goldbergs, The
Mintz, Eli Uncle David Goldbergs, The
Mitchell, Albert Answer Man Answer Man, The
Mitchell, Helen King Em Clara, Lu and Em
Mitchell, Millard Casey Mighty Casey
Mitchell, Shirley Anne, Shirley Joan Davis Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Archer, Kitty: The Mouse McGarry and His Mouse
Mitchell, Shirley Breckenridga, Florabel Honest Harold
Mitchell, Shirley Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Mitchell, Shirley Darling, Alice Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Gillis, Olive "Honeybee" Life of Riley, The
Mitchell, Shirley Helen Bill Goodwin Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Lump-Lump, Mrs. Willie Red Skelton Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Mabel Jack Benny Program, The
Mitchell, Shirley Molly Belle Young Love
Mitchell, Shirley Mouse, The: Kitty Archer McGarry and His Mouse
Mitchell, Shirley Peabody, Phoebe Jack Carson Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Piper, Martha Tales of Willie Piper
Mitchell, Shirley Ransom, Leila Great Gildersleeve, The
Mitchell, Shirley Whirley, Shirley Rudy Vallee Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Whirley, Shirley Sealtest Village Store, The
Mohn, Monty Sherwood, Mel Hawthorne House
Mohr, Gerald Bradley, Jim: Jungle Jim Jungle Jim
Mohr, Gerald Cooper, Humphrey Judy Canova Show, The
Mohr, Gerald Fer de Lance: Bill Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
Mohr, Gerald Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Mohr, Gerald Jones, Sorrowful Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Mohr, Gerald Jungle Jim: Jim Bradley Jungle Jim
Mohr, Gerald Lance, Bill: Fer de Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
Mohr, Gerald Lanyard, Michael: The Lone Wolf Lone Wolf, The
Mohr, Gerald Lone Wolf,: Michael Lanyard Lone Wolf, The
Mohr, Gerald Marlowe, Philip Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Mohr, Gerald Monet, Jacque Our Miss Brooks
Monahan, Dickie Dugan, Dinky Reg'lar Fellers
Monks, James Avenger, The: Jim Brandon Avenger, The
Monks, James Brandon, Jim: The Avenger Avenger, The
Monks, James Douglas, Wade Woman of America
Monks, James Moto, Mr. I.A. Mister Moto
Monroe, Tommy Lem the Scowler Golden State Blue Monday Jamaboree, The
Montgomery, Ray Chandler, Noel Dear John
Moore, Constance Dean, Gloria Hollywood Mystery Time
Moore, Erin O'Brien Banning, Elsa Big Sister
Moore, John Barton, Jeffrey Hilltop House
Moore, John Husband Missis Miniver
Moore, John Miniver, Mr. Missis Miniver
Moore, Terry aka Jan Ford Smith, Shirley "Bumps" Smiths of Hollywood
Moore, Tome Dreamer Smoke Dreams
Moorehead, Agnes Brown, Mrs. Aldrich Family, The
Moorehead, Agnes Calamity Jane Calamity Jane
Moorehead, Agnes Danbury, Mrs. Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Moorehead, Agnes Dragon Lady Terry and the Pirates
Moorehead, Agnes Gump, Min Gumps, The
Moorehead, Agnes Heartburn, Mrs. Sarah Phil Baker Show, The
Moorehead, Agnes Hutchinson, Ma Mighty Show, The
Moorehead, Agnes Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Moorehead, Agnes Lily Meet Mr. Meek
Moorehead, Agnes Lizzie Tish
Moorehead, Agnes Maggie Bringing Up Father
Moorehead, Agnes Martin, Mrs. Freddy Jack Carson Show, The
Moorehead, Agnes Martinson, Peggy King This Is Nora Drake
Moorehead, Agnes Mollet, Mrs. Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
Moorehead, Agnes Mother Brenda Curtis
Moorehead, Agnes Nellie Life Can Be Beautiful
Moorehead, Agnes Roosevelt, Eleanor March of Time, The
Moorehead, Agnes Rosie Dot and Will
Moorehead, Agnes Townsend, Mrs. Story of Bess Johnson, The
Moorhead, Agnes Danbury, Mrs. Jonathon Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Moorhead, Agnes Marilly Mayor of the Town
Moran, Betty Blair, Alice Career of Alice Blair, The
Moran, Betty Chandler, Carol Dear John
Moran, Betty Commissioner's Secretary Dangerous Assignment
Moran, Elizabeth Bingle, Mrs. Busy Mr. Bingle
Moran, Patsy Hilda Junior Miss
Moran, Patsy Hoople, Martha Major Hoople
Moray, Helga Lockwood, Joan Three Sheets to the Wind
Morgan, Claudia Abbott, Jean Abbott Mysteries
Morgan, Claudia Abbott, Jean Adventures of the Abbotts
Morgan, Claudia Allen, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Morgan, Claudia Allen, Christy Against the Storm
Morgan, Claudia Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Morgan, Claudia Charles, Nora Adventures of the Thin Man
Morgan, Claudia Kramer, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Morgan, Claudia Oakley, Clarissa David Harum
Morgan, Claudia Scott, Christy Against the Storm
Morgan, Elizabeth Jackson, Mona This World Is Ours
Morgan, Frank Tweedy, Thaddeus Q. Fabulolus Dr. Tweedy
Morgan, Gene Crandell, Gary Carol Kennedy's Romance
Morgan, Gene Marvin, Rex Myrt and Marge
Morgan, Gene Taylor, Bill Today's Children
Morgan, Henry Morgan, Henry Henry Morgan Show, The
Morgan, Jan Lillian Glorious One
Morgan, jane Mawson, Nora Brenthouse
Morgan, Jane Davis, Mrs. Margaret Our Miss Brooks
Morgan, Jane Grandmother of Ann Cooper Crossroads
Morgan, Jane Hanover, Evelyn "Evy" Point Sublime
Morgan, Jane Hemp, Emily Honest Harold
Morgan, Jane Lane, Mary Aunt Mary
Morgan, Jane O'Reilly, Mrs. My Friend Irma
Morgan, Patsy Flanagan, Mrs. Sad Sack
Morgan, Patsy Girlfriend Sad Sack
Morgan, Raymond Creepy Voice Opening Murder at Midnight
Morris, Ben Novak, Pat Pat Novak for Hire
Morris, Chester Boston Blackie Boston Blackie
Morris, Chester Great Merlini Great Marlini, The
Morris, Chester Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Morris, P.G. "Bud" Smith, Ed Smith Family, The
Morrison, Bret Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Morrison, Bret Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Morrison, Bret First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Morrison, Bret Gunn, Chris Great Gunns
Morrison, Bret Hayward, Jonathan Romance of Helen Trent, The
Morrison, Bret Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Morrison, Bret Speaker Light of the World, The
Morrison, Bret Varney, Pierre Song of the Stranger
Morrison, Bret Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Morrison, Bret Westland, Stanley Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Morrison, Ethel Daisey Young Dr. Malone
Moss, Arnold Ahmed Stella Dallas
Moss, Arnold Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Moss, Arnold Cameron, Philip Against the Storm
Moss, Arnold Cop Cafe Istanbul
Moss, Arnold Fabian, Doctor Cabin B-13
Moss, Arnold Frank Man I Married, The
Moss, Arnold Giles Story of Mary Marlin, The
Moss, Arnold Speaker Light of the World, The
Moyles, Jack Daggett, Major Fort Laramie
Moyles, Jack Douglas, Bradford Douglas of the World
Moyles, Jack O'Hara O'Hara
Moyles, Jack Sherwood, Mel Hawthorne House
Moyles, Jack Jordan, Rocky Man Named Jordan, A
Moyles, Jack Jordan, Rocky Rocky Jordan
Mullen, Charles Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Muller, Charles Mommie's Child 3 of 3 Mommie and the Men
Munier, Ferdinand Michon, Rene Count of Monte Cristo, The
Munn, Frank Oliver, Paul Palmolive Hour, The
Munson, Ona Kilbourne, Lorelei Big Town
Murdock, Kermit Buchanan, Rod Whisper Men
Murphy, Horace Blodgett, Buckskin Red Ryder
Murphy, Pat Curtis, Scoop Girl Alone
Murphy, Pat Travers, Reginald Romance of Helen Trent, The
Murray, Jan Brother It's Always Albert
Mussleman, Helen Waite, Ann One Man's Family
Naish J, Carroll Basco, Luigi Life With Luigi
Nash, Clarence Donald Duck Fun and Fancy Free
Nash, Clarence Donald Duck Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Nash, Clarence Frog Bob Burns Show, The
Nash, Clarence Herman the Duck Burns and Allen Show, The
Nash, Clarence Rinso White bobwhite Amos 'n' Andy
Nash, Dale Parker, Dolly Shafter Parker and His Circus
Nathan, C. Henry Banning, Bob Woman In White
Neely, Henry M, Janitor As the Twig is Bent
Neely, Henry M, Janitor We Love and Learn
Neely, Henry M. Channing, David This Life Is Mine
Nelson, David Nelson, David Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nelson, Dick Markham, Barry Life Can Be Beautiful
Nelson, Dick Piper, Willie Tales of Willie Piper
Nelson, Dolph Foster, Red Dear Mom
Nelson, Frank Captain Tim Tin Top Cinnamon Bear
Nelson, Frank Conscience Life of Riley, The
Nelson, Frank Duncan, John Today at the Duncans
Nelson, Frank Lyon, Anthony J. Lion's Eye, The
Nelson, Frank Rokoff, Nikolas Tarzan
Nelson, Frank Woodley, Herb Blondie
Nelson, Harriet Daisey June Red Skelton Show, The
Nelson, Harriet Junior's Mother Red Skelton Show, The
Nelson, Harriet Nelson, Harriet Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nelson, Herb Fraser, Ralph Dan Harding's Wife
Nelson, Herbert Grainger, Carl Betty and Bob
Nelson, Herbert Lawlor, George Romance of Helen Trent, The
Nelson, Herbert Randolph, Sid Carters of Elm Street, The
Nelson, Marie Anthony, Agatha Romance of Helen Trent, The
Nelson, Marie Collins, Ellen Bachelor's Children
Nelson, Marie Maggie Myrt and Marge
Nelson, Ozzie Nelson, Ozzie Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nelson, Ricky Nelson, Ricky Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nettleton, Lois Dennis, Patsy Brighter Day, A
Neumayer, Marilou Jennings, Gwyn In the Case of Aggie Horn
Neumayer, Marilou Ryan, Joyce Captain Midnight
Nevil, Charles Son It's Higgins, Sir
Neville, Harry Fiedling, Mr. O'Neills, The
Newton, Theodore Parker, Christopher Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Nicholson, Bob Clarabell the Clown Howdy Doody
Nicholson, Bob Hornblow, Clarabell Howdy Doody
Niese, George Goodhue, Tod Backstage Wife
Niesen, Claire Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Niesen, Claire Childless Wife We Who Dream
Niesen, Claire Noble, Mary Backstage Wife
Niesen, Claire O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Niles, Wendell Niles, Wendell Ice Box Follies
Niles, Wendell Niles, Wendell Niles and Prindle
Nilsson, Norma Jean Anderson, Kathy Father Knows Best
Nilsson, Norma Jean Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
Noa, Julian Donaldson, Malcom Valiant Lady
Noa, Julian Kramer, Mr. Right to Happiness, The
Noa, Julian Scott, Judge O'Neills, The
Noa, Julian White, Perry Adventures of Superman
Noble, Wendell Labor Manuel Smile Time
Noblette, Irene Irene Tim and Irene Show, The
Noe, Robert Gavigan, Police Inspector Great Marlini, The
Nolan, Jeanette Casino Home of the Brave
Nolan, Jeanette Hudson, Mrs. Sherlock Holmes
Nolan, Jeanette Magra Tarzan
Nolan, Jeanette Moore, Nicolette One Man's Family
Nolan, Jeanette Princess La of Opar Tarzan
Nolan, Jeanette Roosevelt, Eleanor March of Time, The
Nolan, Jeanette Smith, Kay Life Begins
Nolan, Jeanette Thompson, Mrs. Great Gilsersleeve, The
Nolan, Lloyd Kane, Martin Martin Kane, Private Eye
Nolan, Lloyd Strange, Johnny Results Incorporated
Nordine, Ken Host Adventurer's Club, The
North, Clyde Dean, Spencer Eno Crime Club
North, Robert Faye, Wille Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Norton, Cliff Connie Terry and the Pirates
Norwith, Jack Club Propreitor Gay Nineties Revue
Novello, Jay Bowman, David Aunt Mary
Novello, Jay Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Novello, Jay Jameson Lone Wolf, The
Novello, Jay Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Novello, Jay Sabaaya, Sam Rocky Jordan
Novis, Donald Mulligan, Matthew Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Nunn, Larry Bradley, Don Glorious One
Nunn, Larry Brent, Peter Brenthouse
Nye, Louis Bowen, Al Official Detective
O'Brien-Moore, Erin Perry, Elizabeth John's Other Wife
O'Brien, Edmund Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
O'Brien, Edmund Gregory Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
O'Brien, Pat Dan Rexall Summer Theatre, The
O'Day, Michael Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
O'Day, Michael Evans, Neddie Big Sister
O'Day, Michael Jinky Robinson Crusoe Jr.
O'Day, Michael Newsboy Big Town
O'Day, Michael Parker, Richard Parker Family, The
O'Hanlon, George Husband George O'Hanlon Show, The
O'Hanlon, George Husband Me and Janie
O'Herlihy, Dan Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
O'Keefe, Dennis Larsen, Treasury Agent T-Man
O'Keefe, Dennis Laughton, Jim Hollywood Mystery Time
O'Malley, Neil Harvey, Captain Howie Wing
O'Malley, Neil Jiggs Bringing Up Father
O'Malley, Neil Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
O'Meara, Jerry Silo, Mr. Little Orphan Annie
O'Morrison, Kevin Wild, Charlie Charlie Wild, Private Detective
O'Neal, Anne Verryberry, Cynthia Grapevine Rancho
O'Neil, Kitty Laughing Lady Al Pearce and His Gang
O'Shea, Oscar Marshall, John Those We Love
O'Shea, Patsy Riley, Aggie Reg'lar Fellers
Oakie, Jack Prez Jack Oakie's College
Ocko, Danny Muggin, Sergeant Inspector Thorne
Odin, Susan Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Odin, Susan Barbour, Jane One Man's Family
Ogden, Vivia Annie Orphans of Divorce
Ogden, Vivia Ma House Beside the Road, The
Ogden, Vivia Ma Wayside Cottage
Ogden, Vivia Mitchell, Mother O'Neills, The
Ogg, Sammy Henderson, Donnie Beulah
Ogg, Sammy Little Beaver Red Ryder
Ogg, Sammy Marvin Honest Harold
Oliver, Edna Mae Tuttle, Miss Remarkable Miss Tuttle, The
Oliver, Shirling Trowbridge, Dudley Valiant Lady
Olmstead, Nelson Houston, Joe Bachelor's Children
Olmstead, Nelson Lee, Edgar In the Case of Aggie Horn
Olmstead, Nelson Martel, Paul Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Olson, Frank Swedish Goat Goat Island Goats
Olson, Winifred Mother Goose Mother Goose
Oppenheim, Jessie Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Ordway, Nancy Holden, Helen Helen Holden, Government Girl
Orr, Angeline Ryan, Joyce Captain Midnight
Orr, Angelne Herringbone, Flossie Ma Perkins
Ortega, Santos Arnold, Jack Myrt and Marge
Ortega, Santos Carvell, Duncan Big Sister
Ortega, Santos Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Ortega, Santos Cobb, Hannibal Hannibal Cobb
Ortega, Santos Collins, Mr. O'Neills, The
Ortega, Santos Curran, Edward Valiant Lady
Ortega, Santos Doctor City Hospital
Ortega, Santos Drexton, Oliver Our Gal Sunday
Ortega, Santos Drummond, Hugh "Bulldog" Bulldog Drummond
Ortega, Santos Grant, Phineas Man I Married, The
Ortega, Santos Kilgore, Roger Roger Kilgore, Public Defender
Ortega, Santos Kirby, Lee Myrt and Marge
Ortega, Santos Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Ortega, Santos Ming, General This Day Is Ours
Ortega, Santos Morley, Clint Portia Faces Life
Ortega, Santos Queen, Inspector Richard Adventures of Ellery Queen
Ortega, Santos Salem, Peter Affairs of Peter Salem, The
Ortega, Santos Slade, Inspector Who Dun It?
Ortega, Santos Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Ortega, Santos Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Orth, Frank Faraday, Inspector Boston Blackie
Orton, Della Louise Adams, Edith Edith Adam's Future
Osborn, Lyn Cadet Happy Space Patrol
Osborne, Ted Carough, Doctor Doctor Kildare
Osborne, Ted Hirohito, Emperor Our Secret Weapon
Osborne, Ted Man In Black Suspense
Osborne, Ted Professor Wiz the Owl Cinnamon Bear
Osgood, Connie Andrews, Ruth Midstream
Osgood, Cornelia Regent, Dorothy Chandu, the Magician
Osgood, Cornelia Winslow, Adella Step Mother
Osgood, Dick Proctor Ned Jordan, Secret Agent
Osgood, Nancy Bennett, Mother Lone Journey
Ossenbrink, Luther Arkie the Arkansas Woodchopper Arkie the Arkansas Woodchopper
Owen, Ethel Allen, Siri Against the Storm
Owen, Ethel Aunt Matt Man I Married, The
Owen, Ethel Boulevard, Beverly Jackie Gleason - Les Tremayne Show, The
Owen, Ethel Brooks, Harriet Tale of Today, A
Owen, Ethel Burton, Mother Second Mrs. Burton, The
Owen, Ethel Cameron, Mrs. City Desk
Owen, Ethel Creighton, Serena Creightons Are Coming, The
Owen, Ethel Friend Story of Ellen Randolph, The
Owen, Ethel Grey, Mrs. Stanton Houseboat Hannah
Owen, Ethel Hedgerow, Molly Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Owen, Ethel Lady Clara Backstage Wife
Owen, Ethel Maid, The Emersons Helpmate
Owen, Ethel Matt, Aunt Man I Married, The
Owen, Ethel Nellie Life Can Be Beautiful
Owen, Ethel Noble, Clara Backstage Wife
Owen, Ethel Porter, Genevieve Step Mother
Owen, Ethel Telephone Operator Busy Mr. Bingle
Owen, Ethel Trowbridge, Abby Valiant Lady
Owen, Ethel Van Every, Carlotta Betty and Bob
Owen, Ethel Widow Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Owen, Tudor Editor Alias Jane Doe
Pacelli, Frankie Drake, Bobby Betty and Bob
Pacelli, Frankie Houston, Billy Tale of Today, A
Pacelli, Frankie Kent, Timothy Story of Mary Marlin, The
Padgett, Pat January Molasses and January
Padgett, Pat January Show Boat
Padgett, Pat Pat Model Minstrels
Page, Gale Armour, Carlotta Lagorro Today's Children
Page, Gale Lamont, Gertrude Masquerade
Page, Gale Marsh, Gloria Today's Children
Page, Gale Sloan, Holly Story of Holly Sloan, The
Pal Lassie Lassie
Palmer, Effie Aldrich, Mother Aldrich Family, The
Palmer, Effie Blakely, Miss As the Twig Is Bent
Palmer, Effie Brent, Mother Road of Life, The
Palmer, Effie Ella Mae Ma and Pa
Palmer, Effie Foster, Mrs. Editor's Daughter
Palmer, Effie Mother Mother and Dad
Palmer, Effie Parker, Mother Seth Parker
Palmer, Effie Turner, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Palmer, Effie Worthington, Nora Kelly Orphans of Divorce
Palmer, Eileen Black, Dodie Scattergood Baines
Palmer, Eileen Evans, Joan Lonely Women
Palmer, Eileen Goldie Backstage Wife
Pankow, Larraine Aunt Lily Bobby Benson's Adventures
Park, Natalie Liston, Lois Tremaine Hawthorne House
Park, Natalie Sherwood, Mariette Hawthorne House
Parker, Jennison Yahbut Al Pearce and His Gang
Parker, Mary Cavendish, Donna Howie Wing
Parker, Mary Gilman, Mrs. My Children
Parker, Olive Julia Road of Life, The
Parker, Rollon Kato Green Hornet, The
Parker, Rollon Newsboy Green Hornet, The
Parker, Warren Jesus Christ Greatest Story Ever Told, The
Parnell, Emory Grouch Grouch Club, The
Parnell, Eva Alicia Young Widder Brown
Parrish, Judith Knight, Phyllis "Phyl" Michael Shayne
Parsons, Fern Baxter Mother Baxters, The
Parsons, Fern Harper, Linda Helpmate
Parsons, Fern Meredith, Julia Midstream
Parsons, Fern Murphy, Patricia Hot Copy
Parsons, Fern Rogers, Anne Hot Copy
Patrick, Pat Twing, Ersel Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Patterson, Elizabeth Maid Halls of Ivy, The
Patterson, Kenneth Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Patterson, Walter Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
Patterson, Walter York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Patton, Mary Glenda Bachelor's Children
Patton, Mary Martel, Marie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Patton, Mary North, Lila Fat Man, The
Patton, Mary Waitress Hap Hazard
Pawley, Edward Wilson, Steve Big Town
Payne, Virginia Carter, Kerry Carters of Elm Street, The
Payne, Virginia Pendeleton, Gladys Ma Perkins
Payne, Virginia Perkins, Ma Ma Perkins
Payne, Virginia Schiltz, Mama Today's Children
Payne, Virginia Schultz, Mrs. Lonely Women
Pearce, Al Blurt, Elmer Al Pearce and His Gang
Pearce, Al Blurt, Elmer Here Comes Elmer
Pearce, Al Eb Al Pearce Show, The
Pearce, Alice Daphne Henry Morgan Show, The
Pearce, Norman Bachelor Poet, The Bachelor Poet, The
Peardon, Patricia Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Peardon, Patricia Worthington, Joan Orphans of Divorce
Pearl, Jack Munchausen, Baron Baron and the Bee, The
Pearl, Jack Munchausen, Baron Jack and Cliff
Pearl, Jack Munchausen, Baron Jack Pearl Show, The
Pearl, Jack Pfeiffer, Peter Family Hotel
Pearson, Gee Gee Girlfriend Man Called X, A
Pearson, Gee Gee Lump-Lump, Mrs. Willie Red Skelton Show, The
Pearson, Gee Gee Maid You Can't Take It with You
Pearson, Gee Gee Mulligan, Daisey Gallant Heart
Pearson, Gee Gee Sarah Dew Red Skelton Show, The
Pearson, Gee Gee Shagnasty, Mrs. Bolivar Red Skelton Show, The
Peary, Harold Jackson, Jimmie Shoestring Castle
Peary, Harold "Hal" Appleby, Mayor Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Bingham, Lord Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Clod, Cicero Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Cramer, the Druggist Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Dinwiddle Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Father of a Student Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Peary, Harold "Hal" Fellows, Major Flying Time
Peary, Harold "Hal" Fright-Wig Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Gildersleeve, Throckmorton P. Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Gildersleeve, Throckmorton P. Great Gildersleeve, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Gooey-Adventures of Fooey Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Haines, Doctor Welcome Valley
Peary, Harold "Hal" Hemp, Honest Harold Honest Harold
Peary, Harold "Hal" Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Peary, Harold "Hal" Silver Screen, Vain Movie Star Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Smagooznok Signal Carnival
Peary, Harold "Hal" Tony the Wop Flying Time
Peary, Harold "Hal" Woodley, Herb Blondie
Peeples, Cornelius Fairchild, Bud Step Mother
Peeples, Cornelius Gilman, Wheezy Those Happy Gilmans
Peeples, Cornelius Snood, Amos Q. Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Pelletier, Vincent Powell, Victor This Is Life
Pelletier, Vincent Robin Calling All Detectives
Penman, Charles Cotter, Jim Rosemary
Penman, Charles Fairchild, John Step Mother
Penman, Charles Hermit Hermit's Cave
Penman, Charles Wiggins, Mr. Uncle Walter's Dog House
Penman, Lee Aldrich, Alice Aldrich Family, The
Penner, Joe Penner, Joe Joe Penner Show, The
Perkins, Ray Judge, Jr. Judge Magazine
Perkins, Sergeant Ron Perkins, Ron Night Watch
Perrin, Vic Beatty, Clyde Clyde Beatty Show, The
Perrin, Vic Brown, Clay Story of Holly Sloan, The
Perrin, Vic Farnsworth, Ross One Man's Family
Perrin, Vic Gorce, Sergeant Fort Laramie
Perrin, Vic Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Perrin, Vic Thorne, Tex Zane Grey Show, The
Perrott, Ruth Aggie Judy Canova Show, The
Perrott, Ruth Brainfeeble, Dottie Vic and Sade
Perrott, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Alan Young Show, The
Perrott, Ruth Katie My Favorite Husband
Perrott, Ruth Rockbottom, Prudence Meet Me At Parky's
Perry, Edith Adams, Janet Munson Woman In White
Persons, Fern Barton, Ma Bartons, The
Persons, Fern Baxter, Marge Baxters, The
Peters, Ken Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Peters, Ken Olsen Life With Luigi
Peterson, Arthur Baxter Father Baxters, The
Peterson, Arthur Baxter, Bill Baxters, The
Peterson, Arthur Comstock, Wilton Bachelor's Children
Peterson, Arthur Parsons, Judge Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Peterson, Arthur Ruthledge, John Guiding Light, The
Peterson, Ivey Bugfuzz, Herman Horsehair WSB Barn Dance
Peterson, Ruth Carroll, Linda Hawthorne House
Petrie, George Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Petrie, George Grant, Commissioner Bill Call the Police
Petrie, George Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Petrie, George Malone, John J. Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Petrie, George Markham, District Attorney Philo Vance
Petrie, George Rufus Backstage Wife
Petrie, George Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Petrie, George Wild, Charlie Charlie Wild, Private Detective
Petruzzi, Jack Bailey, Dick Masquerade
Petruzzi, Jack Lowry, Ed Green Hornet, The
Peyton, Stanley Kenrad, Doctor Doctor Kenrad's Unsloved Mysteries
Phelps, Eleanor Chandler, Susan Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Phelps, Eleanor Daughter Central City
Phelps, Eleanor Eve Light of the World, The
Phelps, Eleanor Friend Two On A Shoestring
Phillips, Barney Jacobs, Sergeant Ed Dragnet
Phillips, Barney Jones, Sombre Hawk Larabee
Phillips, Irna Aunt Blossom Gasoline Alley
Phillips, Irna Moran, Mother Today's Children
Phillips, Irna Moynihan, Mother Painted Dreams
Phillips, Kay Doe, Jane Alias Jane Doe
Phillips, Orville Jones, Washington Reg'lar Fellers
Phillips,Irna Crane, Kay Today's Children
Philson, Betty Abbott, Linda We, The Abbotts
Philson, Betty Craig, Lucy Life Begins
Pichon, Ed "Fats" Eddie Duffy's Tavern
Pickard, John Barrett, Bruce My Son and I
Pickard, John Thursday, Grant Pretty Kitty Kelly
Pickard, John Tremaine, Jerry Hawthorne House
Pickens, Slim Cowboy Cinnamon Bear
Picker, Sylvia Suzy Box 13
Pickford, Mary America's Sweetheart Parties at Pickfair
Pierce, James Tarzan Tarzan
Pierce, Madeleine Arbuckle, Baby Susie Ethel and Albert
Pierce, Madeleine Baby Butch Pepper Young's Family
Pierce, Madeleine Baby Sandy Orphans of Divorce
Pierce, Madeleine Donovan, Wiki Just Plain Bill
Pierce, Madeleine Malone, Jill Young Dr. Malone
Pious, Minerva Nussbaum, Mrs. Pansy Fred Allen Show, The
Pirrone, George Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Podmore, Bill Butler As the Twig Is Bent
Podmore, Bill Butler Second Husband
Podmore, Bill Harrington We Love and Learn
Podmore, Bill Potter Little Herman
Podmore, Bill Thackery, Barnabas Shafter Parker and His Circus
Polen, Nat McCormick, Edward Indictment
Poletchek, Sam Handyman House In the Country, A
Pollard, Robert David Helen Holden, Government Girl
Pollock, Bob Dennis, Grayling Brighter Day, A
Pollock, Bob Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Pollock, Channing Editor Heinz Magazine of the Air
Poppen, Detmar Popeye Popeye the Sailor
Porter, Lew Bickerson, John Bickersons, The
Post, Guy Bates Grant, Ulysses S. Roses and Drums
Post, William Jr. Perry, John John's Other Wife
Powell, Dick Diamond, Richard Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Powell, Dick Johnson, Hildy Front Page
Powell, Dick Murray, Dennis Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Powell, Dick Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Powell, Jane Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Powell, Leigh Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Powell, Morry Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Powell, Mrs. Pasco Aunt Sally Aunt Sally
Powell, William Father My Mother's Husband
Power, Tyrone Edwards, Dean Freedom U.S.A.
Powers, Charles Bigelow, George Aldrich Family, The
Powers, Leona Brown, Mrs. Aldrich Family, The
Powers, Leone Bixby, Mrs. My Son Jeep
Powers, Tom Commentator Central City
Poynton, Loretta Adams, Cynthia Story of Mary Marlin, The
Poynton, Loretta Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Poynton, Loretta Harding, Donna Dan Harding's Wife
Poynton, Loretta Lillums Harold Teen
Poynton, Loretta Madeline Betty and Bob
Poynton, Loretta Morrow, Ruth Flying Time
Pratt, Betty Taylor, Christine Young Dr. Malone
Prentiss, Ed Albright, Red: Captain Midnight Captain Midnight
Prentiss, Ed Captain Midnight: Red Albright Captain Midnight
Prentiss, Ed First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Prentiss, Ed Holden, Hed Guiding Light, The
Prentiss, Ed Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Prentiss, Ed Minister Sweet River
Prentiss, Ed Sidekick to Johnny Lujack Johnny Lujack of Notre Dame
Prentiss, Ed Tremaine, Dal Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Prentiss, Ed Welch, Francis Bartons, The
Preston, Jack Father I'll Find My Way
Preston, Robert Barrett, Pat Man Against Crime
Price, Vincent Croupier, The Croupier, The
Price, Vincent Host Wednesday, Mystery Night Sears Radio Theatre
Price, Vincent Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Price, Vincent Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Prindle, Don Prindle, Don Ice Box Follies
Prindle, Don Prindle, Don Niles and Prindle
Pritchett, Florence Wells, Barbara Barbara Wells
Provendie, Zina Sylvia Goldbergs, The
Provo, Frank Bob, Mr. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Provo, Frank Brandon, Bob Jane Arden
Provo, Frank Roberts, Johnny One Man's Family
Prud'Homme, Cameron Bradley, Governor Little Herman
Prud'Homme, Cameron Harum, David David Harum
Pryor, Roger McGarry, Dan McGarry and His Mouse
Pugh, Jess Argyle, Inspector Silver Eagle
Pugh, Jess Baines, Scattergood Scattergood Baines
Pugh, Jess Doc Doc, Duke and the Colonel
Pugh, Jess Drucker, Major Junior Nurse Corps
Purcell, Irene Goodwin, Anne Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Questel, Mae Boop, Betty Betty Boop's Fables
Questel, Mae Mae Tom, Timmy and Mae
Questel, Mae Oyl, Olive Popeye the Sailor
Questel, Mae Secretary Jack Paar Show, The
Questel, Mae Swee'Pea Popeye the Sailor
Questel, Mae Timmy Tom, Timmy and Mae
Quine, Dick Sawyer, Tom Tom Sawyer
Quinn, Bill "William" Aldis, Guy Against the Storm
Quinn, Bill "William" Davis, Tom When A Girl Marries
Quinn, Bill "William" Little Herman Little Herman
Raby, John Bruce House In the Country, A
Raby, John Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Raby, John Forrester, Jerry Brighter Day, A
Raby, John Harris, St. John "Sinjun" Our Gal Sunday
Raeburn, Bernie Nolan, Neely Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Raffetto, Michael Allen, Roger Attorney for the Defense
Raffetto, Michael Barbour, Paul One Man's Family
Raffetto, Michael Brixton, Jonathon Attorney for the Defense
Raffetto, Michael Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Raffetto, Michael Packard, Jack I Love Adventure
Raffetto, Michael Quigley, Chief Glamour Manor
Raft, George Ace, Edward Cases of Mr. Ace, The
Raft, George Jordan, Rocky Rocky Jordan
Raht, Katherine Aldrich, Alice Aldrich Family, The
Raht, Katherine Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Raht, Katherine Burns, Miss Young Dr. Malone
Raht, Katherine Carrie Snow Village Sketches
Rains, Claude Webb, Doctor Alexander Doctor Christian
Rains, Fred Sidekick Ted Drake, Guardian of the Big Top
Ralston, Esther Jackson, Martha Woman of Courage
Ralston, Esther Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Rand, George Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Rand, George Old Ranger Death Valley Days
Randall, Tony York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Randolph, Amanda Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima
Randolph, Amanda Coggins, Birdie Lee Great Gildersleeve, The
Randolph, Amanda Madame Queen Amos 'n' Andy
Randolph, Amanda Maid Abie's Irish Rose
Randolph, Amanda Maid Kitty Foyle
Randolph, Amanda Oriole Beulah
Randolph, Isabel Brooks, Harriet Tale of Today, A
Randolph, Isabel Donovan, Mrs. Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Randolph, Isabel Ferguson, Grace Welcome Valley
Randolph, Isabel Harding, Rhoda Dan Harding's Wife
Randolph, Isabel Uppington, Mrs. Abigail Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Randolph, Lillian Beulah Beulah
Randolph, Lillian Coggins, Birdie Lee Great Gildersleeve, The
Randolph, Lillian Maid Billie Burke Show, The
Randolph, Lillian Maid My Mother's Husband
Randolph, Lillian Maid Remarkable MissTuttle, The
Randolph, Lillian Sapphire's Mama Amos 'n' Andy
Randolph, Mariam Woodward, Tiny Special Delivery
Rathbone, Basil Burke, Inspector Scotland Yard's Inspector Burke
Rathbone, Basil Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Rathbone, Basil Rathbone, Basil Tales of Fatima
Rau, Ruth Larrimore, Marilyn (Maggie Schultz) Today's Children
Rau, Ruth Schultz, Maggie (Marilyn Larrimore) Today's Children
Rawlinson, Herb Edgar, the Courthouse Guard Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Raymond, Eugene Malone, John J. Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Rea, Joan Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
Rea, Virginia Palmer, Olive Palmolive Hour, The
Reade, Donne Jane Judy and Jane
Readick, Bob American Newspaperman Time for Love
Readick, Bob Cornwell, Don Second Mrs. Burton, The
Readick, Bob Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Readick, Bob Mason, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Readick, Bob Roberts, Bill Rosemary
Readick, Frank Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Readick, Frank Martin, Smilin' Jack Smilin' Jack
Readick, Frank Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Readick, Frank Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Readick, Frank Walsh, Knobby Joe Palooka
Red Pepper Sam Freddie Frog Betty Boop's Fables
Redfield, William Dennis, Grayling Brighter Day, A
Redfield, William Friend Hearts In Harmony
Redfield, William Piper, Willie Tales of Willie Piper
Redfield, William Wakefield, Tom Right to Happiness, The
Redfield, William Willy David Harum
Redgrave, Michael Hornblower, Horatio Horatio Hornblower
Reed, Alan Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Boss George O'Hanlon Show, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Clancy Duffy's Tavern
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Clyde, Mr. My Friend Irma
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Fibbe, Willoughby Pipe Dream
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Heathcliff, Professor Halls of Ivy, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Levy, Soloman Abie's Irish Rose
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Little Mitzi Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Openshaw, Falstaff Fred Allen Show, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Pasquale Life With Luigi
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Potchnik, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Reed, Marion Hopkins, Mrs. Fred Bachelor's Children
Reed, Philip Barrington, Russ Society Girl
Reed, Philip Wells, Brian David Harum
Reed, Sue Friend We Love and Learn
Rees, Mary Marren Field, Marian Masquerade
Rees, William Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Reese, Edward Dean, Spencer Eno Crime Club
Reid, Carl Benton Allen, Roger Big Sister
Reid, Donn Reporter Night Watch
Reid, Elliott Bradley, Biff Pepper Young's Family
Reid, Elliott Browning, Julian Against the Storm
Reid, Elliott Cameron, Philip Against the Storm
Reid, Elliott Castlebury, Marvin Billy and Betty
Reid, Elliott King Farouk March of Time, The
Reid, Ellott Nick Lorenzo Jones
Reid, Ted Booth, Ted Trouble House
Reinheart, Alice Abbott, Jean Abbott Mysteries
Reinheart, Alice Carter, Virginia Woman In My House
Reinheart, Alice Conrad, Carol "Chichi" Life Can Be Beautiful
Reinheart, Alice Dean, Carrie Her Honor, Nancy James
Reinheart, Alice Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Rella, Eleanor Devere, Billie Myrt and Marge
Reller, Elizabeth Armstrong Girl Armstrong Theatre of Today
Reller, Elizabeth Barclay, Connie Doc Barclay's Daughters
Reller, Elizabeth Kitty Michael and Kitty
Reller, Elizabeth Malone, Ann Young Dr. Malone
Reller, Elizabeth Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Remey, Ethel Loring, Victoria Young Widder Brown
Remey, Ethel Mollet, Mrs. Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
Remser, Alice Musical Story Lady Musical Story Lady, The
Renwick, Kay Ada Backstage Wife
Repp, Guy Abernathy, Doctor County Seat
Repp, Guy Mussolini, Benito Our Secret Weapon
Reynolds, Marjorie Barnes, Betty Lou Tailspin Tommy
Reynolds, Will H. Branford, Tex Magic Island
Rice, Clive Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Rice, Herb Chinese Cook Bobby Benson's Adventures
Rice, Herb Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Rice, Howard Carney, Uncle Don: Uncle Don Uncle Don
Rice, Howard Higgins, Mayor Luke Main Street Sketches
Rice, Howard Uncle Don: Uncle Don Carney Uncle Don
Rice, Rosemary Cameron, Kathy When A Girl Marries
Rice, Rosemary Cooper, Betty Archie Andrews
Rice, Rosemary Malone, Jill Young Dr. Malone
Rich, Doris Miss Daisey Portia Faces Life
Rich, Doris Vinnie Barry Cameron
Rich, Irene Bradley, Judith Glorious One
Rich, Irene Castle, Irene Life of Irene Castle, The
Rich, Irene Chandler, Faith Dear John
Rich, Irene Davis, Irene Lady Counsellor
Rich, Irene Woman Woman from Nowhere
Richards, Grant Dobbs, Charles This is Nora Drake
Richards, Grant Thomas, Hal Against the Storm
Richardson, E.P. Aunt Julie House Beside the Road, The
Richardson, E.P. Aunt Julie Wayside Cottage
Richardson, Ralph Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Rick, Doris O'Leary, Hannah Houseboat Hannah
Ricketts, Bill Bill Maude and Cousin Bill
Ricketts, Maude Maude Maude and Cousin Bill
Rider, Richard Allen, Bret Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Riggs, Tommy Betty Lou Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Riggs, Tommy Riggs, Tommy Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Ritter, Tex Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Ritter, Thelma Best Friend McGarry and the Mouse
Robb, Marylee Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Robb, Marylee Peabody, Pearl Lum And Abner
Robb, Marylee Robespierre Baby Snooks Show, The
Robb, Marylee Vanderclipp, Emily Burns and Allen Show, The
Robb, Marylee Williamson, Dorothy Penny Singleton Show, The
Roberts, Dorothy Whistler, One who whistles theme Whistler, The
Roberts, Ken Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Robertson, Arnold Boats Now Hear This
Robertson, Arnold Jensen, Doctor This Is Nora Drake
Robertson, Arnold Potts, Ed Scattergood Baines
Robertson, Ralph Lee Cummings, Bill Second Husband
Robin, Mildred Barclay, Mimi Doc Barclay's Daughters
Robinson, Bartlett Bancroft, Curtis Romance of Helen Trent, The
Robinson, Bartlett Foreign Correspondent Foreign Assignment
Robinson, Bartlett Manning, Walter Portia Faces Life
Robinson, Bartlett Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Robinson, Bartlett Rupert Backstage Wife
Robinson, Bartlett Scott, Truman "Tubby" Valiant Lady
Robinson, Bartlett Welby, Byron Pretty Kitty Kelly
Robinson, Edward G. Wilson, Steve Big Town
Robinson, Florence Assistant to Philo Vance Philo Vance
Robinson, Florence Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Robinson, Florence Hunt, Rose Our Gal Sunday
Robinson, Florence Parker, Gwen Nona from Nowhere
Robinson, Frances Asher, Helen Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Robinson, Frances Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Robinson, Larry Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Robinson, Larry Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Robinson, Larry Dane, John Woman of America
Robinson, Larry Goldberg, Sammy Goldbergs, The
Robinson, Larry Jackson, Tommy Woman of Courage
Rockwell, Robert Boynton, Philip Our Miss Brooks
Rodier, Rene Shark, Fury Captain Midnight
Rodman, Victor Payne, Jerry Those We Love
Roessler, Elmira Davis, Jennifer Backstage Wife
Roessler, Elmira Fairchild, Billy Step Mother
Roessler, Elmira Herringbone, Tweetsie Ma Perkins
Roessler, Elmira Howe, Ann Joe Palooka
Roessler, Elmira Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Roessler, Elmira Sister-In-Law Peabodys, The
Roessler, Elmira Waitress Hap Hazard
Rogers, Jean Dascomb, Elaine Those We Love
Rogers, Lynn Wallace, Marie Guiding Light, The
Rogers, Roy Rogers, Roy Roy Rogers Show, The
Rogers, Sydney Gilman, Mr. My Children
Rogers, Will Jr. Rogers, Will Rogers of the Gazette
Rolf, Erik Nielsen, Thor Prairie Folks
Rolf, Erik Simons, Hans Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Rolfe, Mary Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Rolfe, Mary Rose Rose of My Dreams
Romance, Mike Ranch Hand Thunder Over Paradise
Romano, Michael Bideaux, Joe Silver Eagle
Romano, Michael Fallon, Clyde Bachelor's Children
Romano, Michael Lal, Singh Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Ronson, Adele Deering, Wilma Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Ronson, Adele Gibson, Sally Gibson Family, The
Ronson, Adele Mizznick, Irma Meyer the Buyer
Ronson, Adele Perry, Elizabeth John's Other Wife
Rooney, Mickey Bell, Ralph J. "Shorty" Shorty Bell
Rooney, Mickey Hardy, Andy Hardy Family, The
Roos, Jeanine Harris, Alice Jr. Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Rose, Billy Carter, Jess Carters of Elm Street, The
Rose, Billy Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Rose, Norman Paul We Love and Learn
Rose, Norman Peter As the Twig Is Bent
Rose, Norman Peter We Love and Learn
Rose, William Shamus Houseboat Hannah
Roseleigh, Jack Davis, Sam Red Davis
Roseleigh, Jack Gibson, Pa Gibson Family, The
Roseleigh, Jack Hutchinson, Paul Hilltop House
Roseleigh, Jack Winslow, Doctor Road of Life, The
Roseleigh, Jack Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Roseliegh, Jack Shoestring, Charlie Circus Days
Rosenbloom, Maxie Rosenbloom, Maxie Slapsie Maxie Show, The
Rosenova, Olga Pech, Theresa Bachelor's Children
Ross, Anthony Broadway Columnist Mister Broadway
Ross, David Bob Mary and Bob
Ross, Earle Boomer, J.R. Meet Millie
Ross, Earle Boone, J.R., Sr. Meet Millie
Ross, Earle Hooker, Horace Great Gildersleeve, The
Ross, Earle Julius Billie Burke Show, The
Ross, Earle MacBrayer, Howie Point Sublime
Ross, Evelyn Mi Do Re Me Program
Ross, Jack Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Ross, Jack Ranch Boy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Ross, Mabel Re Do Re Me Program
Ross, Norma Jean Greenman, Ronnie Guiding Light, The
Ross, Norma Jean Reed, Beth Scattergood Baines
Rost, Elaine Burrage, Inze Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Rost, Elaine Piper, Martha Tales of Willie Piper
Rouverol, Jean Carter, Betty One Man's Family
Roventini, Johnny Johnny Philip Morris Playhouse
Rowell, Glenn Rowell, Glenn Gene and Glenn
Rowlands, Hugh Brett, Trigger Island Venture
Rowlands, Hugh Donovan, Skip Flying Patrol
Rowlands, Hugh Flannigan, Sergeant Hot Copy
Rowlands, Hugh Jimmy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Rowlands, Hugh Lowe, Stooge Dan Harding's Wife
Rowles, Polly Aunt to Nita Bennett Lone Journey
Roy, Cecil Aunt Maizie Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Roy, Cecil Dean, Daisy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Roy, Cecil Junior Fitz Ma Perkins
Roy, Cecil Milquetoast, Casper Timid Soul, The
Roy, John Calvert, Roy Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Royce, Riza Loring, Victoria Young Widder Brown
Royle, Selena Cameron, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Royle, Selena Hope, Hilda Hilda Hope, M.D.
Royle, Selena Jackson, Martha Woman of Courage
Royle, Selena Jean O'Neills, The
Royle, Selena Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Royle, Selena Mintern, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Royle, Selena Mother Central City
Rozan, Gerts Eleta Terry and the Pirates
Rubin, Benny Tout Jack Benny Program, The
Rubin, Jack Levy, Morris O'Neills, The
Ruffner, Edmund Ruffner, Edmund "Tiny" Adventures of Captain Diamond
Russell, Ann Carter, Bernice Carters of Elm Street, The
Russell, Charles Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Russell, Ruth Donovan, Namcy Just Plain Bill
Russell, Ruth Kathy Our Gal Sunday
Russell, Ruth Penelope Ma and Pa
Rutherford, Ann Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
Rutherford, Ann Monahan, Connie Eddie Bracken Show, The
Ryan, Margaret Meade, Miss Miss Meade's Children
Ryan, Patricia Carol Skippy
Ryan, Patricia Geraldine Aldrich Family, The
Ryan, Patricia March, Amy Little Women
Ryan, Patricia Mary Adventures of Helen and Mary
Ryan, Patricia Mary Adventures of Helen and Mary
Ryan, Patricia Naughton, Claudia Claudia and David
Ryan, Patricia Parker, Elly Parker Family, The
Ryan, Patricia Wilser, Myra Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Ryan, Tim Tim Tim and Irene Show, The
Ryder, Alfred Carl Easy Aces
Ryder, Alfred Goldberg, Sammy Goldbergs, The
Ryder, Klock Hermit Hermit's Cave
Rye, Michael Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Sain, Louis Bumfildorfer, Erasmus Stoopnagel and Budd
Sale, Charles "Chick" Wilkins, Wheel Penzoil Program
Sale, Virginia Martha Those We Love
Sally Troy, Helen Cecil and Sally
Sanders, Lugene Archer, Corliss Meet Corliss Archer
Sands, Charley Sassafras Honeyboy and Sassafras
Sands, Dorothy Clark, Mary Ann Barry Cameron
Sands, Dorothy Margot Backstage Wife
Santoro, Olivio Boy Yodeler Olivio Santoro
Sargent, Nanette Henderson, Paulette Ma Perkins
Sargent, Nanette Nora Lonely Women
Sarsfield, James Skipper Jim Skipper Jim
Saunders, Nicholas Ross, Sergeant Martin Kane, Private Eye
Sawyer, Joe O'Hara, Biff Rin-Tin-Tin
Saxe, Henry Finkelstein, Abe Houseboat Hannah
Saxe, Henry Warbucks, Daddy Little Orphan Annie
Saxe, Henry William Betty and Bob
Scherer, Lemond Miss Mead's Child 3 of 3 Miss Meade's Children
Schlicter, Jack Allen, Jimmie Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Schmidt, Arch Printer I'll Find My Way
Schnabel, Stefan Rattler, The Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Schnabel, Stefan Yost, Herbert Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Schreiber, Mignon Fox, Jennie Foxes of Flatbush, The
Schrieber, Mignon Kransky, Mrs. Guiding Light, The
Scott, Janet Carter, Jessie Woman In My House
Scott, Martha Blair, Alice Career of Alice Blair, The
Scott, Ralph Darnot, Paul Tarzan
Scourby, Alexander Cameron, Philip Against the Storm
Scourby, Alexander Campbell, Richard Right to Happiness, The
Scourby, Alexander Jonathan Light of the World, The
Scourby, Alexander Martin, Greg Second Mrs. Burton, The
Scourby, Alexander Temple, Herbert Young Widder Brown
Scully, Frances Scully, Frances Lux Radio Theatre
Seabrook, Gay Susabelle Joe Penner Show, The
Seabury, Ynez Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Seaman, Laddie Bradley, Biff Pepper Young's Family
Searchy, George Moran, George Majestic Theatre of the Air
Secombe, Harry Bloodknock, Major Goon Show, The
Secombe, Harry Min Goon Show, The
Secombe, Harry Moriarity Goon Show, The
Secrest, Cecil Bob Mary and Bob
Secrest, Cecil Kent, Fred Home, Sweet Home
Secroy, William J. Chinese Goat Goat Island Goats
See also: Bumstead, Dagwood Dagwood Blondie
Selby, Sarah Graves, Grace Junior Miss
Selby, Sarah Wife My Mother's Husband
Seldon, George Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Sellers, Charles Emmett Mack, Charlie Majestic Theatre of the Air
Sellers, Peter Seagoon, Nettie Goon Show, The
Seltzer, Art Summers, Bill Masquerade
Seymour, Anne Anne Buck Private and His Girl
Seymour, Anne Blake, Portia Portia Faces Life
Seymour, Anne Dane, Prudence Woman of America
Seymour, Anne Graham, Prudence Our Gal Sunday
Seymour, Anne Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Seymour, Anne Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Seymour, Anne Montague, Lily Magnificent Montague, The
Seymour, Anne Nolan, Francie Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Seymour, Anne Wife Gramps
Seymour, Dan Danny Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Seymour, Dan Man at the Phone Sing It Again
Seymour, Jane Brown, Mrs. Claudia and David
Seymour, John Davenport Locke, Lawrence Manhatten Mother
Seymour, May Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Shallett, Margaret Finkelstein, Becky Houseboat Hannah
Shanna, Margarette Tremaine, Connie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Shayne, Robert Manning, Walter Portia Faces Life
Shea, Gil Axford, Mike Green Hornet, The
Sheehan, Tess Aunt Dorrie Wendy Warren and the News
Sheehan, Tess Cora Woman of Courage
Sheffield, Reggie Archie Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Sheilds, Fred Archer, Harry Meet Corliss Archer
Shelley, Bill Kane, Killer Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Shelley, Norman Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Shelly, Ann Roberts, Joan One Man's Family
Shelly, William Abendroth, Doctor Valiant Lady
Shelly, William Harum, Lish David Harum
Shelly, William Norris, Richard Orange Lantern, The
Shelton, Mimi Beauty, The Beauty and the Beast
Shepard, Ann Evans, Hope Big Sister
Shepard, Ann Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Shepard, Ann Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Shepard, Ann Margaret Lorenzo Jones
Shepard, Ann Strange, Hilary Lora Lawton
Shepard, Ann Sutton, Pearl Just Plain Bill
Shepard, Ann Taggert, Pearl Our Gal Sunday
Sherer, Leonard Doctor I'll Find My Way
Sheridan, Nancy Barker, Irma Lorenzo Jones
Sheridan, Nancy Breen, Widow Gladys Mighty Casey
Sherman, Eleanor Susan We Love and Learn
Sherman, Ransom Hazard, Hap Hap Hazard
Sherman, Ransom Judge Nitwit Court
Sherman, Ransom Rancher Grapevine Rancho
Sherman, Ransom Uncle Dennis Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Shermet, Hazel Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Shideler, Dorothy Drake, May Betty and Bob
Shideler, Dorothy Hartford, Jane Betty and Bob
Shields, Fred Fraser, Bill Tarzan
Shields, Helen Burton, Turner Joyce Young Widder Brown
Shields, Helen Dale, Linda I Love Linda Dale
Shields, Helen Meadows, Sylvia Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Shields, Helen Nora Bringing Up Father
Shields, Karena Gregory, Helen Tarzan
Shields, Marcella Margy Margy the Steno
Shipp, Mary Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Shipp, Mary Bartlett, Linda My Best Girls
Shipp, Mary Foster, Kay My Friend Irma
Shipp, Mary Spaulding, Miss Life With Luigi
Shirley, Alfred Abernathy, Sergeant Scotland Yard's Inspector Burke
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Death Squad
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Hearthstone of the Death Squad
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Hearthstone of the Death Squad
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Molle Mystery Theatre
Shirley, Alfred Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Shirley, Tom Aldrich, Sam Aldrich Family, The
Shockey, Marion Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Shockley, Marion Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
Shockley, Marion Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Shutts, Mae Tucker, Sarah Lawyer Tucker
Siber, Roslyn Goldberg, Rosalie Goldbergs, The
Sidell, Amy Cherry Mark Trail
Silver, Eleanor Rand, Miss Mister District Attorney
Silver, Jeffery Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Silver, Jeffery Carter, Peter Woman In My House
Silver, Jeffrey Son Me and Janie
Silver, Sid Beetle Phil Baker Show, The
Simons, Syd Knight, John Girl Alone
Sims, Larry Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Sinatra, Frank Fortune, Rocky Rocky Fortune
Sinclair, Arthur Considine, John A. Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Singer, Stuffy Marvin Honest Harold
Singer, Stuffy Sample, Sandy Cousin Willie
Singleton, Doris Betty Alan Young Show, The
Singleton, Doris Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Singleton, Doris Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Singleton, Doris Henshaw, Ruth December Bride
Singleton, Doris Townsend, Roberta My Friend Irma
Singleton, Penny Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
Singleton, Penny Williamson, Penny Penny Singleton Show, The
Skelton, Edna Heckler Avalon Time
Skelton, Red Deadeye Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Junior "The Mean Widdle Kid" Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Kadiddlehopper, Clem Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Lump-Lump, Willie Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red McPugg, Cauliflower Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Numbskull, Newton J. Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Shagnasty, Bolivar Red Skelton Show, The
Skinner, Cornilia O. Mary Johnny Presents
Skulnik, Menasha Cohen, Mr. Abie's Irish Rose
Skulnik, Menasha Uncle David Goldbergs, The
Slattery, Charles George Tony and Gus
Sloane, Everett Brannan, Lester Valiant Lady
Sloane, Everett Danny Bulldog Drummond
Sloane, Everett Drake, Alfred This Is Nora Drake
Sloane, Everett Goldberg, Sammy Goldbergs, The
Sloane, Everett Hogan, Pop Hogan's Daughter
Sloane, Everett Kennelly, Captain Frank Twenty-First Precinct
Sloane, Everett Seabrook, Doctor Big Sister
Sloane, Everett Van Derhof, Grandpa You Can't Take It With You
Sloane, Everette Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
Slocum, Jim Honeyboy Honeyboy and Sassafras
Slon, Sidney Solly Goldbergs, The
Slon, Sidney Trent Valiant Lady
Smart, J. Scott Bloat, Senator Fred Allen Show, The
Smart, J. Scott Fat Man, The: Brad Runyon Fat Man, The
Smart, J. Scott Holmes, Mycroft Sherlock Holmes
Smart, J. Scott Joe Mister and Mrs.
Smart, J. Scott Long, Huey March of Time, The
Smart, J. Scott Police Commissioner Top Guy
Smart, J. Scott Runyon, Brad: The Fat Man Fat Man, The
Smart, J. Scott Toby Big Town
Smart, J. Scott Uncle Ben Joe and Ethel Turp
Smart, J. Scott Uncle Louie Meet Mr. Meek
Smith, Betty Ruth Adams, Karen Woman In White
Smith, Betty Ruth Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Smith, Betty Ruth Monroe, Catherine Backstage Wife
Smith, Betty Ruth Trent, Helen Romance of Helen Trent, The
Smith, Betty Ruth Walker, Myra Woman In White
Smith, Bill Brown, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Smith, Bill Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Smith, Bill Dennis, Richard Brighter Day, A
Smith, Bill Queen, Inspector Richard Adventures of Ellery Queen
Smith, Bill Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Smith, Bob Howdy Doody Howdy Doody
Smith, Bob Smith, Buffalo Bob Howdy Doody
Smith, Caryl Howard, Pauline "Pauly" Maudie's Diary
Smith, Caryl Jones, Tillie Tillie the Toiler
Smith, Caryl Mason, Maudie Maudie's Diary
Smith, Caryl Pauley Maudie's Diary
Smith, Cora B. Lili Portia Faces Life
Smith, Francis Sooky Skippy
Smith, Howard Brandon, Police Chief DickTracy
Smith, Howard Brown, Will Aldrich Family, The
Smith, Howard Galloway, Jack Jane Arden
Smith, Howard Gardy, Inspector Pretty Kitty Kelly
Smith, Howard Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
Smith, Jack Caldwalder, Uria Show Boat
Smith, Joe Marshall, Henry Smith Family, The
Smith, John Major General Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
Smith, Leonard Johnson, Blue-Tooth Vic and Sade
Smith, Leonard Miller, Russell Vic and Sade
Smith, Leonard Snodgrass, Fabian "Stretch" Our Miss Brooks
Smith, Mark Doctor Story of Ellen Randolph, The
Smith, Mark Foyle, Pop Kitty Foyle
Smith, Mark Jiggs Bringing Up Father
Smith, Mark Peables Peables Takes Charge
Smith, Mary Dale, Evelyn House Beside the Road, The
Smith, Mary Dale, Evelyn Wayside Cottage
Smith, Sally Webster, Priscilla We Are Four
Smith, Sidney Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Smith, Sidney Sloan, Pete Dot and Will
Smith, Sydney Father Keeping Up With Rosemary
Smith, Sydney Harvey, Peter Rosemary
Smith, Sydney Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Smith, Verne Hartley, Bill Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Smith, Vic Carter, Henry Carters of Elm Street, The
Smith, William Baxter, Philip Stella Dallas
Smolen, Vivian Barclay, Marge Doc Barclay's Daughters
Smolen, Vivian Brinthrope, Sunday Our Gal Sunday
Smolen, Vivian Grosvenor, Laurel Stella Dallas
Smolen, Vivian Lodge, Veronica Archie Andrews
Smythe, J. Anthony Barbour, Henry One Man's Family
Snowden, Eric Alvin Parties at Pickfair
Snowden, Eric Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Sorel, Guy Noble, Larry Backstage Wife
Sorin, Louis Pan Pancho Cisco Kid, The
Sothern, Ann Revere, Maisie Adventures of Maisie
Sothern, Hugh Marshall, John Those We Love
Sothern, Jean Gray, Edie Pepper Young's Family
Sothern, Jean Rickard, Connie Red Davis
Soubier, Cliff Barnacle Bill Barnacle Bill
Soubier, Cliff Barnett, Barney Home Town, Unincorporated
Soubier, Cliff Bell, Jim Sky King
Soubier, Cliff Boggs, Mayor Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Soubier, Cliff Branch, Herman Bartons, The
Soubier, Cliff Coast Guards Flying Patrol
Soubier, Cliff Colonel Doc, Duke and the Colonel
Soubier, Cliff Humple Gasoline Alley
Soubier, Cliff Marryin' Sam Li'l Abner
Soubier, Cliff McKenzie, David Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Soubier, Cliff Pittaway, Mr. Hap Hazard
Soubier, Cliff Ranch foreman Sky King
Soubier, Cliff Thurston, Howard Thurston the Magician
Soubier, Cliff Twentysixer, Dwight Vic and Sade
Soubier, Cliff Uncle Louie Meet Mr. Meek
Soulé, Olan Aha Little Orphan Annie
Soulé, Olan Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Soulé, Olan Hubbard, Kermit Joan and Kermit
Soulé, Olan Kelly Captain Midnight
Soulé, Olan Peabody, Stanley Honest Harold
Soulé, Olan Pinker, Lieutenant Dragnet
Soulé, Olan Regent, Bob Chandu, the Magician
Soulé, Olan Ryder, Sam Bachelor's Children
Soulé, Olan SS-11 Captain Midnight
Soulé, Olan Valentine, George Let George Do It
Soulé, Olan Wright, Tom Couple Next Door
Sparks, Ned Grouch Grouch Club, The
Spellman, Jerry Wilson, Jeff Secret City
Spencer, Edith Aunt Jenny Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Spencer, Edith Aunt Tilly Old Homestead, The
Spencer, Jack Jenks, Mr. Harold Teen
Sprague, Ruth James, Alice Hawthorne House
Springer, Deborah Williams, Emily American Woman's Jury
Springer, Deborah Williams, Judge Emily American Woman's Jury
Stafford, Hanley Colt, Thatcher Thatcher Colt Mysteries
Stafford, Hanley Conway, Bart Presenting Charles Boyer
Stafford, Hanley Dithers, Julius C. Blondie
Stafford, Hanley Henry VIII English Coronets
Stafford, Hanley Higgins, Mr. Baby Snooks Show, The
Stafford, Hanley Irma's Father Fanny Brice Show, The
Stafford, Hanley Parker, Mr. Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Stafford, Hanley Perry, John John's Other Wife
Stafford, Hanley Snapper Snitch the Crocodile Cinnamon Bear
Stander, Lionel Farnsworth, J. Riley Life of Riley, The
Stander, Lionel Holihan Grapevine Rancho
Stang, Arnold Albert It's Always Albert
Stang, Arnold Brewster, Joey That Brewster Boy
Stang, Arnold Fingerhood, Seymour Goldbergs, The
Stang, Arnold Gerard Henry Morgan Show, The
Stang, Arnold Nephew Remarkable Miss Tuttle, The
Stanley, John Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Stanley, Milton Michael Our Secret World
Starkey, Louise Clara Clara, Lu and Em
Starr, Muriel Leighton, Susan Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Starrett, Ann Irene Our Secret World
Stehli, Edgar Chinese Houseboy Thanks for Tomorrow
Stehli, Edgar Gramps Gramps
Stehli, Edgar Huer, Doctor Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Stehli, Edgar Miller, District Attorney Crime Doctor
Stehli, Edgar Starr, Rex A. It's Murder
Stehli, Edgar Starr, Rex A. It's Murder
Steinbuck, Adele Miscellaneous Nanny Goat Goat Island Goats
Steiner, Marilyn Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Steinke, Bill Jolly, Bill Jolly Bill and Jane
Steinke, Bill Jolly, Bill No School Today
Stenius, George Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Stenius, George Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Stephen, Bud Milton Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Sterling, Robert Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Sterrett, Anne Ginny Right to Happiness, The
Stevens, Julie Abbott, Jean Abbott Mysteries
Stevens, Julie Foyle, Kitty Kitty Foyle
Stevens, Julie Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
Stevens, Julie Lowell, Maggie Road of Life, The
Stevens, Julie Trent, Helen Romance of Helen Trent, The
Stevens, K.T. Graves, Lois Junior Miss
Stevens, Naomi Franklin, Irene One Man's Family
Stevens, Naomi Royce, Daphne Brenthouse
Stevens, Onslow Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Stevenson, Margot Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Stewart, Blance Brenda Bob Hope Show, The
Stewart, Harry Larson, Longfellow Phone Again Finnegan
Stewart, Harry Yorgenson, Yogi Al Pearce and His Gang
Stewart, James Ponset, Britt: The Six Shooter Six Shooter
Stewart, James Six Shooter, The: Brit Ponset Six Shooter
Stewart, Paul Charlie David Harum
Stewart, Paul Mendoza, Gyp Life Can Be Beautiful
Stewart, Paul Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Stirling, Nora Corinne Dot and Will
Stirling, Nora Marietta Dot and Will
Stirling, Nora Mary Mary and Bob
Stoddard, Haila Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Stone, Anne Dennison, Lydia Those We Love
Stone, Anne Duchene, Marie Count of Monte Cristo, The
Stone, Anne Faure, Gabrielle Brenthouse
Stone, Anne Harrington, Madge Glorious One
Stone, Ezra Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Stone, Harlan Jones, Forsythe "Jughead" Archie Andrews
Stone, Harold Soda Fountain Counterman My Silent Partner
Stone, Harold Waters, Sergeant Twenty-First Precinct
Stone, Lewis Hardy, Judge Hardy Family, The
STone, Milburn Milligan, Skeets Tailspin Tommy
Storck, Shelby Robertson, Speed Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Stork, Clifford Rogers, Jolly Valiant Lady
Storm, Gale Albright, Margie My Little Margie
Stout, Rex Debunker of Nazi Propaganda Our Secret Weapon
Straight, Clarence Rags Those We love
Strasberg, Susan Marriott, Emily Marriage, The
Stratton, Chester Abel Light of the World, The
Stratton, Chester Adamic, Stan Her Honor, Nancy James
Stratton, Chester Ames, Tom Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Stratton, Chester Barton, Joe Cimarron Tavern
Stratton, Chester Harrigan, Hop Hop Harrigan
Stratton, Chester Kayden, Monte O'Neills, The
Stratton, Chester Mickey Mickey of the Circus
Stratton, Chester Scott, Mark Against the Storm
Stratton, Chester Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Stratton, Chester Weston, John Wilderness Road
Stratton, Gil Jr. Jimmy Life With Luigi
Stratton, Gil Jr. Tatum, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Stratton, Gil Jr. Webster, Billy Those Websters
Stratton, Gil Jr. Wilson, Freddie My Little Margie
Strauss, Robert Jackie Our Gal Sunday
Strauss, Robert Lively Our Gal Sunday
Strauss, Robert Prouty, Medical Examiner Doc Adventures of Ellery Queen
Strauss, Robert Tootel, Typhoon Howie Wing
Strauss, Robert Wiggs, Pa Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Strickland, Amzie Evans, Kathy Fat Man, The
Strickland, Amzie Secretary Voice in the Night, A
Strickland, Amzie Tyler, Libby Call the Police
Strozzi, Kay Blade, Shelia I Love Linda Dale
Strozzi, Kay Loring, Victoria Young Widder Brown
Strozzi, Kay Wharton, Evelyn Her Honor, Nancy James
Stuart, Maxine Secretary Lefty
Studebaker, Hugh Brewster, James That Brewster Boy
Studebaker, Hugh Fishigan, Rishigan Vic and Sade
Studebaker, Hugh Geetcham, Mayor Vic and Sade
Studebaker, Hugh Graham, Bob Bachelor's Children
Studebaker, Hugh Henderson, Harry Beulah
Studebaker, Hugh Matthews, Charles Guiding Light, The
Studebaker, Hugh Meredith, Charles Midstream
Studebaker, Hugh Mintern, Fred Right to Happiness, The
Studebaker, Hugh Mudd, Ichabod "Ichy" Captain Midnight
Studebaker, Hugh Mufti Mufti the Man of Magic
Studebaker, Hugh Purdy, Doctor Woman In White
Studebaker, Hugh Watson, Silly Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Studer, Harold Hodge, Bart Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Sudrow, Lyle Bauer, Bill Guiding Light, The
Sudrow, Lyle Bruce House In the Country, A
Sudrow, Lyle Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Sudrow, Lyle Lawlor, Jim Gentleman Adventurer
Sudrow, Lyle Lawlor, Jim Special Agent
Sudrow, Lyle Randell, Mark Portia Faces Life
Sudrow, Lyle Romantic Interest My Silent Partner
Sullivan, Barry Canyon, Steven B. Steve Canyon
Sullivan, Barry Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Sullivan, Barry Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Sullivan, Barry Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Sullivan, Fred Mitchell, Frazier Story of Mary Marlin, The
Sullivan, Fred Mitchell, Frazier Story of Mary Marlin, The
Sullivan, Fred Mueller, Doctor Abie's Irish Rose
Sullivan, Fred Regan, Mr. Attorney at Law
Sullivan, Fred Summerfield, Judge Bartons, The
Sullivan, Fred Willoughby, Kirby Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Summers, Carol Octavia Lora Lawton
Summers, Hope Clara Girl Alone
Susann, Jacqueline Lola Morey Amsterdam Show, The
Sutter, Daniel Blake, Tom Backstage Wife
Sutter, Daniel Fenton, Frank Ma Perkins
Sutter, Daniel Locke, Tony Manhatten Mother
Sutton, Paul Preston, Sergeant William Challenge of the Yukon, The
Svihus, Richard Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Sweeney, Bob Hapless Boyfriend Sara's Private Caper
Sweeney, Bob Sweeney Sweeney and March
Sweet, Marion Dragon Lady Terry and the Pirates
Swensen, Karl Palooka, Joe Joe Palooka
Swenson, Al Diamond, Captain Adventures of Captain Diamond
Swenson, Alfred Hutchinson, Paul Hilltop House
Swenson, Alfred Turner, Mr. O'Neills, The
Swenson, Karl Brown, Father Adventures of Father Brown
Swenson, Karl Chamelion, Mister Mister Chameleon
Swenson, Karl Chandler, Max Whisper Men
Swenson, Karl Grogan, Danny Linda's First Love
Swenson, Karl Husband Missis Miniver
Swenson, Karl Jones, Lorenzo Lorenzo Jones
Swenson, Karl Miniver, Mr. Missis Miniver
Swenson, Karl Music Teacher As the Twig Is Bent
Swenson, Karl O'Farrell, Packy Rich Man's Darling
Swineford, Jack Field, Tom Masquerade
Syran, Bill Coulter, Robert American Woman's Jury
Tandy, Jessica Marriott, Liz Marriage, The
Tandy, Jessica Rogers, Mildred Of Human Bondage
Tanner, Elmo Whistling Troubadour Beat the Band
Tanner, Pearl King Sherwood, Mother Hawthorne House
Tansey, Jimmy O'Neill, Danny O'Neills, The
Tarplin, Maurice Barclay Valiant Lady
Tarplin, Maurice Churchill, Winston March of Time, The
Tarplin, Maurice Faraday, Inspector Boston Blackie
Tarplin, Maurice Mysterious Traveler Mysterious Traveler, The
Tarplin, Maurice Stevens, Drew Manhunt
Tarplin, Maurice Weird, Doctor Strange Dr. Weird
Taubman, Paul Pianist Thanks for Tomorrow
Taylor, Beverly Hendricks, Alice Woman In White
Taylor, Frederick Chase Stoopnagel, Lemuel Q. Duffy's Tavern
Taylor, Frederick Chase Stoopnagel, Lemuel Q. Quixie Doodles
Taylor, Frederick Chase Stoopnagel, Lemuel Q. Stoopnagel and Budd
Taylor, Gil Taylor, Gil Hossier Hot Shots
Taylor, Reese Ames, Fraser Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Taylor, Reese Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Taylor, Reese Bartlett, George Lonely Women
Taylor, Reese Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Taylor, Reese Greenman, Edward Guiding Light, The
Taylor, Reese Parsons, Regnald Road of Life, The
Taylor, Reese Sinclair, Drew Romance of Helen Trent, The
Taylor, Reese Walker, Bill Right to Happiness, The
Tedro, Henrietta Aunt Helen Woman In White
Tedro, Henrietta Aunt Jenny Those Happy Gilmans
Tedro, Henrietta Ellen Guiding Light, The
Tedro, Henrietta Marlowe, Maude Backstage Wife
Tedro, Henrietta Miss Daisey Portia Faces Life
Tedro, Henrietta O'Leary, Hannah Houseboat Hannah
Tedro, Henrietta Silo, Mrs. Little Orphan Annie
Tedrow, Irene Archer, Janet Meet Corliss Archer
Tedrow, Irene Calvert, Jessie Ward Aunt Mary
Tedrow, Irene Porter, Julia Gallant Heart
Tedrow, Irene Regent, Dorothy Chandu, the Magician
Tedrow, Irene Trimble, Alice Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Teeman, Anne Gibson, Sally Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Teichmann, Howard Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Temple, Brooke Ryder, Red Red Ryder
Temple, Shirley Graves, Judy Junior Miss
Terrell, Barbara Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Terrell, Barbara Reynolds, Andrea As the Twig Is Bent
Terrell, Barbara Reynolds, Andrea We Love and Learn
Terrell, St. John Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Terrell, St. John Lovering, Jim Skippy
Terry, Joy Putnam, Barbara Your Family and Mine
Terry, Joy Regent, Betty Chandu, the Magician
Terry, Joy Shari Young Dr. Malone
Terry, Renee West, Barbara Bright Horizon
Tetley, Walter Abbruzio, Julius Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Tetley, Walter Blind Boy Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
Tetley, Walter Butler, Spike Thrills of Tomorrow, The
Tetley, Walter Forrester, LeRoy Great Gildersleeve, The
Tetley, Walter Lee, Bobby Raising Junior
Tetley, Walter Scottish Boy Bobby Benson's Adventures
Tetley, Walter Tigger Winnie the Pooh
Tetley, Walter Tip Wizard of Oz, The
Tetley, Walter Waldo Fred Allen Show, The
Tetley, Walter Willie Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Tetzel, Joan Brown, Jane Goldbergs, The
Tetzel, Joan Field, Sylvia When A Girl Marries
Tetzel, Joan Jackson, Lucy Woman of Courage
Thatcher, Leora Kramer, Mrs. Right to Happiness, The
Thibault, Conrad Hamilton, Jack Gibson Family, The
Thomas, Ann Casey Abie's Irish Rose
Thomas, Ann Dixie As the Twig Is Bent
Thomas, Ann Dixie We Love and Learn
Thomas, Ann Lily Meet Mr. Meek
Thomas, Ann Mabel Joe and Mabel
Thomas, Ann O'Shaughnessy, Sharon Bob Burns Show, The
Thomas, Ann Thomas, Miss Easy Aces
Thomas, Ann Waitress House of Glass
Thomas, Ann Weeks, Barbara We Love and Learn
Thomas, Barry Gordon Little Herman
Thomas, Danny Amos Bickersons, The
Thomas, Danny Postman Fanny Brice Show, The
Thomas, Frank M. Police Captain Martin Kane, Private Eye
Thomas, Frankie Corbett, Tom Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Thomas, Jack Watson, Rembrandt Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Thomas, John Astra Light of the World, The
Thomas, John Caleb Light of the World, The
Thomas, John Sloan "Tennessee" Jed Tennessee Jed
Thomas, John Wilbur Snow Village Sketches
Thompson, Adelina Pennyfeather, Mrs. George Cuckoo Hour, The
Thompson, Barry Librarian Eno Crime Club
Thompson, Barry Silver, Captain Sea Hound
Thompson, Barry Tracy, Dick Dick Tracy
Thompson, Bill Blasingame, Rupert: The Old Timer Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Blotto, Widdicomb Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Boomer, Horatio K. Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Depopolous, Nick Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Drinkalotopop, Count Foronicholas Hoffinghams, The
Thompson, Bill Old Timer, The: Rupert Blasingame Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Uncle Dennis Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Wimple, Wallace Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Don Burke, Vincent Bachelor's Children
Thompson, Duane Telephone Operator Hollywood Hotel
Thompson, Ruth Aunt Betty Aunt Betty
Thompson, Ruth Aunt Betty KGO Kiddies Club
Thomson, Barry Dineen, Roger Young Dr. Malone
Thor, Larry Clover, Danny Broadway Is My Beat
Thor, Larry Ross, Anthony Broadway Is My Beat
Thorley, Victor Romantic Interest Kitty Foyle
Thorne, Susan Jill Judy, Jill and Johnny
Thornton, Gladys Aunt Addie My Son and I
Thornton, Gladys Tasek, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Thorson, Russell Barbour, Paul One Man's Family
Thorson, Russell Friday, Bart Adventures by Morse
Thorson, Russell Meredith, Charles Midstream
Thorson, Russell Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Thorson, Russell Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Thorson, Russell Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Thorson, Russell Packard, Jack I Love Adventure
Thorson, Russell Paul, Doctor Doctor Paul
Tighe, Harry Beast, The Beauty and the Beast
Tilstrom, Burr Kukla Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Tilstrom, Burr Ollie Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Tinney, Cal Barnes, Binnacle Robinson Crusoe Jr.
Tobin, Lou Mott, Thomas Saunders of the Circle X
Todd, Ann Foster, Amy Those We Love
Todd, Dick Heckler Avalon Time
Todd, John Conrad , Inspector Challenge of the Yukon, The
Todd, John Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Todd, John Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Todd, John Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Todd, John Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Todd, John Tonto Lone Ranger, The
Tokar, Norman Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Tokar, Norman Creighton, Victor Creightons Are Coming, The
Tokar, Norman Marshall, Willie Aldrich Family, The
Tolan, Michael Kato Green Hornet, The
Tollefson, Bud Tige Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
Tompkins, Joan Allen, Siri Against the Storm
Tompkins, Joan Burton, Turner Joyce Young Widder Brown
Tompkins, Joan Drake, Nora This Is Nora Drake
Tompkins, Joan Lawton, Lora Lora Lawton
Tompkins, Joan Money, Doris Big Sister
Tompkins, Joan Temple, Norine Young Widder Brown
Tompkins, Joan Travers, Madelyn Our Gal Sunday
Tompkins, Joan Tyler, Libby Call the Police
Tompkins, Joan Wells, Susan Price David Harum
Tompkins, Joan Wilbur, Judy Your Family and Mine
Toomey, Winifred Jane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Torme, Mel Corntassel, Joe Little Orphan Annie
Torme, Mel Jimmy the Newsboy Song of the City
Torme, Mel Torme, Mel Mel Torme Show, The
Totter, Audrey Bonnie Bright Horizon
Totter, Audrey Bronson, Millie Meet Millie
Toyo, Raymond (Tokutaro Hayashi) Kato Green Hornet, The
Tozere, Frederick Dallas, Stephen Stella Dallas
Tracy, Bill Alfred Meet Millie
Tracy, Bill Boone, J.R. Jr. Meet Millie
Tracy, Bill Morton Meet Millie
Tracy, Emerson Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Tracy, Gertrude Baritone Nanny Goat Goat Island Goats
Tracy, Lee Kane, Martin Martin Kane, Private Eye
Tracy, William Roosty Roosty of the A.A.F.
Travis, June Curtis, Stormy Girl Alone
Travis, June Farraday, Bernice Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Travis, June Wilson, Stormy Girl Alone
Treacher, Arthur Butler Jack Carson Show, The
Treacher, Arthur Smythe, Sir Cecil Smiths of Hollywood
Tremayne, Les Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Tremayne, Les Carter, Jeff Woman In My House
Tremayne, Les Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Tremayne, Les Crandell, Jack Lonely Women
Tremayne, Les Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Tremayne, Les Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Tremayne, Les Green, Doc Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Tremayne, Les Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Tremayne, Les Kendal, Gil Wendy Warren and the News
Tremayne, Les Mason, Jack Second Mrsl Burton, The
Tremayne, Les Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Tremayne, Les Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Tremayne, Les Wiley, Burton Ma Perkins
Trent, Sybil Thelma As the Twig Is Bent
Trent, Sybil Thelma We Love and Learn
Trevor, Claire Kilbourne, Lorelei Big Town
Trevor, Claire Travers, Theresa Results Incorporated
Trietsch, Ken Trietsch, Ken Hossier Hot Shots
Trietsch, Paul Trietsch, Paul Hossier Hot Shots
Trout, Francis "Dink" Anderson, Mr. Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Trout, Francis "Dink" Binney, Waldo Life of Riley, The
Trout, Francis "Dink" Pickett, Pliny Scattergood Baines
Trout, Francis "Dink" Roger Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Troy, Helen Telephone Operator It Happened In Hollywood
Truex, Phil Caldwell, Cliff Backstage Wife
Tucker, Madge Lady Next Door Coast to Coast On A Bus
Tuckerman, Earl Gold Dust Twin Gold Dust Twins, The
Tudor, Owen Madigan, Jocko Pat Novak for Hire
Tully, Tom Joe Home of the Brave
Tully, Tom Martin, Charles Stella Dallas
Turner, George Gregory, Brian Tarzan
Tuttle, Lurene Brent, Nancy Brenthouse
Tuttle, Lurene Conners, Ellie Lum and Abner
Tuttle, Lurene Edwards, Peggy Those We Love
Tuttle, Lurene Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Tuttle, Lurene Gloria Date With Judy, A
Tuttle, Lurene Harriet's Mother Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Tuttle, Lurene Janie Me and Janie
Tuttle, Lurene Junior's Mother Red Skelton Show, The
Tuttle, Lurene Kenyon, Gloria Glamour Manor
Tuttle, Lurene Lane, Candy Forever Ernest
Tuttle, Lurene Mother Cass Daley Show, The
Tuttle, Lurene Perrine, Effie Adventures of Sam Spade
Tuttle, Lurene Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Tuttle, Lurene Wife George O'Hanlon Show, The
Tuttle, Lurene Wilson, Dimples Blondie
Tyler, Betty Jane Abbott, Linda We, The Abbotts
Tyler, Betty Jane Baby Midgie Myrt and Marge
Tyler, Betty Jane Daughter Missis Miniver
Tyler, Betty Jane Isabel Land of the Lost
Tyler, Betty Jane Susan Mister and Mrs. North
Tyler, Judy Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring Howdy Doody
Tyson, Cicely Host Thursday, Love and Hate Night Sears Radio Theatre
Unknown Tompkins, "Tailspin" Tommy Tailspin Tommy
Upton, Monroe Bilgwater, Lord Al Pearce and His Gang
Uttal, Fred Towne, Don Radio's Court of Honor
Vail, Myrtle Spear, Myrtle Myrt and Marge
Vainrib, Stanley Doctor I.Q. Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Vainrib, Stanley Mental Banker, The Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Valentine, Grace Grady, Minnie Stella Dallas
Valentine, Lew Doctor I.Q. Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Valentine, Lew Doctor I.Q. Jr. Doctor I.Q. Jr.
Valentine, Lew Mental Banker, The Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Valentino, Barry Prisoner of Romance Valentino
Van Cleve, Patricia Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
Van Dyk, James Dunham, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Van Dyk, James Houston, Clyde Lora Lawton
Van Dyk, James Karnac, Doctor Strange Dr. Karnac
Van Dyk, James Lewis, Lester O'Neills, The
Van Dyk, James Phillips, Dick Rosemary
Van Dyke, Marcia Barry, Marcia It's the Barrys
Van Harvey, Art Barker, Jeffery Welcome Valley
Van Harvey, Art Gook, Vic Vic and Sade
Van Patten, Joyce Daisey Reg'lar Fellers
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Dugan, Jimmy Reg'lar Fellers
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Finnegan, Wilfred Duffy's Tavern
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Mark Young Widder Brown
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Romantic Interest Redhead, The
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Smith, Toby Aldrich Family, The
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Son Miss Hattie
Van Riper, Kay Elizabeth I English Coronets
Van Rooten Luis Durango, General Thunder Over Paradise
Van Rooten, Luis Danny Bulldog Drummond
Van Rooten, Luis Maestro I Love A Mystery
Van Rooten, Luis Perry, John John's Other Wife
Van Rooten, Luis Priestly, George County Seat
Van Rooten, Luis Roxor Chandu, the Magician
Van Rooten, Luis Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Van Slyke, Arthur Conway, Roy Bachelor's Children
Van Slyke, Arthur Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Van Tuyl, Helen Collins, Ellen Bachelor's Children
Van Voorhis, Westbrook Narrator March of Time, The
Vance, Vivian Mertz, Ethel I Love Lucy
Vander Pyl, Jean Anderson, Kathy Father Knows Best
Vandover, Bud Hercules, Herky Avalon Time
Vandover, Dan Tom Affairs of Tom, Dick and Harry, The
Vandover, Gordon Harry Affairs of Tom, Dick and Harry, The
Vangus Interlocutor Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Varden, Evelyn Burton, Mother Second Mrs. Burton, The
Varden, Evelyn Howard, Mrs. Front Page Farrell
Varden, Evelyn Malone, Mother Young Dr. Malone
Varden, Evelyn Mother Marriage for Two
Varden, Evelyn Mother Marriage for Two
Varden, Evelyn Stewart, Dorothy This Is Nora Drake
Vass, Virginia Deering, Wilma Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Vass, Virginia Gloria Glamour Manor
Vaughn, Beryl Cynthia Harold Teen
Vaughn, Beryl Emerson, Molly Helpmate
Vaughn, Beryl Herringbone, Jessica Ma Perkins
Vaughn, Beryl Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Vaughn, Beryl Penny Sky King
Vaughn, Beryl Starr, Norma Bachelor's Children
Vaughn, Beryl Summers, Alice Masquerade
Vaughn, Beryl Wiggins, Margie Uncle Walter's Dog House
Vaughn, Walter Lambert Portia Faces Life
Vaughn, Walter Wilson, Reid Against the Storm
Verdugo, Elena Bronson, Millie Meet Millie
Vigran, Herb Harry the Horse Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Vigran, Herb Sad Sack Sad Sack
Vigran, Herb Smith, Hector Father Knows Best
Vincent, Elmore Fishface, Professor Professor Fishface
Vincent, Elmore Peabody, Phinus Lum and Abner
Vinton, Arthur Brown, Will Aldrich Family, The
Vinton, Arthur Dorsett, Sergeant Perry Mason
Vinton, Arthur Kane, Killer Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Vinton, Arthur Lawyer We Love and Learn
Vinton, Arthur Munn, Ed Stella Dallas
Vinton, Arthur Nickerson, Pete Pepper Young's Family
Vinton, Arthur Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Vitez, Joan Allison, Doctor Mystery In the Air
Vitez, Joan Esther Goldbergs, The
Vitez, Joan Lane, Ivy Valiant Lady
Vitez, Joan Worth, Ann Ann Worth, Housewife
Vittles, Louis Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Vogel, Marguerite Contralto Goat Goat Island Goats
Vola, Vickie Curtis, Brenda Brenda Curtis
Vola, Vickie DeVries, Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Vola, Vickie Elaine Our Gal Sunday
Vola, Vickie Locke, Dale Manhatten Mother
Vola, Vickie Manning, Carol Foreign Assignment
Vola, Vickie Marshall, Kitty Backstage Wife
Vola, Vickie McGill, Stacy Adventures of Christopher Wells
Vola, Vickie Miller, Edith Mister District Attorney
Vola, Vickie Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Vola, Vickie Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
von Eltz, Theodore "Ted" Fernak, Inspector Saint, The
Von Zell, Harry Narrator March of Time, The
Von Zell, Harry Smith, Bill Smiths of Hollywood
Von Zell, Harry Welby Fabulous Dr. Tweedy
Vonammon, Fred Moran, Terry Today's Children
Vonn, Veola Madamoiselle Fifi Eddie Cantor Show, The
Vonn, Veola Princess Nadji Chandu, the Magician
Vonn, Veola Wilson, Dimples Blondie
Vuolo, Tito Uncle Carlo Goldbergs, The
Wachsman, Samuel Japanese Goat Goat Island Goats
Wade, Ernestine Stevens, Sapphire Amos 'n' Andy
Wadsworth, Henry Randall, Alabama Jane Arden
Waldo, Janet Archer, Corliss Meet Corliss Archer
Waldo, Janet Eddie's Girlfriend Eddie Bracken Show, The
Waldo, Janet Emmy Lou Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Waldo, Janet Franklin, Irene One Man's Family
Waldo, Janet Girlfriend Mel Torme Show, The
Waldo, Janet Janet Young Love
Waldo, Janet Lake, Jennifer Gallant Heart
Walken, Glenn Bauer, Michael Guiding Light, The
Walker, Bob Friend Hearts In Harmony
Walker,Robert Dillon, Davy Maudie's Diary
Wall, Lucille Andrews, Isabel Pretty Kitty Kelly
Wall, Lucille Blake, Portia Portia Faces Life
Wall, Lucille Jones, Belle Lorenzo Jones
Wall, Lucille Wilbur, Winifred, "Win" Your Family and Mine
Wall, Peggy Fairchild, Peggy Step Mother
Wall, Peggy Howard, Blue Betty and Bob
Wallace, Andree Lambert, Marty Brave Tomorrow
Wallace, Andree Lansing, Irene Backstage Wife
Wallace, Myron "Mike" Flamond Crime Files of Flamond, The
Wallace, Myron "Mike" Kagel, Lou Crime on the Waterfront
Wallace, Regina Aldrich, Alice Aldrich Family, The
Wallace, Tom Wiggins, Uncle Walter Uncle Walter's Dog House
Walsh, John Stubbs, Homer Dear Mom
Walter, Jerry Montgomery the Mole Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Walter, Jerry Perry, Gil Island Venture
Walter, Wilmer Gump, Andy Gumps, The
Walter, Wilmer Harum, David David Harum
Wanamaker, Richard Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Wanamaker, Sam Smith, Ellis Guiding Light, The
Warburton, Charles Smith, Sir Dennis Nyland Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Ward, Colleen Frances Barry Cameron
Ward, Colleen Judy Lorenzo Jones
Ward, George Rollo Daddy and Rollo
Ward, Otto Ward, Otto Hossier Hot Shots
Ware, C. Hames Bracey, Lew Aunt Mary
Waring, Richard Cummings, Grant Second Husband
Warner, Gertrude Allen, Christy Against the Storm
Warner, Gertrude Colby, Mercedes Don Winslow of the Navy
Warner, Gertrude Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Warner, Gertrude Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Warner, Gertrude Malone, Tracy Young Dr. Malone
Warner, Gertrude Miniver, Kay Missis Miniver
Warner, Gertrude Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Warner, Gertrude Street, Della Perry Mason
Warner, Gertrude Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Warner, Gertrude Wells, Susan Price David Harum
Warner, Gertrude Winslow, Hope Whispering Streets
Warner, Gertrude Winters, Linda City Desk
Warner, Joe Rosenberg, Morris Smith Family, The
Warren, Bob Chase, Mark Death Valley Sheriff
Warren, Bob Chase, Mark Shafter Parker and His Circus
Warren, Helen Nielsen, Anna Prairie Folks
Warren, William Black, Jefferson United States Postal Inspector
Waterman, Willard Barton, Roger Guiding Light, The
Waterman, Willard Boss Me and Janie
Waterman, Willard Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Waterman, Willard Chula Island Venture
Waterman, Willard Diamonds Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Fairchild, John Step Mother
Waterman, Willard Gildersleeve, Throckmorton P. Great Gildersleeve, The
Waterman, Willard Longbow, Billie Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Magician Easy Money
Waterman, Willard Merriweather, John Halls of Ivy, The
Waterman, Willard Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Teen, Mr. Harold Teen
Waterman, Willard Trent, Mike Hot Copy
Waterman, Willard Warner, Leo Girl Alone
Waterman, Willard Webster, George Those Websters
Waters, James R. Goldberg, Jake Goldbergs, The
Watkins, Linda Dot Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Watson, Milton O'Flynn, Flynn Captain O'Flynns, The
Watson, Mrs. Carlotta Stewart Aunt Carrie Aunt Carrie
Watson, Sylvia Jones, Rowena (Jonesy) Matthew Slade, Incorporated
Way, Karl Hayfield, Francis Myrt and Marge
Wayne, John O'Brien, Dan Three Sheets to the Wind
Weatherwax, Rudd Trainer Lassie
Weaver, Doodles Feedlebaum, Professor Spike Jones Show, The
Webb, Betty Regent, Betty Chandu, the Magician
Webb, Jack Churchill, Winston One Out of Seven
Webb, Jack Friday, Sergeant Joe Dragnet
Webb, Jack Kelly, Pete Pete Kelly's Blues
Webb, Jack Lion's Eye, The: Jeff Regan Jeff Regan, Investigator
Webb, Jack Little Man Inside Little Man Inside, The
Webb, Jack Madero, Johnny Johnny Madero, Pier 23
Webb, Jack Nelson, John Little Man Inside, The
Webb, Jack Novak, Pat Pat Novak for Hire
Webb, Jack Regan, Jeff: The Lion's Eye Jeff Regan, Investigator
Webb, Jack Stalin, Josef One Out of Seven
Webb, Jack Truman, Harry S One Out of Seven
Webb, Jane Baxter Daughter Baxters, The
Webb, Jane Baxter, Janie Baxters, The
Webb, Jane Boyd, Belinda Those Websters
Webb, Jane Daughter Island Venture
Webb, Jane Gaylord, Peggy Guiding Light, The
Webb, Jane Jane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Webb, Jane Lamont, Mary Doctor Kildare
Webb, Jane Mead, Peggy Douglas Aunt Mary
Webb, Jane Midge Bartons, The
Webb, Jane Truitt, Gladys Truitts, The
Webber, Peggy Carter, Sandy Woman In My House
Webber, Peggy Friday, Ma Dragnet
Webber, Peggy Paul, Mrs. Doctor Paul
Weber, Karl Bennett, Gary Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Weber, Karl Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Weber, Karl Crandell, Jack Lonely Women
Weber, Karl Harding, Kirk Woman In White
Weber, Karl Knight, John Girl Alone
Weber, Karl Marshall, Clyde Helpmate
Weber, Karl Matson, Ray Doctor Six Gun
Weber, Karl Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Weber, Karl Thorne, Inspector Inspector Thorne
Webster, Charles Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Webster, Charles Arnold, Jack Myrt and Marge
Webster, Charles Bryson, Tom Backstage Wife
Webster, Charles Cahill, Mr. We Love and Learn
Webster, Charles Clark, Thomas R. Valiant Lady
Webster, Charles Evil Queen Light of the World, The
Webster, Charles Jehoida Light of the World, The
Webster, Charles Kimball, Doctor Life Can Be Beautiful
Webster, Charles Mintern, Fred Right to Happiness, The
Webster, Chuck Drake, Paul Perry Mason
Weeks, Barbara Arnold, Liz Open Door
Weeks, Barbara Dixon, Joan Meet the Dixons
Weeks, Barbara James, Nancy Her Honor, Nancy James
Weeks, Barbara Madame Sophie As the Twig Is Bent
Weeks, Barbara Madame Sophie We Love and Learn
Weeks, Barbara Malone, Ann Young Dr. Malone
Weist, Dwight Burton, Stan Second Mrs. Burton, The
Weist, Dwight Callaham, Inspector Big Story, The
Weist, Dwight Collins Valiant Lady
Weist, Dwight Hitler, Adolf March of Time, The
Weist, Dwight Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Weist, Dwight Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Welch, Phyllis Curtis, Martha John's Other Wife
Weller, Carrie Wilberforce, Martha Goldbergs, The
Welles, Orson Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Welles, Orson Holmes, Sherlock Mercury Theatre On the Air
Welles, Orson Lime, Harry Third Man, The
Welles, Orson Moriarity, Professor B.B.C. Light Programme
Welles, Orson Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Welles, Orson Valjean, Jean Les Miserables
Welles, Virginia Cosette (Older) Les Miserables
Wells, Dick Jones, Bob Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Wells, Dick Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Wells, Maurice Biggers, Warren Lawyer Tucker
Wells, Maurice Foreign Correspondent Foreign Assignment
Wells, Maurice Putnam, Donald Your Family and Mine
Wells, Sarajane Duval, Gwendolyn Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Wells, Sarajane Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Wells, Sarajane Holmes, Eileen Woman In White
Wells, Sarajane Ruthledge, Mary Guiding Light, The
Wentworth, Martha Daniels, Ma Gallant Heart
Wentworth, Martha Nancy Witch's Tale
Wentworth, Martha Penner, Mother Joe Penner Show, The
Wentworth, Martha Wintergreen Witch Cinnamon Bear
Werner, Gertrude Gregory, Helen Modern Romances
West, Harold Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
West, Jane Baily, Trudy O'Neills, The
West, Max Singleton, Mr. My Children
Westfall, Kay Jones, Elsie Bachelor's Children
Weston, Ruth Kellogg, Maude Life Can Be Beautiful
Wever, Ned Bishop, Al Betty and Bob
Wever, Ned Carter, Peter Lora Lawton
Wever, Ned Drummond, Hugh "Bulldog" Bulldog Drummond
Wever, Ned Hale, Anthony Her Honor, Nancy James
Wever, Ned Hopkins, Tom Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Wever, Ned Kirby, Colin Valiant Lady
Wever, Ned Locke, Lawrence Manhatten Mother
Wever, Ned Loring, Anthony Young Widder Brown
Wever, Ned Miller, Jerry Big Sister
Wever, Ned Nick Little Italy
Wever, Ned Scott, Jim Under Arrest
Wever, Ned Spencer, Jeff Two On A Clue
Wever, Ned Tracy, Dick Dick Tracy
Wheel, Patricia Treman, Claire Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Wheel, Patricia Wife Doctor's Wife
White, Alfred Levy, Soloman Abie's Irish Rose
White, Alice Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
White, Billy Callahan, Cornelius Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
White, Bob Comic Side-Kick Milligan and Milligan
White, Bob Petrie, Doctor Jack Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
White, John Cowboy Death Valley Days
White, John Lonesome Cowboy Death Valley Days
Whitehouse, David Miller, Russell Vic and Sade
Whitfield, Anne Carter, Sandy Woman In My House
Whitfield, Anne Harris, Phyllis Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Whitfield, Anne Lacey, Penny One Man's Family
Whitfield, Anne Little Miss Marker Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Whiting, Barbara Graves, Judy Junior Miss
Whiting, Barbara Mildred Meet Corliss Archer
Whitley, June Anderson, Margaret Father Knows Best
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Awful Gibson Family, The
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Awful Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Jackson, Bill Beulah
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Roustabout Circus Days
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Sam Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Wick, Bruno Fowler, Mr. Goldbergs, The
Wick, Bruno Ming the Merciless Flash Gordon
Wicker, Irene Bertram, Sylvia Road of Life, The
Wicker, Irene Joyce Judy and Jane
Wicker, Irene Moran, Eileen Today's Children
Wicker, Irene Singing Lady Singing Story Lady
Wicker, Walter Crane, Bob Today's Children
Wickes, Mary Barker, Irma Lorenzo Jones
Wickes, Mary Louise Meet Corliss Archer
Wickes, Mary Wife That's My Pop
Widmark, Richard Arbuckle, Albert Ethel and Albert
Widmark, Richard Davison, Neil Home of the Brave, The
Widmark, Richard Dixon, Wesley Meet the Dixons
Widmark, Richard Farrell, David Front Page Farrell
Widmark, Richard Host Friday, Adventure Night Sears Radio Theatre
Widmark, Richard Webster, Alan Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Widmer, Harriette Beulah Tale of Today, A
Widmer, Harriette Madame Queen Amos 'n' Andy
Widmer, Harriette Peggy Lonely Women
Widmer, Harriette Mattie, Belle Carters of Elm Street, The
Widmer, Henriette Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima
Widmer, Henriette Aunt Jemima Cabin at the Crossroads
Wilbur, Betty Jones, Mom This Is Judy Jones
Wilcox, Frank Father Central City
Wilder, Patricia Honey Chile Bob Hope Show, The
Wilkerson, Martha G.I. Jill G.I. Jill
William, Warren Investigator Strange Wills
Williams, Carol Lois Shorty Bell
Williams, Florence Cameron, Anne Barry Cameron
Williams, Florence Farrell, Sally Front Page Farrell
Williams, Gayne Chandler, Frank: Chandu, the Magician Chandu, the Magician
Williams, Gayne Chandu, the Magician: Frank Chandler Chandu, the Magician
Williams, Ken Wells, Brian David Harum
Williams, Mark Tompkins, "Tailspin" Tommy Tailspin Tommy
Williams, Rhoda Anderson, Betty Father Knows Best
Willis, Patty Baby Doll Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Willock, Dave Tugwell Jack Carson Show, The
Willock, Dave Tugwell Sealtest Village Store
Willock, Dave Tugwell Signal Carnival
Wills, Beverly Adams, Fluffy Junior Miss
Wilson, Beth Singer Grouch Club, The
Wilson, Claire Worthington, Juliet Orphans of Divorce
Wilson, Don Star Boarder Glamour Manor
Wilson, Don Wilson, Don Jack Benny Program, The
Wilson, Ethel Aunt Harriet Aldrich Family, The
Wilson, Ethel Case, May Lora Lawton
Wilson, Ethel Higsby-Smith, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Wilson, Ethel Louise Second Husband
Wilson, Ethel Marlowe, Maude Backstage Wife
Wilson, Frank Roustabout Circus Days
Wilson, Kathleen Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Wilson, Lois Daughter Miss Hattie
Wilson, Marie Peterson, Irma My Friend Irma
Wilson, Ward Beetle Phil Baker Show, The
Wilson, Ward DeHaven, Mr. Aldrich Family, The
Winchell, Jerry Mahoney, Jerry Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney
Wincholl, John Old Timer Musical Steelmakers
Winkler, Betty Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Winkler, Betty Channing, Eden This Life Is Mine
Winkler, Betty Dawson, Rosemary Rosemary
Winkler, Betty Dunlap, Shirley Attorney at Law
Winkler, Betty Ferguson, Esther Welcome Valley
Winkler, Betty Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Winkler, Betty Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
Winkler, Betty Marcia Betty and Bob
Winkler, Betty O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Winkler, Betty O'Neill, Sally Scott O'Neills, The
Winkler, Betty Rogers, Patricia Girl Alone
Winkler, Betty Telephone Operator Grand Hotel
Winkler, Betty Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Winkler, Bobby Newsboy Big Town
Winninger, Charles Captain Barney Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
Winninger, Charles Captain Henry Show Boat
Winninger, Charles Uncle Charlie Ivory Tent Tent Show
Winninger, Charles Uncle Charlie Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Winslow, Paula Riley, Peg Life of Riley, The
Winslowe, Paula Foster, Miss Big Town
Winstanley, Ernie Reid, Dan Lone Ranger, The
Winston, Irene Gordon, Myra Valiant Lady
Winston, Irene Hemingway, Rosemary Woman In White
Winston, Irene Jordan, Mrs. Story of Bess Johnson, The
Winston, Irene Stanley, Eve (Eve Topping) When A Girl Marries
Winston, Irene Topping, Eve (Eve Stanley) When A Girl Marries
Winters, Joan Ames, Alice Girl Alone
Winters, Joan Bertram, Sylvia Road of Life, The
Winters, Joan Warner, Alice Girl Alone
Winters, Roland Bartlett, Russell My Best Girls
Winters, Sam Yankee Peddler Travelin' Man
Wintersole, William Slade, Matthew Matthew Slade, Incorporated
Winthrop, Barbara Dix, Dorothy Dorothy Dix on the Air
Witley, June Turner, Miss Honest Harold
Wolf, Johnnie Finkelstein, Izzy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Wolf, Johnnie Finkelstein, Mrs. Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Wolfe, Dan Grandfather Calamity Jane
Wolfe, Dan Son Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Wolfe, Dan Son of Mrs. Danbury Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Wolfe, Edwin Bradley, Curt Pepper Young's Family
Wolfe, Edwin Shober, Shuffle Ma Perkins
Wolfe, Miriam Miss Switch the Witch Miss Switch the Witch
Wolfe, Miriam Nancy Witch's Tale
Wolfe, Winifred Barbour, Teddy Lawson One Man's Family
Wolfson, Martin Second Brother Into the Light
Wong, Barbara Jean Barton, Judy Cinnamon Bear
Wood, Helen Dascomb, Elaine Those We Love
Woodbury, Frances Arnold, Mrs. Myrt and Marge
Woodbury, Frances Aunt to Portia Blake Portia Faces Life
Woodbury, Frances Field, Stella When A Girl Marries
Woods, Donald Foster, Leslie Those We Love
Woods, Lesley Adams, Janet Munson Woman In White
Woods, Lesley Arden, Elaine Portia Faces Life
Woods, Lesley Conway, Meredith Midstream
Woods, Lesley Cunningham, Celeste Guiding Light, The
Woods, Lesley Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Woods, Lesley Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Woods, Lesley Maid Backstage Wife
Woods, Lesley Martinson, Peggy King This Is Nora Drake
Woods, Lesley Matron Lone Journey
Woods, Lesley McCarey, Margaret Bright Horizon
Woods, Lesley Mickey As the Twig Is Bent
Woods, Lesley Mickey We Love and Learn
Woods, Lesley Roberts, Audrey Rosemary
Woods, Lesley Sherwood, Margot Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Woods, Lesley Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Woods, Lesley Wesley, Mary Boston Blackie
Woods, Lesley Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Woodson, William Britton, John Just Plain Bill
Woollcott, Alexander Town Crier Town Crier
Woolley, Monty Montague, Edwin Magnificent Montague, The
Woolley, Monty Uncle Goodhart Magnificent Montague, The
Worenskjold, Dorothy Worenskjold, Dorothy Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Worth, Betty Florence Man I Married, The
Worth, Betty Reynolds, Andrea As the Twig Is Bent
Worth, Betty Reynolds, Andrea We Love and Learn
Wragge, Eddie Bob Mary and Bob
Wragge, Elizabeth Davis, Peggy Red Davis
Wragge, Elizabeth Mary Mary and Bob
Wragge, Elizabeth Young, Peggy Pepper Young's Family
Wray, Fay Rosemary Keeping Up With Rosemary
Wright, Ben Black, Peter Pursuit
Wright, Ben Hey Boy Have Gun, Will Travel
Wright, Ben Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Wright, Ben Honeywell, George My Little Margie
Wright, Ben Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
Wright, Ben Toku Green Lama, The
Wright, Ben York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Wright, Bill Cheerily Al Pearce Show, The
Wright, Bill Hamburg, Professor Golden State Blue Monday Jamaboree, The
Wright, Will Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Wright, Will Maloney Glamour Manor
Wright, Will Tutt, Ephriam Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Wyatt, Arthur Flamond Crime Files of Flamond, The
Wyatt, Eustace Percy, Lord Our Gal Sunday
Wynn, Ed Fire Chief Ed Wynn Show, The
Wynn, Ed King Bubbles Happy Island
Wynn, Keenan Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
Wynn, Keenan Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Wynn, Keenan Smith, Gregory Amazing Mr. Smith, The
Yankee, Eunice Lillums Harold Teen
Yarborough, Barton Assistant to Roger Allen Attorney for the Defense
Yarborough, Barton Barbour, Clifford One Man's Family
Yarborough, Barton Brazos, John Hawk Durango
Yarborough, Barton Davidson, Rusty Today's Children
Yarborough, Barton Durango, Hawk Hawk Durango
Yarborough, Barton Larabee, Hawk Hawk Larabee
Yarborough, Barton Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Yarborough, Barton Long, Doc I Love Adventure
Yarborough, Barton Romero, Sergeant Ben Dragnet
Yarborough, Barton Stevens, Sleepy Hashknife Hartley
Yarborough, Barton Turner, Skip Adventures by Morse
York, Dick Brewster, Joey That Brewster Boy
York, Dick Fairchild, Billy Armstrong of the S.B.I.
York, Dick Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Yorke, Ruth Arden, Jane Jane Arden
Yorke, Ruth Courtleigh, Olive Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Yorke, Ruth Marie Marie, the Little French Princess
Yorke, Ruth Marino, Mrs. Little Italy
Yorke, Ruth Morrison, Helen Mother O' Mine
Yorke, Ruth Owens, Maybelle Life Can Be Beautiful
Young Carleton Davis, Chip Chip Davis, Commando
Young, Agnes Aunt Jenny Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Young, Agnes Dickey, Hattie Snow Village Sketches
Young, Agnes Hazy, Miss Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Young, Agnes Morrison, Mother Mother O' Mine
Young, Agnes Owens, Minta My Son and I
Young, Agnes Smith, Ann Meet Me In St. Louis
Young, Alan Young, Alan Alan Young Show, The
Young, Arthur Baxter Son Baxters, The
Young, Arthur Baxter, Bud Baxters, The
Young, Arthur Junior Fitz Ma Perkins
Young, Bebe Mildred Meet Corliss Archer
Young, Carleton Brother Society Girl
Young, Carleton Clark, Robby Hilltop House
Young, Carleton Craig, Owen Carol Kennedy's Romance
Young, Carleton Craig, Winfield Life Begins
Young, Carleton Criminal Lawyer Lady Councellor
Young, Carleton Cummings, Bill Second Husband
Young, Carleton Dantes, Edmond Count of Monte Cristo, The
Young, Carleton Farrell, David Front Page Farrell
Young, Carleton Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Young, Carleton Jenkins, Bill Our Gal Sunday
Young, Carleton Laughton, Jim Hollywood Mystery Time
Young, Carleton Mears, Bill Trouble House
Young, Carleton Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Young, Carleton Roder, Kirk Portia Faces Life
Young, Cliff Friend George O'Hanlon Show, The
Young, Lee Evans, Bill Road of Life, The
Young, Mary Lily Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Young, Robert Adams, Doug Passport for Adams
Young, Robert Anderson, Jim Father Knows Best
Young, Roland Topper, Cosmo Adventures of Topper
Young, Roland William Johnny Presents
Young, Seymour Kransky, Jacob Guiding Light, The
Young, Seymour Marsh, Jack Today's Children
Younger, Beverly Keene, Kitty Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Younger, Beverly Penny Sky King
Yourman, alice Andrews, Mary Archie Andrews
Yourman, Alice Anderson, Mrs. Aldrich Family, The
Yourman, Alice Gibbs, Mrs. Hearts In Harmony
Yourman, Alice Spear, Myrtle Myrt and Marge
Zacharias, Ellis M. Host-Narrator Secret Mission
Zarley, Lois Bertram, Sylvia Road of Life, The
Zarley, Lois Mansfield, Sybella Woman In White
Zerbe, Lawson Brent, Fred Road of Life, The
Zerbe, Lawson Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Zerbe, Lawson Clark, Jeffrey Valiant Lady
Zerbe, Lawson Harvey, Peter Rosemary
Zerbe, Lawson Lawton, Rex Lora Lawton
Zerbe, Lawson Martin, Skip O'Neills, The
Zerbe, Lawson Merriwell, Frank Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Zerbe, Lawson Miller, Dusty Big Story, The
Zerbe, Lawson Press Agent Strictly Business
Zerbe, Lawson Taylor, Pascal Against the Storm
Zerbe, Lawson Williams Treasury Agent
Zerbe, Lawson Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Zinke, Peggy Jane Jolly Bill and Jane
Zinke, Peggy Sally Two On A Shoestring
Zoller, Jack Stratford, Danny Life of Mary Sothern, The
Zuckert, Bill Parker, Detective Lieutenant Crime and Peter Chambers
Aaker, Lee Rusty Rin-Tin-Tin
Aames, Marlene McWilliams, Lauralee Story of Holly Sloan, The
Abbott, Judith Lawson, Agnes Aldrich Family, The
Abbott, Minabelle Sothern, Mary Life of Mary Sothern, The
Ace, Goodman Ace, Goodman Easy Aces
Ace, Goodman Ace, Goodman Mister Ace and Jane
Ace, Jane Ace, Jane Easy Ac es
Ace, Jane Ace, Jane Mister Ace and Jane
Adams, Bill Cotter, Jim Rosemary
Adams, Bill Hagen, Mike Valiant Lady
Adams, Bill Roosevelt, Franklin Delano March of Time, The
Adams, Bill Salesman Travelin' Man
Adams, Bill Stark, Daniel Roses and Drums
Adams, Bill Whelan, Father Abie's Irish Rose
Adams, Bill Wilbur, Matthew Your Family and Mine
Adams, Bill Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Adams, Edith Gilman, Ethel Those Happy Gilmans
Adams, Franklin Mayor of a model city Secret City
Adams, Franklin Jr. Skinner, Skippy Skippy
Adams, Franklin Pierce Emcee Word Game, The
Adams, Guila Mattie Step Mother
Adams, Inge Elona Light of the World, The
Adams, Inge Florenz, Countess Our Gal Sunday
Adams, Mary Barbour, Francis "Fanny" One Man's Family
Adams, Mason Harry the Hack Big Town
Adams, Mason Scott, Ned Jones and I
Adams, Mason Student, The Dear Margy, It's Murder
Adams, Mason Vet Dear Margy, It's Murder
Adams, Mason Wadsworth, Clifton Road of Life
Adams, Mason Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Adams, Nick Uncle Ben Meyer the Buyer
Adams, William Pa House Beside the Road, The
Adams, William Pa Wayside Cottage
Adams, William P. Uncle Henry Collier Hour, The
Adams, Wylie Tanner, Mel Lone Journey
Adamson, Helen Collier, Fran Avenger, The
Adler, Luthur Gentle, Peter Mystery Without Murder
Aherne, Brian Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Aherne, Brian Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Albert, Eddie Mitty, Walter Secret of Walter Mitty, The
Albert, Elaine Hornblow, Clarabell Lone Ranger, The
Albert, Grace Wayne, Nancy Pepper Young's Family
Albertson, Jack Grouch Grouch Club, The
Albertson, Jack Lefty Lefty
Albertson, Mabel Countess of Kleptomania Iodent Dress Rehearsal
Alexander, Ben Bashful Ben Great Gildersleeve, The
Alexander, Ben Sheldon, Junior This Is Judy Jones
Alexander, Ben Smith, Officer Frank Dragner
Alexander, Ben Waterford, "Bashful" Ben Great Gildersleeve, The
Alexander, Ben West, Phillip Brenthouse
Alexander, Denise Daughter It's Higgins, Sir
Alexander, Denise Marriott, Emily Marriage, The
Alexander, Denise Nolan, Francie Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Alexander, Denise Sharp, Debbie Big Guy
Alexander, Joan Bates, Carol (Carol West) Bright Horizon
Alexander, Joan Dennis, Althea Brighter Day, A
Alexander, Joan Girlfriend Major North, Army Intelligence
Alexander, Joan Girlfriend Man from G-2
Alexander, Joan Lane, Lois Adventures of Superman
Alexander, Joan Malone, Tracy Young Dr. Malone
Alexander, Joan Martinson, Peggy King This Is Nora Drake
Alexander, Joan Roberts, Audrey Rosemary
Alexander, Joan Scott, Nicole Against the Storm
Alexander, Joan Secretary Philo Vance
Alexander, Joan Society Reporter Lefty
Alexander, Joan Street, Della Perry Mason
Alexander, Joan Sullivan, Marion Burton Second Mrs. Burton, The
Alexander, Joan West, Carol (Carol Bates) Bright Horizon
Alexander, Larry Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Aley, Albert Harrigan, Hop Hop Harrigan
Aley, Albert James, Bob Stella Dallas
Alford, Bobby Allison, Jeep My Son Jeep
Allen, Arthur Crowell, Jonah Four Corners U.S.A.
Allen, Arthur Dickey, Dan'l Snow Village Sketches
Allen, Arthur Finney, Asa Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Allen, Arthur John Stebbins Boys, The
Allen, Arthur Prouty, Medical Examiner Doc Adventures of Ellery Queen
Allen, Arthur Uncle Abe Uncle Abe and David
Allen, Barbara Jo Holly, Beth One Man's Family
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Bob Hope Show, The
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Jimmy Durante Show, The
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Signal Carnival
Allen, Barbara Jo Vague, Vera Vera Vague Show, The
Allen, Casey Miller, Dusty Big Story, The
Allen, Casey Wells, Tom Ma Perkins
Allen, Charme Aunt Polly David Harum
Allen, Charme Carlton, Mrs. As the Twig Is Bent
Allen, Charme Carlton, Mrs. We Love and Learn
Allen, Charme Carson, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Allen, Charme Mercy Backstage Wife
Allen, Charme Mother Mother and Dad
Allen, Charme Mother Mother and Dad
Allen, Charme Mother We Love and Learn
Allen, Charme Mueller, Mrs. Abie's Irish Rose
Allen, Charme Murger, Mrs. Pretty Kitty Kelly
Allen, Charme Owen, Ma Into the Light
Allen, Charme Whipple, Sarah County Seat
Allen, Dayton Bluster, Phineas T. Howdy Doody
Allen, Dayton Flubadub Howdy Doody
Allen, Don Martin, Pokie Arkie the Arkansas Woodchopper
Allen, Fred Allen, Fred Fred Allen Show, The
Allen, Harriett Em Clara, Lu and Em
Allen, Hoyt Taylor Backstage Wife
Allen, Judith Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Allen, Lynn Miller, Barbara My Son Jeep
Allen, Steve Horribly, Claude Smile Time
Allen, Vera Aunt Agatha Thanks for Tomorrow
Allen, Vera Burton, Nurse Big Sister
Allen, Vera Doblen, Grace Hilltop House
Allen, Vera Malone, Mother Young Dr. Malone
Allenby, Peggy Andrews, Mary Archie Andrews
Allenby, Peggy Benton, Mrs. Easy Aces
Allenby, Peggy Brown, Mrs. Claudia and David
Allenby, Peggy Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Allenby, Peggy Julia Dot and Will
Allenby, Peggy Kimball, Mrs. Life Can Be Beautiful
Allenby, Peggy O'Farrell, Peggy Rich Man's Darling
Allenby, Peggy Wells, Susan Price David Harum
Allenby, Peggy Wife It's Higgins, Sir
Allison Jone Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Allison, Fran Agatha Meet Mr. Meek
Allison, Fran Aunt Fanny Breakfast Club, The
Allison, Fran Aunt Fanny Sunday Dimmer at Aunt Fanny's
Allison, Fran Aunt Fanny Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Allison, Fran Clara Clara, Lu and Em
Allison, Fran Fran Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Allison, Fran Meek, Agatha Meet Mr. Meek
Allison, Fran Peabody, Helen Peabodys, The
Allison, Fran Sister Emmy Sister Emmy
Allison, Jone Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Allison, Jone Bauer, Meta Guiding Light, The
Allison, Jone Davison, Lois Home of the Brave, The
Allison, Jone Dawson, Patti Rosemary
Allison, Jone Field, Sylvia When A Girl Marries
Allison, Jone Lambert, Marty Brave Tomorrow
Allison, Jone Malone, Tracy Young Dr. Malone
Allison, Jone Penny Hearts In Harmony
Allison, Jone Roberts, Audrey Rosemary
Allman, Elvia Biddle, Mrs. Glamour Manor
Allman, Elvia Bongschnook, Cuddles Jimmy Durante and Garry Moore Show, The
Allman, Elvia Cobina Bob Hope Show, The
Allman, Elvia Dinwiddie Sister Bill Goodwin Show, The
Allman, Elvia Dithers, Cora Blondie
Allman, Elvia Gillis, Olive "Honeybee" Life of Riley, The
Allman, Elvia Maude Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Allman, Elvia Niles, Mrs. Abbott and Costello Show, The
Allman, Elvia Penelope the Pelican Cinnamon Bear
Allman, Elvia Sagwell, Tootsie George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Allman, Elvia Vandereer, Mrs. Jimmy Durante Show, The
Allman, Lee Case, Leonore "Casey" Green Hornet, The
Allyn, Harriet Horn, Aggie In the Case of Aggie Horn
Alt, Joan Peabody, Harriet Peabodys, The
Alt, Joan Webster, Liz Those Websters
Ameche, Don Bachelor, Beau Beau Bachelor
Ameche, Don Bickerson, John Bickersons, The
Ameche, Don Bickerson, John Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Ameche, Don Bickerson, John Old Gold Show, The
Ameche, Don Capatain Jack Captain Jack
Ameche, Don Detective Milligan and Milligan
Ameche, Don Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Ameche, Don Forest Ranger, The National Farm and Home Hour
Ameche, Don Hughes, Captain Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Ameche, Don McLain, Junior Rin-Tin-Tin
Ameche, Don Pasquale Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Ameche, Jim Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Ameche, Jim Regan, Terry Attorney at Law
Ameche, Jim Silver Eagle, The: Jim West Silver Eagle
Ameche, Jim West, Jim: The Silver Eagle Silver Eagle
Ames, Evelyn Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
Ames, Marlene Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
Amsdell, William Hughey, Boss Houseboat Hannah
Andelin, James Grimm, Tom Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Andelin, James Ru Og, Son of Fire
Andelin, Jim Clem Houseboat Hannah
Anders, Rudolph Van Meter, Dr. Space Patrol
Anderson, Arthur Buddy Tony and Gus
Anderson, Arthur Davis, Mark Lawyer Tucker
Anderson, David Sharp, Joshua Jr. Big Guy
Anderson, Eddie Rochester Van Jones Jack Benny Program, The
Anderson, Eddie Van Jones, Rochester Jack Benny Program, The
Anderson, Katherine Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Anderson, Marjorie Collins, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Anderson, Marjorie Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Anderson, Marjorie Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Anderson, Marjorie Parker, Mrs. Parker Family, The
Anderson, Marjorie Redding, Miss Lucy Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Anderson, Marjorie Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Anderson, Warner Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Andre, Pierre Uncle Andy Little Orphan Annie
Andrew, Andy Singing Comic Al Pearce Show, The
Andrews, Cameron Enor Lone Journey
Andrews, Cameron Hot Shot Charlie Terry and the Pirates
Andrews, Cameron Janitor My Silent Partner
Andrews, Cameron Jones, Forsythe "Jughead" Archie Andrews
Andrews, Dana Cevetic, Matt I Was a Communist for the F.B.I.
Andrews, Edward Nat Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Andrews, Ernie Schultz, Otto Today's Children
Andrews, Robert Hardy Cranston, Lamont: The Shadow Shadow, The
Andrews, Robert Hardy Shadow, The: The Shadow Shadow, The
Andrews, Stanley Warbucks, Daddy Little Orphan Annie
Ansell, George Ocko Backstage Wife
Anthony, Allen C. Beagle, Bugs Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Anthony, John Garrick, Douglass Lux Radio Theatre
Anthony, John Tasek, Mr. O'Neills, The
Anton, Anita Julia Backstage Wife
Aplon, Boris Fox, Harvey Scattergood Baines
Aplon, Boris Shark, Ivan Captain Midnight
Aplon, Boris Warbucks, Daddy Little Orphan Annie
Appel, Anna Cohen, Mrs. Abie's Irish Rose
Appleton, Ray Minter, Jimmy Myrt and Marge
Archer, John Cranston, Lamont: The Shadow Shadow, The
Archer, John Shadow, The: The Shadow Shadow, The
Arden, Eve Brooks, Connie Our Miss Brooks
Arden, Eve Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Arden, Eve Propietress of Store Village Store
Arden, Eve Store Manager Sealtest Village Store
Arnall, Curtis Davis, Red Red Davis
Arnall, Curtis Rogers, Buck Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Arnall, Curtis Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Arnez, Desi Ricardo, Rickey I Love Lucy
Arnold, Betty Banning, Peggy Wings of Destiny
Arnold, Betty Dramp, Mrs. Uncle Walter's Dog House
Arnold, Betty March, Iris Guiding Light, The
Arnold, Betty Porter, Genevieve Step Mother
Arnold, Betty Woman Sweet River
Arnold, Edward President Mister President
Arnold, Gene Interlocutor Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Arnold, Gene Riley, James Whitcomb Way Down Home
Arnoux, G.C. Uncle Billy Uncle Billy
Arquette, Cliff Aunt Addie Hollywood Spotlight
Arquette, Cliff Aunt Emmy Aunt Emmy and Bert
Arquette, Cliff Blasingame, Rupert: Old Timer Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Captain Bill Glamour Manor
Arquette, Cliff Cornfelder, Thaddeus Myrt and Marge
Arquette, Cliff Ferguson, Luke Welcome Valley
Arquette, Cliff Gildersleeve, Wallingford Tuttle Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Manager Glamour Manor
Arquette, Cliff Old Timer: Rupert Blasingame Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Willett, Ben Point Sublime
Arquette, Cliff Wilson, Mrs. Dick Haymes Show, The
Arquette, Cliff Wilson, Mrs. Glamour Manor
Arthur, Jack Donovan, Danny Gay Nineties Revue
Arthur, Jack Drake, Bradley Stories of the Black Chamber
Arthur, Jack Hudson, Henry, Jr. Echoes
Arthur, Jack Russo, Tom Indictment
Arthur, Jack Steve When A Girl Marries
Arthur, Jon Big Jon Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Jon Big Jon No School Today
Arthur, Jon Plumpfront, Mayor Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Jon Sparkie Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Jon Ukey, Betcha Big Jon and Sparkie
Arthur, Louise Holm, Pat Saint, The
Arthur, Louise Knight, Phyllis "Phyl" Michael Shayne
Arthur, Louise Sally Story of Holly Sloan, The
Arthur, Louise Templeton, Anne Woman In White
Ascot, Rita Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Astor, Mary Christmas, Mary Merry Life of Mary Christmas, The
Audley, Eleanor Smith, Elizabeth Father Knows Best
Auer, Mischa Mischa Mischa the Magnificant
Auerbach, Artie Kitzel, Mr. Jack Benny Program, The
Auerbach, Artie Schneider, Mr. Goldbergs, The
Austin, William Professor of the English Department Jack Oakie's College
Avery, Phyllis McNutley, Peggy Meet Mr. McNutley
Avery, Tol Brown, Thaddeus (Thad) Dragnet
Ayres, Jack Wigglesworth, Snuffy Keeping Up With Wigglesworth
Ayres, Lew Kildare, Doctor James Doctor Kildare
Baar, Bill Bobbie Grandpa Burton
Baar, Bill Burton, Grandpa Grandpa Burton
Baar, Bill Fraser, Jack Jane Arden
Babbitt, Harry Hookenlooper, Harry Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
Bacall, Lauren Duval, Sailor Bold Venture
Bachanan, Stuart Goofy Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Backus, Georgia Aunt Keturah Story of Holly Sloan, The
Backus, Georgia Brent, Portia Brenthouse
Backus, Georgia Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Backus, Georgia Mitzi Date With Judy, A
Backus, Georgia Nesheim, Olga Orange Lantern, The
Backus, Georgia Riley, Peg Life of Riley, The
Backus, Jim Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Backus, Jim Casey, Jack Casey, Crime Photographer
Backus, Jim Cavendish, Victor Gaslight Gayeties
Backus, Jim Fenwick, Chester Sad Sack
Backus, Jim Hayes, Dexter Society Girl
Backus, Jim Hendricks, Mr. Bill Goodwin Show, The
Backus, Jim Updike, Hubert Alan Young Show, The
Backus, Jim Wiggins, Horace Penny Singleton Show, The
Baer, Max Smith, Lucky Lucky Smith
Baer, Parley Clemmens, Doc Rogers of the Gazette
Baer, Parley Eb Granby's Green Acres
Baer, Parley Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Baer, Parley Michon, Rene Count of Monte Cristo, The
Baer, Parley Peter Honest Harold
Baer, Parley Proudfoot, Chester Wesley Gunsmoke
Baer, Parley Truitt, Grandpa Truitts, The
Bagwell, William Taylor, Sanderson "Sandy" Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Bailey, Bob Archer, Harry Meet Corliss Archer
Bailey, Bob Borden, Raymond One Man's Family
Bailey, Bob Carpenter, Lieutenant Front Page Farrell
Bailey, Bob Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Bailey, Bob Gooch, Mortimer Mortimer Gooch
Bailey, Bob Jones, Bob Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Bailey, Bob Knight, John Girl Alone
Bailey, Bob Mead, Bill Aunt Mary
Bailey, Bob Starr, Johnny Story of Holly Sloan, The
Bailey, Bob Valentine, George Let George Do It
Bailey, Jack Villain Stop the Villain
Bailey, Ruth Day, Alice Woman In White
Bailey, Ruth Jones, Meredith Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Bailey, Ruth Kransky, Rose Guiding Light, The
Bailey, Ruth Kransky, Rose Right to Happiness, The
Bailey, Ruth Marjorie Bachelor's Children
Baker, Florence Bradley, Susan Glorious One
Baker, Florence Brent, Jane Brenthouse
Baker, Joan Girard, Carol Renfrew of the Mounted
Baker, Kenny Propietor Glamour Manor
Ball, Lucille Cooper, Liz My Favorite Husband
Ball, Lucille Ricardo, Lucy I Love Lucy
Ballard, Dave Voice of Think Think
Balthy, Ann Do Do Re Me Program
Banks, Joan Armour, Carlotta Lagorro Today's Children
Banks, Joan Barrett, Joan Valiant Lady
Banks, Joan Clark, Ellen Her Honor, Nancy James
Banks, Joan Dineen, Lynne Young Dr. Malone
Banks, Joan Foster, Mary Editor's Daughter
Banks, Joan Joan House In the Country, A
Banks, Joan Judy McCoy, The
Banks, Joan MacDonald, Eleanor This Day Is Ours
Banks, Joan Manning, Arlene Harrison Portia Faces Life
Banks, Joan Nancy Falcon, The
Banks, Joan Phyllis Young Dr. Malone
Banks, Joan Reynolds, Andrea As the Twig Is Bent
Banks, Joan Reynolds, Andrea We Love and Learn
Banks, Joan Scott, Joan Valiant Lady
Banks, Joan Stacy, Jane My Friend Irma
Banks, Joan Willard, Carrie This Small Town
Bannon, Julie Sally Lux Radio Theatre
Bara, Nina Tonga Space Patrol
Barcelo, Rosa Gregory, Joan Magic Island
Barcelo, Rosa Queen Melissa Cinnamon Bear
Barclay, John Argyle, Inspector Silver Eagle
Barclay, John Blue Coal's Expert Shadow, The
Barclay, John Gaylord, Richard Guiding Light, The
Barclay, Luise Carey, Sandra Backstage Wife
Barclay, Luise Harding, Karen Woman In White
Barclay, Luise Houston, Joan Tale of Today, A
Barclay, Luise O'Neill, Mother O'Neills, The
Barclay, Luise Telephone Operator Grand Hotel
Barclay, Luise Tremaine, Connie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Barclay, Luise Wakefield, Connie Right to Happiness, The
Bard, Katherine Naughton, Claudia Claudia and David
Barker, Brad Animal Sounds Circus Days
Barker, Brad Animal Sounds Renfrew of the Mounted
Barker, Brad Sandy the Dog Little Orphan Annie
Barklie, Laine Carter, Hope Modern Cinderella
Barkstable, Everett Jailbusters Jailbusters
Barley, Willie Son My Mother's Husband
Barnes, Paul Albright, Red: Captain Midnight Captain Midnight
Barnes, Paul Captain Midnight: Red Albright Captain Midnight
Barnes, Paul Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Barnett, Griff Wilson, Editor Story of Sandra Martin, The
Barney, Marion Davis, Mother Red Davis
Barney, Marion Davis, Mother When A Girl Marries
Barney, Marion Mother Rosemary
Barney, Marion Tish (Leticia) Tish
Barney, Marion Young, Mary Pepper Young's Family
Barrett, Joan Miss Mead's Child 1 of 3 Miss Meade's Children
Barrett, Pat Uncle Ezra: Uncle Ezra Waters Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Barrett, Pat Waters, Uncle Ezra: Uncle Ezra Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Barrett, Tony Bradley, Biff Pepper Young's Family
Barrett, Tony Donovan, Mark Adventures of Frank Race
Barrett, Tony Dyer, Charlie This Life Is Mine
Barrier, Edgar Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Barrier, Edgar Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Barron, Fred Chandler, Howard Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Barron, Robert Blackbeard Flint Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Barrows, Richard Harrison, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Barry, Jack Barry, Jack It's the Barrys
Barry, Jeff Barry, Jeff It's the Barrys
Barrymore, Ethel Thompson, Hattie Miss Hattie
Barrymore, Lionel Gillispie, Doctor Leonard Doctor Kildare
Barrymore, Lionel Mayor Mayor of the Town
Bartell, Harry Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Bartell, Harry Seiberts, Lieutenant Fort Laramie
Bartell, Harry Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Barth, Ruth Misty Don Winslow of the Navy
Barton, Barbara Ellis, Nellie Stella Dallas
Barton, Joan Cashier Meet Me at Parky's
Baruch, Allan Corntassle, Joe Little Orphan Annie
Bates, Jeanne Barbour, Teddy Lawson One Man's Family
Bates, Jeanne Jones, Kay I Love Adventure
Bathurst, Peter Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Bauer, Charita Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Bauer, Charita Bauer, Bert Guiding Light, The
Bauer, Charita Cummings, Fran Second Husband
Bauer, Charita Mason, Maudie Maudie's Diary
Bauer, Charita McDonald, Carver Gail Lora Lawton
Bauer, Charita Sarah Rose of My Dreams
Bauer, Charita Wakefield, Susan Right to Happiness, The
Beal, John Doon, Bonnie Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Beals, Dick Reid, Dan Lone Ranger, The
Beasley, Irene Old Dutch Girl Red Hook 31
Beavers, Louise Beulah Beulah
Beck, Jackson Beanie Adventures of Superman
Beck, Jackson Bluto Popeye the Sailor
Beck, Jackson Cisco Kid Cisco Kid, The
Beck, Jackson Hargate, Pat Myrt and Marge
Beck, Jackson Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Beck, Jackson Logan, Inspector Casey, Crime Photographer
Beck, Jackson Prieto, Emilio Woman of America
Beck, Jackson Sinbad Popeye the Sailor
Beck, Jackson Tinker Hop Harrigan
Beck, Jackson Turp, Joe Joe and Ethel Turp
Beck, Jackson Vance, Philo Philo Vance
Beck, Jackson Whizzer Busy Mr. Bingle
Becker, Barbara McLeod, Jocelyn Road of Life, The
Becker, Sandy Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Beckett, Scotty Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Beckmark, Peggy Tena Tena and Tim
Bedelia, S.P. Thomas, Mrs. Smackouts, The
Beemer, Brace Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Beemer, Brace Preston, Sergeant William Challenge of the Yukon, The
Beemer, Brace Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Begely, Ed Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Begley, Ed Britt, Dan Official Detective
Begley, Ed Brown, Will Aldrich Family, The
Begley, Ed Chinese Representive House on Q Street, The
Begley, Ed Dittenfeller, Papa Alan Young Show, The
Begley, Ed Graham, Stephen Stephen Graham, Family Doctor
Begley, Ed Hayfield, Francis Myrt and Marge
Begley, Ed Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Begley, Ed Levinson, Walt Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Begley, Ed O'Hara, Sergaent Fat Man, The
Behmiller, Helen Sue Just Neighbors
Behrens, Fank Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Behrens, Frank Babu Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Behrens, Frank Bannion, Tom Guiding Light, The
Behrens, Frank Barker, Jim Lorenzo Jones
Behrens, Frank Grimm, Tom Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Behrens, Frank Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Behrens, Frank Palmer, Roy Woman In White
Belasco, Leon Zeldschmidt, Pagan Man Called X, A
Belgrad, Madeline Jennings, Marion Second Husband
Belkin, Norman Dinelli, Sergeant Sid Matthew Slade, Incorporated
Bell, Joseph Stark, Mr. Twenty Thousand Years In Sing Sing
Bell, Ralph Drake, Alfred This Is Nora Drake
Bell, Ralph Eastman, Jack Valiant, Lady
Bell, Ralph Gleason, Charles Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Bell, Ralph Mitchell, Detective Backstage Wife
Bell, Ralph Rogers, Travis Barrie Craig, Confidential Investgator
Bell, Ralph Voice of Superstition Superstition
Bell, Shirley Donovan, Patsy Captain Midnight
Bell, Shirley Little Orphan Annie Little Orphan Annie
Bellamy, Ralph Barnett, Mike Man Against Crime
Beller, Mary Linn Dennis, Barbara "Babby" Brighter Day, A
Bemner, Muriel Grant, Susan Bachelor's Children
Benadaret, Bea Wingate, Mrs. Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Benaderet, Bea Anderson, Mrs. Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Benaderet, Bea Carstairs, Millicent Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Benaderet, Bea Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Benaderet, Bea Gearshift, Gertrude Jack Benny Program, The
Benaderet, Bea Gloria Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Benaderet, Bea Goodwin, Eve Great Gildersleeve, The
Benaderet, Bea Granby, Iris Granby's Green Acres
Benaderet, Bea Mamma Meet Millie
Benaderet, Bea Margaret Penny Singleton Show, The
Benaderet, Bea Werewolf, Wanda Glamour Manor
Bender, Dawn McAllister, Mary Margaret His Honor, the Barber
Bender, Dawn Murray, Margaret Herbet One Man's Family
Bender, Dawn Sample, Susie Cousin Willie
Bender, Dawn Truitt, Gladys Truitts, The
Bendix, William Riley, Chester A. Life of Riley, The
Benell, Julie Dallas, Helen Stella Dallas
Bennett, Lois Gibson, Sally Gibson Family, The
Bennett, Lois Gibson, Sally Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Benny, Jack Benny, Jack Jack Benny Program, The
Benson Court Watson, Doctor John H. C.B.S. Mystery Theatre
Bentley, Spencer Cameron, Barry Barry Cameron
Bentley, Spencer Clark, Robby Hilltop House
Bentley, Spencer Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Bentley, Spencer Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Bentley, Spencer Shelly Man I Married, The
Bentley, Spencer Stanwood, Douglas Romance of Helen Trent, The
Berald, Ara Chatton, Kathleen Just Plain Bill
Berg, Gertrude Glass, Bessie House of Glass
Berg, Gertrude Goldberg, Molly Goldbergs, The
Bergen, Edgar Klinker, Effie Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar Lindquist, Lars Edgar Bergan and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar McCarthy, Charlie Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar Puffington, Podine Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Bergen, Edgar Snerd, Mortimer Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Berger, Hal Parker, Shafter Shafter Parker and His Circus
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Harv Harv and Esther
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Mizznick, Mayer Meyer the Buyer
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Palooka, Joe Joe Palooka
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Uncle Happy Tim and Irene Show, The
Bergmann, Teddy (Alan Reed) Wright, Mr. Valiant Lady
Bernard, Tommy Ames, Raymond Meet Corliss Archer
Bernard, Tommy Bullard, Craig Great Gildersleeve, The
Bernard, Tommy Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Bernard, Tommy Nelson, David Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Berner, Sara Berner, Sara Sara's Private Caper
Berner, Sara Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Berner, Sara Flapsaddle, Mabel Jack Benny Program, The
Berner, Sara Horowitz, Mrs. Life With Luigi
Berner, Sara Jacoby, Mrs. Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Berner, Sara Lowbridge, Bubbles Nitwit Court
Berner, Sara Mataratza, Ingrid Jimmy Durante Show, The
Berner, Sara Muriel George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Berner, Sara Wagner, Ruby Jack Benny Program, The
Berner, Sara Zybisco, Gladys Jack Benny Program, The
Bernett, Griff Rexall Family Druggist Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Beroyhelmer, Isabel Lu Clara, Lu and Em
Berry, Aline Lee, Mrs. Raising Junior
Berwick, Viola Bell, Bertha Sky King
Berwick, Viola Mirandy Scattergood Baines
Berwin, Bernice Barbour, Hazel One Man's Family
Bey, Turhan Tarique, Francois Notorious Tarique, The
Bickhart, Sanford Adam Light of the World, The
Bickhart, Sanford Schultz, Mr. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Billsbury, Rye Boone, J.R. Jr. Meet Millie
Billsbury, Rye Dillon, Mark Gunsmoke
Bingham, Leslie Penny Against the Storm
Binyon, Conrad Butch Mayor of the Town
Binyon, Conrad Hoople, Alvin Major Hoople
Binyon, Conrad Murray, Henry Herbert "Hank" One Man's Family
Binyon, Conrad Nebbs, Junior Nebbs, The
Binyon, Conrad Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Birch, Tommye Foster, Eva Dan Harding's Wife
Bisher, Jane Wickersham, "Wickie" Honeymooners, The
Bishop, Richard Chief, The Howie Wing
Bivens, Jack Clipper Sky King
Bivens, Jack Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Bixby, Bob Regent, Bob Chandu, the Magician
Blackburn, Arline Clone, Genevive Red Trails
Blackburn, Arline Countess Glennannan: Kitty Kelly Pretty Kitty Kelly
Blackburn, Arline Kelly, Kitty: Countess of Glennannan Pretty Kitty Kelly
Blackburn, Arline Linda Linda's First Love
Blackburn, Arline Storm, Barbara Young Widder Brown
Blackburn, Arline Turner, Eileen O'Neills, The
Blaine, Joan Barrett, Joan Valiant Lady
Blaine, Joan Dumont, Dolores Welcome Valley
Blaine, Joan Houston, Joan Tale of Today, A
Blaine, Joan Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Blaine, Joan Scott, Joan Valiant Lady
Blaine, Martin Bennett, Gary Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Blaine, Martin Scott, Truman "Tubby" Valiant Lady
Blaine, Martin Sheppard, Adam F.B.I. In Peace and War, The
Blair, Henry Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Blair, Henry Henderson, Donnie Beulah
Blair, Henry Little Beaver Red Ryder
Blair, Henry Nelson, Ricky Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Blake, Carter Arkwright, Commander Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Blake, Judy Marsha Second Husband
Blanc, Mel Blanc, Mel Mel Blanc Show, The
Blanc, Mel Carmichael the Polar Bear Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Floyd Great Gildersleeve, The
Blanc, Mel Goo Goo the Duck Baker's Broadcast
Blanc, Mel Happy Postman George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Blanc, Mel Hornblower, Mr. Nitwit Court
Blanc, Mel LeBlanc, Professor Pierre Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Maxwell (Car) Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Moon, August Point Sublime
Blanc, Mel Pan Pancho Cisco Kid, The
Blanc, Mel Peabody, Hubert Camel Comedy Caravan
Blanc, Mel Pedro Judy Canova Show, The
Blanc, Mel Polly the Parrott Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Rover Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Blanc, Mel Sy the Little Mexican Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Train Announcer Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Twiggs, Tiffany Major Hoople
Blanc, Mel Twink, Botsford Abbott and Costello Show, The
Blanc, Mel Twombley, Gene Jack Benny Program, The
Blanc, Mel Uncle Petie Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Blanc, Mel Wortle, Roscoe E. Judy Canova Show, The
Blanc, Mel Zookie Mel Blanc Show, The
Block, Vivian Pan Wheatenaville Sketches
Block, Vivian Weston, Ann Wilderness Road
Blondell, Gloria Booker, Gerry "Jerri" I Love a Mystery
Blondell, Gloria Dean, Gloria Hollywood Mystery Time
Blondell, Joan Vance, Mary Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Blume, Ethel Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Blume, Ethel Betty Easy Aces
Boardman, Thelma Minnie Mouse Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Bogart, Humphrey Shannon, Slate Bold Venture
Bogue, Mervyn Ish Kabibble Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
Bogue, Mervyn Kabbible, Ish Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
Boland, Joe Police Sergeant Abie's Irish Rose
Boles, Jim Deputy Tennessee Jed
Boles, Jim Green, Fulmer King's Row
Boles, Jim Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Boles, Jim Mister Fix-It Mister Fix-It
Boles, Jim Mister Fixit Mr. Fixit
Boles, Jim Winton, Bob O'Neills, The
Boley, Anne Ruth Mighty Show, The
Bond, Richard Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Bond, Tommy Foster, Randolph Date With Judy, A
Bondhill, Gertrude Tremaine, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Boone, Richard Police Chief Dragnet
Booth, Shirley Assistant to the Press Agent Strictly Business
Booth, Shirley Daughter Hogan's Daughter
Booth, Shirley Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Boreum, Clara Mendoza Island Venture
Bouchey, Bill Albright, Red: Captain Midnight Captain Midnight
Bouchey, Bill Bartlett, Stanley Midstream
Bouchey, Bill Barton, Pa Bartons, The
Bouchey, Bill Captain Midnight: Red Albright Captain Midnight
Bouchey, Bill Corbett, Jeff Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Bouchey, Bill Cunningham, Charles Guiding Light, The
Bouchey, Bill Decker, Gordon Romance of Helen Trent, The
Bouchey, Bill Drew, Harvey Betty and Bob
Bouchey, Bill Gilman, Gordon Those Happy Gilmans
Bouchey, Bill Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Bouchey, Bill Sherman, Inspector Man from Homicide
Bouchey, Bill Sherman, Inspector Man from Homicide
Bourbon, Diane Jessie Charlie and Jessie
Bowman, Lee Cooper, George My Favorite Husband
Bowman, Lee Kegg, Jonathan Jonathan Kegg
Bowman, Lee Kegg, Jonathan Life In Your Hands, A
Boyar, Burt Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Boyd, Henry Canary Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Boyd, William Cassidy, Hopalong Hopalong Cassidy
Boyer, Burt Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Boyer, Charles Michel Presenting Charles Boyer
Boyle, Jack Gump, Andy Gumps, The
Bracken, Eddie Bracken, Eddie Eddie Bracken Show, The
Bracken, Eddie Stevens, Dizzy Aldrich Family, The
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Bradley, Curley Curley Bradley, Singing Marshal
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Ranch Boy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Snood, Amos Q. Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Stumpy Road to Danger
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Williams, Pecos Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Joe "Curley" Williams, Pecos Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Bradley, Truman Brad Easy Aces
Brady, Pat Sidekick Roy Rogers Show, The
Braham, Horace Banning, Ernest Big Sister
Braham, Horace Harison, George Woman of Courage
Braham, Horace Harrison, Frank As the Twig Is Bent
Braham, Horace Harrison, Frank We Love and Learn
Braham, Horace Lang, Charles Wendy Warren and the News
Braham, Horace Raffles, A.J. Raffles
Bramley, Raymond Finke, Silas David Harum
Bramley, Raymond Johnson, Lewis Stella Dallas
Bramley, Raymond York, Burton Howie Wing
Brandon, Orson Tremaine, Mr. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Bratz, Barbara Mary Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Brayden, Sarah Crain, Betty Madame Courageous
Brayton, Margaret Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Brayton, Margaret Dudley, Martha Brenthouse
Brayton, Margaret Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Brayton, Margaret Gertrude Joe Penner Show, The
Brazier, Bert Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Bremner, Muriel Bradley, Helen Woman In White
Bremner, Muriel Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Bremner, Muriel Lake, Sandra Crime Files of Flamond, The
Bremner, Muriel Lee, Monica In the Case of Aggie Horn
Bremner, Muriel Sherman, June Crime on the Waterfront
Brennan, Walter Bean, Judge Roy Law West of the Pecos
Brennan, Walter Vanderhof, Grandpa You Can't Take It with You
Brent, Martin Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Brenton, William Bob Mary and Bob
Bresee, Franklin Hoople, Alvin Major Hoople
Bresee, Franklin Little Beaver Red Ryder
Breston, Cheer Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Brewster, John Benedict, Joseph Woman of Courage
Brian, David Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Brian, David Voice of the Law Mister District Attorney
Brice, Edwin Strong, Larry Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Brice, Fanny Baby Snooks Baby Snooks Show, The
Brice, Fanny Higgins, Baby Snooks Baby Snooks Show, The
Brice, Fanny Irma Fanny Brice Show, The
Brickert, Carlton Assistant to Howard Thurston Thurston the Magician
Brickert, Carlton Barnett, Captain Barnet Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 2
Brickert, Carlton Post, David Story of Mary Marlin, The
Briggs, Donald Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Briggs, Donald Chase, Mark Death Valley Sheriff
Briggs, Donald Chase, Mark Shafter Parker and His Circus
Briggs, Donald Curtis, Scoop Girl Alone
Briggs, Donald First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Briggs, Donald Greatguy, Coach Dick Daring's Adventures
Briggs, Donald Harker, Tony Betty and Bob
Briggs, Donald Holton, Stanley Portia Faces Life
Briggs, Donald Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Briggs, Donald Merriwell, Frank Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Briggs, Donald Wells, Brian David Harum
Briggs, Finney Dari-Dan Adventures of Dari-Dan
Briggs, Finney Dari-Dan While the City Sleeps
Briggs, Finney Uncle Bill Woman In White
Bright, Patricia Girlfriend Slapsie Maxie Show, The
Brinker, Kaye Barbara Our Gal Sunday
Brinker, Kaye Hamilton, Barbara Our Gal Sunday
Brinker, Kaye Locke, Patricia Manhatten Mother
Brinker, Kaye Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Brinker, Kaye Voice of Romance Romance
Brisson, Carl Brisson, Carl Voice in the Night, A
Britton, Barbara North, Pamela Mister and Mrs. North
Brixton, Jonathon Assistant to Roger Allen Attorney for the Defense
Brock, Arlene Miss Mead's Child 2 of 3 Miss Meade's Children
Brodie, Steve Malloy, Mike Mike Malloy, Private Eye
Brodrick, Malcolm Marriott, Peter Marriage, The
Brody, Don Grouch Grouch Club, The
Brook, Clive Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Brooks, Larry Boy Passport to Romance
Brooks, Orville Jailbusters Jailbusters
Brooks, Theodore Jailbusters Jailbusters
Brower, Florence Helen Lonely Women
Brower, Millicent Brown, Ellen Young Widder Brown
Brown, Alfred Og Og, Son of Fire
Brown, George Frame Gus Tony and Gus
Brown, Helen Foster, Miss Big Town
Brown, Himan Marino, Papa Little Italy
Brown, James Masters, Rip Rin-Tin-Tin
Brown, John Al My Friend Irma
Brown, John Barker, Jim Lorenzo Jones
Brown, John Bingle, J.B. Busy Mr. Bingle
Brown, John Broadway Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Brown, John City Editor Charlotte Greenwood Show, The
Brown, John Dean of Fairmont College Mel Torme Show, The
Brown, John Doe, John Fred Allen Show, The
Brown, John Dorsey, Mr. Adventures of Maisie
Brown, John Fernak, Inspector Saint, The
Brown, John Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
Brown, John Gillis, Jim Life of Riley, The
Brown, John Lenord, Mr. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Brown, John O'Dell, Digby "Digger" Life of Riley, The
Brown, John Simpkins, Boss Tillie the Toiler
Brown, John Son-In-Law Gay Mrs. Featherstone, The
Brown, John Thornberry, Thorny Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Brown, John Willoughby, Homer Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Brown, Oscar Prior, Lowell Secret City
Brown, Reed Jr. Wright, Gordon Roses and Drums
Browne, Laidman Holmes, Sherlock Corner In Crime
Brownell, Lalive Higgins, Mrs. Baby Snooks Show, The
Bruce, Bob Operator 63 Gallant Heart
Bruce, Edwin Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Bruce, Edwin Joey Little Herman
Bruce, Edwin Son Gramps
Bruce, Nigel Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Bruce, Virginia Read, Susan Rexall Summer Theatre, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Dithers, Julius C. Blondie
Bryan, Arthur Q. Duke Forever Ernest
Bryan, Arthur Q. Fuddle, Mr. Blondie
Bryan, Arthur Q. Gamble, George "Doc" Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Grouch Grouch Club, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Hoople, Amos Major Hoople
Bryan, Arthur Q. Levinson, Walt Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Bryan, Arthur Q. Munson, Floyd Great Gildersleeve, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Rolinson, Roland "Rawhide" Red Ryder
Bryan, Arthur Q. Tubbs, Homer Ethel Merman Show, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Wadcliff, Waymond Band Wagon, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Warren, Professor Halls of Ivy, The
Bryan, Arthur Q. Willow, Mr. Nitwit Court
Bryan, Warren James, Bob Stella Dallas
Bryan, Warren Worthington, Dick Orphans of Divorce
Bryant, Geoffrey Mizznick, Milton Meyer the Buyer
Bryant, Geoffrey Tex Mystery In the Air
Bryant, Geoffrey Tobin, Dan City Desk
Bryant, Nana Tilsey, Miss Fabulous Dr. Tweedy
Bryce, Edward Strong, Captain Larry Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Bryon, Gene Molly Molly of the Movies
Buckley, Floyd Popeye Popeye the Sailor
Buckley, May Aggie Tish
Budd, Wilbur Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Buffington, Sam Slaughter, Luke Luke Slaughter of Tombstone
Buka, Donald Mallory, Barney: The Sparrow Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Buka, Donald Sparrow, The: Barney Mallory Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Buloff, Joseph Glass, Barney House of Glass
Bunce, Alan Arbuckle, Albert Ethel and Albert
Bunce, Alan Hart, Ted Pepper Young's Family
Bunce, Alan Hopkins, Ted Hello Peggy
Bunce, Alan Howard, Spencer Home of the Brave
Bunce, Alan Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Burbig, Henry Chastnut, De Willage CeCo Couriers
Burbig, Henry Dangerous Jake the Jew CeCo Couriers
Burbig, Henry Levy at the Bat CeCo Couriers
Burch, Dale Holt, Mary Road of Life, The
Burdick, Cornelia Allen, Kate Doctor Kate
Burdick, Hal Night Editor Night Editor
Burke, Billie Billie Billie Burke Show, The
Burke, Billie Featherstone, Mrs. Gay Mrs. Featherstone, The
Burke, Frankie Scott, Frances It Takes A Woman
Burke, Georgia Lily When A Girl Marries
Burke, James Producer Rose of My Dreams
Burke, Walter Assistant to Mark Saber Inspector Mark Saber
Burlen, Margaret Jones, Mother Tillie the Toiler
Burlen, Margaret Ma Ma and Pa
Burns, Bob Akansas Traveler Bob Burns Show, The
Burr, Anne Marsh, Nona Wendy Warren and the News
Burr, Anne Nurse City Hospital
Burr, Anne Rawlings, Regina Backstage Wife
Burr, Raymond Backstrand, Ed Dragnet
Burr, Raymond Hellman, Inspector Pat Novak for Hire
Burr, Raymond Quince, Lee Fort Laramie
Burrell, Lloyd Mitchell, Steve Dangerous Assignment
Burroughs, Joan Parker, Jane Tarzan
Burtis, Eric Grouch Grouch Club, The
Burton, Sarah Bixby, Mrs. Missis Miniver
Burton, Sarah Laura As the Twig Is Bent
Burton, Sarah Laura We Love and Learn
Burton, Sarah Lisa Against the Storm
Bushman, Francis X. Carver, Mr. Margo of Castlewood
Bushman, Francis X. Dorn, Michael Story of Mary Marlin, The
Bushman, Francis X. Fairchild, John Step Mother
Bushman, Francis X. Marshall, John Those We Love
Bushman, Francis X. McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Bushman, Francis X. McLean, Corporal McLean of the Northwest Mounted
Bushman, Francis X. Standish, Peter Betty and Bob
Bushman, Francis X. Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Butler, Frank Arnold, Dave Mister Chameleon
Butterfield, Herb Alvarado, Jose Romance of the Ranchos
Butterfield, Herb Chief Silent Men
Butterfield, Herb Commissioner Dangerous Assignment
Butterfield, Herb Conway, Bart Presenting Charles Boyer
Butterfield, Herb Ferguson, Dean Young Love
Butterfield, Herb Herringbone, Phineas Ma Perkins
Butterfield, Herb Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Butterfield, Herb Jones, Lt. Lee Dragnet
Butterfield, Herb Lorenzo Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Butterfield, Herb Queen, Inspector Richard Adventures of Ellery Queen
Butterfield, Herb Weissoul Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Butterfield, Herb Wellman, Clarence Halls of Ivy, The
Butterfield, Roland Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Butterfield, Roland Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Buyeff, Lillian Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Byers, Billy Bracefield, Mirian Hawthorne House
Byington, Spring Ruskin, Lily December Bride
Byron, Brook Sister Meet Me In St. Louis
Caine, Berry Annie Story of Mary Marlin, The
Caine, Betty Carrie Just Neighbors
Caine, Betty Houston, Joan Tale of Today, A
Caine, Betty Miller, Elizabeth Second Mrs. Burton, The
Caine, Betty Newspaper Woman Whisper Men
Caine, Betty O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Caine, Betty Sothern, Mary Life of Mary Sothern, The
Calder, King Anderson, James Second Mrs. Burton, The
Calder, King Hale, Inspector Hearts In Harmony
Calder, King Stevenson, Will Barry Cameron
Calvert, Charles Tartalgia, Sergeant Broadway Is My Beat
Calvert, Marge Judy Judy and Jane
Calvin, John Henry Sharp, Joshua Big Guy
Cameron, Al Dirk, Steve Brenthouse
Campbell, Clyde Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Campbell, Flora Forbes, Lambert Jean Brave Tomorrow
Campbell, Flora King, Janice Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Campbell, Kay Fitz, Evey Perkins Ma Perkins
Campbell, Patsy Archer, Kitty: The Mouse McGarry and His Mouse
Campbell, Patsy Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Campbell, Patsy Dawson, Patti Rosemary
Campbell, Patsy Joan House In the Country, A
Campbell, Patsy Mouse, The: Kitty Archer McGarry and His Mouse
Campbell, Patsy Turp, Ethel Joe and Ethel Turp
Canova, Judy Canova, Judy Judy Canova Show, The
Cantor, Charlie Barker, Mister Meet Mr. Meek
Cantor, Charlie Finnegan, Clifton Duffy's Tavern
Cantor, Charlie Herbie Amazing Mr. Smith, The
Cantor, Charlie Levy, Soloman Abie's Irish Rose
Cantor, Charlie Mulligan, Socrates Fred Allen Show, The
Cantor, Charlie Uncle Buckley Life of Riley, The
Cantor, Charlie Zero Alan Young Show, The
Card, Kathryn Barton, Grandmother Bartons, The
Card, Kathryn Bess Just Neighbors
Card, Kathryn Hemp, Emily Honest Harold
Card, Kathryn Kate Girl Alone
Card, Kathryn Wiggins, Mrs. Uncle Walter's Dog House
Carden, Fran Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Carden, Frances Hunt, Ella Man I Married, The
Carew, Helen Johnson, Vera Stella Dallas
Carew, Helen Mitchell, Mrs. Barry Cameron
Carey, Macdonald Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Carey, Macdonald Hickory Young Hickory
Carey, Macdonald Hillery, Jonathan Just Plain Bill
Carey, Macdonald Jason Jason and His Golden Fleece
Carey, Macdonald Knight, John Girl Alone
Carey, Macdonald Markham, Dr. Lee Woman In White
Carillo, Leo Pedro Grapevine Rancho
Carlon-Reid, Linda Miss Bean Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Carlon-Reid, Linda Parker, Mrs. Parker Family, The
Carlon, Fran Blake, Portia Portia Faces Life
Carlon, Fran Dunlap, Shirley Attorney at Law
Carlon, Fran Galway, Irene Our Gal Sunday
Carlon, Fran Hudson, Helene Lora Lawton
Carlon, Fran Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Carlon, Fran Keene, Kitty Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Carlon, Fran Kilbourne, Lorelei Big Town
Carlon, Fran Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Carlon, Fran Martell, Joan Joan and Kermit
Carlon, Fran Mitchell, Bunny Story of Mary Marlin, The
Carlon, Fran Patty Today's Children
Carlon, Linda Scott, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Carlon, Linda Sothern, Mary Life of Mary Sothern, The
Carlon, Linda Westcott, Agnes Valiant Lady
Carlon, Linda Westcott, Mrs. Agnes Valiant Lady
Carlson, Ernest Brent, Peter Brenthouse
Carney, Art Angus Lorenzo Jones
Carney, Art Athelete, The Henry Morgan Show, The
Carney, Art Charlie Morey Amsterdam Show, The
Carney, Art Montague's Father Magnificent Montague, The
Carney, Art Oldham, Billy Joe and Ethel Turp
Carney, Art Red Lantern Land of the Lost
Carney, Art Roosevelt, Franklin Delano March of Time, The
Carnovsky, Morris Bassett, Adam Prairie Folks
Carnovsky, Morris Kriss, Mr. Into the Light
Carothers, Isabel Lu Clara, Lu and Em
Carpenter, Cliff Abbott, Jack We, The Abbotts
Carpenter, Cliff Bassett, Curtis Prairie Folks
Carpenter, Cliff Carlton, Jim We Love and Learn
Carpenter, Cliff Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Carpenter, Cliff Whipple, Jerry County Seat
Carpenter, Laura Mae Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Carr, Tommy Hall, Jerry Magic Island
Carroll, Charles Scott, Truman "Tubby" Valiant Lady
Carroll, Charles Vernon, Jack O'Neills, The
Carroll, Gene Carroll, Gene Gene and Glenn
Carroll, Gene Lena Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Carroll, Helen Carroll, Helen Merry Macs, The
Carroll, Jean Propietress Sealtest Village Store
Carroll, Madeleine Gentry, Doctor Anne Affairs of Dr. Gentry, The
Carson, Jack Carson, Jack Jack Carson Show, The
Carson, Jack Carson, Jack Signal Carnival
Carson, Jack Propietor Sealtest Village Store
Carson, Shorth (Ken) Ranch Boy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Carter, Wilfie Montana Slim Montana Slim
Casey, Angel Intercom Voice Road of Life, The
Castle, Irene Best Dressed Woman Life of Irene Castle, The
Cates, Opie Cates, Opie Opie Cates Show, The
Cecil Patrick, Johnny Cecil and Sally
Cecil, Mary Chandler, Miranda Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Chalmers, Thomas Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Chamlee, Mario Tony Tony and Gus
Chandler, Jeff Boynton, Philip Our Miss Brooks
Chandler, Jeff Dana, Dr. Private Life of Dr. Dana
Chandler, Jeff Dana, Steve Private Practice of Dr. Dana, The
Chandler, Jeff Remington, Chad Frontier Town
Chandler, Jeff Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Chaney, Frances Burma Terry and the Pirates
Chaney, Frances Joan House In the Country, A
Chaney, Frances Kerby, Marion Adventures of Topper
Chapin, Michael Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Chapman, Patte Morrison, Anne Mother O' Mine
Chapman, Patte Operator That's Rich
Chase, Frank Walker, George Front Page Farrell
Chatterton, Ruth Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Cheatle, John Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Chinley, Jeanette Libby Goldbergs, The
Choate, Helen Beldon, Myra Brenda Curtis
Choate, Helen Bowen, Patsy Nick Carter, Master Detective
Choate, Helen Devere, Billie Myrt and Marge
Choate, Helen Elliott, Jane Eno Crime Club
Choate, Helen Miller, Joyce Rosemary
Choate, Helen Wilson, Bunny Pretty Kitty Kelly
Chrisie, Audrey Assistant to Peter Standish Doctor Standish, Medical Examiner
Christy, Bill Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Christy, Ken Clark, Leonard Step Mother
Christy, Ken Father Sad Sack
Christy, Ken Gates, Police Chief Great Gildersleeve, The
Christy, Ken Happy Saint, The
Christy, Ken Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Christy, Ken Lodge, Sullivan Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Christy, Ken Prentiss, Ed Gallant Heart
Christy, Ken Quinn, Police Lt. Great Gildersleeve, The
Christy, Ken Talia-San Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Christy, Ken Twitchell, Mr. Sad Sack
Christy, Ken Weemish, Mr. Baby Snooks Show, The
Churchill, Beatrice Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Cisar, George Tim Tena and Tim
Claire, Helen Andrews, Betty Stories of the Black Chamber
Claire, Helen Browning, Edith Bright Horizon
Claire, Helen Dexter, Ada Stella Dallas
Claire, Helen Graham, Betty Roses and Drums
Claire, Helen Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Claire, Helen Lansing, Virginia Backstage Wife
Claire, Helen O'Neill, Sally Scott O'Neills, The
Claire, Helen Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Claire, Helen Thackery, Jan Shafter Parker and His Circus
Claire, Helen Winters, Edith Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Claire, Malcolm Old Man Malcolm Claire
Claire, Malcolm Old Witch Malcolm Claire
Claire, Malcolm Spare Ribs Malcolm Claire
Claire, Malcolm Spare Ribs Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Claire, Malcolm Spare Ribs Spare Ribs
Claire, Malcolm Whitewash Malcolm Claire
Clark, Dane Chambers, Peter Crime and Peter Chambers
Clark, Dane Quisinberry, Perry "Quiz" Passport for Adams
Clark, Everett Flamond Crime Files of Flamond, The
Clark, Lon Carter, Nick Nick Carter, Master Detective
Clark, Lon Hoyt, Andy Pepper Young's Family
Clark, Lon Markham, David Backstage Wife
Clark, Lon Richards, Keith Bright Horizon
Clark, Lon United Press Correspondent Soldiers of the Press
Clark, Lon Weston, Sam Wilderness Road
Clark, Virginia Trent, Helen Romance of Helen Trent, The
Clarke, Everett Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Clarke, Philip Adam Light of the World, The
Clarke, Philip Keen, Mister Mister Keen, Tracer of Last Persons
Clarke, Philip Keeper of the Book Sealed Book
Clarke, Philip Reimer, Doctor Against the Storm
Clay, Carlton Quakenbush, Cobadiah Hoosier Philosopher
Cleary, Leo Bailiff His Honor, the Barber
Clemens, Jack Gibson, Bobby Gibson Family, The
Clemens, Jack Gibson, Bobby Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Clemens, Loretta Marsh, Dotty Gibson Family, The
Clemens, Loretta Marsh, Dotty Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Clyde, Andy Carlson, Jack (California) Hopalong Cassidy
Cobb, Irvin S. Old Southern Colonel Pacducah Plantation
Cobb, Lee J. Tailgunner Roosty of the A.A.F.
Coburn, Charles Jackson, Andrew Roses and Drums
Colby, Julius Mister Hollywood Mr. Hollywood
Cole, Dewey Yukon King Challenge of the Yukon, The
Coleman, Nancy Hughes, Alice Young Dr. Malone
Collier, Constance Atwood, Jessie Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Collier, Lois Chandler, Carol Dear John
Collins, Ann Worth, Ann Ann Worth, Housewife
Collins, Gail Collins, Gail It's a Crime Mr. Collins
Collins, Ray Boone, Daniel Wilderness Road
Collins, Ray Booth, John Trouble House
Collins, Ray Craig, Alvin Life Begins
Collins, Ray Hackett, Doc Will County Seat
Collins, Ray Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
Collins, Ray Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Collins, Ray York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Collins, Tom Blanding, John Gallant Heart
Collins, Tom Chandler, Frank: Chandu, the Magician Chandu, the Magician
Collins, Tom Chandu, the Magician: Frank Chandler Chandu, the Magician
Collins, Tom Desmond, Harvey Greatest of These, The
Collins, Tom Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
Collins, Tom Race, Frank Adventures of Frank Race
Collins, Tom York, Reggie I Love Adventure
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Conway, Michael Pretty Kitty Kelly
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Davis, Chip Chip Davis, Commando
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Hopkins, Tom Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Kent, Clark: Superman Adventures of Superman
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Powell, Henry Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Smith, Logan Life Can Be Beautiful
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Stafford, Wyn Kitty Foyle
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Superman: Clark Kent Adventures of Superman
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Taylor, Tom Phyl Cole Radio Mysteries
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Turner, Peter Young Widder Brown
Collyer, Clayton "Bud" Waring, Adam Man I Married, The
Colman, Ronald Hall, William Todhunter Halls of Ivy, The
Colona, Jerry Colona, Professor Bob Hope Show, The
Colston, Warren Clone, Tim Red Trails
Colston, Warren Minor, Davis House Beside the Road, The
Colston, Warren Minor, Davis Wayside Cottage
Colton, Kingsley Nielsen, Hancey Prairie Folks
Colton, Kingsley Watson, Buddy My Son and I
Comer, Twila Barbara Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Comstock, Bill Lish, Tizzie Al Pearce and His Gang
Comstock, Bill Lish, Tizzie Your Blind Date
Condon, Eva Aunt Polly David Harum
Condon, Eva Wiggs, Mrs. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Conklin, Peggy Archer, Kitty: The Mouse McGarry and His Mouse
Conklin, Peggy Daughter That's My Pop
Conklin, Peggy Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Conklin, Peggy Mouse, The: Kitty Archer McGarry and His Mouse
Conklin, Peggy Peggy Life of Riley, The
Conklin, Peggy Riley, Barbara "Babs" Life of Riley, The
Connell, Gordon Sherwood, Billy Hawthorne House
Connery, John Leighton, Colonel Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Connolly, Walter Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Connor, Whitfield Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Conrad, Paul Daley, Ralph Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Conrad, Paul Travis, Morning star Cimarron Tavern
Conrad, William Burns, Walter Front Page
Conrad, William Chief Silent Men
Conrad, William Dave the Dude Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Conrad, William Dillon, Matt Gunsmoke
Conrad, William Dingle, Captain Meet Miss Sherlock
Conrad, William Dumont, Louis Jason and His Golden Fleece
Conrad, William Dundy, Lieutenant Adventures of Sam Spade
Conrad, William Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Conrad, William Warchek Johnny Madero, Pier 23
Conried, Hans Cushing, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Conried, Hans Dolittle, Colonel Lucius Much About Dolittle
Conried, Hans Hemingway, Mr. Judy Canova Show, The
Conried, Hans Honeywell, Oliver Great Gildersleee, The
Conried, Hans Kropotkin, Professor My Friend Irma
Conried, Hans Mildew, Jonathan Alan Young Show, The
Conried, Hans Porter, Pete December Bride
Conried, Hans Schultz, Mr Life With Luigi
Conried, Hans Schweinkampf, Rudolph My Favorite Husband
Conried, Hans Snoop, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Conried, Hans Uncle Baxter Life of Riley, The
Conried, Hans Woods, Mr. My Favorite Husband
Conte, John Husband My Good Wife
Conway, Joseph Drake, Alfred This Is Nora Drake
Conway, Julie Armstrong Girl Armstrong Theatre of Today
Conway, Tom Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Conway, Tom Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Conway, Tom Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Coogan, Jackie Botch, Ernest Forever Ernest
Coogan, Richard Hughes, Robbie Young Dr. Malone
Coogan, Richard Jonathan Light of the World, The
Coogan, Richard Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Cook, Barbara Boyd, Julie Great Marlini, The
Cook, Donald Allison, Robert My Son Jeep
Cook, Donald Charlie Charlie and Jessie
Cook, Donald Crawford, Lloyd Life Begins
Cook, Donald Morrison, John Mother O' Mine
Cook, Donald Young, Dick Life Begins
Cook, Thomas Coffin Joshua Old Homestead, The
Cook, Tommy Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Cook, Tommy Little Beaver Red Ryder
Cook, Tommy Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Cooley, Frank McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Cooley, Frank Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Coons, Johnny Clark, Smelly Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Clipper Sky King
Coons, Johnny Cracky, Otto Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Dean, Harry Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Gartner, L.J. Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Gook, Rush Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Miller, Russell Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Coons, Johnny Sprawl, Mervyn S. Vic and Sade
Coons, Johnny Wheeney, Orville Vic and Sade
Cooper, Ben Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Cooper, Ben Scotty Mark Trail
Cooper, Claude Gaddis, Pegleg Moonshine and Honeysuckle
Cooper, Ed Cooper, Ed Milt Hearth Trio, The
Coppin, Grace Maude Life of Riley, The
Coppin, Grace Riley, Peg Life of Riley, The
Corbet, Lois Sycamore, Penny You Can't Take It with You
Corbett, Lois Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Corbett, Lois Henderson, Alice Beulah
Corbett, Lois Higgins, Mrs. Baby Snooks Show, The
Cordell, Cathleen Brewster, Monica Valiant Lady
Cordell, Cathleen Cummings, Brenda Second Husband
Cordell, Cathleen Sullivan, Marion Burton Second Mrs. Burton, The
Corey, Jeff Abar, Lieutenant (Ybarra) Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Corey, Jeff Ybarra, Lieutenant (Abar) Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Corey, Wendell McGarry, Dan McGarry and His Mouse
Corley, Bob Beulah Beulah
Corn, Alfred Tony Little Italy
Correll, Charles Andy (Andrew H. Brown) Amos 'n' Andy
Correll, Charles Brown, Andrew H. Amos 'n' Andy
Correll, Charles Henry (Henry Johnson) Sam 'n' Henry
Correll, Charles Johnson, Henry Sam 'n' Henry
Correll, Charles Van Porter, Henry Amos 'n' Andy
Corrigan, Lloyd Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Costello, William Freddie Frog Betty Boop's Fables
Cotsworth, Staats Adams, Roger Marriage for Two
Cotsworth, Staats Alex Right to Happiness, The
Cotsworth, Staats Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Cotsworth, Staats Casey, Jack Casey, Crime Photographer
Cotsworth, Staats Farrell, David Front Page Farrell
Cotsworth, Staats Howe, Sam Roger Kilgore, Public Defender
Cotsworth, Staats Leighton, Edward Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Cotsworth, Staats Mason, Jack Second Mrsl Burton, The
Cotsworth, Staats North, Major Hugh Major North, Army Intelligence
Cotsworth, Staats North, Major Hugh Man from G-2
Cotsworth, Staats Pickney, Chales Cavalcade of America
Cotsworth, Staats Roger Marriage for Two
Cotsworth, Staats Roosevelt, Franklin Delano March of Time, The
Cotsworth, Staats Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Cotsworth, Staats Thayer, Sylvanus Cavalcade of America
Cotsworth, Staats Thorne, Inspector Inspector Thorne
Cotsworth, Staats Trail, Mark Mark Trail
Cotsworth, Staats Washington, George Cavalcade of America
Cotsworth, Staats Wayne, John Big Sister
Cotsworth, Staats Weigand, Bill Mister and Mrs. North
Cotten, Joseph Bell, Matthew Private Files of Matthew Bell, The
Coulouris, George Chairman As the Twig Is Bent
Coulouris, George Drummond, Hugh "Bulldog" Bulldog Drummond
Coulouris, George Harrison, Frank As the Twig Is Bent
Coulouris, George Reynolds, Neil Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Council, Betty Equestrienne Circus Days
Courtleigh, Stephen Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Courtleigh, Stephen Scott, Stonewall Mystery In the Air
Courtleigh, Stephen Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Coy, Walter Lanyard, Michael: The Lone Wolf Lone Wolf, The
Coy, Walter Lone Wolf,: Michael Lanyard Lone Wolf, The
Crabtree, Paul Naughton, David Claudia and David
Craig, Dr. Earl Quiz, Professor Professor Quiz
Cramer, Marjorie Reporter, Girl Black Hood, The
Crane, Dolores Cameron, Betty Meet Corliss Archer
Craven, Opal Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
Crawford, Bill Aviator Thunder Over Paradise
Crawford, Boyd Leighton, Edward Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Creade, Donna Merritt, Judith Backstage Wife
Creighton, Sally Gregory, Mrs. Patricia Magic Island
Crenna, Dick Beasy Hardy Family, The
Crenna, Dick Denton, Walter Our Miss Brooks
Crenna, Dick Pringle, Oogie Date With Judy, A
Crenna, Dick Thompson, Bronco Great Gildersleeve, The
Crenna, Dick Waldo George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, The
Crisp, Donald Trimble, Jonathan Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Croft, Mary Jane Abbott, Barbara One Man's Family
Croft, Mary Jane Colby, Betty Mel Blanc Show, The
Croft, Mary Jane Cook, Mrs. Too Many Cooks
Croft, Mary Jane Dolores Bill Goodwin Show, The
Croft, Mary Jane Enright, Mrs. Our Miss Brooks
Croft, Mary Jane Evelina Honest Harold
Croft, Mary Jane Harriet Blondie
Croft, Mary Jane Henderson, Alice Beulah
Croft, Mary Jane Martin, Sandra Story of Sandra Martin, The
Cromwell, Richard Marshall, Kit Those We Love
Cronyn, Hume Marriott, Ben Marriage, The
Crosby, Lou Grant, Jim (the Pecos Kid) Law West of the Pecos
Crosby, Wayne O'Bannon, Cherokee Frontier Town
Crowder, Constance Brewster, Jane That Brewster Boy
Crowder, Constance Cameron, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Crowder, Constance Mintern, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Crowder, Constance Moynihan, Mother Painted Dreams
Crowder, Constance Truitt, Gert Truitts, The
Crowder, Constance Webster, Jane Those Websters
Crowley, Matt Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Crowley, Matt Bradley, Jim: Jungle Jim Jungle Jim
Crowley, Matt Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Crowley, Matt Casey, Jack Casey, Crime Photographer
Crowley, Matt Drake, Paul Perry Mason
Crowley, Matt Jungle Jim: Jim Bradley Jungle Jim
Crowley, Matt Perry, John John's Other Wife
Crowley, Matt Rogers, Buck Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Crowley, Matt Tracy, Dick Dick Tracy
Crowley, Matt Trail, Mark Mark Trail
Crowley, Matt Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Crumit, Frank Singing Ring Master Spotlight Review
Crutcher, Marion Vance, M.R. Spencer Betty and Bob
Cullen, Lois Miscellaneous Nanny Goat Goat Island Goats
Culver, Howard Adams, Steve: Straight Arrow Straight Arrow
Culver, Howard Barnes, Jud Defense Attorney
Culver, Howard Biggs, Stephen Gallant Heart
Culver, Howard Dillon, Mark Gunsmoke
Culver, Howard Maritime Narrator We Deliver the Goods
Culver, Howard Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Culver, Howard Straight Arrow: Steve Adams Straight Arrow
Cummings, Robert Adair, Davis Those We Love
Cunneen, Nora Cecelia Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Curley, Leo Jackson, Ed Backstage Wife
Curley, Leo Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Currie, Donelda Porter, Genevieve Step Mother
Curry, Ivan Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Curtin, Joseph Chandler, Max Whisper Men
Curtin, Joseph Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Curtin, Joseph Cummings, Grant Second Husband
Curtin, Joseph Englishman Rose of My Dreams
Curtin, Joseph Galway, Peter Our Gal Sunday
Curtin, Joseph John David Harum
Curtin, Joseph Jordan, Mr. Story of Bess Johnson, The
Curtin, Joseph Lennox, John David Harum
Curtin, Joseph North, Jerry Mister and Mrs. North
Curtin, Joseph Perry, John John's Other Wife
Curtin, Joseph Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Curtin, Joseph Wharton, Mayor Richard Her Honor, Nancy James
Curtis, Donald Doctor Doctor's Wife
Curtis, Donald Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Cuthbertson, John Saunders, Singapore Bill Saunders of the Circle X
Dagmar, Doris Winthrop, Peggy Lux Radio Theatre
Dahl, Delores Friend Edith Adam's Future
Dahlhart, Vernon Barbarsol Ben Barber Shop Blues
Daigneau, Ken Bradley, Jeff Romance of Helen Trent, The
Daigneau, Ken Silver, Captain Sea Hound
Dalkin, Phil Smith, Ellis Guiding Light, The
Dalton, Doris Voice of Romance Romance
Daly, John C. Fu Manchu, Doctor Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Dameral, Donna Minter, Marge Myrt and Marge
Damon, Les Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Damon, Les Abbott, Pat Adventures of the Abbotts
Damon, Les Baker, Bill Portia Faces Life
Damon, Les Barton, Pa Bartons, The
Damon, Les Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Damon, Les Campbell, Richard Right to Happiness, The
Damon, Les Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Damon, Les Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Damon, Les Kennelly, Captain Frank Twenty-First Precinct
Damon, Les Knight, John Girl Alone
Damon, Les Nichols, Jim Houseboat Hannah
Damon, Les Saber, Mark Inspector Mark Saber
Damon, Les Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Damon, Les Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Damon, Les Wells, Christopher Adventures of Christopher Wells
Dandridge, Ruby Brown, Mammy Gallant Heart
Dandridge, Ruby Geranium Judy Canova Show, The
Dandridge, Ruby Oriole Beulah
Dane, Frank Brent, Fred Road of Life, The
Dane, Frank Bryson, Tom Backstage Wife
Dane, Frank George Betty and Bob
Dane, Frank Hendricks, Never-Fail Story of Mary Marlin, The
Dane, Frank Kent, Jimmy Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dane, Frank Mitchell, Lawrence Bachelor's Children
Dane, Frank Tim Tena and Tim
Dane, Frank Tragg, Arthur Perry Mason
Darnay, Toni Field, Sylvia When A Girl Marries
Darney, Toni Dutell, Nona Nona from Nowhere
Darney, Toni Dutell, Vernon Nona from Nowhere
Darney, Toni Winters, Evelyn Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Darvas, Lillie Madame Sophie As the Twig Is Bent
Darvas, Lillie Madame Sophie We Love and Learn
Davidson, Ed Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Davidson, Gretchen Gaines, Clara Mickey of the Circus
Davidson, Gretchen Kennedy, Carol Carol Kennedy's Romance
Davidson, Gretchen Nora the rectory housekeeper Adventures of Father Brown
Davies, Marjorie Armour, Carlotta Lagorro Today's Children
Davies, Marjorie Mason, Sylvia Maudie's Diary
Davies, Marjorie Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Davies, Marjorie Oakley, Clarissa David Harum
Davis, Dix Barton, Belly-Laugh Jack Benny Program, The
Davis, Dix Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Davis, Dix Duncan, Dinky Today at the Duncans
Davis, Dix Foster, Randolph Date With Judy, A
Davis, Dix Fuddle, Alvin Blondie
Davis, Dix Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Davis, Edith Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Davis, Edith Drake, May Betty and Bob
Davis, Edith Fletcher, Mrs. Step Mother
Davis, Edith Gardenia Betty and Bob
Davis, Edith Grimm, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Davis, Edith Mattie Step Mother
Davis, Humphrey Douglas, Al Life Can Be Beautiful
Davis, Humphrey Heath, Sergeant Philo Vance
Davis, Humphrey Jackson, Sheriff Tennessee Jed
Davis, Humphrey Shallum Light of the World, The
Davis, Jeanette Torrid Songstress Avalon Time
Davis, Joan Joan Joan Davis Show, The
Davis, Joan Propietress Sealtest Village Store
Davis, Joel Nelson, David Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Davis, Owen Jr. McCrea, Allen Those We Love
Davison, Edward Pennington, Red Don Winslow of the Navy
Dawson, George (Nick) Bannister, Clay Follow the Moon
Dawson, George (Nick) Gentry, Dan Dangerous Paradise
Dawson, George (Nick) O'Neill, Eddie C. O'Neills, The
Dawson, Hal K. Yess, Elmer Everett Elmer Everett Yess
Day, Dennis Day, Dennis Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Day, Dennis Day, Dennis Jack Benny Program, The
Day, Dolly Belker, Mrs. Vic and Sade
Day, Dolly Harris, Mrs. Vic and Sade
Day, Dorothy Brainfeeble, Dottie Vic and Sade
Day, Dorothy Lu Clara, Lu and Em
Day, Dorothy Rogers, Phyllis Myrt and Marge
Day, Elizabeth Barbara Thunder Over Paradise
Day, Elizabeth Burns, Margaret Just Plain Bill
Day, Elizabeth Jones, Sally Five-Star Jones
De Angelo, Carlo Carlo As the Twig Is Bent
De Angelo, Carlo Carlo We Love and Learn
de Cordoba, Pedro Alvarado, Jose Romance of the Ranchos
de Cordoba, Pedro Marshall, John Those We Love
de Corsia, Ted Black, Peter Inspector Pursuit
de Corsia, Ted Corkin, Flip Terry and the Pirates
de Corsia, Ted Eddie Big Story, The
de Corsia, Ted Hammer, Mike That Hammer Guy
de Corsia, Ted Joe Joe and Mabel
de Corsia, Ted McGarry, Dan McGarry and His Mouse
de Corsia, Ted Mulvaney, Patrick Home of the Brave
de Corsia, Ted Mussolini, Benito March of Time, The
de Corsia, Ted Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
de Corsia, Ted Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Dean, Eddie Burton, Larry Modern Cinderella
Dean, Jimmy Endman Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Deane, Bobbe Sherwood, Mariette Hawthorne House
DeCamp, Rosemary Madge Dot and Will
DeCamp, Rosemary Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Dee, Margaret Ma Ma and Pa
Deeds, Jack Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Deeds, Jack Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Deering, Olive Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Dehner, John Black, Peter Pursuit
Dehner, John Hermit Hermit's Cave
Dehner, John Judge Judge, The
Dehner, John Kendall, Jonathan B. Frontier Gentleman
Dehner, John Paladin Have Gun, Will Travel
Dehner, John Truitt, Elmer Truitts, The
Dekker, Albert Fletcher, Johnny Johnny Fletcher
DeKoven, Roger Allen, Jason McKinley Against the Storm
DeKoven, Roger Harris, Charlie Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
DeKoven, Roger Henderson, Myron Life Can Be Beautiful
DeKoven, Roger King, Andrew This Is Nora Drake
DeKoven, Roger Lambert, Hal Brave Tomorrow
Delano, Gwen Kingsley, Mrs. Nellie Gallant Heart
Delano, Gwen Maid Ann Worth, Housewife
Delano, Gwen Mesquite Molly Straight Arrow
Delbridge, Edwin Announcer Smith Family, The
Delmar, Kenny Claghorn, Beauregard "Senator" Fred Allen Show, The
Delmar, Kenny Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Delroy, Irene Delroy, Irene Stratosphere Murder Mystery
Delroy, Irene Delroy, Irene Transcontinental Murder Mystery
Demarest, William Cobb, Mr. Cobbs, The
Demarest, William Connie's Father Eddie Bracken Show, The
Denning, Richard Cooper, George My Favorite Husband
Denning, Richard North, Jerry Mister and Mrs. North
Denning, Richard Uncle Jack It's a Crime Mr. Collins
Denvir, Dorothy Gardner, Margaret Bachelor's Children
Denvir, Dorothy Gump, Min Gumps, The
Derby, Frank Kevin Houseboat Hannah
Derry, E.J. Three Cheers Al Pearce Show, The
DeSales, Francis Farrell, Lieutenant Tales of Fatima
DeSales, Francis Mitchell, Parris King's Row
DeSales, Francis Weigand, Bill Mister and Mrs. North
DeSantis, Joe Scott, Jim Under Arrest
Desmond, Johnny Johnny Judy, Jill and Johnny
Deval, Joe Fe Fo the Giant Cinnamon Bear
Devine, Andy Buck Law West of the Pecos
Devine, Andy Jones, Jingles P. Wild Bill Hickok
Devine, Andy Mulch, Mose Lum and Abner
Devitt, Alan Kai (Kukai) Sea Hound
Devitt, Alan Kukai (Kai) Sea Hound
Devitt, Alan White, Brellerton Myrt and Marge
Devitt, Alan Wong This Day Is Ours
DeWit, Jacqueline Thompson, Ruth Meet Mr. McNutley
DeWit, Jacqueline Valerie Second Husband
Dickson, Artells Maverick Jim Maverick Jim
Dickson, Artells Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Dickson, Artells Slim Pretty Kitty Kelly
Dickson, Artells Tex Mighty Show, The
Diehl, Ilka Stone, Gertrude In the Case of Aggie Horn
Dietrich, Marlene LaVolta, Diane Time for Love
Dietrich, Marlene Madou, Mlle. Cafe Istanbul
Dillon, Rosemary Carter, Hope Modern Cinderella
Dingle, Charles Employer Meet the Dixons
Dinsdale, Shirley Splinters, Judy Eddie Cantor Show, The
Disney, Walt Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Dix, Richard King, Sergeant David King of the Royal Mounties
Dixon, Jeanne Grimm, Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dixon, Jeanne Grimm, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dixon, Peter Lee, Mr. Raising Junior
Dobkin, Lawrence Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Dobkin, Lawrence Louie Saint, The
Dobkin, Lawrence Police Lieutenant Judge, The
Dobkin, Lawrence Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Dobkin, Lawrence Sergeant Dave Man from Homicide
Dobson, Jimmy Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Dobson, Jimmy Mantle, Reggie Archie Andrews
Dobson, Jimmy Wakefield, Tom Right to Happiness, The
Donald, Peter Burgess, Dick Your Family and Mine
Donald, Peter Cassidy, Ajax Fred Allen Show, The
Donald, Peter Chamberlain, Neville March of Time, The
Donald, Peter Ching, Oswald Story of Mary Marlin, The
Donald, Peter Connie Terry and the Pirates
Donald, Peter First Brother Into the Light
Donaldson, Ted Anderson, Bud Father Knows Best
Donehue, Vincent Davison, Neil Home of the Brave, The
Donlevy, Brian Mitchell, Steve Dangerous Assignment
Donley, Robert Carpenter, Lieutenant Front Page Farrell
Donnelley, Tom Brown, Mark Young Widder Brown
Donnelly, Andy Jimmy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Donnelly, Andy Tracy, Junior Dick Tracy
Donnelly, Andy Wiggs, Billy Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Donnelly, Jimmy Adair, Jerry Hilltop House
Donnelly, Jimmy Collins, Eddie O'Neills, The
Donnelly, Jimmy Craig, Richard Life Begins
Donnelly, Jimmy Matey (Sonny) Popeye the Sailor
Donnelly, Jimmy O'Neill, Eddie C. O'Neills, The
Donnelly, Jimmy Sonny (Matey) Popeye the Sailor
Donnelly, Jimmy Weston, Peter Wilderness Road
Donnelly, Tom Cummings, Dick Second Husband
Dopheide, Hazel Aunt Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Dopheide, Hazel Grandma Grandma Travels
Dopheide, Hazel Yokum, Mammy Li'l Abner
Dorr, Doctor Alfred T. Hansen, Dean Erik Open Door
Doty, Jack Hughes, Captain Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Douglas, Don Steele, John John Steele, Adventurer
Douglas, Don Wizard Black Castle
Douglas, Paul Feldman, Lawyer Meyer the Buyer
Douglas, Scott Black Hood, The: Kip Burland Black Hood, The
Douglas, Scott Burland, Kip: The Black Hood Black Hood, The
Douglas, Sharon Anderson, Millie Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Douglas, Sharon Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Douglas, Sharon Cartwright, Penny Sealtest Village Store
Douglas, Sharon Daughter My Mother's Husband
Douglas, Sharon Holland, Lois One Man's Family
Douglas, Sharon Riley, Barbara "Babs" Life of Riley, The
Douglas, Sharon Steffanson, Greta One Man's Family
Douglas, Susan Baker, Jean Backstage Wife
Douglas, Susan Judy Judy, Jill and Johnny
Douglas, Susan Weatherby, Laura Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Douglas, Susan Weatherby, Laura Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Douglass, Nancy Forbes, Lambert Jean Brave Tomorrow
Douglass, Nancy Hall, Peg Woman of America
Douglass, Nancy Hughes, Barbara Houseboat Hannah
Douglass, Nancy Manning, Arlene Harrison Portia Faces Life
Dowling, Eleanor Grainger, Ethel Betty and Bob
Dowling, Jeanette Cameron, Irma When A Girl Marries
Dowling, Jeanette Intercom Voice Road of Life, The
Dowling, Jeanette Lambert, Louise Brave Tomorrow
Doyle, Len Harrington, Len Mister District Attorney
Dragonette, Jessica Vivian the Coca-Cola Girl Coca-Cola Orchestra
Drake, Allen Friend Ethel Merman Show, The
Drake, Allen Tubbs, Homer Ethel Merman Show, The
Drake, Betsy Blandings, Muriel Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Drake, Pauline Bessie Great Gildersleeve, The
Drake, Pauline Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Draper, Margaret Dennis, Elizabeth "Liz" Brighter Day, A
Draper, Margaret Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Dream Singer Kirberry, Ralph Mohawk Treasure Chest, The
Dressler, Eric British Army Officer House on Q Street, The
Dressler, Eric Homicide Inspector Doctor Standish, Medical Examiner
Dressler, Eric Temple, Herbert Young Widder Brown
Dressler, Eric Thompson, Mr. Miss Hattie
Drew, Barry Fenton, Frank Ma Perkins
Drew, Wendy Brown, Ellen Young Widder Brown
Dryden, Robert Maggio, Sergeant Call the Police
Dryden, Robert Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Dryden, Robert West, Doctor We Love and Learn
Dubov, Paul Kirby, Tony You Can't Take It with You
Dubov, Paul Race, Frank Adventures of Frank Race
Dubov, Paul Regan, Jeff Lion's Eye, The
Dudley, Donald Tremaine, Jerry Hawthorne House
Dudley, Doris Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Duff, Howard Chandler, Josh Dear John
Duff, Howard McCoy, Mike McCoy, The
Duff, Howard Spade, Sam Adventures of Sam Spade
Dugan, Daisy Smith, Betty Smith Family, The
Dumas, Helene Bradley, Lydia Romance of Helen Trent, The
Dumas, Helene Dulcy Dot and Will
Dumas, Helene Edna Goldbergs, The
Dumas, Helene Laura Easy Aces
Dumas, Helene McDonald, Betty When A Girl Marries
Dumas, Helene Veronica Young Dr. Malone
Dumas, Helene West, Louise Jane Arden
Dumke, Ralph Captain Walt Hook 'n' Ladder Follies
Dumke, Ralph Plenty, Pat Quality Twins, The
Dumke, Ralph Tompkins, Willie We, The Abbotts
Dumke, Ralph Wilbur Life Begins
Dumond, Joe Higgins, Josh Josh Higgins
Dumond, Joe Higgins, Josh Josh Higgins of Finchville
Duncan, Alistair Brinthrope, Lord Henry Our Gal Sunday
Duncan, Buddy Cinnamon Bear aka Paddy O'Cinnamon Cinnamon Bear
Duncan, Buddy O'Cinnamon, Paddy: Cinnamon Bear Cinnamon Bear
Dunlap, Patricia Brewster, Nancy That Brewster Boy
Dunlap, Patricia Burns, Betty Backstage Wife
Dunlap, Patricia Curtis, Pat This Day Is Ours
Dunlap, Patricia Curtis, Pat Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Dunlap, Patricia Fairchild, Betty Armstrong of the S.B.I.
Dunlap, Patricia Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Dunlap, Patricia Lake, Sandra Crime Files of Flamond, The
Dunlap, Patricia Nad Og, Son of Fire
Dunlap, Patricia Pendeleton, Gladys Ma Perkins
Dunlap, Patricia Ryder, Janet Bachelor's Children
Dunlap, Patricia Sample, Fran Cousin Willie
Dunlap, Patricia Schultz, Bertha Lonely Women
Dunlap, Patricia Schultz, Bertha Today's Children
Dunn, Violet O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Dunne, Irene Armstrong, Susan Bright Star
Dunne, Michael Danfield, Daniel Danger, Dr. Danfield
Dunne, Steve Larson, Lucky Dangerous Paradise
Dunne, Steve Larson, Lucky Deadline Mystery
Dunne, Steve Spade, Sam Adventures of Sam Spade
Durante, Jimmy Bowers, Claudia "Brainy" Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Durrell, Guy Silver, Captain Pirate Ship
Duryea, Dan Dana, Lieutenant Lou Man from Homicide
Dwyer, Virginia Dee, Doris Backstage Wife
Dwyer, Virginia Farrell, Sally Front Page Farrell
Dwyer, Virginia Smith, Ellen Houseboat Hannah
East, Ed Gwendolyn Quality Twins, The
Eastman, Carl Bixby, Carl Missis Miniver
Eastman, Carl Lerner, Davis Abie's Irish Rose
Eastman, Carl Nelson, Toby Life Can Be Beautiful
Eastman, Carl Willard, Russ This Small Town
Easton, Bob Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Edmondson, Delmar Editor Heinz Magazine of the Air
Edmondson, Jimmy Backwards, Professor Jimmy Edmondson Show, The
Edney, Florence Aunt Maizie Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Edwards, Cliff Jiminy Cricket Fun and Fancy Free
Edwards, Douglas Edwards, Douglas Wendy Warren and the News
Edwards, Florida Sherwood, Mariette Hawthorne House
Edwards, Jack Grubb, Wayne One Man's Family
Edwards, Jack Legorro, David Today's Children
Edwards, Jack Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Edwards, Jack Mead, Bill Aunt Mary
Edwards, Sam Baker, Tracy One Man's Family
Edwards, Sam Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Edwards, Sam Husband First Hundred Years, The
Edwards, Sam Sherwood, Billy Hawthorne House
Edwards, Sam Smith, Billy Father Knows Best
Egan, Audrey Abbott, Barbara We, The Abbotts
Egan, Audrey King, Shirley Just Plain Bill
Egan, Audrey White, Betty Billy and Betty
Egelston, Charles Burt Portia Faces Life
Egelston, Charles Fuller, Humphrey Just Plain Bill
Egelston, Charles Pop Backstage Wife
Egelston, Charles Shober, Shuffle Ma Perkins
Eggleston, Shirley Secretary Crime Letter from Dan Dodge
Eher, Richard Bobby My Friend Irma
Eiler, Barbara Anderson, Millie Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Eiler, Barbara Dilley, Barbara Glamour Manor
Eiler, Barbara Girlfriend Mel Torme Show, The
Eiler, Barbara Graves, Lois Junior Miss
Eiler, Barbara Olive You Can't Take It with You
Eiler, Barbara Riley, Barbara "Babs" Life of Riley, The
Eiler, Barbara Student Fabulous Dr. Tweedy
Eiler, Barbara Sycamore, Alice You Can't Take It with You
Eiler, Barbara Wife First Hundred Years, The
Einstein, Harry Parkyakarkas, Nick Eddie Cantor Show, The
Einstein, Harry Parkyakarkas, Nick Meet Me at Parkys
Elders, Harry Adams, John Woman In White
Elders, Harry Baxter, Bill Baxters, The
Elders, Harry Evans, Bill Road of Life, The
Elders, Harry Gardner, Frank Bachelor's Children
Elders, Harry Houseman, David Step Mother
Elders, Harry Landis, Jack Woman In White
Eldredge, John Yess, Elmer Everett Elmer Everett Yess
Eley, Helen Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Elkins, Jeanne Pixie Hilltop House
Ellen, Minetta Barbour, Francis "Fanny" One Man's Family
Elliott, Bob Ballou, Wally Bob and Ray Show, The
Elliott, Bob Blaisdell, Tex Bob and Ray Show, The
Elliott, Bob Bosco, Steve Bob and Ray Show, The
Elliott, Bob Elliott, Bob Bob and Ray Show, The
Ellis, Ann Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Ellis, Bobby Aldrich Henry Aldrich Family, The
Ellis, Bobby Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Ellis, Bobby Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Ellis, Bobby Junior Fitz Ma Perkins
Ellis, Bobby Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Ellis, Caroline Caroline Caroline's Golden Store
Ellis, David Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Ellis, David Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Ellis, David Friday, Bart Adventures by Morse
Ellis, Georgia Button, Maggie Rogers of the Gazette
Ellis, Georgia June I Fly Anything
Ellis, Georgia Russell, Kitty Gunsmoke
Ellis, Herb Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Ellis, Herb Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Ellis, Maruice Jim Huckleberry Finn
Ellis, Robert Tremaine, Dal Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Ellstrom, Sidney Chauncy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Ellstrom, Sidney Coast Guards Flying Patrol
Ellstrom, Sidney Duffy, Mr. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Ellstrom, Sidney Emerson, George Helpmate
Ellstrom, Sidney Falvey, Hal Flying Time
Ellstrom, Sidney General, Revolutionary Thunder Over Paradise
Ellstrom, Sidney Halvorson Flying Time
Ellstrom, Sidney Snood, Amos Q. Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Ellyn, Jean Cook, Margie "Cookie" Valiant Lady
Ellyn, Jean Flatbush Siren Joe and Mabel
Ellyn, Jean Watson, Doctor Strange Dr. Karnac
Elsom, Isabel Hughes, Jessie Young Dr. Malone
Elstner, Anne Aggie Tish
Elstner, Anne Booth, Martha Trouble House
Elstner, Anne Dallas, Stella Stella Dallas
Elstner, Anne Gaddis, Cracker Moonshine and Honeysuckle
Elstner, Anne Gibson, Ma Gibson Family, The
Elstner, Anne Weston, Mary Wilderness Road
Emerson, Hope Berkeley, Mrs. Leave It to Mike
Emerson, Hope Cobb, Mrs. Cobbs, The
Emerson, Hope Elsie the Cow Happy Island
Emerson, Hope Topper, Henrietta Adventures of Topper
Emmet, Katherine Anthony, Agatha Romance of Helen Trent, The
Engel, Roy King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
Englund, Robert Rik Space Adventures of Space Noodle
Eric, Elspeth Anderson, Lillian Second Mrs. Burton, The
Eric, Elspeth Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Eric, Elspeth Marsha Young Dr. Malone
Eric, Elspeth Mother Mommie and the Man
Eric, Elspeth Nancy Falcon, The
Eric, Elspeth Olson, Emily Central City
Eric, Elspeth Ramsey, Diane Big Sister
Eric, Elspeth Richards, Eleanor Valiant Lady
Eric, Elspeth Standish, Lucia Young Dr. Malone
Eric, Elspeth Stewart, Dorothy This Is Nora Drake
Erickson, Leif Rhinelander III, Rich My Friend Irma
Erickson, Louise Bety Alan Young Show, The
Erickson, Louise Emmy Lou Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Erickson, Louise Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Erickson, Louise Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Erickson, Louise Granby, Janice Granby's Green Acres
Erickson, Louise Mildred Meet Corliss Archer
Erickson, Louise Mitzi Date With Judy, A
Ericson, Thor Yohnson, Honny Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Erlanger, Gloria Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Erskine, Jane Hale, Lucretia Against the Storm
Erskine, Marilyn Brown, Jane Young Widder Brown
Erskine, Marilyn Martin, Cherry Romance of Helen Trent, The
Erskine, Marilyn McDonald, Carver Gail Lora Lawton
Erwin, Stu Finnegan, Fairchild Phone Again Finnegan
Erwin, Trudy Miriam Bob Hope Show, The
Eubanks, Eugene Milburn, Doctor Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Eustis, Elizabeth Miller, Irene Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Evans, Bruce Trapeze Artist Circus Days
Evans, Dale Evans, Dale Roy Rogers Show, The
Evans, Mitch Olsen, Jimmy Adventures of Superman
Evans, Reynolds Achmed Arabesque
Evanson, Edith Helmi Myrt and Marge
Evelyn, Judith Marshall, Grace Helpmate
Evelyn, Judith Miniver, Kay Missis Miniver
Everett, Ethel Abbott, Emily We, The Abbotts
Everett, Ethel Anderson, Elsie David Harum
Everett, Ethel Gordon, Mayme O'Neills, The
Everett, Ethel Norris, Kathleen By Kathleen Norris
Everett, Ethel Wickes, Mrs. As the Twig Is Bent
Everett, Ethel Wickes, Mrs. We Love and Learn
Everett, Ethel Zaidda Omar the Mystic
Everett, Mento Judy Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Everson, Jack L. Bellwether Goat Goat Island Goats
Fant, Roy Deacon Perkins David Harum
Fant, Roy Elmer Ma and Pa
Fant, Roy Hubbell, Grandpa O'Neills, The
Fant, Roy Lively Our Gal Sunday
Fant, Roy Parker, Grandfather Parker Family, The
Fant, Roy Printer Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Farnum, Willard Adams, John Woman In White
Farnum, Willard Blake, Harry Flying Time
Farnum, Willard Garland, Jack Dan Harding's Wife
Farnum, Willard Martin, Dick Tale of Today, A
Farnum, Willard Meredith, David Midstream
Farnum, Willard Riley, James Whitcomb Way Down Home
Farnum, Willard Teen, Harold Harold Teen
Farrar, Stanley Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
Farrell, Charles Albright, Verne My Little Margie
Farrell, Glenda Captain of Team One Quizzer's Baseball
Faust, Charley "Rastus" African Goat Goat Island Goats
Faust, Donovan Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Faust, Donovan Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Faust, Gilbert Perkins, John Ma Perkins
Faye, Alice Faye, Alice Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Faye, Joey Recruit Rookies, The
Fein, Bill Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Feinberg, Anthony Frome, Anthony Poet Prince, The
Felton, Verna Aunt Agatha (Aggie) Judy Canova Show, The
Felton, Verna Barton, Mother Cinnamon Bear
Felton, Verna Blimp, Blossom Sealtest Village Store
Felton, Verna Day, Mother Jack Benny Program, The
Felton, Verna Dean of Lynnhaven College Meet Mr. McNutley
Felton, Verna Hanover, Evelyn "Evy" Point Sublime
Felton, Verna Hirsch, Hattie Point Sublime
Felton, Verna Junior's Grandmother Red Skelton Show, The
Felton, Verna McIntyre, Mrs. Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Felton, Verna Neighbor My Mother's Husband
Felton, Verna O'Detts, Mrs. My Little Margie
Felton, Verna Pierce, Liz Judy Canova Show, The
Fennelly, Parker Crowell, Eben Four Corners U.S.A.
Fennelly, Parker Dad Mother and Dad
Fennelly, Parker David Uncle Abe and David
Fennelly, Parker Esly Stebbins Boys, The
Fennelly, Parker Feathers, Mister Mister Feathers
Fennelly, Parker Foster, Henry Editor's Daughter
Fennelly, Parker Hagen, Mike Valiant Lady
Fennelly, Parker Moody, Titus Fred Allen Show, The
Fennelly, Parker Neville, Hiram Snow Village Sketches
Fennelly, Parker Pa Ma and Pa
Fennelly, Parker Sam House In the Country, A
Fennelly, Parker Smiley Prairie Folks
Fennelly, Parker Tucker, Dan Lawyer Tucker
Fennelly, Parker Uncle Abner Spotlight Review
Fennelly, Parker Williams, Ebenezer Adventures of the Thin Man
Fennely, Parker Gibbs, Gideon Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Fenneman, George Buzz I Fly Anything
Fenton, Lucille Kirby, Paula Myrt and Marge
Fernandez, Peter Allen, Skip Right to Happiness, The
Fernandez, Peter Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Ferrer, Jose Minister We Love and Learn
Ferrer, Jose Vance, Philo Philo Vance
Field, Betty Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Field, Norman Bebson, Judge Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Field, Norman Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Field, Norman Police Inspector Mystery Is My Hobby
Field, Norman Principal Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Field, Norman Uncle George Meet Corliss Archer
Fielder, Johnny Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
Fields, Sidney Guffy, Mr. Eddie Cantor Show, The
Fifield, Georgia Cynthia Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Fifield, Georgia Hathaway, Sarah Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Fifield, Georgia Hipplewater, Mrs. Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Fifield, Georgia Matron Nobody's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Fillbrandt, Laurette Bauer, Trudy Guiding Light, The
Fillbrandt, Laurette Burton, Jen Today's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Daisey Mae Li'l Abner
Fillbrandt, Laurette Daley, Jane Affairs of Anthony, The
Fillbrandt, Laurette Fitz, Evey Perkins Ma Perkins
Fillbrandt, Laurette Graham, Ruth Ann Bachelor's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Hardesty, Virginia Girl Alone
Fillbrandt, Laurette Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Fillbrandt, Laurette Houston, Dot Tale of Today, A
Fillbrandt, Laurette Jennifer Today's Children
Fillbrandt, Laurette Rancher Thunder Over Paradise
Fillbrandt, Laurette Sherwood, Sydney Lone Journey
Fillbrandt, Laurette Stewart, Nancy Guiding Light, The
Fillbrandt, Laurette Susan Affairs of Anthony, The
Fillmore, Clyde Aldrich, Sam Aldrich Family, The
Fire Cheif Wynn, Ed Fire Chief
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Brewster, Joey That Brewster Boy
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Brooks, Sonny Let George Do It
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Fingerhood, Seymour Goldbergs, The
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Sherwood, Billy Hawthorne House
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Teen, Harold Harold Teen
Firestone, Eddie Jr. Truitt, Clarence Truitts, The
Fisher, Helen Stevens Little Lady of the House National Farm and Home Hour
Fiske, Robert Robertson, Speed Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Fitch, Louise Adams, Betty Woman In White
Fitch, Louise Astra Light of the World, The
Fitch, Louise Betty Lou Mortimer Gooch
Fitch, Louise Brewster, Nancy That Brewster Boy
Fitch, Louise Caleb Light of the World, The
Fitch, Louise Comstock, Eloise Scattergood Baines
Fitch, Louise Deborah Light of the World, The
Fitch, Louise Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Fitch, Louise Farraday, Bernice Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Fitch, Louise Locke, Dale Manhatten Mother
Fitch, Louise Nelson, Susan Backstage Wife
Fitch, Louise Spencer, Debby Two On A Clue
Fitz, Kathleen Brent, Portia Brenthouse
Fitz, Kathleen Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Fitzgerald, Barry Fitz, Bernard His Honor, the Barber
Fitzgerald, Peggy "Pegeen" Moffatt, Connie Connie Moffatt
Fitzmaurice, Michael Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Fitzmaurice, Michael Hastings, Bob This Life Is Mine
Fitzmaurice, Michael Hawk, The: Spencer Mallory Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Fitzmaurice, Michael Kent, Clark: Superman Adventures of Superman
Fitzmaurice, Michael Kent, Jimmy Myrt and Marge
Fitzmaurice, Michael Mallory, Spencer: The Hawk Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Fitzmaurice, Michael Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Fitzmaurice, Michael Superman: Clark Kent Adventures of Superman
Fitzmaurice, Michael Taylor, Steve Highway Patrol
Fitzmaurice, Michael Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Fitzmaurice, Micheal Curtis, Jim Brenda Curtis
Fleming, Nell Holden, Mary Helen Holden, Government Girl
Flick, Pat C. Ittheptiches, Pablo Fred Allen Show, The
Flippen, Jay C. Sergeant Rookies, The
Flynn, Bernardine Barker, Mathilda Welcome Valley
Flynn, Bernardine Gook, Sade Vic and Sade
Flynn, Bess Moynihan, Mother Painted Dreams
Flynn, Bess Tilda Gumps, The
Flynn, Bess Webster, Martha Life Begins
Flynn, Charles Armstrong, Jack Armstrong of the S.B.I.
Flynn, Charles Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Flynn, Charles Gump, Chester Gumps, The
Flynn, Charles Kent, Michael Bachelor's Children
Flynn, Charles Super Noodle Space Adventures of Space Noodle
Flynn, Charles Teen, Harold Harold Teen
Flynn, Charles Webster, Tony We Are Four
Flynn, Erroll Casanova, Christopher Modern Adventures of Casanova
Fontaine, Frank Sivoney, John L.C. Jack Benny Program, The
Foray, June Junie Smile Time
Forbes, Murray Bill Masquerade
Forbes, Murray Clyde Joe Palooka
Forbes, Murray Fitz, Willie Ma Perkins
Forbes, Murray Fox, Benny Foxes of Flatbush, The
Forbes, Murray Schultz, Mr. Lonely Women
Forbes, Murray Schultz, Papa Today's Children
Ford, Chris Wilkes, Doctor Bachelor's Children
Ford, Glenn London, Christopher Adventures of Christopher London
Ford, Jan aka Terry Moore Smith, Shirley "Bumps" Smiths of Hollywood
Ford, Paul Carter, Mark David Harum
Ford, Whitey Duke of Paducah Duke of Paducah and Opry Songs
Ford, Whitey Duke of Paducah Plantation Party
Fordyce, Jessie Raymond, Ginger O'Neills, The
Forester, Evelyn Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Forman, Bill Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Forte, Joe Conklin, Osgood Our Miss Brooks
Forte, Joe Horowitz Life With Luigi
Forte, Joe Inspector Michael Shayne
Forte, Joe Thompson, Mr. Great Gilsersleeve, The
Foss, Bill Uncle Billy Kids Klub Program
Fox, Josephine Anders, Anne Prairie Folks
Fox, Templeton MacDonald, Eleanor This Day Is Ours
Fox, Templeton Mitchell, Bunny Story of Mary Marlin, The
Foy, Fred Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Foy, Fred Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Francis, Anne Cameron, Kathy When A Girl Marries
Francis, Arlene Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Francis, Arlene Harper, Linda Helpmate
Francis, Arlene Jennings, Marion Second Husband
Francis, Arlene Rand, Miss Mister District Attorney
Francis, Arlene Scotland, Ann Affairs of Ann Scotland
Francis, Arlene Wife My Good Wife
Francis, Dorothy King, Sylvia Backstage Wife
Francis, Dorothy Summers, Stephanie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Frank, Carl Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Frank, Carl Hadley, Arch Your Family and Mine
Frank, Carl Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Frank, John Allen, Jimmie Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Franke, Dane Hughes, Captain Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Frankel, Harry Singin' Sam Reminiscin' With Singin' Sam
Frankel, Harry Singin' Sam Singin' Sam
Frankham, David Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Franklin, Maurice Judge Famous Jury Trials
Franklin, Maurice Novack, George Her Honor, Nancy James
Franklin, Maurice Voice of the Law Mister District Attorney
Franklin, Maurice Walker, E.J. Jane Arden
Franklin, Maurice Zarkoff, Doctor Flash Gordon
Franklyn, Allen Carney, Mr. Bachelor's Children
Fransworth, Scott Scott, Jack Jones and I
Frawley, Tim Old Ranger Death Valley Days
Frawley, William Mertz, Fred I Love Lucy
Frazer, Bob Fletcher, Doctor Gallant Heart
Freberg, Stan Man That's Rich
Freeman, Florence Arnold, Liz Open Door
Freeman, Florence Barrett, Joan Valiant Lady
Freeman, Florence Brown, Ellen Young Widder Brown
Freeman, Florence Brown, Mrs. Abie's Irish Rose
Freeman, Florence Dane, Prudence Woman of America
Freeman, Florence Harrison, Betty Jane Arden
Freeman, Florence Horton, Dot Dot and Will
Freeman, Florence Jones, Ellen Young Widder Jones
Freeman, Florence Scott, Joan Valiant Lady
Freeman, Florence Warren, Wendy Wendy Warren and the News
Freeman, Janet Janet Wheatenaville Sketches
Frees, Paul Adams, Charles "Doc" Gunsmoke (12-12-53)
Frees, Paul Aladdin, Robert Mister Aladdin
Frees, Paul DuMont, Jethro: Green Lama Green Lama, The
Frees, Paul Green Lama: Jethro DuMont Green Lama, The
Frees, Paul McGee, Richard A. Confession
Fridell, Vivian Holt, Mary Road of Life, The
Fridell, Vivian Jeanette Romance of Helen Trent, The
Fridell, Vivian Noble, Mary Backstage Wife
Fritz, Adelaide Nancy Witch's Tale
Frost, Alice Hazy, Miss Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Frost, Alice Jackson, Martha Woman of Courage
Frost, Alice Marcia Second Mrs. Burton, The
Frost, Alice North, Pamela Mister and Mrs. North
Frost, Alice Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Fugit, Merrill Darring, Dick Dick Daring's Adventures
Fugit, Merrill Harding, Dean Dan Harding's Wife
Fugit, Merrill Steele, Dick Dick Steele, Boy Reporter
Fugit, Merrill Van Schuyler, Percy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Fuller, Barbara Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Fuller, Barbara Buskirk, Ma Opie Cates Show, The
Fuller, Barbara Calkins, Barbara Scattergood Baines
Fuller, Barbara Fairchild, Peggy Step Mother
Fuller, Barbara Jehosheba Light of the World, The
Fuller, Barbara Susan His Honor, the Barber
Fuller, Margaret Lang, Fredrika Guiding Light, The
Fuller, Margaret Reynolds, Torchy Guiding Light, The
Furness, Betty Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Fussell, Sarah Donovan, Wiki Just Plain Bill
Fussell, Sarah Hermie I Love A Mystery
Gabel, martin Javert, Inspector Les Miserables
Gabel, Martin Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Gabel, Martin Voice of Adventure Dangerously Yours
Gabel, Martin Wayne, John Big Sister
Gabel, Martin Williams, Neil Easy Aces
Gage, Ben Gale, Jimmy Modern Cinderella
Gair, Sondra Rourke, Jeannie Masquerade
Gair, Sondra Sherlock, Jane Meet Miss Sherlock
Galbraith, John Hellman, Inspector Pat Novak for Hire
Gallagher, Don Callahan Backstage Wife
Gallagher, Don Carver, P. Wallace Houseboat Hannah
Gallagher, Don Dickenson, Humble Joan and Kermit
Gammill, Noreen Cathy Opie Cates Show, The
Gammill, Noreen Dinwiddie Sister Bill Goodwin Show, The
Gannon, John Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Garbell, Rosemary Josie Harold Teen
Garbell, Rosemary Tootie Story of Mary Marlin, The
Garbell, Rosemary Wynn, Joy Bartons, The
Garde, Betty Abbott, Emily We, The Abbotts
Garde, Betty Aunt Mimi Morey Amsterdam Show, The
Garde, Betty Farrell, Sally Front Page Farrell
Garde, Betty Jones, Belle Lorenzo Jones
Garde, Betty Kitty's Mother McGarry and His Mouse
Garde, Betty Mamie Mickey of the Circus
Garde, Betty Mason, Kate Maudie's Diary
Garde, Betty Mother Jane Arden
Garde, Betty O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Garde, Betty Sullivan, Mary Police Woman
Garde, Betty Tish (Leticia) Tish
Garde, Betty Vance, Connie (Connie Watson) My Son and I
Garde, Betty Watson, Connie (Connie Vance) My Son and I
Garde, Betty Wiggs, Mrs. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Gardell, Tess Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima
Gardenas, Maxine Hamilton, Katy Backstage Wife
Gardner, Ed Archie Duffy's Tavern
Gardner, James Tim Tena and Tim
Gargan, William Burke, Inspector Murder Will Out
Gargan, William Craig, Barrie Barrie Craig, Confidential Investigator
Gargan, William Dolan, Ross I Deal In Crime
Gargan, William Kane, Martin Martin Kane, Private Eye
Garland, Judy Romantic Interest Hardy Family, The
Garland, Margaret Dale, Joan Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Garner, Peggy Ann Smith, Esther Meet Me In St. Louis
Gates, Ruth Lenord, Mrs. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Geer, Will Penny Bright Horizon
Geisle, Eugene Beanie In the Case of Aggie Horn
Gent, Margaret Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
George, Earl Gardo Captain Midnight
Gerald, Ara Florenz, Countess Our Gal Sunday
Gerson, Betty Lou Adams, Helen Girl Alone
Gerson, Betty Lou Adams, Karen Woman In White
Gerson, Betty Lou Capitola Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Gerson, Betty Lou Colby, Mercedes Don Winslow of the Navy
Gerson, Betty Lou Dorn, Henrietta Story of Mary Marlin, The
Gerson, Betty Lou Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Gerson, Betty Lou Jackson, Julie Shoestring Castle
Gerson, Betty Lou Larimore, Marilyn Lonely Women
Gerson, Betty Lou Larimore, Marilyn Today's Children
Gerson, Betty Lou Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Gerson, Betty Lou Meredith, Julia Midstream
Gerson, Betty Lou Miss Sarah Mister President
Gerson, Betty Lou Rogers, Anne Hot Copy
Gerson, Betty Lou Sue Flying Time
Gerson, Betty Lou Tremaine, Connie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Gerson, Betty Lou Wilson, Charlotte Guiding Light, The
Gibbons, Floyd Gibbons, Floyd Headline Hunter, The
Gibbons, Floyd Gibbons, Floyd World Adventures With Floyd Gibbons
Gibbs, Genelle Hemingway, Rosemary Woman In White
Gibbs, Genelle Kirkoff, Sonia Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Gibson, John Connie Terry and the Pirates
Gibson, John Doc Michael and Kitty
Gibson, John Dunlap, Barney Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police
Gibson, John Ethelbert Casey, Crime Photographer
Gibson, John Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Gibson, John Matthews, Jim Lone Journey
Gibson, John Montague's Agent Magnificent Montague, The
Gibson, John Pennington, Red Don Winslow of the Navy
Gibson, John Quackenbush Stoopnagel and Budd
Gibson, John Trumbull, Cornelius Two On A Shoestring
Gibson, Wynne Amah Thanks for Tomorrow
Gibson, Wynne Angie When A Girl Marries
Gielgud, John Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Light Programme
Gilbert, Jane Fairchild, Billy Step Mother
Gilbert, Janice Adair, Jean Hilltop House
Gilbert, Janice Anderson, Carol Sea Hound
Gilbert, Janice Carney, Kathleen Bachelor's Children
Gilbert, Janice Clock, Nina Gasoline Alley
Gilbert, Janice Collins, Janice O'Neills, The
Gilbert, Janice Cummings, Fran Second Husband
Gilbert, Janice Keller, Madge Her Honor, Nancy James
Gilbert, Janice Little Orphan Annie Little Orphan Annie
Gilbert, Janice O'Neill, Janice C. O'Neills, The
Gilbert, Jody Rosa Life With Luigi
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Bartlett, Amy Midstream
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Calvert, Kit Aunt Mary
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Naomi Today's Children
Gilbert, Josephine "Jo" Shapiro, Bunny Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Gilbert, Lauren Hastings, Norman Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gilbert, Ruth Public Stenographer My Silent Partner
Giles, Erva Jane Seth Parker
Gillen, Dolores Allen, Siri Against the Storm
Gillen, Dolores Davis, Sammy When A Girl Marries
Gillen, Dolores Levy Twins Abie's Irish Rose
Gillen, Dolores Marlin, Davey Story of Mary Marlin, The
Gillen, Dolores Mommie's Child 1 of 3 Mommie and the Men
Gillespie, Jean Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Gillespie, Jean Burrage, Inze Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Gillespie, Jean Clock, Nina Gasoline Alley
Gillespie, Jean Mildred Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Gillespie, Jean Piper, Martha Tales of Willie Piper
Gillette, William Holmes, Sherlock Lux Radio Theatre
Gillette, William Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Gillis, Dellie Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Gilman, Lucy Edna Myrt and Marge
Gilman, Lucy Granger, Nancy Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gilman, Lucy Moran, Lucy Today's Children
Gilman, Lucy Sister Attorney at Law
Gilman, Lucy Teenie Welcome Valley
Gilman, Page Barbour, Jack One Man's Family
Gilman, Toni Adams, Betty Woman In White
Gilman, Toni Craig, Virginia Life Begins
Gilman, Toni Julie Robinson Crusoe Jr.
Gilman, Toni Williams, Marjorie Young Widder Brown
Ginyard, J.C. Jailbusters Jailbusters
Girardin, Roy Uncle Roy Aunt Harriet's Neices and Nephews
Glantz, Harry Bugle Call Death Valley Days
Glass, Walter Cassidy, Danny Eno Crime Club
Glazzer, Tom Tom Tom, Timmy and Mae
Gleason, Jimmy Gleason, Jimmy Jimmy Gleason's Diner
Gleason, Lucille Gleason, Lucille Jimmy Gleason's Diner
Gobel, George Jimmy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Godkin, Kenny Ames, Raymond Meet Corliss Archer
Goetz, Theo Bauer, Papa Guiding Light, The
Goff, Norris Abner (Abner Peabody) Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Gray, Mousey Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Huddleston, Dick Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Miller, Doc Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Peabody, Abner Lum and Abner
Goff, Norris Squire Skimp Lum and Abner
Golden, Florence Stratford, Phyllis Life of Mary Sothern, The
Goldworthy, John Hutchinson, Mr. Tena and Tim
Goldworthy, John Williams In the Case of Aggie Horn
Goodkin, Alice Latham, Penny Dan Harding's Wife
Goodkin, Alice Lily Bright Horizon
Goodkin, Alice Minter, Marge Myrt and Marge
Goodwin, Bill Fletcher, Johnny Johnny Fletcher
Goodwin, Bill Fletcher, Johnny Johnny Fletcher
Goodwin, Bill Goodwin, Bill Bill Goodwin Show, The
Gordon, Bert Mad Russian Eddie Cantor Show, The
Gordon, Elsie Mae Callahan, Ma Callahans, The
Gordon, Elsie Mae Cummings, Estelle Valiant Lady
Gordon, Elsie Mae Grainger, Mrs. Tony and Gus
Gordon, Elsie Mae Phoebe Trouble House
Gordon, Gale Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Gordon, Gale Clayton, Cecil Tarzan
Gordon, Gale Cole, Bill Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Gordon, Gale Conklin, Osgood Our Miss Brooks
Gordon, Gale Father Leahy Johnny Madero, Pier 23
Gordon, Gale Gordon, Flash Flash Gordon
Gordon, Gale Granby, John Granby's Green Acres
Gordon, Gale Graves, Harry Junior Miss
Gordon, Gale Grundell, Judge Beshomer Penny Singleton Show, The
Gordon, Gale Henry VIII English Coronets
Gordon, Gale Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Gordon, Gale LaTrivia, Mayor Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Gordon, Gale Merriweather, John Halls of Ivy, The
Gordon, Gale Miller, District Attorney Big Town
Gordon, Gale Ostrich Cinnamon Bear
Gordon, Gale Paradine Stories of the Black Chamber
Gordon, Gale Patterson, Mr. Crossroads
Gordon, Gale Scott, Mr. Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Gordon, Gale Steven, Ralph Glorious One
Gordon, Gale Trimble, Jonathan Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Gordon, Gale Weary Willie the Stork Cinnamon Bear
Gordon, Gale Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Gordon, Gale Williams, Foggy Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Gordon, Gavin Norfolk, Doctor Brenthouse
Gordon, Gloria Maid Halls of Ivy, The
Gordon, Gloria O'Reilly, Mrs. My Friend Irma
Gordon, Joyce Cherry Mark Trail
Gordon, Joyce Miller, Barbara My Son Jeep
Gordon, Mary Emmett, Mrs. Those We Love
Gordon, Mary Hudson, Mrs. Sherlock Holmes
Gordon, Paul Mantle, Reggie Archie Andrews
Gordon, Richard Barrett, Jim Valiant Lady
Gordon, Richard Bishop Bishop and the Gargoyle, The
Gordon, Richard Colt, Thatcher Thatcher Colt Mysteries
Gordon, Richard Father Jane Arden
Gordon, Richard Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Gordon, Richard Worthington, Cyril Orphans of Divorce
Gordon, Stanley Rority, Pat Step Mother
Gordon, Stanley Sheriff Sky King
Goring, Marius Blakeney, Sir Percy: Scarlet Pimpernel Scarlet Pimpernel, The
Goring, Marius Scarlet Pimpernel: Sir Percy Blakeney Scarlet Pimpernel, The
Goris, Albert Uncle Wiggily Uncle Wiggily
Gosden, Freeman Amos Amos 'n' Andy
Gosden, Freeman Jones, Amos Amos 'n' Andy
Gosden, Freeman Lightnin' Amos 'n' Andy
Gosden, Freeman Sam (Sam Smith) Sam 'n' Henry
Gosden, Freeman Smith, Sam Sam 'n' Henry
Gosden, Freeman Stevens, George "Kingfish" Amos 'n' Andy
Goss, James Fairchild, Jim Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Gothard, David Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Gothard, David Barry, John Hilltop House
Gothard, David Brook, Lawrence Joan and Kermit
Gothard, David Carpenter, Don Bachelor's Children
Gothard, David Chandler, Bryant Woman In White
Gothard, David Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Gothard, David King, Phillip Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gothard, David Kingsley, Bruce O'Neills, The
Gothard, David Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Gothard, David Speaker Light of the World, The
Gothard, David Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Gothard, David Whitney, Gil Romance of Helen Trent, The
Gottschalk, Norman Delfeeno, Roy Vic and Sade
Gottschalk, Norman O'Leary, Dan Houseboat Hannah
Gottschalk, Norman Palooka, Joe Joe Palooka
Gottschalk, Norman Peabody, Harvey Peabodys, The
Gottschalk, Norman Sago Backstage Wife
Gould, Mitzi Bartlett, Barbara Story of Bess Johnson, The
Gould, Mitzi Emily Into the Light
Gould, Mitzi Grahame, Taffy As the Twig Is Bent
Gould, Mitzi Grahame, Taffy We Love and Learn
Gould, Mitzi Nolan, Gale Hop Harrigan
Gould, Mitzi Parker, Nancy Parker Family, The
Gould, Mitzi Powell, Thelma Nona from Nowhere
Gould, Mitzi Prentice, Kathy Carol Kennedy's Romance
Gould, Mitzi Yates, Rita Life Can Be Beautiful
Gould, Sandra Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Gould, Sandra Mitzi Date With Judy, A
Gould, Sandra Twitchell, Lucy Sad Sack
Goulding, Ray Burns, Biff Bob and Ray Show, The
Goulding, Ray Goulding, Ray Bob and Ray Show, The
Goulding, Ray McGoon, Mary Bob and Ray Show, The
Goulding, Ray Webster, Webley Bob and Ray Show, The
Grable, Marian Helen of Hollywood Helen of Hollywood
Grafton, Gloria Considine, Mickey Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Graham, Frank Regan, Jeff Lion's Eye, The
Graham, Frank Smith, Diogenes Lum and Abner
Graham, Frank Wandering Vaquero Romance of Helen Trent, The
Graham, Frank Webster, B.J. Lum and Abner
Grainger, Sharon Gordon, Phyllis Guiding Light, The
Grainger, Sharon Meredith, Midge Midstream
Grainger, Sharon Moran, Pat Flying Patrol
Grainger, Sharon Shark, Fury Captain Midnight
Granby, Joe O'Brion, District Attorney Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Granby, Joseph Conners, Mead We are Always Young
Grant, Cary Blandings, Jim Mister and Mrs. Blandings
Grant, Charles Baines, Jimmy Scattergood Baines
Grant, Eva Baxter Daughter Baxters, The
Grant, Eva Voice of the P.T.A. Baxters, The
Graser, Earl Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Graser, Earl Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Greaza, Walter Rose, Inspector Crime Doctor
Greaza, Walter Russ Lora Lawton
Greaza, Walter Wilson, Steve Big Town
Green, Bill Fairchild, John Step Mother
Green, Bill McGrath, Sheriff His Honor, the Barber
Green, Eddie Eddie Duffy's Tavern
Green, Eddie Jerry Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Green, Ivan Taggart, Mack Story of Sandra Martin, The
Green, Mitzi Girl Passport to Romance
Green, William Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Green, William Whitney, Gil Romance of Helen Trent, The
Greene, Lorne Host Monday, Western Night Sears Radio Theatre
Greene, Rosaline Dale, Peggy Peggy's Doctor
Greene, Rosaline Dodsworth, Fran Dodsworth
Greene, Rosaline Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Greenstreet, Sidney Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Greenwald, Joseph Glass, Barney House of Glass
Greenwood, Charlotte Greenwood, Charlotte Charlotte Greenwood Show, The
Greffen, Joy Cooper, Betty Archie Andrews
Gregg, Virginia Asher, Helen Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Gregg, Virginia Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Gregg, Virginia Carter, Betty One Man's Family
Gregg, Virginia Jane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Gregg, Virginia Lewis, Betty Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Gregg, Virginia Parker, Nurse Doctor Kildare
Gregg, Virginia Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Gregg, Virginia Wong, Miss Have Gun, Will Travel
Gregory, Dorothy Jones, Jill Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Gregory, James Kennelly, Captain Frank Twenty-First Precinct
Greig, John Butts, Professor Lucifer Collier Hour, The
Grey, Ernest Tenor Goat Goat Island Goats
Grey, Nan Marshall, Kathy Those We Love
Griffin, Bob Marlin, Joe Story of Mary Marlin, The
Griffin, Bob Ryan, Patrick Terry and the Pirates
Griffin, Ken Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Griffin, Ken Burton, Paul Woman In White
Griffin, Ken Dorn, Captain Roger Peter Quill
Griffin, Ken Greenman, Edward Guiding Light, The
Griffin, Ken Hardy, Vic Armstrong of the S.B.I.
Griffin, Ken Hardy, Vic Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Griffin, Ken Locke, Lawrence Manhatten Mother
Griffin, Ken Noble, Larry Backstage Wife
Griffin, Robert Drainard, Bob Welcome Valley
Griffin, Robert Gardner, Frank Tale of Today, A
Griffin, Robert Ramage, Wilbur Story of Holly Sloan, The
Griffin, Robert West, Michael Bright Horizon
Griffis, Bill Evans, Bill Road of Life, The
Griffis, Bill Flambeau, Police Detective Adventures of Father Brown
Griffis, Bill Lodge, Mr. Archie Andrews
Griffis, Bill Pablo the Gypsy Cohort Doctor Six Gun
Griffith, Andy Host Tuesday, Comedy Night Sears Radio Theatre
Griggs, John Bartlett, Russell My Best Girls
Griggs, John Claymore, Randy Roses and Drums
Griggs, John Creighton, Christopher Creightons Are Coming, The
Griggs, John Elliott, Roger Adventure Parade
Griggs, John Elliott, Roger House of Mystery, The
Griggs, John Mattan Light of the World, The
Griggs, John Mystery Man House of Mystery, The
Griggs, John Smith, Zero Howie Wing
Grimes, Jack Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Grimes, Jack Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
Grimes, Jack Davie Life of Riley, The
Grimes, Jack Finn, Huck Huckleberry Finn
Grimes, Jack Hunt, Ted Man I Married, The
Grimes, Jack Marty Affairs of Peter Salem, The
Grimes, Jack Mommie's Child 2 of 3 Mommie and the Men
Grimes, Jack Riley, Chester A. Jr. Life of Riley, The
Grimes, Jack Shoiman Joe and Mabel
Grimmer, Toby Hermit Hermit's Cave
Grinnell, John Brinthrope, Lonnie Our Gal Sunday
Gruber, Chester Cabooch, Tony One-Man Radio Show
Gruber, Chester Cabooch, Tony Tony Cabooch
Grundy, Doris Cooper, Betty Archie Andrews
Guilbert, Bob Coast Guards Flying Patrol
Guilbert, Bob Jamison, Ben Story of Mary Marlin, The
Guilbert, Bob Winslow, Don Don Winslow of the Navy
Guion, Milton Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Gulla, Richard Smith, Hank Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Gurvey, Henry Lion Tamer Circus Days
Gustin, Harriet Aunt Harriet Aunt Harriet's Neices and Nephews
Gwynne, Gladys Gordon, Mrs. Glorious One
Haag, Robert Chase, Mark Death Valley Days
Haag, Robert Chase, Mark Death Valley Sheriff
Haag, Robert Chase, Mark Shafter Parker and His Circus
Haag, Robert Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Hackett, Evelyn Allen, Jane American Woman's Jury
Hadley, Reed Remington, Chad Frontier Town
Hadley, Reed Ryder, Red Red Ryder
Haig, Bob Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Haines, Larry Boats Now Hear This
Haines, Larry Hammer, Mike That Hammer Guy
Haines, Larry Lincoln, Joe Treasury Agent
Haines, Larry Molina, Fred This Is Nora Drake
Haines, Larry Police Lieutenant Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Haines, Larry Stevens, Drew Manhunt
Haines, Larry Ward, Carl Young Dr. Malone
Hale, Franc DeVries, Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Hale, Franc Rogers, Annette John's Other Wife
Hale, Franc Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Hale, Travis Three Cheers Al Pearce Show, The
Haley, Jack Helper Sealtest Village Store
Haley, Jack Propietor Sealtest Village Store
Haley, Jack Propietor of Store Village Store
Hall, Bob Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Hall, Bob Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Hall, Cliff Sharlie Baron and the Bee, The
Hall, Cliff Sharlie Jack Pearl Show, The
Hall, Eunice McDonald, Betty When A Girl Marries
Hall, Juanita Valentine, Ruby Story of Ruby Valentine, The
Hall, Louis Pearson, Gregory Orphans of Divorce
Hall, Thurston Hanvey, Jim Townsend Murder Mysteries, The
Halop, Billy Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Halop, Billy Kent, Dick Home, Sweet Home
Halop, Florence Armstead, Polly Bobby Benson's Adventures
Halop, Florence Brown, Irene Shorty Bell
Halop, Florence Callahan, Penelopie Callahans, The
Halop, Florence Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Halop, Florence Hortense Henry Morgan Show, The
Halop, Florence Houlihan, Hotbreath Jimmy Durante Show, The
Halop, Florence Mamma Meet Millie
Halop, Florence Swichboard Girl Phone Again Finnegan
Hamilton, Margaret Aunt Effie Couple Next Door
Hamilton, Margaret Maid Doctor's Wife
Hamilton, Neil Raffles, A.J. Raffles
Hampden, Burford Basil O'Neills, The
Hampden, Walter Witherall, Leonidas Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
Hanna, Betty Hayworth, Luelle Step Mother
Hanna, Betty Matthews, Deborah Ma Perkins
Hanna, Phil Three Cheers Al Pearce Show, The
Hannan, Marjorie Graham, Ruth Ann Bachelor's Children
Hannan, Marjorie Grant, Gloria Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hannan, Marjorie Henderson, Faye Perkins Ma Perkins
Hannan, Marjorie Madison, Sally Sally of the Talkies
Hannan, Marjorie Webster, Nancy We Are Four
Hanson, Carl Topper, Arnie Dan Harding's Wife
Harbater, Muriel Jane Jolly Bill and Jane
Harding, Joseph Husband Edith Adam's Future
Harding, Vince Drake, Ted Ted Drake, Guardian of the Big Top
Hardwicke, Cedric Churchill, Winston These Four Men
Hardwicke, Cedric Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Hare, Ernie Best Food Boy Best Food Boys, The
Hare, Ernie Flit Soldier Flit Soldiers, The
Hare, Ernie Happiness Boy Happiness Boys, The
Hare, Ernie Interwoven Pair Interwoven Pair, The
Hare, Ernie Tasty Breadwinner Tasty Breadwinners, The
Hare, Ernie Tasty Loafer Tasty Loafers, The
Hare, Ernie Tastyeast Jester Tastyeast Jesters, The
Hare, William McDonald, Angus Lora Lawton
Harens, Dean Anderson, Arthur We, The Abbotts
Harlan, Jane Archer, Gail Starr of Space
Harmon, Jim Williams, Pecos Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Harper, Annette Andrews, Ruth Midstream
Harper, Annette Sister Lillian Guiding Light, The
Harrington, Dot Beatrice Meyer the Buyer
Harrington, Fred Greystroke, Lord Tarzan
Harrington, Mary Lou Roberts, Joan One Man's Family
Harriot, Elinor Gibbons, Sally Story of Mary Marlin, The
Harriot, Elinor Jones, Ruby Amos 'n' Andy
Harriot, Elinor Taylor, Ruby Amos 'n' Andy
Harriot, Elinor Wright, Dorothy Couple Next Door
Harris, Arlene Higgins, Mrs. Baby Snooks Show, The
Harris, Arlene Human Chatterbox Al Pearce and His Gang
Harris, Arlene Swichboard Operator Here Comes Elmer
Harris, Phil Harris, Phil Jack Benny Program, The
Harris, Phil Harris, Phil Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Harris, Stacy Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Harris, Stacy Blades, Ted Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Harris, Stacy Taylor, Jim This Is Your F.B.I.
Harris, Stacy Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Harris, Stacy Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Harris, Stanley Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Harris, Stanley Hall, Arthur Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Harrison, Adele Grayson, Barbara O'Neills, The
Harrison, Rex Saunders, Rex Private Files of Rex Saunders, The
Hart, Marlin Dick Affairs of Tom, Dick and Harry, The
Hartley, Jack H. Connelly, Boss Portia Faces Life
Hartzell, Clarence Baldy In the Case of Aggie Horn
Hartzell, Clarence Cottonseed Road to Danger
Hartzell, Clarence Doc Silver Eagle
Hartzell, Clarence Uncle Fletcher Vic and Sade
Hartzell, Clarence Withers, Ben Lum and Abner
Hartzell, Clarence Withers, Benjamin Franklin Lum and Abner
Hartzell, Clarence Yokum, Pappy Li'l Abner
Hartzell, Clarnece Duke Doc, Duke and the Colonel
Harvey, Harry Pringle, Oogie Date With Judy, A
Hastings, Bob Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Hastings, Bob Jerry Sea Hound
Hathaway, Joy Grosvenor, Laurel Stella Dallas
Hathaway, Joy Jane Seth Parker
Hathaway, Joy Leighton, Amanda Dyke Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hathaway, Joy Wallace, Irma Second Husband
Hatton, Raymond Football Coach Jack Oakie's College
Hayashi, Tokutaro (Raymond Toyo) Kato Green Hornet, The
Haydn, Richard Carp, Professor Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Hayes, Albert Adam Light of the World, The
Hayes, Albert Clark, Tom Doc Barclay's Daughters
Hayes, Albert Garrick, Douglass Lux Radio Theatre
Hayes, Albert Price, Norman Valiant Lady
Hayes, Doug Mallory, Steve Private Eye
Hayes, Gabby Sidekick Roy Rogers Show, The
Hayes, Helen Bambi Bambi
Hayes, Helen Meitner, Lise Quick and the Dead, The
Haymes, Dick Crane, Cockery I Fly Anything
Hays, Harvey Dorn, Michael Story of Mary Marlin, The
Hays, Harvey Houston, Robert Tale of Today, A
Hays, Harvey Old Prospector Death Valley Days
Hayward, Joyce Waters, Vi Backstage Wife
Hayworth, Vinton Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Hayworth, Vinton Arnold, Jack Myrt and Marge
Hayworth, Vinton Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Hayworth, Vinton Father It's Higgins, Sir
Hayworth, Vinton Port Lone Journey
Hayworth, Vinton Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Hayworth, Vinton Smith, Glenn Meet Me In St. Louis
Hazel, Claire Honey Chile Bob Hope Show, The
Head, Betty Lou Martin, Lolly Hawthorne House
Hearn, Sam Schlepperman Glamour Manor
Hearn, Sam Schlepperman Jack Benny Program, The
Hearne, John Brown, Hippocrates Scattergood Baines
Hecht, Albert Easter, Dyke Dyke Easter, Detective
Hecht, Arthur Jackson, Jim Woman of Courage
Heckle, Margaret Munro, Margaret Munros, The
Hector, Louis Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Hector, Louis Moriarity, Professor Sherlock Holmes
Hedge, Ray Tiffingtuffer, Clarence Myrt and Marge
Heehan, Neal Munro, Gordon Munros, The
Heen, Gladys Hutchinson, Mrs. Tena and Tim
Heflin, Van Delany, Slim Our Gal Sunday
Heflin, Van Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Heflin, Van Marlowe, Philip Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Heflin, Van Shellanberger, Bob Central City
Heflin, Van Waring, Adam Man I Married, The
Heistand, John Mithcell,Professor Young Love
Helgson, Joe Anders, Anne Prairie Folks
Heming, Violet Wakefield, Connie Right to Happiness, The
Hemus, Percy Judge Court of Human Relations, The
Hemus, Percy Old Wrangler Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Hemus, Percy Winslow, Doctor Road of Life, The
Hench, John Gilman, Stanley Those Happy Gilmans
Hendrickson, Rod Cosmo Backstage Wife
Hendrickson, Rod Danny Bulldog Drummond
Hendrickson, Rod Douglas, Martin Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hendrickson, Rod Van Vliet, Cornelius Second Mrs. Burton, The
Hendrickson, Rod Warren, Sam Wendy Warren and the News
Henry, Bill Marshall, Kit Those We Love
Henshaw, Gail Duffy, Alice Backstage Wife
Henshaw, Gail Keene, Kitty Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Henshaw, Gail Morgan, Tess Backstage Wife
Herbert, Hugh Father That's My Pop
Herbert, Wilms Francis Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Herbert, Wilms Keith Today's Children
Herbert, Wilms Lyon, Anthony J. Jeff Regan, Investigator
Herbert, Wilms Otis, Sergeant Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Herman, Milton Gargoyle Bishop and the Gargoyle, The
Herman, Milton Italo Today's Children
Herman, Milton Lillienthal Valiant Lady
Hern, Art Gardo Captain Midnight
Hern, Art Great Dane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Hern, Art Mudd, Ichabod "Ichy" Captain Midnight
Hern, Art Stone, Richard Today's Children
Hernandez, Juano Bones, Mr. (Abraham Lincoln Watts) As the Twig Is Bent
Hernandez, Juano Bones, Mr. (Abraham Lincoln Watts) We love and Learn
Hernandez, Juano Indian Chief Tennessee Jed
Hernandez, Juano Job Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hernandez, Juano Kolu Jungle Jim
Hernandez, Juano Lothar Mandrake the Magician
Hernandez, Juano Watts, Abraham Lincoln (Mr. Bones) As the Twig Is Bent
Hernandez, Juano Watts, Abraham Lincoln (Mr. Bones) We love and Learn
Hersholt, Jean Christian, Doctor Paul Doctor Christian
Hewitt, Alan Davis, Kent My Son and I
Hewitt, Alan Dorn, Kari Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hewitt, Alan Martinson, Ken This Is Nora Drake
Hewitt, Virginia Karlyle, Carol Space Patrol
Higby, Mary Jane Angie When A Girl Marries
Higby, Mary Jane Arsinoe Coronets
Higby, Mary Jane Carter, Cynthia Romance of Helen Trent, The
Higby, Mary Jane Davis, Joan When A Girl Marries
Higby, Mary Jane Drake, Nora This Is Nora Drake
Higby, Mary Jane Foyle, Mother Linda's First Love
Higby, Mary Jane Howe, Ann Joe Palooka
Higby, Mary Jane Martin, Beatrice Stella Dallas
Higby, Mary Jane Mary Tudor English Coronets
Higby, Mary Jane Miller, Joyce Rosemary
Higby, Mary Jane Swanson, Cynthia Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hilary, Ann Talbot, Sandra Brighter Day, A
Hill, Alice Carson, Gail Peter Quill
Hill, Alice Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
Hill, Alice Keller, Madelyn Bachelor's Children
Hill, Alice Margot Romance of Helen Trent, The
Hill, Alice Webster, Lydia We Are Four
Hill, Arthur Callahan, Pa Callahans, The
Hill, George Brother Doctor's Wife
Hill, Josephine Miss Julia Miss Julia
Hill, Sammie Bates, Carol (Carol West) Bright Horizon
Hill, Sammie Casino Home of the Brave
Hill, Sammie Creighton, Crottie Creightons Are Coming, The
Hill, Sammie Jones, Sally Jones and I
Hill, Sammie March, Beth Little Women
Hill, Sammie West, Carol (Carol Bates) Bright Horizon
Hillias, Margaret Locke, Patricia Manhatten Mother
Hillias, Margaret Radcliffe, Alison Bachelor's Children
Hillpot, Billy Trade Smith Brothers
Hindermeyer, Harvey Gold Dust Twin Gold Dust Twins, The
Hinkel, Wilde Noble, Larry Jr. Backstage Wife
Hirshfield, Harry Meyer Meyer the Buyer
Hitz, Elsie Brewster, Gail Dangerous Paradise
Hitz, Elsie Howe, Ann Joe Palooka
Hitz, Elsie Josephine Barry Cameron
Hitz, Elsie Page, Judith Follow the Moon
Hitz, Elsie Randolph, Ellen Story of Ellen Randolph, The
Hitz, Elsie Whitfield, Josephine Barry Cameron
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Light Programme
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock Children's Hour
Hobbs, Carleton Holmes, Sherlock Saturday Night Theatre
Hobbs, Peter McCoy Charlie Wild, Private Detective
Hodge, Al Allen, Roger Attorney for the Defense
Hodge, Al Brixton, Jonathon Attorney for the Defense
Hodge, Al Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Hodge, Al Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Hodge, Al Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Hodiak, John Benton, Steve Wings of Destiny
Hodiak, John Cavendish, Butch Lone Ranger, The
Hodiak, John Holden, Hed Guiding Light, The
Hodiak, John Lane, Davie Bachelor's Children
Hodiak, John Patterson, Pat Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Hodiak, John Yokum, Li'l Abner Li'l Abner
Hoey, Dennis Padre Thunder Over Paradise
Hoey, Dennis Welby, Edward Pretty Kitty Kelly
Hoffa, Portland Hoffa, Portland Fred Allen Show, The
Hoffman, Howard Chandler, Frank: Chandu, the Magician Chandu, the Magician
Hoffman, Howard Chandu, the Magician: Frank Chandler Chandu, the Magician
Hogg, Mrs. W.B. Hopkins, Mrs, Josiah Goose Creek Parson The
Hogg, Reverend W.B. Hopkins, Josiah Goose Creek Parson The
Hoier, Tom Old Timer This World Is Ours
Hoier, Tom Uncle Josh Young Widder Brown
Holbrook, Hal Dennis, Grayling Brighter Day, A
Holbrook, John Hamilton, Stephen Life Can Be Beautiful
Holden, Eddie Watanabe, Frank Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Holden, Fay Hardy, Mrs. Hardy Family, The
Holden, Gloria Archer, Janet Meet Corliss Archer
Holden, Jack Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Hole, Johnathan Clifford, Doctor Bachelor's Children
Hole, Johnathon Smith, Hank Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Holland, Bert Emmett Shorty Bell
Holland, Charlotte Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Holland, Charlotte Drake, Nora This Is Nora Drake
Holland, Charlotte Lehman, Corey Open Door
Holland, Charlotte Mitchell, Elsie King's Row
Holland, Charlotte Reimer, Kathy Against the Storm
Holland, Charlotte Sherwood, Sydney Lone Journey
Holland, Dick Barton, Bud Bartons, The
Holland, Tom Bingham, Eddie Guiding Light, The
Hollenback, William Daniel Light of the World, The
Holliday, Gloria Barstow, Bessie Great Gildersleeve, The
Holliday, Gloria Gloria Honest Harold
Hollister, Leona Miss Broadway Miss Broadway
Holm, Celeste Daughter House on Q Street, The
Holm, Douglas C. Senator House on Q Street, The
Holmes, Lois Waters, Jane Second Mrs. Burton, The
Holmes, Patricia Holmes, Patricia Saint, The
Holmes, Phillips Davis, Riley Wings for America
Holmes, Wendell Baines, Scattergood Scattergood Baines
Holmes, Wendell Flack, Humphrey Colonel Humphrey Flack
Holmes, Wendell Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Holt, Ethel Mollie Meyer the Buyer
Holtby, Grace Daughter My Children
Homeier, Skippy Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Homeier, Skippy Victor Reg'lar Fellers
Honeyman, Lawrence Finn, Huck Tom Sawyer
Hood, Adelyn Cutie-cle Barber Shop Blues
Hope, Bob Taxpayer Quick and the Dead, The
Hopkins, Barry Ranger Bill Ranger Bill
Hopper, Hedda Brent, Portia Brenthouse
Horton, Bert Callaway, Duke Hawthorne House
Horton, Bert Herbert, Bill One Man's Family
Horton, Bert Peffer, Hank Saunders of the Circle X
Horton, Bert Tireless Storyteller Saunders of the Circle X
Hosley, Pat Daughter It's Higgins, Sir
Hosley, Pat Dennis, Patsy Brighter Day, A
Hosley, Patricia Bellwood, Elsie Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Houston, Jane Grosvenor, Mrs. Stella Dallas
Houston, Jane Vi Mister and Mrs.
Howard, Claire Benedict, Susan Woman of Courage
Howard, Claire Penny I Love Linda Dale
Howard, Eunice Barclay, Luda Red Davis
Howard, Eunice Benton, Linda Pepper Young's Family
Howard, Eunice Hopkins, Peggy Hello Peggy
Howard, Eunice Young, Linda Pepper Young's Family
Howard, Fred Buskirk, Pa Opie Cates Show, The
Howard, Fred Father Cass Daley Show, The
Howard, Fred Larkin, Lefty Aunt Mary
Howard, Fred McCloud, Packy Straight Arrow
Howard, Fred Morgan, Mr. Dearest Mother
Howard, Fred Pringle, Mr. Date With Judy, A
Howard, Fred Tooley, C. Pemberton Ma Perkins
Howard, Joyce March, Meg Little Women
Howard, Meredith Jackson, Maggie Pete Kelly's Blues
Howard, Terry Jones, Arbadella Amos 'n' Andy
Hoyt, Allen Collier, Clay Little Orphane Annie
Hoyt, John Robard, Don Shorty Bell
Hubbard, Irene Aunt Marie Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
Hubbard, Irene Aunt Mary Special Delivery
Hubbard, Irene Cameron, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Hubbard, Irene Fuller, Rose This Is Nora Drake
Hubbard, Irene Gridley, Thelma Hilltop House
Hubbard, Irene Horton, Mother Dot and Will
Hubbard, Irene Jamison, Marie Show Boat
Hubbard, Irene Leighton, Susan Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Hubbard, Irene March, Mrs. Little Women
Hubbard, Irene Mintern, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Hubbard, Irene Naughton, Mrs. Claudia and David
Hubbard, Irene Seawick, Mrs. Our Gal Sunday
Hubbard, John Faye, Wille Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Hubbard, Tom Stripes, Cadet Sergeant Starr of Space
Huber, Harold Fu Manchu, Doctor Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Huber, Harold Poirot, Hercule Hercule Poirot
Huber, Harold Poirot, Hercule Mystery of the Week
Hudson, Bobbie Pinto Saunders of the Circle X
Hughes, Arthur Botak Orange Lantern, The
Hughes, Arthur Dallas, Stephen Stella Dallas
Hughes, Arthur Davidson, Bill Just Plain Bill
Hughes, Arthur Fu Manchu Collier's Hour, The
Hughes, Arthur Host-Editor Collier's Hour, The
Hughes, Arthur Judge I Love Linda Dale
Hughes, Arthur Keen, Mister Mister Keen, Tracer of Last Persons
Hughes, Charles P. First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Hughes, David Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Hughes, Donald Rollo Daddy and Rollo
Hughes, Floy Margaret Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Hughes, J. Anthony Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Hughes, Margaret Little Orphan Annie Little Orphan Annie
Hughes, Paul Martin, Thunder Lone Ranger, The
Hughes, Tommy Chandler, Dickie Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Hulick, Wilber "Budd" Budd Stoopnagel and Budd
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Captain of Team Two Quizzer's Baseball
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Crachet, Stringbean Hook 'n' Ladder Follies
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Hulick, Wilbur "Budd" Thimbledrip Hook 'n' Ladder Follies
Hull, Henry Hale, Nathan Roses and Drums
Hull, Henry Lincoln, Abraham Honest Abe
Hull, Josephine Kayden, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Hull, Warren Hamilton, Jack Gibson Family, The
Hume, Benita Hall, Victoria Cromwell Halls of Ivy, The
Humphrey, Harry Horace Ma and Pa
Humphrey, Harry Old Ranger Death Valley Days
Hunt, Marsha Bickerson, Blanche Bickersons, The
Hunt, Marsha Bickerson, Blanche Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Hunter, Henry Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Hunter, Henry Brooklyn Wings of Destiny
Hunter, Henry Marleybone, Anthony Jr. Affairs of Anthony, The
Hunter, Henry Murray, Bill Bartons, The
Hunter, Henry Regan, Terry Attorney at Law
Hunter, Henry Webb, Scott Girl Alone
Hunter, Mary Mallory, Mrs. Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Hunter, Mary Marge Easy Aces
Hunter, Mary Stevenson, Martha Barry Cameron
Hunter, Mary Taylor, Kip Against the Storm
Hunter, Raymond Captain Bang Seth Parker
Hurndall, Richard Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Light Programme
Hurt, Marlin Beulah Beulah
Hurt, Marlin Beulah Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Hurt, Marlin Beulah Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 2
Hurt, Marlin Jackson, Bill Beulah
Hurt, Marlin Madamoiselle Levy Avalon Time
Husing, Ted Narrator March of Time, The
Hutchinson, Blanche Hutchinson, Blanche Flying Family
Hutchinson, Blanche Hutchinson, Blanche Flying Hutchinson's, The
Hutchinson, Col. George Hutchinson, Col. George Flying Family
Hutchinson, Col. George Hutchinson, Col. George Flying Hutchinson's, The
Hutchinson, Janet Hutchinson, Janet Flying Family
Hutchinson, Janet Hutchinson, Janet Flying Hutchinson's, The
Hutchinson, Kathryn Hutchinson, Kathryn Flying Family
Hutchinson, Kathryn Hutchinson, Kathryn Flying Hutchinson's, The
Idelson, Billy Carter, Clay Woman In My House
Idelson, Billy Clark, Ben Secret City
Idelson, Billy Emil Those Websters
Idelson, Billy Gook, Rush Vic and Sade
Idelson, Billy Hugo Truitts, The
Idelson, Billy Murray, Henry Herbert "Hank" One Man's Family
Idelson, Billy Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Idelson, Billy Skeezix Gasoline Alley
Ingram, Michael Manuel Against the Storm
Ingram, Rex Fullerton, Mr. Against the Storm
Intropidi, Ethel Howard, Mrs. Front Page Farrell
Intropidi, Ethel Welby, Phyllis Pretty Kitty Kelly
Irving, Charles Gillespie, Mr. Tales of Willie Piper
Irving, Charles Malone, Jerry Young Dr. Malone
Irving, Charles Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Irwin, Jim Axford, Mike Green Hornet, The
Isbell, Harold Bert Aunt Emmy and Bert
Ito, Betty Lotus Don Winslow of the Navy
Ivars, Elaine Aunt Susan Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's
Ives, Raymond Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Ives, Raymond Billy Land of the Lost
Ives, Raymond Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Ives, Raymond Brother Keeping Up With Rosemary
Ives, Raymond Channing, Joe This Life Is Mine
Ives, Raymond Puddinhead, Duffy Reg'lar Fellers
Jackson, Joan Kittenger, Stringbean Aldrich Family, The
Jacobs, David Lord Tony Scarlet Pimpernel, The
Jacobs, Rodney Chan, Lee: Number One Son Adventures of Charlie Chan
Jacobs, Rodney Number One Son: Lee Chan Adventures of Charlie Chan
Jacobson, Arthur Curtis, Scoop Girl Alone
Jacobson, Arthur Harding, Kirk Woman In White
Jacobson, Arthur Marleybone, Anthony Jr. Affairs of Anthony, The
Jacobson, Arthur Murray, Bill Bartons, The
Jacobson, Arthur Post, David Story of Mary Marlin, The
Jacoby, Mary Jacoby, Mary Milt Hearth Trio, The
James, Gee Gee Tillie O'Neills, The
James, Gee Gee Tulip Hilltop House
James, Hugh Flood, Bill Wendy Warren and the News
James, John M. Carey, Arnold Backstage Wife
James, John M. Manning, Roger Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
James, Shelia Williamson, Sue Penny Singleton Show, The
Jameson, House Aldrich, Sam Aldrich Family, The
Jameson, House Harding, David Counterspy
Jameson, House Host Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Jameson, House Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
Jameson, House Renfrew, Douglas Renfrew of the Mounted
Jameson, House Temple, Herbert Young Widder Brown
Janaver, Dick Kirby, Lee Myrt and Marge
Janiss, Vivi Calvert, Kit Aunt Mary
Janney, Leon Alec Private Files of Rex Saunders, The
Janney, Leon Carter, Chick Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Janney, Leon Chan, Lee: Number One Son Adventures of Charlie Chan
Janney, Leon Cole, Dick Adventures of Dick Cole
Janney, Leon Cole, John Romance of Helen Trent, The
Janney, Leon McCoy, Eddie Ethel Merman Show, The
Janney, Leon Number One Son: Lee Chan Adventures of Charlie Chan
Janney, Leon Parker, Richard Parker Family, The
Janney, Leon Stratford, Danny Life of Mary Sothern, The
Janney, William Haven, Gary We Are Always Young
Janney, William Wing, Howie Howie Wing
Jay, Lester Terry Terry and Ted
Jean, Louise Camp Hostess Rookies, The
Jeanne, Phyllis Girl I'll Find My Way
Jeigesen, Joe Yorke, Joe Hollywood Airport
Jellison, Bob Calamity Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Jellison, Bob Ching, Oswald Story of Mary Marlin, The
Jellison, Bob Enor Lone Journey
Jellison, Bob Gunn, Buster Great Gunns
Jellison, Bob Sandy Midstream
Jellison, Bob Shadow Harold Teen
Jergens, Adele Curtis, Carol Stand by for Crime
Jerome, Edwin "Ed' Stalin, Josef March of Time, The
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Alden, Gregory Rich Man's Darling
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Blackstone, Harry Blackstone, the Magic Detective
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Byron, Roger Trouble House
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Dietrich, Doctor Mystery In the Air
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Field, Samuel Tilden When A Girl Marries
Jerome, Edwin "Ed" Selassie, Haile March of Time, The
Jeske, Fred L. Uncle Remus Uncle Remus
Jewell, Jim Jones, Cy Happy Home Village
Jewell, Jim Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Jewell, Jim Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Joachim, Maurice H.H. Omar Omar the Mystic
Joachim, Maurice H.H. Unseen Friend Your Unseen Friend
Johnson, Bess Johnson, Bess Hilltop House
Johnson, Bess Johnson, Bess Story of Bess Johnson, The
Johnson, Bess Lady Esther Lady Esther Serenade
Johnson, Bess Moran, Francis Today's Children
Johnson, Bess Webster, Martha Life Begins
Johnson, Dora Fitz, Evey Perkins Ma Perkins
Johnson, Jason Warren Married Life of Helen and Warren
Johnson, JoAnne Fairfax, Rusty Danger, Dr. Danfield
Johnson, King Johnson, King Milt Hearth Trio, The
Johnson, Lamont Douglas, Bruce Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Johnson, Lamont Douglas, Mark Wendy Warren and the News
Johnson, Lamont Tarzan Tarzan
Johnson, Mel Hermit Hermit's Cave
Johnson, Raymond Edward Atwood, Robert Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Johnson, Raymond Edward Carey, Philip Of Human Bondage
Johnson, Raymond Edward Dale, Eric I Love Linda Dale
Johnson, Raymond Edward Forest Ranger, The National Farm and Home Hour
Johnson, Raymond Edward Hickory Young Hickory
Johnson, Raymond Edward Host Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Johnson, Raymond Edward Kilgore, Roger Roger Kilgore, Public Defender
Johnson, Raymond Edward Lambert, Hal Brave Tomorrow
Johnson, Raymond Edward Lincoln, Joe Treasury Agent
Johnson, Raymond Edward Mandrake Mandrake the Magician
Johnson, Raymond Edward Masters Tennessee Jed
Johnson, Raymond Edward Matthews, Henry Story of Mary Marlin, The
Johnson, Raymond Edward Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Johnson, Raymond Edward Morrison, Paul Valiant Lady
Johnson, Raymond Edward Porter, Bruce Bachelor's Children
Johnson, Raymond Edward Porter, Bruce I Love Linda Dale
Johnson, Raymond Edward Smith, Ellis Guiding Light, The
Johnson, Raymond Edward Spaulding, Ed Man I Married, The
Johnson, Raymond Edward Sutter, Bill Welcome Valley
Johnson, Raymond Edward Winslow, Don Don Winslow of the Navy
Johnson, Rita Curtis, Martha John's Other Wife
Johnson, Rita Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Johnstone, Bill Barrett, Jim Valiant Lady
Johnstone, Bill Bob, Mr. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Johnstone, Bill Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Johnstone, Bill Editor Five-Star Jones
Johnstone, Bill Groggins Bill Goodwin Show, The
Johnstone, Bill Guthrie, Ben Line-Up, The
Johnstone, Bill Hunt, Doctor Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Johnstone, Bill Mason, Wilfred Maudie's Diary
Johnstone, Bill Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Johnstone, Bill Swain Woman from Nowhere
Johnstone, Bill Taylor, Sanderson "Sandy" Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Johnstone, Bill Weston, Simon Wilderness Road
Johnstone, Bill Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Johnstone, Bill Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Jolley, Norman Malinaro, Doctor Space Patrol
Jones, Billy Best Food Boy Best Food Boys, The
Jones, Billy Flit Soldier Flit Soldiers, The
Jones, Billy Happiness Boy Happiness Boys, The
Jones, Billy Interwoven Pair Interwoven Pair, The
Jones, Billy Tasty Breadwinner Tasty Breadwinners, The
Jones, Billy Tasty Loafer Tasty Loafers, The
Jones, Billy Tastyeast Jester Tastyeast Jesters, The
Jones, Buck Jones, Buck Hoofbeats
Jones, Dickie Aldrich Henry Aldrich Family, The
Jones, Ginger Carroll, Alice Romance of Helen Trent, The
Jones, Ginger Carroll, Marjory Bachelor's Children
Jones, Ginger Jane Right to Happiness, The
Jones, Ginger Marshall, Kitty Backstage Wife
Jones, Ginger Ward, Joan Portia Faces Life
Jones, Gloria General's Wife Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
Jones, Gordon Thompson, Pete Meet Mr. McNutley
Jones, Mendel Mister Information Mr. Information
Jones, Venezuela Robinson, Susie Our Gal Sunday
Jones, Virginia Peabody, Jenny Jenny Peabody
Jones, Virginia Randolph, Mildred Carter Carters of Elm Street, The
Jordan, Bobby Peter Wheatenaville Sketches
Jordan, Jim Chickie Breakfast Club, The
Jordan, Jim Dancing Bear (Garibaldi) Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Donovan, Mickey Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Jim Fitzgerald, Joe Smith Family, The
Jordan, Jim Garibaldi the Dancing Bear Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Gray, Luke Luke and Mirandy
Jordan, Jim Gray, Luke Abinadab Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Jim Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Lovejoy, Squire Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim McGee, Fibber Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Jim McSmack, Perky Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Pigmeyer, Augie Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Stafford, Major George Carleton Selwyn Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Toops, Mort Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Turner, Speed Smackouts, The
Jordan, Jim Wintergreen, Cy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Marian Bertrand, Batceste de Molay, etc. (Marie) Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Boop, Bertha Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Cat (Percy) Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Geraldine Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Gray, Mirandy Luke and Mirandy
Jordan, Marian Gump, Gertie Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Marian McGee, Molly Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Percy the Cat Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Sis Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Smith, Nora Smith Family, The
Jordan, Marian Teeny Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Teeny Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Thomas, Mrs. Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Toops, Lavinia Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Toots Breakfast Club, The
Jordan, Marian Upton, Mrs. J. High-Hat Smackouts, The
Jordan, Marian Van Schuyler, Mrs. Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Jordan, Marian Wearybottom, Mrs. Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Jordan, Marian Wheedledeck, Cornelia Smackouts, The
Jordan, Owen Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Jordon, Jackie Moorehead, Billy County Seat
Joslyn, Allyn Roger Dot and Will
Jostyn, Jay Barry, Brian Foreign Assignment
Jostyn, Jay Curtis, Curt This Day Is Ours
Jostyn, Jay Harrington, Len Mister District Attorney
Jostyn, Jay Jackie Our Gal Sunday
Jostyn, Jay Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Jostyn, Jay Parker, Mr. Parker Family, The
Jostyn, Jay Porter, Ben Second Husband
Jostyn, Jay Tilley, Max Life of Mary Sothern, The
Jostyn, Jay Voice of the Law Mister District Attorney
Jostyn, Jay Willard, Russ This Small Town
Julian, Joseph American in England American In England
Julian, Joseph Coleman, Mr. O'Neills, The
Julian, Joseph Editor's Assistant Keeping Up With Rosemary
Julian, Joseph Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Julian, Joseph Grant, Commissioner Bill Call the Police
Julian, Joseph Matson, Sandy Lorenzo Jones
Julian, Joseph O.S.S. Agent Cloak and Dagger
Julian, Joseph Stratford, Danny Life of Mary Sothern, The
Julian, Joseph Tony Sparrow and the Hawk, The
Julian, Joseph West, Michael Big Sister
Julian, Joseph West, Michael Bright Horizon
Juster, Evelyn Curtis, Jean Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Juvelier, Jeanne Madame Babette Arnold Grimm's Daughter
KaDell, Carlton Benton, Steve Wings of Destiny
KaDell, Carlton Conroy, Dennis Backstage Wife
KaDell, Carlton Field, Tom Masquerade
KaDell, Carlton Hardy, Vic Armstrong of the S.B.I.
KaDell, Carlton Kegg, Jonathan Jonathan Kegg
KaDell, Carlton Kegg, Jonathan Life In Your Hands, A
KaDell, Carlton King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
KaDell, Carlton Ryder, Red Red Ryder
KaDell, Carlton Tarzan Tarzan
Kalish, Scheindel Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Kamman, Bruce Applegate, Ulysses A. Kaltenmeyer Kapers
Kamman, Bruce Kaltenmeyer, August Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Kamman, Bruce Mickey's Father Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Kamman, Bruce Spivens, Elmer Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Kane, John Clink Red Davis
Kane, John Havens, Nick Pepper Young's Family
Kane, John Jones, Tom "Five-Star" Five-Star Jones
Kane, John Norris, Chick When A Girl Marries
Kane, John Wilson, Scubby Nick Carter, Master Detective
Kaplin, Marvin Alfred Meet Millie
Kappel, Waldemar Mendoza, Gyp Life Can Be Beautiful
Kaufman, Irving Lazy Dan Lazy Dan the Minstrel Man
Kay, Alister Son Missis Miniver
Kay, Bonita Christine Backstage Wife
Kay, Bonita Davis, Margery Houseboat Hannah
Kay, Bonita Grimm, Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Kay, Geraldine Barbara Orphans of Divorce
Kay, Geraldine King, Kyle Lone Journey
Kay, Geraldine Palmer, Barbara Masquerade
Kay, Joan Gilman, Phyllis Those Happy Gilmans
Kay, Joan Moore, Marian Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Kaye, A.T. Nelson Valiant Lady
Kaye, Virginia Dawson, Rosemary Rosemary
Keane, Charlotte Beatrice Backstage Wife
Keane, Charlotte Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Keane, George Roberts, Bill Rosemary
Keane, Rose Beatrice Little Italy
Keane, Teri Adams, Vikki Marriage for Two
Keane, Teri Brent, Jocelyn Road of Life
Keane, Teri Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Keane, Teri Conrad, Carol "Chichi" Life Can Be Beautiful
Keane, Teri Evans, Hope Big Sister
Keane, Terry Secretary Mystery Without Murder
Kearns, Joseph Botsford, Benchley Judy Canova Show, The
Kearns, Joseph Caleb Let George Do It
Kearns, Joseph Colby, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Kearns, Joseph Crazy Quilt Dragon Cinnamon Bear
Kearns, Joseph Doc Yak Yak Honest Harold
Kearns, Joseph Ed, Keeper of the Underground Vault Jack Beny Program, The
Kearns, Joseph Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
Kearns, Joseph Grebb, Matt Line-Up, The
Kearns, Joseph Lukey Judy Canova Show, The
Kearns, Joseph Man In Black Suspense
Kearns, Joseph Neighbor My Mother's Husband
Kearns, Joseph Thompson, Mr. Great Gildersleeve, The
Kearns, Joseph Thompson, Mr. Great Gilsersleeve, The
Kearns, Joseph Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Keath, Donna Dineen, Lynne Young Dr. Malone
Keating, Larry Puzzlewit, Professor Professor Puzzlewit
Keddy, Grace Barker, Irma Lorenzo Jones
Keddy, Grace Van Cleave, Mrs. As the Twig Is Bent
Keddy, Grace Van Cleave, Mrs. We Love and Learn
Keene, William Red Lantern Land of the Lost
Keith, Conna Lynne Young Dr. Malone
Keith, Richard "Dick" Brock, Frank W. Special Investigator
Keith, Richard "Dick" Editor True Detective Mysteries
Keith, Richard "Dick" Hotel Manager Two On A Shoestring
Keith, Richard "Dick" Hunt, Ray Myrt and Marge
Keith, Richard "Dick" McCarey, Charles Bright Horizon
Keith, Richard "Dick" Police Commissioner Mister Chameleon
Keith, Richard "Dick" Shuttleworth, John True Dectective Mysteries
Kelk, Jackie Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
Kelk, Jackie Cummings, Dick Second Husband
Kelk, Jackie Gump, Chester Gumps, The
Kelk, Jackie Lee, Terry Terry and the Pirates
Kelk, Jackie Morrison, Pete Mother O' Mine
Kelk, Jackie Olsen, Jimmy Adventures of Superman
Kelk, Jackie Tolliver, Jim Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Kelk, Jackie Tyler, Tommy Rosemary
Kelly, Andrew Dooley, Mr. Horse Sense Philosophy
Kelly, James Brady, Patrick Nona from Nowhere
Kelly, Jim Clancy, Mike Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons
Kelly, Joe Jolly Joe Jolly Joe and His Pet Pals
Kelly, Joe Jolly Joe Jolly Joe's Junior Jamboree
Kelly, Nancy Dorothy Wizard of Oz, The
Kelly, Nancy Roosevelt, Eleanor March of Time, The
Kelton, Pert Agnes Magnificent Montague, The
Kelton, Pert Girlfriend It's Always Albert
Kelton, Pert Lolita We Are Always Young
Kemmer, Ed Corey, Buzz Space Patrol
Kendall, Cy Captain Taffy the Pirate Cinnamon Bear
Kendall, Cy Carter, Judge Remarkable Miss Carter, The
Kendall, Cy Indian Chief Cinnamon Bear
Kendall, Cy Thome, Atam Tarzan
Kendall, Cy Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Kendall, Cy Tracy, Captain Tarzan
Kendall, Cy Wong-Tai Tarzan
Kendrick, Richard Baker, Bill Portia Faces Life
Kennedy, John B. Uncle Henry Collier Hour, The
Kent, Elaine Charlotte Our Gal Sunday
Kent, Elaine Houston, Iris Lora Lawton
Kent, Elaine Johnson, Lois County Seat
Kent, Elaine March, Jo Little Women
Kent, John Hermit Hermit's Cave
Kenton, Billy City Intruder I'll Find My Way
Kenyon, Doris Ann Crossroads
Kenyon, Doris Cooper, Ann Crossroads
Kettering, Frank Kettering, Frank Hossier Hot Shots
Kilpack, Bennett Barclay, Doc Doc Barclay's Daughters
Kilpack, Bennett Benson, James David Harum
Kilpack, Bennett Keen, Mister Mister Keen, Tracer of Last Persons
Kilpack, Bennett Peters, Cephus Seth Parker
Kilpack, Bennett Pettingal, Laith Seth Parker
Kilpack, Bennett Uncle Josh Young Widder Brown
King, Jane Helen Married Life of Helen and Warren
King, Jean Lonesome Gal Lonesome Gal
King, John Reed King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
King, Louise Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady
Kingston, Lenore Daley, Jane Affairs of Anthony, The
Kingston, Lenore Ebba Against the Storm
Kingston, Leonore Carney, Mrs. Bachelor's Children
Kingston, Leonore Colby, Mercedes Don Winslow of the Navy
Kingston, Leonore Ebba Against the Storm
Kingston, Leonore Jinny Midstream
Kinsella, Walter Cooney, Ambrose Mighty Casey
Kinsella, Walter General Manager Circus Days
Kinsella, Walter Harrington, Len Mister District Attorney
Kinsella, Walter Irish Policeman Fresh Up Show, The
Kinsella, Walter McMann, Hap Martin Kane, Private Eye
Kinsella, Walter McNally, Mike Leave It to Mike
Kinsella, Walter McNally, Mike Paging Mike McNally
Kinsella, Walter Mike Joe and Mable
Kinsella, Walter Mullins, Sergeant Mister and Mrs. North
Kinsella, Walter Murphy, Pat Abie's Irish Rose
Kinsella, Walter Patton, Pat Dick Tracy
Kinsella, Walter Tracy, Junior Dick Tracy
Kinsella, Walter Windy Peewee and Windy
Kirberry, Ralph Dream Singer, The Mohawk Treasure Chest, The
Kirby, Kleve Murray, John Today's Children
Kirby, Pete Oswald, Bashful Brother American Ace Coffee Time
Kirkland, Muriel Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Kirkland, Muriel Todd, Mary Honest Abe
Kirkpatrick, Jess Henderson, Harry Beulah
Kirkwood, Jack Uncle Jim Hawthorne House
Kirkwood, Jack Williams, Joe Saunders of the Circle X
Kleeb, Helen Tuttle, Sarah Doctor Kate
Klein, Adelaide Dragon Lady Terry and the Pirates
Klein, Adelaide Farrell, Mildred Valiant Lady
Klein, Adelaide Hilda We, the Abbotts
Klein, Adelaide Meek, Agatha Meet Mr. Meek
Klein, Adelaide Russian Countess House on Q Street, The
Klein, Adelaide Wentworth, Mrs. S. Kent Life Can Be Beautiful
Klose, Virginia Klose, Virginia Red Hook 31
Klose, Woody Klose, Woody Red Hook 31
Knight, Frank Gilbert, Doctor Arabesque
Knight, Ray Bachelor, Billy Wheatenaville Sketches
Knight, Ray Shopkeeper House In the Country, A
Knight, Raymond Weems, Ambrose J. Cuckoo Hour, The
Knotts, Don Wales, Windy Bobby Benson's Adventures
Knudsen, Peggy Harding, Karen Woman In White
Knudson, Peggy Graves, Lois Junior Miss
Knudson, Peggy Phillipa Bill Goodwin Show, The
Kohl, Arthur Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Kohl, Arthur Graham, Bob Bachelor's Children
Kohl, Arthur Mintern, Fred Right to Happiness, The
Kollmar, Richard Boston Blackie Boston Blackie
Kollmar, Richard Markham, Barry Life Can Be Beautiful
Kollmar, Richard Naughton, David Claudia and David
Kollmar, Richard Perry, John John's Other Wife
Kollmar, Richard Pierce, Dennis Pretty Kitty Kelly
Kollmar, Richard Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Kollmar, Richard Van Orpington, Jackie Pretty Kitty Kelly
Kollmar, Richard West, Michael Big Sister
Kollmar, Richard West, Michael Bright Horizon
Koss, Sid Gook, Rush Vic and Sade
Kovacs, Bela Black Falcon, The: Prince Baccarritti Space Patrol
Kovacs, Bela Prince Baccarritti: Black Falcon Space Patrol
Kraatz, Donald Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Kraatz, Donald Welch, Francis Bartons, The
Kramer, Mandel Bryson, Tom Backstage Wife
Kramer, Mandel Cain Light of the World, The
Kramer, Mandel Collins, Greg It's a Crime Mr. Collins
Kramer, Mandel Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Kramer, Mandel Ellis, Sam Stella Dallas
Kramer, Mandel McGloin, Mahatma Mister and Mrs. North
Kramer, Mandel Peter Counterspy
Kramer, Mandel Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
Kramer, Mandel Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Kramer, Mandel Tragg, Arthur Perry Mason
Kramer, Phil Grouch Grouch Club, The
Kramer, Wright Jamison, Walter Show Boat
Krieger, James Pratt, Alex Orphans of Divorce
Krieger, James Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Kroeger, Barry Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Kroeger, Barry Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Kroeger, Barry Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Kroeger, Barry Williams, Sam Young Dr. Malone
Kroenke, Carl Brainfeeble, Chuck Vic and Sade
Kroenke, Carl Ferguson, Alec Houseboat Hannah
Kroenke, Carl Sterling, Louie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Kruger, Alma Mayfield, Emily Those We Love
Kruger, Alma Wife of Captain Henry Show Boat
Krugman, Lou Boss of Flying City Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Krugman, Lou Griffith, Tony Romance of Helen Trent, The
Krugman, Lou Hink, Ulysses Dear Mom
Kruschen, Jack Muggowen, Sergeant Broadway Is My Beat
Kuhn, Ethel Talmedge, Pamela Betty and Bob
Kummer, Eloise Allen, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Kummer, Eloise Barclay, Sandra Doc Barclay's Daughters
Kummer, Eloise Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Kummer, Eloise Greenman, Norma Guiding Light, The
Kummer, Eloise Kramer, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Kummer, Eloise Manning, Marcia Backstage Wife
Kummer, Eloise Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Kummer, Eloise Murphy, Patricia Hot Copy
Kummer, Eloise Rogers, Anne Hot Copy
Kummer, Eloise Stone, Kathy Betty and Bob
Kupfer, Kurt Steinbloch, Joseph Romance of Helen Trent, The
Kvalden, Greta Hattie Pepper Young's Family
Kyle, Alastair Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Kyle, Alastair Brinthrope, Lonnie Our Gal Sunday
Kyser, Kay Quizmaster Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge
LaBelle, Rupert Kane, Rufus Story of Mary Marlin, The
Labriola, Tony Oswald Hollywood Hotel
Labriola, Tony Oswald Ken Murray Program, The
LaCurto, James Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
LaCurto, James Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
LaCurto, James Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
LaCurto, James Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Ladd, Alan Holliday, Dan Box 13
Ladd, Hank Beetle Phil Baker Show, The
Lake, Arthur Bumstead, Dagwood Blondie
Lake, Florence Daughter Gay Mrs. Featherstone, The
Lake, Florence Jessie Charlie and Jessie
Lake, Florence Smith, Miss Phone Again Finnegan
Lake, Florence Terwilliger, Tess David Harum
Lake, John Bradley, Jake Glorious One
Lambert, George Courtleigh, Walter Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Lambert, George Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Lambert, George Leighton, Edward Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Lambert, Scrappy Mark Smith Brothers
Lambright, Rosemary Thelma Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Lamoy, Olive Oyl, Olive Popeye the Sailor
Landi, Elissa Carroll, Lorna Wings for America
Landick, Olyn Cassandra Death Valley Sheriff
Landick, Olyn Cousin Cassie Death Valley Days
Landick, Olyn Drinkwater, Cassandra Shafter Parker and His Circus
Landis, Jessie Royce Housekeeper House on Q Street
Lane, Richard Faraday, Inspector Boston Blackie
Lang, Harry Fuddle, Mr. Blondie
Lang, Harry Pan Pancho Cisco Kid, The
Langan, Glenn Drake, Barton Murder Is My Hobby
Langan, Glenn Drake, Barton Mystery Is My Hobby
Langan, Glenn Morgan, Chuck Stand by for Crime
Langford, Frances Bickerson, Blanche Bickersons, The
Langford, Frances Bickerson, Blanche Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Langford, Frances Bickerson, Blanche Old Gold Show, The
Lansing, Hall Walsh, Knobby Joe Palooka
Lansing, Mary Barbour, Andy "Skipper" One Man's Family
Lansing, Mary Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Lansing, Mary Barbour, Mary Lou One Man's Family
Lansing, Mary Collins, Julie Guiding Light, The
Lansing, Mary Crane, Betty Greatest of These, The
Lansing, Mary Duncan, Mary Today at the Duncans
Lansing, Mary Gorcey, Nurse Private Practice of Dr. Dana, The
Lansing, Mary Gorsey, Nurse Private Life of Dr. Dana
Lansing, Mary Graves, Grace Junior Miss
Lantz, Mary Louise Daughter Edith Adam's Future
LaPoine, Lucille Aunt Polly Tom Sawyer
Larch, John Starr, Rocky Starr of Space
Larkin, John Cliff Brighter Day, A
Larkin, John Darnell, Peter Backstage Wife
Larkin, John Gabler, Roy Romance of Helen Trent, The
Larkin, John Grant, Major Mister Moto
Larkin, John Harper, Steve Helpmate
Larkin, John Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Larkin, John McKenzie, Lance Lone Journey
Larkin, John Mercury, Mister Mister Mercury
Larkin, John Nelson, Miles Right to Happiness, The
Larkin, John Nichols, Jim Houseboat Hannah
Larkin, John Nolan, Johnny Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Larkin, John Rogers, Buck Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Larkin, John Trail, Mark Mark Trail
Larkin, John Watson, Eric Portia Faces Life
Larkin, John Wells, Tom Ma Perkins
Larrimore, Earl Hamilton, Stephen Life Can Be Beautiful
Latham Joe Lively Our Gal Sunday
Latham, Joe Brent, Father Road of Life, The
Latham, Joe Hackett, John When A Girl Marries
Latham, Joe Pop Myrt and Marge
Latham, Joe Stubbins Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Latham, Joe Uncle Will Home, Sweet Home
Latimer, Ed Borris, Mr. Adventures of Topper
Latimer, Ed Gordon, Don Home of the Brave
Latimer, Ed Handyman House In the Country, A
Latimer, Ed Joe Home of the Brave
Latimer, Ed Mathison, Matty Nick Carter, Master Detective
Latimer, Ed O'Toole, Bugsy Romance of Helen Trent, The
Latimer, Ed Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
Latting, Bob Dalton, Eddie Story of Sandra Martin, The
Latting, Bob Landis, Jack Woman In White
Lauck, Chester Edwards, Columbus "Lum" Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Lum (Columbus Edwards) Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Spears, Grandpappy Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Weehunt, Cedric Lum and Abner
Lauck, Chester Hogan, Snake Lum and Abner
Lauren, Jane Lang, Adele Wendy Warren and the News
Laurie, Joe Jr. Sniffy We Are Always Young
Lawes, Warden Lewis E. Lawes, Warden Lewis E. Crime Cases of Warden Lawes, The
Lawrence, Charles Wimpy, Wellington J. Popeye the Sailor
Lawrence, Charlotte Britton, Reba Just Plain Bill
Lawrence, Charlotte Kenmore, Leona Our Gal Sunday
Lawrence, Charlotte McGill, Stacy Adventures of Christopher Wells
Lawrence, Elizabeth Brent, Francis Road of Life, The
Layne, Zella Crocker, Betty Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air
Lazer, Joan Allison, Peggy My Son Jeep
Lazer, Joan Daughter Gramps
Lazer, Joan Jessica Rosemary
Lazer, Joan Malone, Jill Young Dr. Malone
Lazer, Joan Sharp, Debbie Big Guy
LeCornec, Bill Dilly Dally Howdy Doody
LeDoux, Leone Barbour, Abigal One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Barbour, Constance One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Barbour, Deborah One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
LeDoux, Leone Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
LeDoux, Leone Farnsworth, Paul John One Man's Family
LeDoux, Leone Higgins, Robespierre Baby Snooks Show, The
Lee, Barbara Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Lee, Billy Beasley Flying Time
Lee, Earl Ben One Man's Family
Lee, Earl Jones, Lt. Lee Dragnet
Lee, Earl Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Lee, Irvin Franklin, Dexter Meet Corliss Archer
Lee, Johnny Calhoune, Algonquin Jr. Amos 'n' Andy
Lee, Madaline Blue, Genevieve Amos 'n' Andy
Lee, Madaline Burton, Wendy Second Mrs. Burton, The
Lee, Madaline Gertrude Henry Morgan Show, The
Lee, Melba Morgan, Mrs. Dearest Mother
Lee, William Hendricks, Never-Fail Story of Mary Marlin, The
Leeds, Peter Eugor Rogue's Gallery
Leeds, Peter Joe, the Yes Man Alan Young Show, The
LeFevre, Bill May, Pete Family Doctor
LeFevre, Ned Holden, Hed Guiding Light, The
LeFevre, Ned Kegg, Jonathan Life In Your Hands, A
LeFevre, Ned Phil Masquerade
Leff, Henry Millard, Ray Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Leff, Jana Barbour, Jane One Man's Family
Lefferty, Fran Vikki Marriage for Two
LeGrand, Richard Ole Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
LeGrand, Richard Peavy, Richard Q. Great Gildersleeve, The
LeGrand, Richard Smithers, Pa Memory Lane
Leiber, Fritz Madison, James Roses and Drums
Lemmon, Jack Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Lenni, Francesca Narda Mandrake the Magician
Lenni, Francesca Putnam, Laura Your Family and Mine
Lenrow, Bernard Barns, Geoffery Molle Mystery Theatre
Lenrow, Bernard Bradley, Mr. Aldrich Family, The
Lenrow, Bernard Carson Valiant Lady
Lenrow, Bernard Logan, Inspector Casey, Crime Photographer
Lenrow, Bernard Nebucadnezzer Light of the World, The
Leonard, Gene Allison, Glen Trouble House
Leonard, Gene Barrett, Jim Valiant Lady
Leonard, Sheldon Crunchmiller, Joe Judy Canova Show, The
Leonard, Sheldon Grogan Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Leonard, Sheldon Koska, Sergeant McCoy, The
Leonard, Sheldon Sam Johnny Fletcher
Leonard, Sheldon Sharp, Orvill Meet Me At Parky's
Leonard, Sheldon Tout Jack Benny Program, The
Lescoulie, Jack Grouchmaster Grouch Club, The
Lesser, Jerry Benson, John Life of Mary Sothern, The
Lester, Jack Bideaux, Joe Silver Eagle
Lester, Jack King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
Lester, Jack King, Schuyler "Sky" Sky King
Lester, Jack Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Lester, Jay Brown, Robinson Jr. Robinson Crusoe Jr.
Lester, Jay Gump, Chester Gumps, The
Levy, Estelle Cosette (Younger) Les Miserables
Levy, Estelle Helen Adventures of Helen and Mary
Levy, Estelle Helen Adventures of Helen and Mary
Levy, Estelle Stella Hilltop House
Lewis, Abby Telephone Operator House In the Country, A
Lewis, Cathy Daughter Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Lewis, Cathy Daughter of Mrs. Danbury Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Lewis, Cathy Knight, Phyllis "Phyl" Michael Shayne
Lewis, Cathy Milford, Kathryn Great Gildersleeve, The
Lewis, Cathy Stacy, Jane My Friend Irma
Lewis, Diana Thatcher, Becky Tom Sawyer
Lewis, Elliott Carney, Philip Voyage of the Scarlet Queen
Lewis, Elliott Durango, Hawk Hawk Durango
Lewis, Elliott Durango, Hawk Hawk Larabee
Lewis, Elliott Friday, Bart Adventures by Morse
Lewis, Elliott Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Lewis, Elliott Graves, Harry Junior Miss
Lewis, Elliott Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Lewis, Elliott Knicherbocker, Mr. Knicherbocker Playhouse
Lewis, Elliott Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Lewis, Elliott Peterson, Mr. This Is Judy Jones
Lewis, Elliott Presto the Magician Cinnamon Bear
Lewis, Elliott Remley, Frank Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Lewis, Forrest Agamemon Scattergood Baines
Lewis, Forrest Baker, Ernie Scattergood Baines
Lewis, Forrest Ben One Man's Family
Lewis, Forrest Carter, James Woman In My House
Lewis, Forrest Delfeeno, Roy Vic and Sade
Lewis, Forrest Green, Doc Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Lewis, Forrest Howard, Jim Betty and Bob
Lewis, Forrest Keats, J. Wellington Scattergood Baines
Lewis, Forrest Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Lewis, Forrest Michael I Love A Mystery
Lewis, Forrest Peavy, Richard Q. Great Gildersleeve, The
Lewis, Forrest Rufus Ma Perkins
Lewis, Forrest Tooley, C. Pemberton Ma Perkins
Lewis, Forrest Wash Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Lewis, Forrest Wilde, Jonah Roy Rogers Show, The
Lewis, Helen Hopkins, Kate Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Lewis, Helen Lowell, Maggie Road of Life, The
Lewis, Helen Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Lewis, Helen Pendeleton, Gladys Ma Perkins
Lewis, Helen Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Lewis, Helen Sally Mighty Show, The
Lewis, Helen Trueheart, Tess Dick Tracy
Lewis, Jack Madigan, Jocko Pat Novak for Hire
Lincoln, Ann Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Lincoln, Ann Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Lipton, Bill Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Lipton, Bill Carter, Chick Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Lipton, Bill Dantro Planet Man
Lipton, Bill Friend Hearts In Harmony
Lipton, Bill Malone, David Young Dr. Malone
Lipton, Bill Skeezix Gasoline Alley
Lipton, Billy Wilbur, Ken Your Family and Mine
Lipton, James Grant, Dick Guiding Light, The
Lipton, James Reid, Dan Lone Ranger, The
Liss, Ronald Bobby Bright Horizon
Liss, Ronald Crutch Story of Bess Johnson, The
Liss, Ronald Grayson, Dick: Robin Adventures of Superman
Liss, Ronald Ned Peables Takes Charge
Liss, Ronald Robin: Dick Grayson Adventures of Superman
Liss, Ronald Scotty Mark Trail
Liss, Ronald Son That's My Pop
Liss, Ronald Wade, George "Buddy" Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Liszt, Marge Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Livingston, Chuck Barclay, Bob Thrills of the Secret Service
Livingston, Mary Livingston, Mary Jack Benny Program, The
Locke, Ralph Brownspun, Milton Second Husband
Locke, Ralph Employer Mister Feathers
Locke, Ralph Knapp, Professor Dot and Will
Locke, Ralph Soloman, David Life Can Be Beautiful
Lockhart, Gene Nebbs, Mr. Nebbs, The
Lockhart, Kathleen Nebbs, Mrs. Nebbs, The
Lockser, Judith Dennis, Barbara "Babby" Brighter Day, A
Lockser, Judith Henderson, Paulette Ma Perkins
Lockwood, Ben Romantic Interest Keeping Up With Rosemary
Lockwood, Grace Cary, Mrs. Betty and Bob
Lockwood, Grace Hendrix, Mrs. Betty and Bob
Lockwood, Grace Regan, Mrs. Attorney at Law
Loeb, Philip Goldberg, Jake Goldbergs, The
Loftus, Cecilia Wright, Sarah Roses and Drums
Logan, Janet Fairchild, Kay Step Mother
Logan, Janet Gowan, Helen Road of Life, The
Logan, Janet Jones, Jill Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Logan, Janet Kingsley, Grace Gallant Heart
Logan, Janet Moore, Stella Girl Alone
Logan, Janet Sinclair, Sandra Romance of Helen Trent, The
Look see: Bumstead, Alex Baby Dumpling Blondie
Look see: Bumstead, Blondie Blondie Blondie
Lord, Philips H. Country Doctor Country Doctor
Lord, Philips H. Gunn, Pop Great Gunns
Lord, Philips H. Mitchell, Frazier Story of Mary Marlin, The
Lord, Philips H. Parker, Seth Seth Parker
Lord, Philips H. Sprague Flying Time
Lord, Sophie Peters, Lizzie Seth Parker
Loring, Joan Turrie, Suzanne This Is Nora Drake
Lorre, Peter Moto, Mr. I.A. Mister Moto
Love, Elizabeth Graham, Betty Roses and Drums
Love, Elizabeth Leighton, Mrs. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Love, Sunda Barton, Clara Junior Nurse Corps
Love, Sunda Bennett, Miss Bachelor's Children
Love, Sunda Fairchild, Kay Step Mother
Love, Sunda Karamench Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Love, Sunda Lawrence, Leota Myrt and Marge
Love, Sunda Moran, Francis Today's Children
Lovejoy, Frank Barnes, Christopher Today's Children
Lovejoy, Frank Blue Beetle, The: Dan Garrett Blue Beetle, The
Lovejoy, Frank Broadway Harry Gay Nineties Revue
Lovejoy, Frank Chaney Life of Mary Sothern, The
Lovejoy, Frank Ellerbe, Chris Valiant Lady
Lovejoy, Frank Forbes, Brad Brave Tomorrow
Lovejoy, Frank Garrett, Dan: The Blue Beetle Blue Beetle, The
Lovejoy, Frank Halliday, Larry Bright Horizon
Lovejoy, Frank Malone, John J. Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Lovejoy, Frank Malone, John J. Murder and Mister Malone
Lovejoy, Frank Martin, Charles Stella Dallas
Lovejoy, Frank McBride, Rex Here Comes McBride
Lovejoy, Frank Narrator This Is Your F.B.I.
Lovejoy, Frank Paul This Day Is Ours
Lovejoy, Frank Peters, Bill As the Twig Is Bent
Lovejoy, Frank Peters, Bill We Love and Learn
Lovejoy, Frank Stone, Randy "Lucky" Nightbeat
Lovejoy, Frank Weigand, Bill Mister and Mrs. North
Lovell, Leigh Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Lovett, Dorothy Andrews, Cecily Lone Journey
Lovett, Dorothy Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Lowe, Edmund Quirt, Sergeant Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
Lowell, Dorothy Brinthrope, Sunday Our Gal Sunday
Lowell, Dorothy Linda Hilltop House
Lowell, Dorothy Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Lowell, Helen Lizzie Tish
Lowry, Judith Annie Story of Mary Marlin, The
Lowry, Judith Ferguson, Emmy Welcome Valley
Lowry, Judith Graham, Mrs. Dan Harding's Wife
Lowry, Judith Grimm, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Lowry, Judith Stevens, Emma "Stevie" Valiant Lady
Lubin, Lou Shorty Amos 'n' Andy
Luckey, Susan Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Luckey, Susan Barbour, Jane One Man's Family
Luddy, Barbara Adams, Janet Munson Woman In White
Luddy, Barbara Ahtea Tarzan
Luddy, Barbara Carver, Margo Margo of Castlewood
Luddy, Barbara Clark, Judith Lonely Women
Luddy, Barbara Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Luddy, Barbara Gunn, Veronica Great Gunns
Lujack, Johnny Lujack, Johnny Johnny Lujack of Notre Dame
Lukas, Paul Einstein, Albert Quick and the Dead, The
Lund, John Chaplain Jim Chaplain Jim
Lund, John Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Lung, Charlie Sycamore, Paul You Can't Take It with You
Lung, Charlie Wing, Lo Out of the Deep
Lupton, Danny Lee, Martin In the Case of Aggie Horn
Luther, Paul Elmond, Ward Backstage Wife
Luther, Paul Hitler, Adolf Our Secret Weapon
Lydon, Jimmy Jimmy Young Love
Lynch, Ken American Cafe Istanbul
Lynch, Ken Assistant to the Police Commissioner Top Guy
Lynch, Ken Gargoyle Bishop and the Gargoyle, The
Lynch, Ken King, Lieutenant Matt Twenty-First Precinct
Lynch, Ken Stark, Slim Woman of America
Lynch, Ken Tinker Hop Harrigan
Lynch, Ken Victor Backstage Wife
Lynch, Peg Arbuckle, Peg Ethel and Albert
Lynd, Helen Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Lynn, Billy MacDougal, Mac Tillie the Toiler
Lynn, Billy Milquetoast, Casper Timid Soul, The
Lynn, Lorna Bartlett, Jill My Best Girls
Lynn, Lorna Dennis, Barbara "Babby" Brighter Day, A
Lyon, Priscilla Adams, Fluffy Junior Miss
Lyon, Priscilla Archer, Corliss Meet Corliss Archer
Lyon, Priscilla Foster, Amy Those We Love
Lyon, Priscilla Holly, Ann Mayor of the Town
Lytell, Bert Randall, Lee: Jimmy Valentine Alias Jimmy Valentine
Lytell, Bert Stuart, Jeb Roses and Drums
Lytell, Bert Valentine, Jimmy: Lee Randall Alias Jimmy Valentine
Lytton, Herb Johnson, Bill Gallant Heart
MacAllister, Charles Halsey, Jack Doctor Kate
MacAteer, Alan Pop Backstage Wife
MacBride, DeWitt Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
MacBryde, Jack Cassidy, Danny Eno Crime Club
MacBryde, Jack McCloud, Sergeant Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
MacBryde, Jack Old Ranger Death Valley Days
MacBryde, Jack Peewee Peewee and Windy
MacBryde, John Dyke, Joseph Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
MacDonald, Ed Hughes, Tommy Big Town
MacDonald, Edmund Burke, Inspector Murder Will Out
MacDonald, Margaret Moore, Betty Betty Moore
MacGibbon, Harriet Kent, Lucy Home, Sweet Home
MacGregor, Joan Moran, Dorothy Today's Children
MacHarrie, Lindsay Wesley the Whale Cinnamon Bear
Mack, Gilbert Tex Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Mack, Helen Archer, Janet Meet Corliss Archer
Mack, Helen Minter, Marge Myrt and Marge
MacKaye, Fred Craig, Stephen Crossroads
MacKaye, Fred Rice, Monk Point Sublime
MacLaughlin, Don Chaplain Jim Chaplain Jim
MacLaughlin, Don Collins, Kit As the Twig Is Bent
MacLaughlin, Don Collins, Kit We Love and Learn
MacLaughlin, Don Harding, David Counterspy
MacLaughlin, Don Sloan "Tennessee" Jed Tennessee Jed
MacLaughlin, Don Swanson, Dwight Romance of Helen Trent, The
MacLaughlin, Don Thorne, Tex Zane Grey Show, The
MacMurray, Fred Harvey, George Bright Star
Macy, Jerry Berkeley, Mr. Leave It to Mike
Macy, Jerry Chico Terry and Ted
Macy, Jerry Harvey Trouble House
Macy, Jerry Kruger, Judge Valiant Lady
Madison, Guy Hickok, Wild Bill Wild Bill Hickok
Madison, Joan Bronson, Isobel Carol Kennedy's Romance
Madison, Joan Lowry, Ann Trouble House
Mael, Merrill Uncle Fletcher Vic and Sade
Maher, Ellen Aunt Hearts In Harmony
Maher, Mont Crowley, Fred Doctor Kate
Maher, Wally Boyfriend Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Maher, Wally Dudley, Lance Brenthouse
Maher, Wally Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Maher, Wally Leighton, Creighton This Is Judy Jones
Maher, Wally Mike Adventures of Maisie
Maher, Wally Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Maher, Wally Riley, Lieutenant Let Geroge Do It
Maher, Wally Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Mahoney, Jock Guest Star Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Maitland, Arthur Crane, Mr. Stella Dallas
Maitland, Arthur Drake, Silas Your Family and Mine
Maitland, Arthur Minister Marriage for Two
Maitland, Arthur Sweeney, Zeke David Harum
Maitland, Arthur Weatherby, Mr. Archie Andrews
Malone, Florence Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Malone, Florence Diamond, Mrs. Adventures of Captain Diamond
Malone, Florence Ellis, Miss Mister Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons
Malone, Florence Gilder, Mrs. Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Malone, Pick Molasses Molasses and January
Malone, Pick Molasses Show Boat
Malone, Pick Pick Model Minstrels
Malyan, Eily Greystroke, Lady Tarzan
Mandeville, Butler Bolger, Doctor Joan and Kermit
Mangano, Don Tony Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Mann, Gloria Chandler, Marilyn Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Mann, Gloria Lodge, Veronica Archie Andrews
Mann, Paul Kerby, George Adventures of Topper
Mann, Paul Quisinberry, Perry "Quiz" Passport for Adams
Manners, Pam Rogers. Gwen Myrt and Marge
Manning, Connie Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Manning, Irene Night Club Singer Mister Broadway
Manning, Jack Crawford, David Young Dr. Malone
Manson, Charlotte Barrington, Bryn Clark Society Girl
Manson, Charlotte Bertrand, Marcelle Backstage Wife
Manson, Charlotte Bowen, Patsy Nick Carter, Master Detective
Manson, Charlotte Fairchild, Kay Step Mother
Manson, Charlotte Gray, Gillian This Is Nora Drake
Manson, Charlotte Karamench Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Manson, Charlotte Kransky, Rose Guiding Light, The
Manson, Charlotte Randy King's Row
Manson, Maurice McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Manville, Butler Tweedy, Mr. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
March, Hal Cook, Mr. Too Many Cooks
March, Hal Henshaw, Matt December Bride
March, Hal March Sweeney and March
March, Judith Morgan, Rita Dearest Mother
Marden, Adrienne Jordan, Patricia Story of Bess Johnson, The
Margetts, Monty Sherlock, Jane Meet Miss Sherlock
Margo Mitty, Betty Secret of Walter Mitty, The
Margo Tanya Into the Light
Marin, Jerry Brown, Buster Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
Marion-Crawford, Howard Holmes, Sherlock B.B.C. Home Theatre
Marivale, Philip Spence, Reverend One Foot In Heaven
Markey, Enid Burke, Lillian Woman of Courage
Markin, Al Astro Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Marks, Sherman Binney, Joe Backstage Wife
Marks, Sherman Mudd, Ichabod "Ichy" Captain Midnight
Marlon, Paul Husband Merry Life of Mary Christmas, The
Marlowe, Anne Penny Hearts In Harmony
Marlowe, Hugh Curtis, Jim Brenda Curtis
Marlowe, Hugh Julius Caesar Coronets
Marlowe, Hugh Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Marr, Eddie Press Agent Jack Carson Show, The
Marr, Edie Nolan, Detective Murder Will Out
Marsac, Maurice French Teacher Our Miss Brooks
Marsh, Audrey Esther Harv and Esther
Marsh, Dixie Martha Hawthorne House
Marsh, Myra Foster, Dora Date With Judy, A
Marsh, Myra Hilda Junior Miss
Marsh, Myra Rhinelander, Mother My Friend Irma
Marshall, Brenda Smith, Nancy Smiths of Hollywood
Marshall, Herbert Man Called X: Ken Thurston Man Called X, A
Marshall, Herbert Thurston, Ken: The Man Called X Man Called X, A
Marshall, Nancy Holt, Natalie Story of Bess Johnson, The
Marshall, Nancy Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Marson, Truda Marley, Alice Gallant Heart
Martens, Thora Smith, Irene Smith Family, The
Martin, Frank Archer, Harry Meet Corliss Archer
Martin, Frank Hartley, Hashknife Hashknife Hartley
Martin, Ian Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Martin, Ian Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Martin, Ian Harland, Lord Top Secret
Martin, Ian Inspector, The Dear Margy, It's Murder
Martin, Ian Kirk, Arnold Right to Happiness, The
Martin, Ian Nathan Against the Storm
Martin, Ian Sutton, Horace Young Dr. Malone
Martin, Ian Victor, Johnny Man About Music
Martin, Ian Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Marx, Chico Penelli Marx of Time, The
Marx, Chico Ravelli, Emmanuel Beagle, Shyster and Beagle
Marx, Chico Ravelli, Emmanuel Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel
Marx, Groucho Beagle, Waldorf T. Beagle, Shyster and Beagle
Marx, Groucho Drivel, Ulysses H. Marx of Time, The
Marx, Groucho Flywell, Waldorf T. Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel
Mason, Lewis Betts, Clem Moonshine and Honeysuckle
Mason, Mary Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Mason, Mary Bartlett, Penny My Best Girls
Mason, Mary Mason, Maudie Maudie's Diary
Mason, Mary Roberts, Jinny Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Mason, Reginald Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Massey, Ilone Gaza, Karen Top Secret
Masters, Natalie Matson, Candy Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Mather, Jack Cisco Kid Cisco Kid, The
Mather, Jim Indian Dialect Red Ryder
Mattheson, Ruth Scott, Nicole Against the Storm
Matthews, George Friend Hearts In Harmony
Matthews, Grace Chandler, Susan Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Matthews, Grace Dennis, Elizabeth "Liz" Brighter Day, A
Matthews, Grace Erickson, Julie Hilltop House
Matthews, Grace Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Matthews, Grace Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
Matthews, Junius Eph, Grandpa David Harum
Matthews, Junius Red Lantern Land of the Lost
Matthews, Junius Wee, Ling Gasoline Alley
Matthews, Junius Wichita Luke Slaughter of Tombstone
Max, Ed Blotto Executioner Cinnamon Bear
Max, Ed Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Max, Ed Doherty, Bingo Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Max, Ed Gallagher, Mr. Voyage of the Scarlet Queen
Maxwell, Bobby Dean Marlin, Davey Story of Mary Marlin, The
Maxwell, Frank Garvey, Uthas P. Colonel Humphrey Flack
Maxwell, Ted Carlisle, Gunnar H. Out of the Deep
Maxwell, Ted Morgan, Chuck Hawthorne House
Maxwell, Ted Nino, Fred Masquerade
Maxwell, Ted Ross, Captain Flying Time
Maxwell, Ted Santo, Ralph Today's Children
Maxwell, Ted Warner, Leo Girl Alone
May, Naomi Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Mayehoff, Eddie Greentree, Waldo Against the Storm
Mayehoff, Eddie Scott, Mark Against the Storm
Mayer, Ken Robertson, Robbie Space Patrol
Mazurki, Mike Sam Johnny Fletcher
McAllister, Charles Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
McAllister, Ian Crony Meet Mr. Meek
McBride, DeWitt Tanner, Mel Lone Journey
McCabe, Leo Dallas, Stephen Stella Dallas
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Caruso City Desk
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Lawrence, Sydney One Man's Family
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Skeezix Gasoline Alley
McCallion, James "Jimmy" Weston, James Wilderness Road
McCallion, Jimmy "Jimmy" White, Billy Billy and Betty
McCambridge, Mercedes Bryant, Martha Ellis Defense Attorney
McCambridge, Mercedes Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
McCambridge, Mercedes Jones, Judy This Is Judy Jones
McCambridge, Mercedes Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
McCambridge, Mercedes Meredith, Midge Midstream
McCambridge, Mercedes Mitzi Date With Judy, A
McCambridge, Mercedes Richards, Sunny I Love A Mystery
McCambridge, Mercedes Ruthledge, Mary Guiding Light, The
McCambridge, Mercedes Spencer, Sarah Ann Family Skeleton
McCambridge, Mercedes Wayne, Ruth Evans Big Sister
McCammon, Bess Anthony, Agatha Romance of Helen Trent, The
McCammon, Bess Dubois, Mrs. Backstage Wife
McCammon, Bess Fairchild, Mother Step Mother
McCammon, Bess King, Jesse Lone Journey
McCammon, Bess McEvoy, Olive Young Widder Brown
McCammon, Bess Sanders, Alice Life of Mary Sothern, The
McCarthy, Jack Barclay, Bob American Agent
McCarthy, Jack Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
McCarthy, Jack Jordan, Ned Ned Jordan, Secret Agent
McCarthy, Jack Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
McCarthy, Kevin Holmes, Sherlock C.B.S. Mystery Theatre
McCarthy, Kevin Lawless, Richard Richard Lawless
McCarthy, Mary Would-Be-Model Redhead, The
McCarthy, W.J. Mulligan, Matthew Jumbo Fire Chief Program
McClain, Jimmy Doctor I.Q. Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
McClain, Jimmy Doctor I.Q. Jr. Doctor I.Q. Jr.
McClain, Jimmy Mental Banker, The Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
McCloud, Mercer Cummings, Fran Second Husband
McClure, Vance Endman Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
McComb, Kate Evans, Mrs. Valiant Lady
McComb, Kate Maggie Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
McComb, Kate O'Neill, Mother O'Neills, The
McConnell, Art Culbertson, Jack Vic and Sade
McConnell, Art McBlock, Sweet Corn Vic and Sade
McConnell, Ed Froggie the Gremlin Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed Grande the Piano Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed McConnell "Smilin" Ed Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed Midnight the Cat Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Ed Squeeky the Mouse Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
McConnell, Mary Day, Carolyn Carolyn Day, Detective
McCormick, Myron Adams, Doug Passport for Adams
McCormick, Myron Dodge, Dan Crime Letter from Dan Dodge
McCormick, Myron Harper, Steve Helpmate
McCormick, Myron Manning, Walter Portia Faces Life
McCormick, Myron Mason, Steve Buck Private and His Girl
McCormick, Myron Shellenberger, Bob Central City
McCormick, Myron Sherwood, Paul Joyce Jordan, M.D.
McCormick, Myron Wells, Christopher Adventures of Christopher Wells
McCoy, Jean Marge Snow Village Sketches
McCoy, Jean Margie Scattergood Baines
McCoy, Jean Matson, Abby Lorenzo Jones
McCoy, Jean Sue Chick Carter, Boy Detective
McCoy, Joanne Sue Chick Carter, Boy Detective
McCoy, Malcom Husband Ann Worth, Housewife
McCrae, Joel Pearson, Jace Tales of the Texas Rangers
McCune, Catherine Potts, Clara Scattergood Baines
McCune, Vance Wash Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
McCune, Vance Wheat Aunt Jemima on the Air
McDaniel, Hattie Beulah Beulah
McDaniel, Hattie Mammy Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
McDaniel, Hattie Mammy Show Boat
McDevitt, Ruth Channing, Jane This Life Is Mine
McDevitt, Ruth Mother Keeping Up With Rosemary
McDonald, Jean Grimm, Gladys Arnold Grimm's Daughter
McDonald, Margaret Holly Life Begins
McDonald, Margaret Hopkins, Kate Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
McDonald, Margaret Regent, Dorothy Chandu, the Magician
McDonnell, Craig Daddy Daddy and Rollo
McDonnell, Craig Drake, Captain John Under Arrest
McDonnell, Craig Harka Bobby Benson's Adventures
McDonnell, Craig Harum, David David Harum
McDonnell, Craig Husband Gramps
McDonnell, Craig Moore, Dinty Bringing Up Father
McDonnell, Graig Britt, Dan Official Detective
McFadden, George Jailbusters Jailbusters
McGeehan, Pat Calvert, Ben Aunt Mary
McGeehan, Pat Fer de Lance: Bill Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McGeehan, Pat Lance, Bill: Fer de Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McGeehan, Pat Wandering Vaquero Romance of Helen Trent, The
McGovern, Johnny Foster, Randolph Date With Judy, A
McGovern, Johnny Gallagher, Mike Highway Patrol
McGovern, Johnny Husband Story of Ellen Randolph, The
McGovern, Johnny Little Beaver Red Ryder
McGovern, Johnny Ramsey Backstage Wife
McGovern, Johnny Wilkinson, Harold O'Neills, The
McGovern, Mary Barbour, Mary Lou One Man's Family
McGrady, Jeanette Wilson, Grace Valiant Lady
McGrath, Audrey Airline Hostess Angels in Blue
McGrath, Audrey Regent, Betty Chandu, the Magician
McGrath, Audrey Smith, Monica Romance of Helen Trent, The
McGrath, Paul Allison, Robert My Son Jeep
McGrath, Paul Crawford, David Young Dr. Malone
McGrath, Paul Foster, Melvyn Date With Judy, A
McGrath, Paul Hamilton, Doctor Philip Affairs of Dr. Gentry, The
McGrath, Paul Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
McGrath, Paul Host Inner Sanctum Mysteries
McGrath, Paul Lorimer, Edwin This Life Is Mine
McGrath, Paul Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
McGrath, Paul Wayne, John Big Sister
McGraw, Charles Backstrand, Ed Dragnet
McGraw, Janet Crawford, Lucille Young Dr. Malone
McGuire, Arnold Lem the ScowlerLafe the Thinker Golden State Blue Monday Jamaboree, The
McGuire, Dorothy Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
McHugh, Frank Finnegan, Fairchild Phone Again Finnegan
McHugh, Frank Jolly, Mr. Hotel for Pets
McInnes, Marvel Bowman, Betz This Is Judy Jones
McIntire, John Abbott, John We, The Abbotts
McIntire, John Apple, Mister Meet Mr. Meek
McIntire, John Carter, Peter Line-up, The
McIntire, John Dundy, Lieutenant Adventures of Sam Spade
McIntire, John Fer de Lance: Bill Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McIntire, John Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
McIntire, John Lance, Bill: Fer de Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
McIntire, John Mantel, Hamlet Glamour Manor
McIntire, John Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
McIntire, John Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
McIntyre, Frank Captain Barney Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
McIntyre, Frank Captain Henry Show Boat
McKay, Carolyn Cunningham, Celeste Guiding Light, The
McKay, Cher McKay, Cher Merry Macs, The
McKay, Morris Dodsworth, Sam Dodsworth
McKay, Richard Longacre, Henry David Harum
McKay, Scott Nelson, John Barry Cameron
McLaglen, Victor Flagg, Captain Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
McLaglen, Victor Lewis, Eric Red Trails
McLaughlin, Don Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
McLaughlin, Don Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
McLaughlin, Don Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
McLean, Murray Allen, Jimmie Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
McLean, Murray Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
McMahon, Coletta Dane, Linda Woman of America
McMair, Lelah Daughter My Children
McManus, Maureen Young, Sally Pepper Young's Family
McMichael, Joe McMichael, Joe Merry Macs, The
McMichael, Judd McMichael, Judd Merry Macs, The
McMichael, Ted McMichael, Ted Merry Macs, The
McMillian, Gloria Bronson, Sharlee Mayor of the Town
McMillian, Gloria Conklin, Harriet Our Miss Brooks
McNaughton, Harry Bottle Phil Baker Show, The
McNaughton, Harry Higgins It's Higgins, Sir
McNear, Howard Adams, Charles "Doc" Gunsmoke
McNear, Howard Anderson, Northrop C. Carolyn Day, Detective
McNear, Howard Barlow, Clint Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police
McNear, Howard Duncan, Chaplain William Gallant Heart
McNear, Howard Heywood, Steve Story of Sandra Martin, The
McNear, Howard Higgins, Ulysses Adventures of Bill Lance
McNear, Howard Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
McNear, Howard Moore, Calvin Gunsmoke
McNear, Howard Samuel the Seal Cinnamon Bear
McNear, Howard Taylor, Sanderson "Sandy" Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
McNear, Howard Wandering Vaquero Romance of Helen Trent, The
McNeel, Wakelin Ranger Mac Afield with Ranger Mac
Mcoy, Jean Crowell, Mary Four Corners U.S.A.
McPherson, John Mystery Chef Mystery Chef, The
McQuade, Arlene Goldberg, Rosalie Goldbergs, The
McQuade, John Lansing, Steve Our Gal Sunday
McQuade, John Wild, Charlie Charlie Wild, Private Detective
McQueen, Butterfly Oriole Beulah
McReller, Elizabeth Drake, Betty Betty and Bob
McVeagh, Eve Beatty, Harriet Clyde Beatty Show, The
McVey, Tyler Giddings, Elwood One Man's Family
McVey, Tyler Tyler Glamour Manor
McWilliams, Jim Uncle Jim Uncle Jim's Question Bee
Meade, Doris Dell Harvey and Dell
Meade, Dorothy Dorothy Harvey and Dell
Meade, Dwight Harvey Harvey and Dell
Meecham, Malcolm Marshall, Gerald Backstage Wife
Meighan, James Andrews, Cullen Lone Journey
Meighan, James Carter, Peter Lora Lawton
Meighan, James Collins, Richard Marie, the Little French Princess
Meighan, James Dale, Eric I Love Linda Dale
Meighan, James Donovan, Kerry Just Plain Bill
Meighan, James Drake, Alan Special Agent
Meighan, James Drake, Allen Gentleman Adventurer
Meighan, James Eisenhower, Dwight D. These Are Our Men
Meighan, James Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Meighan, James Gordon, Flash Flash Gordon
Meighan, James Horton, Will Dot and Will
Meighan, James McKeever, Doctor John Peggy's Doctor
Meighan, James Michael Orphans of Divorce
Meighan, James Noble, Larry Backstage Wife
Meighan, James Randall, Lee: Jimmy Valentine Alias Jimmy Valentine
Meighan, James Valentine, Jimmy aka Lee Randall Alias Jimmy Valentine
Meighan, James Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Meighan, James Wilson, Reid Against the Storm
Meighan, James Winters, Jack City Desk
Melchoir, Elaine Valmar, Ardala Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Menken, Helen Cummings, Brenda Second Husband
Mercer, Jack Popeye Popeye the Sailor
Meredith, Burgess Adams, Red Red Adams
Meredith, Burgess Davis, Red Red Davis
Meredith, Jay Dennis, Althea Brighter Day, A
Meredith, Jay Jean Mighty Show, The
Meredith, Jay Leighton, Marion Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Meredith, June Underwood, Eve Story of Mary Marlin, The
Meredith, June Webb, Dorothy Wallace Attorney at Law
Meredith, Lucille Paige, Laura County Seat
Merkel, Una Bacon, Nancy Nancy Bacon Reporting
Merkel, Una Fairchild, Adeline Great Gildersleeve, The
Merlin, Jan Manning, Roger Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Merman, Ethel Merman, Ethel Ethel Merman Show, The
Merrifield, Don Grimm, Arnold Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Merrill, Gary Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Merrill, Gary Nelson, Miles Right to Happiness, The
Merrill, Gary Stan Second Mrs. Burton, The
Merrill, Gary Standish, Peter Doctor Standish, Medical Examiner
Merrill, Gary Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Merrill, Howard Bloom, Mickey Goldbergs, The
Merrill, Lou Hyland, Thomas Crime Classics
Merrill, Lou MacKenzie, Craig Latitude Zero
Merrill, Lou Neely, Ed Those We Love
Merrill, Lou Santa Claus Cinnamon Bear
Merrill, Lou Saul, Aaron Point Sublime
Meyers, Dickie Murray, Henry Herbert "Hank" One Man's Family
Michael, Jay Cavendish, Butch Lone Ranger, The
Michael, Jay Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Michael, Jay Preston, Sergeant William Challenge of the Yukon, The
Michael, Jay Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Middleton, Ray Lincoln, Abraham Honest Abe
Miles, Betty Anderson, Millie Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Miles, Ogden Dane, Tommy Woman of America
Miles, Ogden Jehoida Light of the World, The
Milford, Mary Grouch Grouch Club, The
Milland, Ray McNutley, Ray Meet Mr. McNutley
Millar, Lee Regent, Bob Chandu, the Magician
Miller, Marvin Amhurst, Captain Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin Bishop, Doctor Judy and Jane
Miller, Marvin Brandon, Mark Press Club
Miller, Marvin Brooks, Rodney Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin Cousin Consider One Man's Family
Miller, Marvin DeManfield, Edward Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Miller, Marvin Fitt, Colonel Billie Burke Show, The
Miller, Marvin Gloomy Great Gunns
Miller, Marvin Guthrie, Banker Billie Burke Show, The
Miller, Marvin Hero Stop the Villain
Miller, Marvin Jenks, Beezie Harold Teen
Miller, Marvin Lyon, Ben Jeff Regan, Investigator
Miller, Marvin Markham, Lee Woman In White
Miller, Marvin Marleybone, Anthony, Sr. Affairs of Anthony, The
Miller, Marvin McArthur, Reverend One Man's Family
Miller, Marvin Moe Great Gunns
Miller, Marvin Monihan, Mike Dear Mom
Miller, Marvin Quill, Peter Peter Quill
Miller, Marvin Sample, Marvin Cousin Willie
Miller, Marvin Snells, Larson Great Gunns
Miller, Marvin Sterner, Fritz Backstage Wife
Miller, Marvin Stone, Roderick One Man's Family
Miller, Marvin Whistler, Mysterious teller of murder stories Whistler, The
Miller, Marvin Whitney, Gil Romance of Helen Trent, The
Miller, Sidney Sidekick Mel Torme Show, The
Milligan, Spike Eccles Goon Show, The
Milligan, Spike Henry Goon Show, The
Mills, Noel Davis, Joan When A Girl Marries
Mills, Warren Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Milner, Martin Lockwood, Officer Bill Dragnet
Milton, John Babcock, Jim Log Cabin Dude Ranch
Miner, Jan Erickson, Julie Hilltop House
Miner, Jan Gloria Glamour Manor
Miner, Jan Lawton, Lora Lora Lawton
Miner, Jan Street, Della Perry Mason
Miner, Jan Wesley, Mary Boston Blackie
Miner, Jan Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Minor, Jan Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Mintz, Eli Brother Goldbergs, The
Mintz, Eli Uncle David Goldbergs, The
Mitchell, Albert Answer Man Answer Man, The
Mitchell, Helen King Em Clara, Lu and Em
Mitchell, Millard Casey Mighty Casey
Mitchell, Shirley Anne, Shirley Joan Davis Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Archer, Kitty: The Mouse McGarry and His Mouse
Mitchell, Shirley Breckenridga, Florabel Honest Harold
Mitchell, Shirley Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Mitchell, Shirley Darling, Alice Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Gillis, Olive "Honeybee" Life of Riley, The
Mitchell, Shirley Helen Bill Goodwin Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Lump-Lump, Mrs. Willie Red Skelton Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Mabel Jack Benny Program, The
Mitchell, Shirley Molly Belle Young Love
Mitchell, Shirley Mouse, The: Kitty Archer McGarry and His Mouse
Mitchell, Shirley Peabody, Phoebe Jack Carson Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Piper, Martha Tales of Willie Piper
Mitchell, Shirley Ransom, Leila Great Gildersleeve, The
Mitchell, Shirley Whirley, Shirley Rudy Vallee Show, The
Mitchell, Shirley Whirley, Shirley Sealtest Village Store, The
Mohn, Monty Sherwood, Mel Hawthorne House
Mohr, Gerald Bradley, Jim: Jungle Jim Jungle Jim
Mohr, Gerald Cooper, Humphrey Judy Canova Show, The
Mohr, Gerald Fer de Lance: Bill Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
Mohr, Gerald Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Mohr, Gerald Jones, Sorrowful Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Mohr, Gerald Jungle Jim: Jim Bradley Jungle Jim
Mohr, Gerald Lance, Bill: Fer de Lance Adventures of Bill Lance
Mohr, Gerald Lanyard, Michael: The Lone Wolf Lone Wolf, The
Mohr, Gerald Lone Wolf,: Michael Lanyard Lone Wolf, The
Mohr, Gerald Marlowe, Philip Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Mohr, Gerald Monet, Jacque Our Miss Brooks
Monahan, Dickie Dugan, Dinky Reg'lar Fellers
Monks, James Avenger, The: Jim Brandon Avenger, The
Monks, James Brandon, Jim: The Avenger Avenger, The
Monks, James Douglas, Wade Woman of America
Monks, James Moto, Mr. I.A. Mister Moto
Monroe, Tommy Lem the Scowler Golden State Blue Monday Jamaboree, The
Montgomery, Ray Chandler, Noel Dear John
Moore, Constance Dean, Gloria Hollywood Mystery Time
Moore, Erin O'Brien Banning, Elsa Big Sister
Moore, John Barton, Jeffrey Hilltop House
Moore, John Husband Missis Miniver
Moore, John Miniver, Mr. Missis Miniver
Moore, Terry aka Jan Ford Smith, Shirley "Bumps" Smiths of Hollywood
Moore, Tome Dreamer Smoke Dreams
Moorehead, Agnes Brown, Mrs. Aldrich Family, The
Moorehead, Agnes Calamity Jane Calamity Jane
Moorehead, Agnes Danbury, Mrs. Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Moorehead, Agnes Dragon Lady Terry and the Pirates
Moorehead, Agnes Gump, Min Gumps, The
Moorehead, Agnes Heartburn, Mrs. Sarah Phil Baker Show, The
Moorehead, Agnes Hutchinson, Ma Mighty Show, The
Moorehead, Agnes Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Moorehead, Agnes Lily Meet Mr. Meek
Moorehead, Agnes Lizzie Tish
Moorehead, Agnes Maggie Bringing Up Father
Moorehead, Agnes Martin, Mrs. Freddy Jack Carson Show, The
Moorehead, Agnes Martinson, Peggy King This Is Nora Drake
Moorehead, Agnes Mollet, Mrs. Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
Moorehead, Agnes Mother Brenda Curtis
Moorehead, Agnes Nellie Life Can Be Beautiful
Moorehead, Agnes Roosevelt, Eleanor March of Time, The
Moorehead, Agnes Rosie Dot and Will
Moorehead, Agnes Townsend, Mrs. Story of Bess Johnson, The
Moorhead, Agnes Danbury, Mrs. Jonathon Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Moorhead, Agnes Marilly Mayor of the Town
Moran, Betty Blair, Alice Career of Alice Blair, The
Moran, Betty Chandler, Carol Dear John
Moran, Betty Commissioner's Secretary Dangerous Assignment
Moran, Elizabeth Bingle, Mrs. Busy Mr. Bingle
Moran, Patsy Hilda Junior Miss
Moran, Patsy Hoople, Martha Major Hoople
Moray, Helga Lockwood, Joan Three Sheets to the Wind
Morgan, Claudia Abbott, Jean Abbott Mysteries
Morgan, Claudia Abbott, Jean Adventures of the Abbotts
Morgan, Claudia Allen, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Morgan, Claudia Allen, Christy Against the Storm
Morgan, Claudia Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Morgan, Claudia Charles, Nora Adventures of the Thin Man
Morgan, Claudia Kramer, Carolyn Right to Happiness, The
Morgan, Claudia Oakley, Clarissa David Harum
Morgan, Claudia Scott, Christy Against the Storm
Morgan, Elizabeth Jackson, Mona This World Is Ours
Morgan, Frank Tweedy, Thaddeus Q. Fabulolus Dr. Tweedy
Morgan, Gene Crandell, Gary Carol Kennedy's Romance
Morgan, Gene Marvin, Rex Myrt and Marge
Morgan, Gene Taylor, Bill Today's Children
Morgan, Henry Morgan, Henry Henry Morgan Show, The
Morgan, Jan Lillian Glorious One
Morgan, jane Mawson, Nora Brenthouse
Morgan, Jane Davis, Mrs. Margaret Our Miss Brooks
Morgan, Jane Grandmother of Ann Cooper Crossroads
Morgan, Jane Hanover, Evelyn "Evy" Point Sublime
Morgan, Jane Hemp, Emily Honest Harold
Morgan, Jane Lane, Mary Aunt Mary
Morgan, Jane O'Reilly, Mrs. My Friend Irma
Morgan, Patsy Flanagan, Mrs. Sad Sack
Morgan, Patsy Girlfriend Sad Sack
Morgan, Raymond Creepy Voice Opening Murder at Midnight
Morris, Ben Novak, Pat Pat Novak for Hire
Morris, Chester Boston Blackie Boston Blackie
Morris, Chester Great Merlini Great Marlini, The
Morris, Chester Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Morris, P.G. "Bud" Smith, Ed Smith Family, The
Morrison, Bret Batman: Bruce Wayne Adventures of Superman
Morrison, Bret Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Morrison, Bret First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Morrison, Bret Gunn, Chris Great Gunns
Morrison, Bret Hayward, Jonathan Romance of Helen Trent, The
Morrison, Bret Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Morrison, Bret Speaker Light of the World, The
Morrison, Bret Varney, Pierre Song of the Stranger
Morrison, Bret Wayne, Bruce: Batman Adventures of Superman
Morrison, Bret Westland, Stanley Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Morrison, Ethel Daisey Young Dr. Malone
Moss, Arnold Ahmed Stella Dallas
Moss, Arnold Bannister, Reed Big Sister
Moss, Arnold Cameron, Philip Against the Storm
Moss, Arnold Cop Cafe Istanbul
Moss, Arnold Fabian, Doctor Cabin B-13
Moss, Arnold Frank Man I Married, The
Moss, Arnold Giles Story of Mary Marlin, The
Moss, Arnold Speaker Light of the World, The
Moyles, Jack Daggett, Major Fort Laramie
Moyles, Jack Douglas, Bradford Douglas of the World
Moyles, Jack O'Hara O'Hara
Moyles, Jack Sherwood, Mel Hawthorne House
Moyles, Jack Jordan, Rocky Man Named Jordan, A
Moyles, Jack Jordan, Rocky Rocky Jordan
Mullen, Charles Andrews, Archie Archie Andrews
Muller, Charles Mommie's Child 3 of 3 Mommie and the Men
Munier, Ferdinand Michon, Rene Count of Monte Cristo, The
Munn, Frank Oliver, Paul Palmolive Hour, The
Munson, Ona Kilbourne, Lorelei Big Town
Murdock, Kermit Buchanan, Rod Whisper Men
Murphy, Horace Blodgett, Buckskin Red Ryder
Murphy, Pat Curtis, Scoop Girl Alone
Murphy, Pat Travers, Reginald Romance of Helen Trent, The
Murray, Jan Brother It's Always Albert
Mussleman, Helen Waite, Ann One Man's Family
Naish J, Carroll Basco, Luigi Life With Luigi
Nash, Clarence Donald Duck Fun and Fancy Free
Nash, Clarence Donald Duck Mickey Mouse Theatre of the Air
Nash, Clarence Frog Bob Burns Show, The
Nash, Clarence Herman the Duck Burns and Allen Show, The
Nash, Clarence Rinso White bobwhite Amos 'n' Andy
Nash, Dale Parker, Dolly Shafter Parker and His Circus
Nathan, C. Henry Banning, Bob Woman In White
Neely, Henry M, Janitor As the Twig is Bent
Neely, Henry M, Janitor We Love and Learn
Neely, Henry M. Channing, David This Life Is Mine
Nelson, David Nelson, David Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nelson, Dick Markham, Barry Life Can Be Beautiful
Nelson, Dick Piper, Willie Tales of Willie Piper
Nelson, Dolph Foster, Red Dear Mom
Nelson, Frank Captain Tim Tin Top Cinnamon Bear
Nelson, Frank Conscience Life of Riley, The
Nelson, Frank Duncan, John Today at the Duncans
Nelson, Frank Lyon, Anthony J. Lion's Eye, The
Nelson, Frank Rokoff, Nikolas Tarzan
Nelson, Frank Woodley, Herb Blondie
Nelson, Harriet Daisey June Red Skelton Show, The
Nelson, Harriet Junior's Mother Red Skelton Show, The
Nelson, Harriet Nelson, Harriet Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nelson, Herb Fraser, Ralph Dan Harding's Wife
Nelson, Herbert Grainger, Carl Betty and Bob
Nelson, Herbert Lawlor, George Romance of Helen Trent, The
Nelson, Herbert Randolph, Sid Carters of Elm Street, The
Nelson, Marie Anthony, Agatha Romance of Helen Trent, The
Nelson, Marie Collins, Ellen Bachelor's Children
Nelson, Marie Maggie Myrt and Marge
Nelson, Ozzie Nelson, Ozzie Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nelson, Ricky Nelson, Ricky Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Nettleton, Lois Dennis, Patsy Brighter Day, A
Neumayer, Marilou Jennings, Gwyn In the Case of Aggie Horn
Neumayer, Marilou Ryan, Joyce Captain Midnight
Nevil, Charles Son It's Higgins, Sir
Neville, Harry Fiedling, Mr. O'Neills, The
Newton, Theodore Parker, Christopher Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Nicholson, Bob Clarabell the Clown Howdy Doody
Nicholson, Bob Hornblow, Clarabell Howdy Doody
Niese, George Goodhue, Tod Backstage Wife
Niesen, Claire Burton, Terry Second Mrs. Burton, The
Niesen, Claire Childless Wife We Who Dream
Niesen, Claire Noble, Mary Backstage Wife
Niesen, Claire O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Niles, Wendell Niles, Wendell Ice Box Follies
Niles, Wendell Niles, Wendell Niles and Prindle
Nilsson, Norma Jean Anderson, Kathy Father Knows Best
Nilsson, Norma Jean Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
Noa, Julian Donaldson, Malcom Valiant Lady
Noa, Julian Kramer, Mr. Right to Happiness, The
Noa, Julian Scott, Judge O'Neills, The
Noa, Julian White, Perry Adventures of Superman
Noble, Wendell Labor Manuel Smile Time
Noblette, Irene Irene Tim and Irene Show, The
Noe, Robert Gavigan, Police Inspector Great Marlini, The
Nolan, Jeanette Casino Home of the Brave
Nolan, Jeanette Hudson, Mrs. Sherlock Holmes
Nolan, Jeanette Magra Tarzan
Nolan, Jeanette Moore, Nicolette One Man's Family
Nolan, Jeanette Princess La of Opar Tarzan
Nolan, Jeanette Roosevelt, Eleanor March of Time, The
Nolan, Jeanette Smith, Kay Life Begins
Nolan, Jeanette Thompson, Mrs. Great Gilsersleeve, The
Nolan, Lloyd Kane, Martin Martin Kane, Private Eye
Nolan, Lloyd Strange, Johnny Results Incorporated
Nordine, Ken Host Adventurer's Club, The
North, Clyde Dean, Spencer Eno Crime Club
North, Robert Faye, Wille Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Norton, Cliff Connie Terry and the Pirates
Norwith, Jack Club Propreitor Gay Nineties Revue
Novello, Jay Bowman, David Aunt Mary
Novello, Jay Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Novello, Jay Jameson Lone Wolf, The
Novello, Jay Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Novello, Jay Sabaaya, Sam Rocky Jordan
Novis, Donald Mulligan, Matthew Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Nunn, Larry Bradley, Don Glorious One
Nunn, Larry Brent, Peter Brenthouse
Nye, Louis Bowen, Al Official Detective
O'Brien-Moore, Erin Perry, Elizabeth John's Other Wife
O'Brien, Edmund Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
O'Brien, Edmund Gregory Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
O'Brien, Pat Dan Rexall Summer Theatre, The
O'Day, Michael Brown, Homer Aldrich Family, The
O'Day, Michael Evans, Neddie Big Sister
O'Day, Michael Jinky Robinson Crusoe Jr.
O'Day, Michael Newsboy Big Town
O'Day, Michael Parker, Richard Parker Family, The
O'Hanlon, George Husband George O'Hanlon Show, The
O'Hanlon, George Husband Me and Janie
O'Herlihy, Dan Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
O'Keefe, Dennis Larsen, Treasury Agent T-Man
O'Keefe, Dennis Laughton, Jim Hollywood Mystery Time
O'Malley, Neil Harvey, Captain Howie Wing
O'Malley, Neil Jiggs Bringing Up Father
O'Malley, Neil Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
O'Meara, Jerry Silo, Mr. Little Orphan Annie
O'Morrison, Kevin Wild, Charlie Charlie Wild, Private Detective
O'Neal, Anne Verryberry, Cynthia Grapevine Rancho
O'Neil, Kitty Laughing Lady Al Pearce and His Gang
O'Shea, Oscar Marshall, John Those We Love
O'Shea, Patsy Riley, Aggie Reg'lar Fellers
Oakie, Jack Prez Jack Oakie's College
Ocko, Danny Muggin, Sergeant Inspector Thorne
Odin, Susan Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Odin, Susan Barbour, Jane One Man's Family
Ogden, Vivia Annie Orphans of Divorce
Ogden, Vivia Ma House Beside the Road, The
Ogden, Vivia Ma Wayside Cottage
Ogden, Vivia Mitchell, Mother O'Neills, The
Ogg, Sammy Henderson, Donnie Beulah
Ogg, Sammy Little Beaver Red Ryder
Ogg, Sammy Marvin Honest Harold
Oliver, Edna Mae Tuttle, Miss Remarkable Miss Tuttle, The
Oliver, Shirling Trowbridge, Dudley Valiant Lady
Olmstead, Nelson Houston, Joe Bachelor's Children
Olmstead, Nelson Lee, Edgar In the Case of Aggie Horn
Olmstead, Nelson Martel, Paul Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Olson, Frank Swedish Goat Goat Island Goats
Olson, Winifred Mother Goose Mother Goose
Oppenheim, Jessie Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Ordway, Nancy Holden, Helen Helen Holden, Government Girl
Orr, Angeline Ryan, Joyce Captain Midnight
Orr, Angelne Herringbone, Flossie Ma Perkins
Ortega, Santos Arnold, Jack Myrt and Marge
Ortega, Santos Carvell, Duncan Big Sister
Ortega, Santos Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Ortega, Santos Cobb, Hannibal Hannibal Cobb
Ortega, Santos Collins, Mr. O'Neills, The
Ortega, Santos Curran, Edward Valiant Lady
Ortega, Santos Doctor City Hospital
Ortega, Santos Drexton, Oliver Our Gal Sunday
Ortega, Santos Drummond, Hugh "Bulldog" Bulldog Drummond
Ortega, Santos Grant, Phineas Man I Married, The
Ortega, Santos Kilgore, Roger Roger Kilgore, Public Defender
Ortega, Santos Kirby, Lee Myrt and Marge
Ortega, Santos Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Ortega, Santos Ming, General This Day Is Ours
Ortega, Santos Morley, Clint Portia Faces Life
Ortega, Santos Queen, Inspector Richard Adventures of Ellery Queen
Ortega, Santos Salem, Peter Affairs of Peter Salem, The
Ortega, Santos Slade, Inspector Who Dun It?
Ortega, Santos Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Ortega, Santos Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Orth, Frank Faraday, Inspector Boston Blackie
Orton, Della Louise Adams, Edith Edith Adam's Future
Osborn, Lyn Cadet Happy Space Patrol
Osborne, Ted Carough, Doctor Doctor Kildare
Osborne, Ted Hirohito, Emperor Our Secret Weapon
Osborne, Ted Man In Black Suspense
Osborne, Ted Professor Wiz the Owl Cinnamon Bear
Osgood, Connie Andrews, Ruth Midstream
Osgood, Cornelia Regent, Dorothy Chandu, the Magician
Osgood, Cornelia Winslow, Adella Step Mother
Osgood, Dick Proctor Ned Jordan, Secret Agent
Osgood, Nancy Bennett, Mother Lone Journey
Ossenbrink, Luther Arkie the Arkansas Woodchopper Arkie the Arkansas Woodchopper
Owen, Ethel Allen, Siri Against the Storm
Owen, Ethel Aunt Matt Man I Married, The
Owen, Ethel Boulevard, Beverly Jackie Gleason - Les Tremayne Show, The
Owen, Ethel Brooks, Harriet Tale of Today, A
Owen, Ethel Burton, Mother Second Mrs. Burton, The
Owen, Ethel Cameron, Mrs. City Desk
Owen, Ethel Creighton, Serena Creightons Are Coming, The
Owen, Ethel Friend Story of Ellen Randolph, The
Owen, Ethel Grey, Mrs. Stanton Houseboat Hannah
Owen, Ethel Hedgerow, Molly Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Owen, Ethel Lady Clara Backstage Wife
Owen, Ethel Maid, The Emersons Helpmate
Owen, Ethel Matt, Aunt Man I Married, The
Owen, Ethel Nellie Life Can Be Beautiful
Owen, Ethel Noble, Clara Backstage Wife
Owen, Ethel Porter, Genevieve Step Mother
Owen, Ethel Telephone Operator Busy Mr. Bingle
Owen, Ethel Trowbridge, Abby Valiant Lady
Owen, Ethel Van Every, Carlotta Betty and Bob
Owen, Ethel Widow Gibbs and Finney, General Delivery
Owen, Tudor Editor Alias Jane Doe
Pacelli, Frankie Drake, Bobby Betty and Bob
Pacelli, Frankie Houston, Billy Tale of Today, A
Pacelli, Frankie Kent, Timothy Story of Mary Marlin, The
Padgett, Pat January Molasses and January
Padgett, Pat January Show Boat
Padgett, Pat Pat Model Minstrels
Page, Gale Armour, Carlotta Lagorro Today's Children
Page, Gale Lamont, Gertrude Masquerade
Page, Gale Marsh, Gloria Today's Children
Page, Gale Sloan, Holly Story of Holly Sloan, The
Pal Lassie Lassie
Palmer, Effie Aldrich, Mother Aldrich Family, The
Palmer, Effie Blakely, Miss As the Twig Is Bent
Palmer, Effie Brent, Mother Road of Life, The
Palmer, Effie Ella Mae Ma and Pa
Palmer, Effie Foster, Mrs. Editor's Daughter
Palmer, Effie Mother Mother and Dad
Palmer, Effie Parker, Mother Seth Parker
Palmer, Effie Turner, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Palmer, Effie Worthington, Nora Kelly Orphans of Divorce
Palmer, Eileen Black, Dodie Scattergood Baines
Palmer, Eileen Evans, Joan Lonely Women
Palmer, Eileen Goldie Backstage Wife
Pankow, Larraine Aunt Lily Bobby Benson's Adventures
Park, Natalie Liston, Lois Tremaine Hawthorne House
Park, Natalie Sherwood, Mariette Hawthorne House
Parker, Jennison Yahbut Al Pearce and His Gang
Parker, Mary Cavendish, Donna Howie Wing
Parker, Mary Gilman, Mrs. My Children
Parker, Olive Julia Road of Life, The
Parker, Rollon Kato Green Hornet, The
Parker, Rollon Newsboy Green Hornet, The
Parker, Warren Jesus Christ Greatest Story Ever Told, The
Parnell, Emory Grouch Grouch Club, The
Parnell, Eva Alicia Young Widder Brown
Parrish, Judith Knight, Phyllis "Phyl" Michael Shayne
Parsons, Fern Baxter Mother Baxters, The
Parsons, Fern Harper, Linda Helpmate
Parsons, Fern Meredith, Julia Midstream
Parsons, Fern Murphy, Patricia Hot Copy
Parsons, Fern Rogers, Anne Hot Copy
Patrick, Pat Twing, Ersel Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, The
Patterson, Elizabeth Maid Halls of Ivy, The
Patterson, Kenneth Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Patterson, Walter Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
Patterson, Walter York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Patton, Mary Glenda Bachelor's Children
Patton, Mary Martel, Marie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Patton, Mary North, Lila Fat Man, The
Patton, Mary Waitress Hap Hazard
Pawley, Edward Wilson, Steve Big Town
Payne, Virginia Carter, Kerry Carters of Elm Street, The
Payne, Virginia Pendeleton, Gladys Ma Perkins
Payne, Virginia Perkins, Ma Ma Perkins
Payne, Virginia Schiltz, Mama Today's Children
Payne, Virginia Schultz, Mrs. Lonely Women
Pearce, Al Blurt, Elmer Al Pearce and His Gang
Pearce, Al Blurt, Elmer Here Comes Elmer
Pearce, Al Eb Al Pearce Show, The
Pearce, Alice Daphne Henry Morgan Show, The
Pearce, Norman Bachelor Poet, The Bachelor Poet, The
Peardon, Patricia Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Peardon, Patricia Worthington, Joan Orphans of Divorce
Pearl, Jack Munchausen, Baron Baron and the Bee, The
Pearl, Jack Munchausen, Baron Jack and Cliff
Pearl, Jack Munchausen, Baron Jack Pearl Show, The
Pearl, Jack Pfeiffer, Peter Family Hotel
Pearson, Gee Gee Girlfriend Man Called X, A
Pearson, Gee Gee Lump-Lump, Mrs. Willie Red Skelton Show, The
Pearson, Gee Gee Maid You Can't Take It with You
Pearson, Gee Gee Mulligan, Daisey Gallant Heart
Pearson, Gee Gee Sarah Dew Red Skelton Show, The
Pearson, Gee Gee Shagnasty, Mrs. Bolivar Red Skelton Show, The
Peary, Harold Jackson, Jimmie Shoestring Castle
Peary, Harold "Hal" Appleby, Mayor Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Bingham, Lord Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Clod, Cicero Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Cramer, the Druggist Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Dinwiddle Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Father of a Student Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Peary, Harold "Hal" Fellows, Major Flying Time
Peary, Harold "Hal" Fright-Wig Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Gildersleeve, Throckmorton P. Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Gildersleeve, Throckmorton P. Great Gildersleeve, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Gooey-Adventures of Fooey Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Haines, Doctor Welcome Valley
Peary, Harold "Hal" Hemp, Honest Harold Honest Harold
Peary, Harold "Hal" Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Peary, Harold "Hal" Silver Screen, Vain Movie Star Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Peary, Harold "Hal" Smagooznok Signal Carnival
Peary, Harold "Hal" Tony the Wop Flying Time
Peary, Harold "Hal" Woodley, Herb Blondie
Peeples, Cornelius Fairchild, Bud Step Mother
Peeples, Cornelius Gilman, Wheezy Those Happy Gilmans
Peeples, Cornelius Snood, Amos Q. Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Pelletier, Vincent Powell, Victor This Is Life
Pelletier, Vincent Robin Calling All Detectives
Penman, Charles Cotter, Jim Rosemary
Penman, Charles Fairchild, John Step Mother
Penman, Charles Hermit Hermit's Cave
Penman, Charles Wiggins, Mr. Uncle Walter's Dog House
Penman, Lee Aldrich, Alice Aldrich Family, The
Penner, Joe Penner, Joe Joe Penner Show, The
Perkins, Ray Judge, Jr. Judge Magazine
Perkins, Sergeant Ron Perkins, Ron Night Watch
Perrin, Vic Beatty, Clyde Clyde Beatty Show, The
Perrin, Vic Brown, Clay Story of Holly Sloan, The
Perrin, Vic Farnsworth, Ross One Man's Family
Perrin, Vic Gorce, Sergeant Fort Laramie
Perrin, Vic Smith, Officer Frank Dragnet
Perrin, Vic Thorne, Tex Zane Grey Show, The
Perrott, Ruth Aggie Judy Canova Show, The
Perrott, Ruth Brainfeeble, Dottie Vic and Sade
Perrott, Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Alan Young Show, The
Perrott, Ruth Katie My Favorite Husband
Perrott, Ruth Rockbottom, Prudence Meet Me At Parky's
Perry, Edith Adams, Janet Munson Woman In White
Persons, Fern Barton, Ma Bartons, The
Persons, Fern Baxter, Marge Baxters, The
Peters, Ken Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Peters, Ken Olsen Life With Luigi
Peterson, Arthur Baxter Father Baxters, The
Peterson, Arthur Baxter, Bill Baxters, The
Peterson, Arthur Comstock, Wilton Bachelor's Children
Peterson, Arthur Parsons, Judge Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Peterson, Arthur Ruthledge, John Guiding Light, The
Peterson, Ivey Bugfuzz, Herman Horsehair WSB Barn Dance
Peterson, Ruth Carroll, Linda Hawthorne House
Petrie, George Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Petrie, George Grant, Commissioner Bill Call the Police
Petrie, George Hood, Gregory Casebook of Gregory Hood, The
Petrie, George Malone, John J. Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Petrie, George Markham, District Attorney Philo Vance
Petrie, George Rufus Backstage Wife
Petrie, George Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Petrie, George Wild, Charlie Charlie Wild, Private Detective
Petruzzi, Jack Bailey, Dick Masquerade
Petruzzi, Jack Lowry, Ed Green Hornet, The
Peyton, Stanley Kenrad, Doctor Doctor Kenrad's Unsloved Mysteries
Phelps, Eleanor Chandler, Susan Life and Loves of Dr. Susan, The
Phelps, Eleanor Daughter Central City
Phelps, Eleanor Eve Light of the World, The
Phelps, Eleanor Friend Two On A Shoestring
Phillips, Barney Jacobs, Sergeant Ed Dragnet
Phillips, Barney Jones, Sombre Hawk Larabee
Phillips, Irna Aunt Blossom Gasoline Alley
Phillips, Irna Moran, Mother Today's Children
Phillips, Irna Moynihan, Mother Painted Dreams
Phillips, Kay Doe, Jane Alias Jane Doe
Phillips, Orville Jones, Washington Reg'lar Fellers
Phillips,Irna Crane, Kay Today's Children
Philson, Betty Abbott, Linda We, The Abbotts
Philson, Betty Craig, Lucy Life Begins
Pichon, Ed "Fats" Eddie Duffy's Tavern
Pickard, John Barrett, Bruce My Son and I
Pickard, John Thursday, Grant Pretty Kitty Kelly
Pickard, John Tremaine, Jerry Hawthorne House
Pickens, Slim Cowboy Cinnamon Bear
Picker, Sylvia Suzy Box 13
Pickford, Mary America's Sweetheart Parties at Pickfair
Pierce, James Tarzan Tarzan
Pierce, Madeleine Arbuckle, Baby Susie Ethel and Albert
Pierce, Madeleine Baby Butch Pepper Young's Family
Pierce, Madeleine Baby Sandy Orphans of Divorce
Pierce, Madeleine Donovan, Wiki Just Plain Bill
Pierce, Madeleine Malone, Jill Young Dr. Malone
Pious, Minerva Nussbaum, Mrs. Pansy Fred Allen Show, The
Pirrone, George Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Podmore, Bill Butler As the Twig Is Bent
Podmore, Bill Butler Second Husband
Podmore, Bill Harrington We Love and Learn
Podmore, Bill Potter Little Herman
Podmore, Bill Thackery, Barnabas Shafter Parker and His Circus
Polen, Nat McCormick, Edward Indictment
Poletchek, Sam Handyman House In the Country, A
Pollard, Robert David Helen Holden, Government Girl
Pollock, Bob Dennis, Grayling Brighter Day, A
Pollock, Bob Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Pollock, Channing Editor Heinz Magazine of the Air
Poppen, Detmar Popeye Popeye the Sailor
Porter, Lew Bickerson, John Bickersons, The
Post, Guy Bates Grant, Ulysses S. Roses and Drums
Post, William Jr. Perry, John John's Other Wife
Powell, Dick Diamond, Richard Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Powell, Dick Johnson, Hildy Front Page
Powell, Dick Murray, Dennis Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Powell, Dick Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Powell, Jane Foster, Judy Date With Judy, A
Powell, Leigh Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Powell, Morry Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Powell, Mrs. Pasco Aunt Sally Aunt Sally
Powell, William Father My Mother's Husband
Power, Tyrone Edwards, Dean Freedom U.S.A.
Powers, Charles Bigelow, George Aldrich Family, The
Powers, Leona Brown, Mrs. Aldrich Family, The
Powers, Leone Bixby, Mrs. My Son Jeep
Powers, Tom Commentator Central City
Poynton, Loretta Adams, Cynthia Story of Mary Marlin, The
Poynton, Loretta Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Poynton, Loretta Harding, Donna Dan Harding's Wife
Poynton, Loretta Lillums Harold Teen
Poynton, Loretta Madeline Betty and Bob
Poynton, Loretta Morrow, Ruth Flying Time
Pratt, Betty Taylor, Christine Young Dr. Malone
Prentiss, Ed Albright, Red: Captain Midnight Captain Midnight
Prentiss, Ed Captain Midnight: Red Albright Captain Midnight
Prentiss, Ed First Nighter, Mr. First Nighter
Prentiss, Ed Holden, Hed Guiding Light, The
Prentiss, Ed Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Prentiss, Ed Minister Sweet River
Prentiss, Ed Sidekick to Johnny Lujack Johnny Lujack of Notre Dame
Prentiss, Ed Tremaine, Dal Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Prentiss, Ed Welch, Francis Bartons, The
Preston, Jack Father I'll Find My Way
Preston, Robert Barrett, Pat Man Against Crime
Price, Vincent Croupier, The Croupier, The
Price, Vincent Host Wednesday, Mystery Night Sears Radio Theatre
Price, Vincent Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Price, Vincent Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Prindle, Don Prindle, Don Ice Box Follies
Prindle, Don Prindle, Don Niles and Prindle
Pritchett, Florence Wells, Barbara Barbara Wells
Provendie, Zina Sylvia Goldbergs, The
Provo, Frank Bob, Mr. Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Provo, Frank Brandon, Bob Jane Arden
Provo, Frank Roberts, Johnny One Man's Family
Prud'Homme, Cameron Bradley, Governor Little Herman
Prud'Homme, Cameron Harum, David David Harum
Pryor, Roger McGarry, Dan McGarry and His Mouse
Pugh, Jess Argyle, Inspector Silver Eagle
Pugh, Jess Baines, Scattergood Scattergood Baines
Pugh, Jess Doc Doc, Duke and the Colonel
Pugh, Jess Drucker, Major Junior Nurse Corps
Purcell, Irene Goodwin, Anne Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Questel, Mae Boop, Betty Betty Boop's Fables
Questel, Mae Mae Tom, Timmy and Mae
Questel, Mae Oyl, Olive Popeye the Sailor
Questel, Mae Secretary Jack Paar Show, The
Questel, Mae Swee'Pea Popeye the Sailor
Questel, Mae Timmy Tom, Timmy and Mae
Quine, Dick Sawyer, Tom Tom Sawyer
Quinn, Bill "William" Aldis, Guy Against the Storm
Quinn, Bill "William" Davis, Tom When A Girl Marries
Quinn, Bill "William" Little Herman Little Herman
Raby, John Bruce House In the Country, A
Raby, John Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Raby, John Forrester, Jerry Brighter Day, A
Raby, John Harris, St. John "Sinjun" Our Gal Sunday
Raeburn, Bernie Nolan, Neely Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Raffetto, Michael Allen, Roger Attorney for the Defense
Raffetto, Michael Barbour, Paul One Man's Family
Raffetto, Michael Brixton, Jonathon Attorney for the Defense
Raffetto, Michael Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Raffetto, Michael Packard, Jack I Love Adventure
Raffetto, Michael Quigley, Chief Glamour Manor
Raft, George Ace, Edward Cases of Mr. Ace, The
Raft, George Jordan, Rocky Rocky Jordan
Raht, Katherine Aldrich, Alice Aldrich Family, The
Raht, Katherine Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Raht, Katherine Burns, Miss Young Dr. Malone
Raht, Katherine Carrie Snow Village Sketches
Rains, Claude Webb, Doctor Alexander Doctor Christian
Rains, Fred Sidekick Ted Drake, Guardian of the Big Top
Ralston, Esther Jackson, Martha Woman of Courage
Ralston, Esther Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Rand, George Hunter, Glenn One Man's Family
Rand, George Old Ranger Death Valley Days
Randall, Tony York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Randolph, Amanda Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima
Randolph, Amanda Coggins, Birdie Lee Great Gildersleeve, The
Randolph, Amanda Madame Queen Amos 'n' Andy
Randolph, Amanda Maid Abie's Irish Rose
Randolph, Amanda Maid Kitty Foyle
Randolph, Amanda Oriole Beulah
Randolph, Isabel Brooks, Harriet Tale of Today, A
Randolph, Isabel Donovan, Mrs. Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Randolph, Isabel Ferguson, Grace Welcome Valley
Randolph, Isabel Harding, Rhoda Dan Harding's Wife
Randolph, Isabel Uppington, Mrs. Abigail Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Randolph, Lillian Beulah Beulah
Randolph, Lillian Coggins, Birdie Lee Great Gildersleeve, The
Randolph, Lillian Maid Billie Burke Show, The
Randolph, Lillian Maid My Mother's Husband
Randolph, Lillian Maid Remarkable MissTuttle, The
Randolph, Lillian Sapphire's Mama Amos 'n' Andy
Randolph, Mariam Woodward, Tiny Special Delivery
Rathbone, Basil Burke, Inspector Scotland Yard's Inspector Burke
Rathbone, Basil Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Rathbone, Basil Rathbone, Basil Tales of Fatima
Rau, Ruth Larrimore, Marilyn (Maggie Schultz) Today's Children
Rau, Ruth Schultz, Maggie (Marilyn Larrimore) Today's Children
Rawlinson, Herb Edgar, the Courthouse Guard Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Raymond, Eugene Malone, John J. Amazing Mr. Malone, The
Rea, Joan Bumstead, Cookie Blondie
Rea, Virginia Palmer, Olive Palmolive Hour, The
Reade, Donne Jane Judy and Jane
Readick, Bob American Newspaperman Time for Love
Readick, Bob Cornwell, Don Second Mrs. Burton, The
Readick, Bob Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Readick, Bob Mason, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Readick, Bob Roberts, Bill Rosemary
Readick, Frank Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Readick, Frank Martin, Smilin' Jack Smilin' Jack
Readick, Frank Meek, Mortimer Meet Mr. Meek
Readick, Frank Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Readick, Frank Walsh, Knobby Joe Palooka
Red Pepper Sam Freddie Frog Betty Boop's Fables
Redfield, William Dennis, Grayling Brighter Day, A
Redfield, William Friend Hearts In Harmony
Redfield, William Piper, Willie Tales of Willie Piper
Redfield, William Wakefield, Tom Right to Happiness, The
Redfield, William Willy David Harum
Redgrave, Michael Hornblower, Horatio Horatio Hornblower
Reed, Alan Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Boss George O'Hanlon Show, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Clancy Duffy's Tavern
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Clyde, Mr. My Friend Irma
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Fibbe, Willoughby Pipe Dream
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Heathcliff, Professor Halls of Ivy, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Levy, Soloman Abie's Irish Rose
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Little Mitzi Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Openshaw, Falstaff Fred Allen Show, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Pasquale Life With Luigi
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Potchnik, Mr. Mel Blanc Show, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
Reed, Alan (Teddy Bergman) Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Reed, Marion Hopkins, Mrs. Fred Bachelor's Children
Reed, Philip Barrington, Russ Society Girl
Reed, Philip Wells, Brian David Harum
Reed, Sue Friend We Love and Learn
Rees, Mary Marren Field, Marian Masquerade
Rees, William Chan, Charlie Adventures of Charlie Chan
Reese, Edward Dean, Spencer Eno Crime Club
Reid, Carl Benton Allen, Roger Big Sister
Reid, Donn Reporter Night Watch
Reid, Elliott Bradley, Biff Pepper Young's Family
Reid, Elliott Browning, Julian Against the Storm
Reid, Elliott Cameron, Philip Against the Storm
Reid, Elliott Castlebury, Marvin Billy and Betty
Reid, Elliott King Farouk March of Time, The
Reid, Ellott Nick Lorenzo Jones
Reid, Ted Booth, Ted Trouble House
Reinheart, Alice Abbott, Jean Abbott Mysteries
Reinheart, Alice Carter, Virginia Woman In My House
Reinheart, Alice Conrad, Carol "Chichi" Life Can Be Beautiful
Reinheart, Alice Dean, Carrie Her Honor, Nancy James
Reinheart, Alice Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Rella, Eleanor Devere, Billie Myrt and Marge
Reller, Elizabeth Armstrong Girl Armstrong Theatre of Today
Reller, Elizabeth Barclay, Connie Doc Barclay's Daughters
Reller, Elizabeth Kitty Michael and Kitty
Reller, Elizabeth Malone, Ann Young Dr. Malone
Reller, Elizabeth Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Remey, Ethel Loring, Victoria Young Widder Brown
Remey, Ethel Mollet, Mrs. Adventures of Leonidas Witherall
Remser, Alice Musical Story Lady Musical Story Lady, The
Renwick, Kay Ada Backstage Wife
Repp, Guy Abernathy, Doctor County Seat
Repp, Guy Mussolini, Benito Our Secret Weapon
Reynolds, Marjorie Barnes, Betty Lou Tailspin Tommy
Reynolds, Will H. Branford, Tex Magic Island
Rice, Clive Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Rice, Herb Chinese Cook Bobby Benson's Adventures
Rice, Herb Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Rice, Howard Carney, Uncle Don: Uncle Don Uncle Don
Rice, Howard Higgins, Mayor Luke Main Street Sketches
Rice, Howard Uncle Don: Uncle Don Carney Uncle Don
Rice, Rosemary Cameron, Kathy When A Girl Marries
Rice, Rosemary Cooper, Betty Archie Andrews
Rice, Rosemary Malone, Jill Young Dr. Malone
Rich, Doris Miss Daisey Portia Faces Life
Rich, Doris Vinnie Barry Cameron
Rich, Irene Bradley, Judith Glorious One
Rich, Irene Castle, Irene Life of Irene Castle, The
Rich, Irene Chandler, Faith Dear John
Rich, Irene Davis, Irene Lady Counsellor
Rich, Irene Woman Woman from Nowhere
Richards, Grant Dobbs, Charles This is Nora Drake
Richards, Grant Thomas, Hal Against the Storm
Richardson, E.P. Aunt Julie House Beside the Road, The
Richardson, E.P. Aunt Julie Wayside Cottage
Richardson, Ralph Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Rick, Doris O'Leary, Hannah Houseboat Hannah
Ricketts, Bill Bill Maude and Cousin Bill
Ricketts, Maude Maude Maude and Cousin Bill
Rider, Richard Allen, Bret Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Riggs, Tommy Betty Lou Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Riggs, Tommy Riggs, Tommy Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Ritter, Tex Mason, Tex Bobby Benson's Adventures
Ritter, Thelma Best Friend McGarry and the Mouse
Robb, Marylee Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Robb, Marylee Peabody, Pearl Lum And Abner
Robb, Marylee Robespierre Baby Snooks Show, The
Robb, Marylee Vanderclipp, Emily Burns and Allen Show, The
Robb, Marylee Williamson, Dorothy Penny Singleton Show, The
Roberts, Dorothy Whistler, One who whistles theme Whistler, The
Roberts, Ken Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Robertson, Arnold Boats Now Hear This
Robertson, Arnold Jensen, Doctor This Is Nora Drake
Robertson, Arnold Potts, Ed Scattergood Baines
Robertson, Ralph Lee Cummings, Bill Second Husband
Robin, Mildred Barclay, Mimi Doc Barclay's Daughters
Robinson, Bartlett Bancroft, Curtis Romance of Helen Trent, The
Robinson, Bartlett Foreign Correspondent Foreign Assignment
Robinson, Bartlett Manning, Walter Portia Faces Life
Robinson, Bartlett Mason, Perry Perry Mason
Robinson, Bartlett Rupert Backstage Wife
Robinson, Bartlett Scott, Truman "Tubby" Valiant Lady
Robinson, Bartlett Welby, Byron Pretty Kitty Kelly
Robinson, Edward G. Wilson, Steve Big Town
Robinson, Florence Assistant to Philo Vance Philo Vance
Robinson, Florence Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Robinson, Florence Hunt, Rose Our Gal Sunday
Robinson, Florence Parker, Gwen Nona from Nowhere
Robinson, Frances Asher, Helen Richard Diamond, Private Detective
Robinson, Frances Brooks, Claire "Brooksie" Let George Do It
Robinson, Larry Blake, Dickie Portia Faces Life
Robinson, Larry Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Robinson, Larry Dane, John Woman of America
Robinson, Larry Goldberg, Sammy Goldbergs, The
Robinson, Larry Jackson, Tommy Woman of Courage
Rockwell, Robert Boynton, Philip Our Miss Brooks
Rodier, Rene Shark, Fury Captain Midnight
Rodman, Victor Payne, Jerry Those We Love
Roessler, Elmira Davis, Jennifer Backstage Wife
Roessler, Elmira Fairchild, Billy Step Mother
Roessler, Elmira Herringbone, Tweetsie Ma Perkins
Roessler, Elmira Howe, Ann Joe Palooka
Roessler, Elmira Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Roessler, Elmira Sister-In-Law Peabodys, The
Roessler, Elmira Waitress Hap Hazard
Rogers, Jean Dascomb, Elaine Those We Love
Rogers, Lynn Wallace, Marie Guiding Light, The
Rogers, Roy Rogers, Roy Roy Rogers Show, The
Rogers, Sydney Gilman, Mr. My Children
Rogers, Will Jr. Rogers, Will Rogers of the Gazette
Rolf, Erik Nielsen, Thor Prairie Folks
Rolf, Erik Simons, Hans Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Rolfe, Mary Aldrich, Mary Aldrich Family, The
Rolfe, Mary Rose Rose of My Dreams
Romance, Mike Ranch Hand Thunder Over Paradise
Romano, Michael Bideaux, Joe Silver Eagle
Romano, Michael Fallon, Clyde Bachelor's Children
Romano, Michael Lal, Singh Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Ronson, Adele Deering, Wilma Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Ronson, Adele Gibson, Sally Gibson Family, The
Ronson, Adele Mizznick, Irma Meyer the Buyer
Ronson, Adele Perry, Elizabeth John's Other Wife
Rooney, Mickey Bell, Ralph J. "Shorty" Shorty Bell
Rooney, Mickey Hardy, Andy Hardy Family, The
Roos, Jeanine Harris, Alice Jr. Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Rose, Billy Carter, Jess Carters of Elm Street, The
Rose, Billy Ramsey, Chuck Captain Midnight
Rose, Norman Paul We Love and Learn
Rose, Norman Peter As the Twig Is Bent
Rose, Norman Peter We Love and Learn
Rose, William Shamus Houseboat Hannah
Roseleigh, Jack Davis, Sam Red Davis
Roseleigh, Jack Gibson, Pa Gibson Family, The
Roseleigh, Jack Hutchinson, Paul Hilltop House
Roseleigh, Jack Winslow, Doctor Road of Life, The
Roseleigh, Jack Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family
Roseliegh, Jack Shoestring, Charlie Circus Days
Rosenbloom, Maxie Rosenbloom, Maxie Slapsie Maxie Show, The
Rosenova, Olga Pech, Theresa Bachelor's Children
Ross, Anthony Broadway Columnist Mister Broadway
Ross, David Bob Mary and Bob
Ross, Earle Boomer, J.R. Meet Millie
Ross, Earle Boone, J.R., Sr. Meet Millie
Ross, Earle Hooker, Horace Great Gildersleeve, The
Ross, Earle Julius Billie Burke Show, The
Ross, Earle MacBrayer, Howie Point Sublime
Ross, Evelyn Mi Do Re Me Program
Ross, Jack Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Ross, Jack Ranch Boy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Ross, Mabel Re Do Re Me Program
Ross, Norma Jean Greenman, Ronnie Guiding Light, The
Ross, Norma Jean Reed, Beth Scattergood Baines
Rost, Elaine Burrage, Inze Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Rost, Elaine Piper, Martha Tales of Willie Piper
Rouverol, Jean Carter, Betty One Man's Family
Roventini, Johnny Johnny Philip Morris Playhouse
Rowell, Glenn Rowell, Glenn Gene and Glenn
Rowlands, Hugh Brett, Trigger Island Venture
Rowlands, Hugh Donovan, Skip Flying Patrol
Rowlands, Hugh Flannigan, Sergeant Hot Copy
Rowlands, Hugh Jimmy Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Rowlands, Hugh Lowe, Stooge Dan Harding's Wife
Rowles, Polly Aunt to Nita Bennett Lone Journey
Roy, Cecil Aunt Maizie Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Roy, Cecil Dean, Daisy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Roy, Cecil Junior Fitz Ma Perkins
Roy, Cecil Milquetoast, Casper Timid Soul, The
Roy, John Calvert, Roy Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Royce, Riza Loring, Victoria Young Widder Brown
Royle, Selena Cameron, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Royle, Selena Hope, Hilda Hilda Hope, M.D.
Royle, Selena Jackson, Martha Woman of Courage
Royle, Selena Jean O'Neills, The
Royle, Selena Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Royle, Selena Mintern, Doris Right to Happiness, The
Royle, Selena Mother Central City
Rozan, Gerts Eleta Terry and the Pirates
Rubin, Benny Tout Jack Benny Program, The
Rubin, Jack Levy, Morris O'Neills, The
Ruffner, Edmund Ruffner, Edmund "Tiny" Adventures of Captain Diamond
Russell, Ann Carter, Bernice Carters of Elm Street, The
Russell, Charles Dollar, Johnny Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
Russell, Ruth Donovan, Namcy Just Plain Bill
Russell, Ruth Kathy Our Gal Sunday
Russell, Ruth Penelope Ma and Pa
Rutherford, Ann Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
Rutherford, Ann Monahan, Connie Eddie Bracken Show, The
Ryan, Margaret Meade, Miss Miss Meade's Children
Ryan, Patricia Carol Skippy
Ryan, Patricia Geraldine Aldrich Family, The
Ryan, Patricia March, Amy Little Women
Ryan, Patricia Mary Adventures of Helen and Mary
Ryan, Patricia Mary Adventures of Helen and Mary
Ryan, Patricia Naughton, Claudia Claudia and David
Ryan, Patricia Parker, Elly Parker Family, The
Ryan, Patricia Wilser, Myra Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Ryan, Tim Tim Tim and Irene Show, The
Ryder, Alfred Carl Easy Aces
Ryder, Alfred Goldberg, Sammy Goldbergs, The
Ryder, Klock Hermit Hermit's Cave
Rye, Michael Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Sain, Louis Bumfildorfer, Erasmus Stoopnagel and Budd
Sale, Charles "Chick" Wilkins, Wheel Penzoil Program
Sale, Virginia Martha Those We Love
Sally Troy, Helen Cecil and Sally
Sanders, Lugene Archer, Corliss Meet Corliss Archer
Sands, Charley Sassafras Honeyboy and Sassafras
Sands, Dorothy Clark, Mary Ann Barry Cameron
Sands, Dorothy Margot Backstage Wife
Santoro, Olivio Boy Yodeler Olivio Santoro
Sargent, Nanette Henderson, Paulette Ma Perkins
Sargent, Nanette Nora Lonely Women
Sarsfield, James Skipper Jim Skipper Jim
Saunders, Nicholas Ross, Sergeant Martin Kane, Private Eye
Sawyer, Joe O'Hara, Biff Rin-Tin-Tin
Saxe, Henry Finkelstein, Abe Houseboat Hannah
Saxe, Henry Warbucks, Daddy Little Orphan Annie
Saxe, Henry William Betty and Bob
Scherer, Lemond Miss Mead's Child 3 of 3 Miss Meade's Children
Schlicter, Jack Allen, Jimmie Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Schmidt, Arch Printer I'll Find My Way
Schnabel, Stefan Rattler, The Chick Carter, Boy Detective
Schnabel, Stefan Yost, Herbert Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Schreiber, Mignon Fox, Jennie Foxes of Flatbush, The
Schrieber, Mignon Kransky, Mrs. Guiding Light, The
Scott, Janet Carter, Jessie Woman In My House
Scott, Martha Blair, Alice Career of Alice Blair, The
Scott, Ralph Darnot, Paul Tarzan
Scourby, Alexander Cameron, Philip Against the Storm
Scourby, Alexander Campbell, Richard Right to Happiness, The
Scourby, Alexander Jonathan Light of the World, The
Scourby, Alexander Martin, Greg Second Mrs. Burton, The
Scourby, Alexander Temple, Herbert Young Widder Brown
Scully, Frances Scully, Frances Lux Radio Theatre
Seabrook, Gay Susabelle Joe Penner Show, The
Seabury, Ynez Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Seaman, Laddie Bradley, Biff Pepper Young's Family
Searchy, George Moran, George Majestic Theatre of the Air
Secombe, Harry Bloodknock, Major Goon Show, The
Secombe, Harry Min Goon Show, The
Secombe, Harry Moriarity Goon Show, The
Secrest, Cecil Bob Mary and Bob
Secrest, Cecil Kent, Fred Home, Sweet Home
Secroy, William J. Chinese Goat Goat Island Goats
See also: Bumstead, Dagwood Dagwood Blondie
Selby, Sarah Graves, Grace Junior Miss
Selby, Sarah Wife My Mother's Husband
Seldon, George Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Sellers, Charles Emmett Mack, Charlie Majestic Theatre of the Air
Sellers, Peter Seagoon, Nettie Goon Show, The
Seltzer, Art Summers, Bill Masquerade
Seymour, Anne Anne Buck Private and His Girl
Seymour, Anne Blake, Portia Portia Faces Life
Seymour, Anne Dane, Prudence Woman of America
Seymour, Anne Graham, Prudence Our Gal Sunday
Seymour, Anne Marlin, Mary Story of Mary Marlin, The
Seymour, Anne Marsh, Kathy Portia Faces Life
Seymour, Anne Montague, Lily Magnificent Montague, The
Seymour, Anne Nolan, Francie Tree Grows In Brooklyn, A
Seymour, Anne Wife Gramps
Seymour, Dan Danny Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Seymour, Dan Man at the Phone Sing It Again
Seymour, Jane Brown, Mrs. Claudia and David
Seymour, John Davenport Locke, Lawrence Manhatten Mother
Seymour, May Allen, Margaret Against the Storm
Shallett, Margaret Finkelstein, Becky Houseboat Hannah
Shanna, Margarette Tremaine, Connie Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Shayne, Robert Manning, Walter Portia Faces Life
Shea, Gil Axford, Mike Green Hornet, The
Sheehan, Tess Aunt Dorrie Wendy Warren and the News
Sheehan, Tess Cora Woman of Courage
Sheffield, Reggie Archie Frank Watanabe and the Honorable Archie
Sheilds, Fred Archer, Harry Meet Corliss Archer
Shelley, Bill Kane, Killer Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Shelley, Norman Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Shelly, Ann Roberts, Joan One Man's Family
Shelly, William Abendroth, Doctor Valiant Lady
Shelly, William Harum, Lish David Harum
Shelly, William Norris, Richard Orange Lantern, The
Shelton, Mimi Beauty, The Beauty and the Beast
Shepard, Ann Evans, Hope Big Sister
Shepard, Ann Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Shepard, Ann Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Shepard, Ann Margaret Lorenzo Jones
Shepard, Ann Strange, Hilary Lora Lawton
Shepard, Ann Sutton, Pearl Just Plain Bill
Shepard, Ann Taggert, Pearl Our Gal Sunday
Sherer, Leonard Doctor I'll Find My Way
Sheridan, Nancy Barker, Irma Lorenzo Jones
Sheridan, Nancy Breen, Widow Gladys Mighty Casey
Sherman, Eleanor Susan We Love and Learn
Sherman, Ransom Hazard, Hap Hap Hazard
Sherman, Ransom Judge Nitwit Court
Sherman, Ransom Rancher Grapevine Rancho
Sherman, Ransom Uncle Dennis Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Shermet, Hazel Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Shideler, Dorothy Drake, May Betty and Bob
Shideler, Dorothy Hartford, Jane Betty and Bob
Shields, Fred Fraser, Bill Tarzan
Shields, Helen Burton, Turner Joyce Young Widder Brown
Shields, Helen Dale, Linda I Love Linda Dale
Shields, Helen Meadows, Sylvia Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Shields, Helen Nora Bringing Up Father
Shields, Karena Gregory, Helen Tarzan
Shields, Marcella Margy Margy the Steno
Shipp, Mary Anderson, Kathleen Aldrich Family, The
Shipp, Mary Bartlett, Linda My Best Girls
Shipp, Mary Foster, Kay My Friend Irma
Shipp, Mary Spaulding, Miss Life With Luigi
Shirley, Alfred Abernathy, Sergeant Scotland Yard's Inspector Burke
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Death Squad
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Hearthstone of the Death Squad
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Hearthstone of the Death Squad
Shirley, Alfred Hearthstone, Inspector Molle Mystery Theatre
Shirley, Alfred Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Shirley, Tom Aldrich, Sam Aldrich Family, The
Shockey, Marion Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Shockley, Marion Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
Shockley, Marion Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Shutts, Mae Tucker, Sarah Lawyer Tucker
Siber, Roslyn Goldberg, Rosalie Goldbergs, The
Sidell, Amy Cherry Mark Trail
Silver, Eleanor Rand, Miss Mister District Attorney
Silver, Jeffery Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Silver, Jeffery Carter, Peter Woman In My House
Silver, Jeffrey Son Me and Janie
Silver, Sid Beetle Phil Baker Show, The
Simons, Syd Knight, John Girl Alone
Sims, Larry Bumstead, Alexander Blondie
Sinatra, Frank Fortune, Rocky Rocky Fortune
Sinclair, Arthur Considine, John A. Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Singer, Stuffy Marvin Honest Harold
Singer, Stuffy Sample, Sandy Cousin Willie
Singleton, Doris Betty Alan Young Show, The
Singleton, Doris Collins, Libby Lux Radio Theatre
Singleton, Doris Duffy, Miss Duffy's Tavern
Singleton, Doris Henshaw, Ruth December Bride
Singleton, Doris Townsend, Roberta My Friend Irma
Singleton, Penny Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
Singleton, Penny Williamson, Penny Penny Singleton Show, The
Skelton, Edna Heckler Avalon Time
Skelton, Red Deadeye Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Junior "The Mean Widdle Kid" Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Kadiddlehopper, Clem Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Lump-Lump, Willie Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red McPugg, Cauliflower Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Numbskull, Newton J. Red Skelton Show, The
Skelton, Red Shagnasty, Bolivar Red Skelton Show, The
Skinner, Cornilia O. Mary Johnny Presents
Skulnik, Menasha Cohen, Mr. Abie's Irish Rose
Skulnik, Menasha Uncle David Goldbergs, The
Slattery, Charles George Tony and Gus
Sloane, Everett Brannan, Lester Valiant Lady
Sloane, Everett Danny Bulldog Drummond
Sloane, Everett Drake, Alfred This Is Nora Drake
Sloane, Everett Goldberg, Sammy Goldbergs, The
Sloane, Everett Hogan, Pop Hogan's Daughter
Sloane, Everett Kennelly, Captain Frank Twenty-First Precinct
Sloane, Everett Seabrook, Doctor Big Sister
Sloane, Everett Van Derhof, Grandpa You Can't Take It With You
Sloane, Everette Ordway, Benjamin Crime Doctor
Slocum, Jim Honeyboy Honeyboy and Sassafras
Slon, Sidney Solly Goldbergs, The
Slon, Sidney Trent Valiant Lady
Smart, J. Scott Bloat, Senator Fred Allen Show, The
Smart, J. Scott Fat Man, The: Brad Runyon Fat Man, The
Smart, J. Scott Holmes, Mycroft Sherlock Holmes
Smart, J. Scott Joe Mister and Mrs.
Smart, J. Scott Long, Huey March of Time, The
Smart, J. Scott Police Commissioner Top Guy
Smart, J. Scott Runyon, Brad: The Fat Man Fat Man, The
Smart, J. Scott Toby Big Town
Smart, J. Scott Uncle Ben Joe and Ethel Turp
Smart, J. Scott Uncle Louie Meet Mr. Meek
Smith, Betty Ruth Adams, Karen Woman In White
Smith, Betty Ruth Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Smith, Betty Ruth Monroe, Catherine Backstage Wife
Smith, Betty Ruth Trent, Helen Romance of Helen Trent, The
Smith, Betty Ruth Walker, Myra Woman In White
Smith, Bill Brown, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Smith, Bill Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Smith, Bill Dennis, Richard Brighter Day, A
Smith, Bill Queen, Inspector Richard Adventures of Ellery Queen
Smith, Bill Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Smith, Bob Howdy Doody Howdy Doody
Smith, Bob Smith, Buffalo Bob Howdy Doody
Smith, Caryl Howard, Pauline "Pauly" Maudie's Diary
Smith, Caryl Jones, Tillie Tillie the Toiler
Smith, Caryl Mason, Maudie Maudie's Diary
Smith, Caryl Pauley Maudie's Diary
Smith, Cora B. Lili Portia Faces Life
Smith, Francis Sooky Skippy
Smith, Howard Brandon, Police Chief DickTracy
Smith, Howard Brown, Will Aldrich Family, The
Smith, Howard Galloway, Jack Jane Arden
Smith, Howard Gardy, Inspector Pretty Kitty Kelly
Smith, Howard Velie, Sergeant Adventures of Ellery Queen
Smith, Jack Caldwalder, Uria Show Boat
Smith, Joe Marshall, Henry Smith Family, The
Smith, John Major General Captain Flagg and Sergeant Quirt
Smith, Leonard Johnson, Blue-Tooth Vic and Sade
Smith, Leonard Miller, Russell Vic and Sade
Smith, Leonard Snodgrass, Fabian "Stretch" Our Miss Brooks
Smith, Mark Doctor Story of Ellen Randolph, The
Smith, Mark Foyle, Pop Kitty Foyle
Smith, Mark Jiggs Bringing Up Father
Smith, Mark Peables Peables Takes Charge
Smith, Mary Dale, Evelyn House Beside the Road, The
Smith, Mary Dale, Evelyn Wayside Cottage
Smith, Sally Webster, Priscilla We Are Four
Smith, Sidney Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Smith, Sidney Sloan, Pete Dot and Will
Smith, Sydney Father Keeping Up With Rosemary
Smith, Sydney Harvey, Peter Rosemary
Smith, Sydney Levy, Abie Abie's Irish Rose
Smith, Verne Hartley, Bill Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Smith, Vic Carter, Henry Carters of Elm Street, The
Smith, William Baxter, Philip Stella Dallas
Smolen, Vivian Barclay, Marge Doc Barclay's Daughters
Smolen, Vivian Brinthrope, Sunday Our Gal Sunday
Smolen, Vivian Grosvenor, Laurel Stella Dallas
Smolen, Vivian Lodge, Veronica Archie Andrews
Smythe, J. Anthony Barbour, Henry One Man's Family
Snowden, Eric Alvin Parties at Pickfair
Snowden, Eric Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
Sorel, Guy Noble, Larry Backstage Wife
Sorin, Louis Pan Pancho Cisco Kid, The
Sothern, Ann Revere, Maisie Adventures of Maisie
Sothern, Hugh Marshall, John Those We Love
Sothern, Jean Gray, Edie Pepper Young's Family
Sothern, Jean Rickard, Connie Red Davis
Soubier, Cliff Barnacle Bill Barnacle Bill
Soubier, Cliff Barnett, Barney Home Town, Unincorporated
Soubier, Cliff Bell, Jim Sky King
Soubier, Cliff Boggs, Mayor Uncle Ezra's Radio Station
Soubier, Cliff Branch, Herman Bartons, The
Soubier, Cliff Coast Guards Flying Patrol
Soubier, Cliff Colonel Doc, Duke and the Colonel
Soubier, Cliff Humple Gasoline Alley
Soubier, Cliff Marryin' Sam Li'l Abner
Soubier, Cliff McKenzie, David Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Soubier, Cliff Pittaway, Mr. Hap Hazard
Soubier, Cliff Ranch foreman Sky King
Soubier, Cliff Thurston, Howard Thurston the Magician
Soubier, Cliff Twentysixer, Dwight Vic and Sade
Soubier, Cliff Uncle Louie Meet Mr. Meek
Soulé, Olan Aha Little Orphan Annie
Soulé, Olan Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Soulé, Olan Hubbard, Kermit Joan and Kermit
Soulé, Olan Kelly Captain Midnight
Soulé, Olan Peabody, Stanley Honest Harold
Soulé, Olan Pinker, Lieutenant Dragnet
Soulé, Olan Regent, Bob Chandu, the Magician
Soulé, Olan Ryder, Sam Bachelor's Children
Soulé, Olan SS-11 Captain Midnight
Soulé, Olan Valentine, George Let George Do It
Soulé, Olan Wright, Tom Couple Next Door
Sparks, Ned Grouch Grouch Club, The
Spellman, Jerry Wilson, Jeff Secret City
Spencer, Edith Aunt Jenny Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Spencer, Edith Aunt Tilly Old Homestead, The
Spencer, Jack Jenks, Mr. Harold Teen
Sprague, Ruth James, Alice Hawthorne House
Springer, Deborah Williams, Emily American Woman's Jury
Springer, Deborah Williams, Judge Emily American Woman's Jury
Stafford, Hanley Colt, Thatcher Thatcher Colt Mysteries
Stafford, Hanley Conway, Bart Presenting Charles Boyer
Stafford, Hanley Dithers, Julius C. Blondie
Stafford, Hanley Henry VIII English Coronets
Stafford, Hanley Higgins, Mr. Baby Snooks Show, The
Stafford, Hanley Irma's Father Fanny Brice Show, The
Stafford, Hanley Parker, Mr. Miss Pinkerton, Inc.
Stafford, Hanley Perry, John John's Other Wife
Stafford, Hanley Snapper Snitch the Crocodile Cinnamon Bear
Stander, Lionel Farnsworth, J. Riley Life of Riley, The
Stander, Lionel Holihan Grapevine Rancho
Stang, Arnold Albert It's Always Albert
Stang, Arnold Brewster, Joey That Brewster Boy
Stang, Arnold Fingerhood, Seymour Goldbergs, The
Stang, Arnold Gerard Henry Morgan Show, The
Stang, Arnold Nephew Remarkable Miss Tuttle, The
Stanley, John Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Stanley, Milton Michael Our Secret World
Starkey, Louise Clara Clara, Lu and Em
Starr, Muriel Leighton, Susan Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Starrett, Ann Irene Our Secret World
Stehli, Edgar Chinese Houseboy Thanks for Tomorrow
Stehli, Edgar Gramps Gramps
Stehli, Edgar Huer, Doctor Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Stehli, Edgar Miller, District Attorney Crime Doctor
Stehli, Edgar Starr, Rex A. It's Murder
Stehli, Edgar Starr, Rex A. It's Murder
Steinbuck, Adele Miscellaneous Nanny Goat Goat Island Goats
Steiner, Marilyn Barbour, Elizabeth One Man's Family
Steinke, Bill Jolly, Bill Jolly Bill and Jane
Steinke, Bill Jolly, Bill No School Today
Stenius, George Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Stenius, George Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Stephen, Bud Milton Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Sterling, Robert Shayne, Michael Michael Shayne
Sterrett, Anne Ginny Right to Happiness, The
Stevens, Julie Abbott, Jean Abbott Mysteries
Stevens, Julie Foyle, Kitty Kitty Foyle
Stevens, Julie Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
Stevens, Julie Lowell, Maggie Road of Life, The
Stevens, Julie Trent, Helen Romance of Helen Trent, The
Stevens, K.T. Graves, Lois Junior Miss
Stevens, Naomi Franklin, Irene One Man's Family
Stevens, Naomi Royce, Daphne Brenthouse
Stevens, Onslow Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Stevenson, Margot Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Stewart, Blance Brenda Bob Hope Show, The
Stewart, Harry Larson, Longfellow Phone Again Finnegan
Stewart, Harry Yorgenson, Yogi Al Pearce and His Gang
Stewart, James Ponset, Britt: The Six Shooter Six Shooter
Stewart, James Six Shooter, The: Brit Ponset Six Shooter
Stewart, Paul Charlie David Harum
Stewart, Paul Mendoza, Gyp Life Can Be Beautiful
Stewart, Paul Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Stirling, Nora Corinne Dot and Will
Stirling, Nora Marietta Dot and Will
Stirling, Nora Mary Mary and Bob
Stoddard, Haila Miller, Sue Evans Big Sister
Stone, Anne Dennison, Lydia Those We Love
Stone, Anne Duchene, Marie Count of Monte Cristo, The
Stone, Anne Faure, Gabrielle Brenthouse
Stone, Anne Harrington, Madge Glorious One
Stone, Ezra Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Stone, Harlan Jones, Forsythe "Jughead" Archie Andrews
Stone, Harold Soda Fountain Counterman My Silent Partner
Stone, Harold Waters, Sergeant Twenty-First Precinct
Stone, Lewis Hardy, Judge Hardy Family, The
STone, Milburn Milligan, Skeets Tailspin Tommy
Storck, Shelby Robertson, Speed Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen
Stork, Clifford Rogers, Jolly Valiant Lady
Storm, Gale Albright, Margie My Little Margie
Stout, Rex Debunker of Nazi Propaganda Our Secret Weapon
Straight, Clarence Rags Those We love
Strasberg, Susan Marriott, Emily Marriage, The
Stratton, Chester Abel Light of the World, The
Stratton, Chester Adamic, Stan Her Honor, Nancy James
Stratton, Chester Ames, Tom Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Stratton, Chester Barton, Joe Cimarron Tavern
Stratton, Chester Harrigan, Hop Hop Harrigan
Stratton, Chester Kayden, Monte O'Neills, The
Stratton, Chester Mickey Mickey of the Circus
Stratton, Chester Scott, Mark Against the Storm
Stratton, Chester Trent, Carter Pepper Young's Family
Stratton, Chester Weston, John Wilderness Road
Stratton, Gil Jr. Jimmy Life With Luigi
Stratton, Gil Jr. Tatum, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Stratton, Gil Jr. Webster, Billy Those Websters
Stratton, Gil Jr. Wilson, Freddie My Little Margie
Strauss, Robert Jackie Our Gal Sunday
Strauss, Robert Lively Our Gal Sunday
Strauss, Robert Prouty, Medical Examiner Doc Adventures of Ellery Queen
Strauss, Robert Tootel, Typhoon Howie Wing
Strauss, Robert Wiggs, Pa Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Strickland, Amzie Evans, Kathy Fat Man, The
Strickland, Amzie Secretary Voice in the Night, A
Strickland, Amzie Tyler, Libby Call the Police
Strozzi, Kay Blade, Shelia I Love Linda Dale
Strozzi, Kay Loring, Victoria Young Widder Brown
Strozzi, Kay Wharton, Evelyn Her Honor, Nancy James
Stuart, Maxine Secretary Lefty
Studebaker, Hugh Brewster, James That Brewster Boy
Studebaker, Hugh Fishigan, Rishigan Vic and Sade
Studebaker, Hugh Geetcham, Mayor Vic and Sade
Studebaker, Hugh Graham, Bob Bachelor's Children
Studebaker, Hugh Henderson, Harry Beulah
Studebaker, Hugh Matthews, Charles Guiding Light, The
Studebaker, Hugh Meredith, Charles Midstream
Studebaker, Hugh Mintern, Fred Right to Happiness, The
Studebaker, Hugh Mudd, Ichabod "Ichy" Captain Midnight
Studebaker, Hugh Mufti Mufti the Man of Magic
Studebaker, Hugh Purdy, Doctor Woman In White
Studebaker, Hugh Watson, Silly Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Studer, Harold Hodge, Bart Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Sudrow, Lyle Bauer, Bill Guiding Light, The
Sudrow, Lyle Bruce House In the Country, A
Sudrow, Lyle Davis, Harry When A Girl Marries
Sudrow, Lyle Lawlor, Jim Gentleman Adventurer
Sudrow, Lyle Lawlor, Jim Special Agent
Sudrow, Lyle Randell, Mark Portia Faces Life
Sudrow, Lyle Romantic Interest My Silent Partner
Sullivan, Barry Canyon, Steven B. Steve Canyon
Sullivan, Barry Rogue, Richard Rogue's Gallery
Sullivan, Barry Saint, The: Simon Templar Saint, The
Sullivan, Barry Templar, Simon: The Saint Saint, The
Sullivan, Fred Mitchell, Frazier Story of Mary Marlin, The
Sullivan, Fred Mitchell, Frazier Story of Mary Marlin, The
Sullivan, Fred Mueller, Doctor Abie's Irish Rose
Sullivan, Fred Regan, Mr. Attorney at Law
Sullivan, Fred Summerfield, Judge Bartons, The
Sullivan, Fred Willoughby, Kirby Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Summers, Carol Octavia Lora Lawton
Summers, Hope Clara Girl Alone
Susann, Jacqueline Lola Morey Amsterdam Show, The
Sutter, Daniel Blake, Tom Backstage Wife
Sutter, Daniel Fenton, Frank Ma Perkins
Sutter, Daniel Locke, Tony Manhatten Mother
Sutton, Paul Preston, Sergeant William Challenge of the Yukon, The
Svihus, Richard Murray, William Herbert "Pinky" One Man's Family
Sweeney, Bob Hapless Boyfriend Sara's Private Caper
Sweeney, Bob Sweeney Sweeney and March
Sweet, Marion Dragon Lady Terry and the Pirates
Swensen, Karl Palooka, Joe Joe Palooka
Swenson, Al Diamond, Captain Adventures of Captain Diamond
Swenson, Alfred Hutchinson, Paul Hilltop House
Swenson, Alfred Turner, Mr. O'Neills, The
Swenson, Karl Brown, Father Adventures of Father Brown
Swenson, Karl Chamelion, Mister Mister Chameleon
Swenson, Karl Chandler, Max Whisper Men
Swenson, Karl Grogan, Danny Linda's First Love
Swenson, Karl Husband Missis Miniver
Swenson, Karl Jones, Lorenzo Lorenzo Jones
Swenson, Karl Miniver, Mr. Missis Miniver
Swenson, Karl Music Teacher As the Twig Is Bent
Swenson, Karl O'Farrell, Packy Rich Man's Darling
Swineford, Jack Field, Tom Masquerade
Syran, Bill Coulter, Robert American Woman's Jury
Tandy, Jessica Marriott, Liz Marriage, The
Tandy, Jessica Rogers, Mildred Of Human Bondage
Tanner, Elmo Whistling Troubadour Beat the Band
Tanner, Pearl King Sherwood, Mother Hawthorne House
Tansey, Jimmy O'Neill, Danny O'Neills, The
Tarplin, Maurice Barclay Valiant Lady
Tarplin, Maurice Churchill, Winston March of Time, The
Tarplin, Maurice Faraday, Inspector Boston Blackie
Tarplin, Maurice Mysterious Traveler Mysterious Traveler, The
Tarplin, Maurice Stevens, Drew Manhunt
Tarplin, Maurice Weird, Doctor Strange Dr. Weird
Taubman, Paul Pianist Thanks for Tomorrow
Taylor, Beverly Hendricks, Alice Woman In White
Taylor, Frederick Chase Stoopnagel, Lemuel Q. Duffy's Tavern
Taylor, Frederick Chase Stoopnagel, Lemuel Q. Quixie Doodles
Taylor, Frederick Chase Stoopnagel, Lemuel Q. Stoopnagel and Budd
Taylor, Gil Taylor, Gil Hossier Hot Shots
Taylor, Reese Ames, Fraser Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Taylor, Reese Andrews, Fred Archie Andrews
Taylor, Reese Bartlett, George Lonely Women
Taylor, Reese Bennett, Wolfe Lone Journey
Taylor, Reese Greenman, Edward Guiding Light, The
Taylor, Reese Parsons, Regnald Road of Life, The
Taylor, Reese Sinclair, Drew Romance of Helen Trent, The
Taylor, Reese Walker, Bill Right to Happiness, The
Tedro, Henrietta Aunt Helen Woman In White
Tedro, Henrietta Aunt Jenny Those Happy Gilmans
Tedro, Henrietta Ellen Guiding Light, The
Tedro, Henrietta Marlowe, Maude Backstage Wife
Tedro, Henrietta Miss Daisey Portia Faces Life
Tedro, Henrietta O'Leary, Hannah Houseboat Hannah
Tedro, Henrietta Silo, Mrs. Little Orphan Annie
Tedrow, Irene Archer, Janet Meet Corliss Archer
Tedrow, Irene Calvert, Jessie Ward Aunt Mary
Tedrow, Irene Porter, Julia Gallant Heart
Tedrow, Irene Regent, Dorothy Chandu, the Magician
Tedrow, Irene Trimble, Alice Jonathan Trimble, Esquire
Teeman, Anne Gibson, Sally Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Teichmann, Howard Brent, Jim Road of Life, The
Temple, Brooke Ryder, Red Red Ryder
Temple, Shirley Graves, Judy Junior Miss
Terrell, Barbara Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Terrell, Barbara Reynolds, Andrea As the Twig Is Bent
Terrell, Barbara Reynolds, Andrea We Love and Learn
Terrell, St. John Armstrong, Jack Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Terrell, St. John Lovering, Jim Skippy
Terry, Joy Putnam, Barbara Your Family and Mine
Terry, Joy Regent, Betty Chandu, the Magician
Terry, Joy Shari Young Dr. Malone
Terry, Renee West, Barbara Bright Horizon
Tetley, Walter Abbruzio, Julius Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Tetley, Walter Blind Boy Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
Tetley, Walter Butler, Spike Thrills of Tomorrow, The
Tetley, Walter Forrester, LeRoy Great Gildersleeve, The
Tetley, Walter Lee, Bobby Raising Junior
Tetley, Walter Scottish Boy Bobby Benson's Adventures
Tetley, Walter Tigger Winnie the Pooh
Tetley, Walter Tip Wizard of Oz, The
Tetley, Walter Waldo Fred Allen Show, The
Tetley, Walter Willie Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Tetzel, Joan Brown, Jane Goldbergs, The
Tetzel, Joan Field, Sylvia When A Girl Marries
Tetzel, Joan Jackson, Lucy Woman of Courage
Thatcher, Leora Kramer, Mrs. Right to Happiness, The
Thibault, Conrad Hamilton, Jack Gibson Family, The
Thomas, Ann Casey Abie's Irish Rose
Thomas, Ann Dixie As the Twig Is Bent
Thomas, Ann Dixie We Love and Learn
Thomas, Ann Lily Meet Mr. Meek
Thomas, Ann Mabel Joe and Mabel
Thomas, Ann O'Shaughnessy, Sharon Bob Burns Show, The
Thomas, Ann Thomas, Miss Easy Aces
Thomas, Ann Waitress House of Glass
Thomas, Ann Weeks, Barbara We Love and Learn
Thomas, Barry Gordon Little Herman
Thomas, Danny Amos Bickersons, The
Thomas, Danny Postman Fanny Brice Show, The
Thomas, Frank M. Police Captain Martin Kane, Private Eye
Thomas, Frankie Corbett, Tom Tom Corbett, Space Cadet
Thomas, Jack Watson, Rembrandt Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Thomas, John Astra Light of the World, The
Thomas, John Caleb Light of the World, The
Thomas, John Sloan "Tennessee" Jed Tennessee Jed
Thomas, John Wilbur Snow Village Sketches
Thompson, Adelina Pennyfeather, Mrs. George Cuckoo Hour, The
Thompson, Barry Librarian Eno Crime Club
Thompson, Barry Silver, Captain Sea Hound
Thompson, Barry Tracy, Dick Dick Tracy
Thompson, Bill Blasingame, Rupert: The Old Timer Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Blotto, Widdicomb Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Boomer, Horatio K. Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Depopolous, Nick Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Drinkalotopop, Count Foronicholas Hoffinghams, The
Thompson, Bill Old Timer, The: Rupert Blasingame Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Uncle Dennis Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Bill Wimple, Wallace Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Thompson, Don Burke, Vincent Bachelor's Children
Thompson, Duane Telephone Operator Hollywood Hotel
Thompson, Ruth Aunt Betty Aunt Betty
Thompson, Ruth Aunt Betty KGO Kiddies Club
Thomson, Barry Dineen, Roger Young Dr. Malone
Thor, Larry Clover, Danny Broadway Is My Beat
Thor, Larry Ross, Anthony Broadway Is My Beat
Thorley, Victor Romantic Interest Kitty Foyle
Thorne, Susan Jill Judy, Jill and Johnny
Thornton, Gladys Aunt Addie My Son and I
Thornton, Gladys Tasek, Mrs. O'Neills, The
Thorson, Russell Barbour, Paul One Man's Family
Thorson, Russell Friday, Bart Adventures by Morse
Thorson, Russell Meredith, Charles Midstream
Thorson, Russell Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Thorson, Russell Murray, Dan One Man's Family
Thorson, Russell Packard, Jack I Love A Mystery
Thorson, Russell Packard, Jack I Love Adventure
Thorson, Russell Paul, Doctor Doctor Paul
Tighe, Harry Beast, The Beauty and the Beast
Tilstrom, Burr Kukla Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Tilstrom, Burr Ollie Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Tinney, Cal Barnes, Binnacle Robinson Crusoe Jr.
Tobin, Lou Mott, Thomas Saunders of the Circle X
Todd, Ann Foster, Amy Those We Love
Todd, Dick Heckler Avalon Time
Todd, John Conrad , Inspector Challenge of the Yukon, The
Todd, John Green Hornet: Brit Reid Green Hornet, The
Todd, John Lone Ranger: John Reid Lone Ranger, The
Todd, John Reid, Brit: The Green Hornet Green Hornet, The
Todd, John Reid, John: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger, The
Todd, John Tonto Lone Ranger, The
Tokar, Norman Aldrich, Henry Aldrich Family, The
Tokar, Norman Creighton, Victor Creightons Are Coming, The
Tokar, Norman Marshall, Willie Aldrich Family, The
Tolan, Michael Kato Green Hornet, The
Tollefson, Bud Tige Smilin' Ed McConnell Show, The
Tompkins, Joan Allen, Siri Against the Storm
Tompkins, Joan Burton, Turner Joyce Young Widder Brown
Tompkins, Joan Drake, Nora This Is Nora Drake
Tompkins, Joan Lawton, Lora Lora Lawton
Tompkins, Joan Money, Doris Big Sister
Tompkins, Joan Temple, Norine Young Widder Brown
Tompkins, Joan Travers, Madelyn Our Gal Sunday
Tompkins, Joan Tyler, Libby Call the Police
Tompkins, Joan Wells, Susan Price David Harum
Tompkins, Joan Wilbur, Judy Your Family and Mine
Toomey, Winifred Jane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Torme, Mel Corntassel, Joe Little Orphan Annie
Torme, Mel Jimmy the Newsboy Song of the City
Torme, Mel Torme, Mel Mel Torme Show, The
Totter, Audrey Bonnie Bright Horizon
Totter, Audrey Bronson, Millie Meet Millie
Toyo, Raymond (Tokutaro Hayashi) Kato Green Hornet, The
Tozere, Frederick Dallas, Stephen Stella Dallas
Tracy, Bill Alfred Meet Millie
Tracy, Bill Boone, J.R. Jr. Meet Millie
Tracy, Bill Morton Meet Millie
Tracy, Emerson Thompson, Fred One Man's Family
Tracy, Gertrude Baritone Nanny Goat Goat Island Goats
Tracy, Lee Kane, Martin Martin Kane, Private Eye
Tracy, William Roosty Roosty of the A.A.F.
Travis, June Curtis, Stormy Girl Alone
Travis, June Farraday, Bernice Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Travis, June Wilson, Stormy Girl Alone
Treacher, Arthur Butler Jack Carson Show, The
Treacher, Arthur Smythe, Sir Cecil Smiths of Hollywood
Tremayne, Les Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Tremayne, Les Carter, Jeff Woman In My House
Tremayne, Les Charles, Nick: The Thin Man Adventures of the Thin Man
Tremayne, Les Crandell, Jack Lonely Women
Tremayne, Les Drake, Bob Betty and Bob
Tremayne, Les Falcon, The: Michael Waring Falcon, The
Tremayne, Les Green, Doc Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Tremayne, Les Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Tremayne, Les Kendal, Gil Wendy Warren and the News
Tremayne, Les Mason, Jack Second Mrsl Burton, The
Tremayne, Les Thin Man, The: Nick Charles Adventures of the Thin Man
Tremayne, Les Waring, Michael: The Falcon Falcon, The
Tremayne, Les Wiley, Burton Ma Perkins
Trent, Sybil Thelma As the Twig Is Bent
Trent, Sybil Thelma We Love and Learn
Trevor, Claire Kilbourne, Lorelei Big Town
Trevor, Claire Travers, Theresa Results Incorporated
Trietsch, Ken Trietsch, Ken Hossier Hot Shots
Trietsch, Paul Trietsch, Paul Hossier Hot Shots
Trout, Francis "Dink" Anderson, Mr. Day In the Life of Dennis Day, A
Trout, Francis "Dink" Binney, Waldo Life of Riley, The
Trout, Francis "Dink" Pickett, Pliny Scattergood Baines
Trout, Francis "Dink" Roger Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Troy, Helen Telephone Operator It Happened In Hollywood
Truex, Phil Caldwell, Cliff Backstage Wife
Tucker, Madge Lady Next Door Coast to Coast On A Bus
Tuckerman, Earl Gold Dust Twin Gold Dust Twins, The
Tudor, Owen Madigan, Jocko Pat Novak for Hire
Tully, Tom Joe Home of the Brave
Tully, Tom Martin, Charles Stella Dallas
Turner, George Gregory, Brian Tarzan
Tuttle, Lurene Brent, Nancy Brenthouse
Tuttle, Lurene Conners, Ellie Lum and Abner
Tuttle, Lurene Edwards, Peggy Those We Love
Tuttle, Lurene Forrester, Marjorie Great Gildersleeve, The
Tuttle, Lurene Gloria Date With Judy, A
Tuttle, Lurene Harriet's Mother Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Tuttle, Lurene Janie Me and Janie
Tuttle, Lurene Junior's Mother Red Skelton Show, The
Tuttle, Lurene Kenyon, Gloria Glamour Manor
Tuttle, Lurene Lane, Candy Forever Ernest
Tuttle, Lurene Mother Cass Daley Show, The
Tuttle, Lurene Perrine, Effie Adventures of Sam Spade
Tuttle, Lurene Price, Judy Doctor Christian
Tuttle, Lurene Wife George O'Hanlon Show, The
Tuttle, Lurene Wilson, Dimples Blondie
Tyler, Betty Jane Abbott, Linda We, The Abbotts
Tyler, Betty Jane Baby Midgie Myrt and Marge
Tyler, Betty Jane Daughter Missis Miniver
Tyler, Betty Jane Isabel Land of the Lost
Tyler, Betty Jane Susan Mister and Mrs. North
Tyler, Judy Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring Howdy Doody
Tyson, Cicely Host Thursday, Love and Hate Night Sears Radio Theatre
Unknown Tompkins, "Tailspin" Tommy Tailspin Tommy
Upton, Monroe Bilgwater, Lord Al Pearce and His Gang
Uttal, Fred Towne, Don Radio's Court of Honor
Vail, Myrtle Spear, Myrtle Myrt and Marge
Vainrib, Stanley Doctor I.Q. Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Vainrib, Stanley Mental Banker, The Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Valentine, Grace Grady, Minnie Stella Dallas
Valentine, Lew Doctor I.Q. Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Valentine, Lew Doctor I.Q. Jr. Doctor I.Q. Jr.
Valentine, Lew Mental Banker, The Doctor I.Q., The Mental Banker
Valentino, Barry Prisoner of Romance Valentino
Van Cleve, Patricia Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
Van Dyk, James Dunham, Doctor Young Dr. Malone
Van Dyk, James Houston, Clyde Lora Lawton
Van Dyk, James Karnac, Doctor Strange Dr. Karnac
Van Dyk, James Lewis, Lester O'Neills, The
Van Dyk, James Phillips, Dick Rosemary
Van Dyke, Marcia Barry, Marcia It's the Barrys
Van Harvey, Art Barker, Jeffery Welcome Valley
Van Harvey, Art Gook, Vic Vic and Sade
Van Patten, Joyce Daisey Reg'lar Fellers
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Dugan, Jimmy Reg'lar Fellers
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Finnegan, Wilfred Duffy's Tavern
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Mark Young Widder Brown
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Romantic Interest Redhead, The
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Smith, Toby Aldrich Family, The
Van Patten, Richard "Dickie" Son Miss Hattie
Van Riper, Kay Elizabeth I English Coronets
Van Rooten Luis Durango, General Thunder Over Paradise
Van Rooten, Luis Danny Bulldog Drummond
Van Rooten, Luis Maestro I Love A Mystery
Van Rooten, Luis Perry, John John's Other Wife
Van Rooten, Luis Priestly, George County Seat
Van Rooten, Luis Roxor Chandu, the Magician
Van Rooten, Luis Wolfe, Nero Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Van Slyke, Arthur Conway, Roy Bachelor's Children
Van Slyke, Arthur Hardy, Coach Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Van Tuyl, Helen Collins, Ellen Bachelor's Children
Van Voorhis, Westbrook Narrator March of Time, The
Vance, Vivian Mertz, Ethel I Love Lucy
Vander Pyl, Jean Anderson, Kathy Father Knows Best
Vandover, Bud Hercules, Herky Avalon Time
Vandover, Dan Tom Affairs of Tom, Dick and Harry, The
Vandover, Gordon Harry Affairs of Tom, Dick and Harry, The
Vangus Interlocutor Sinclair Wiener Minstrels
Varden, Evelyn Burton, Mother Second Mrs. Burton, The
Varden, Evelyn Howard, Mrs. Front Page Farrell
Varden, Evelyn Malone, Mother Young Dr. Malone
Varden, Evelyn Mother Marriage for Two
Varden, Evelyn Mother Marriage for Two
Varden, Evelyn Stewart, Dorothy This Is Nora Drake
Vass, Virginia Deering, Wilma Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Vass, Virginia Gloria Glamour Manor
Vaughn, Beryl Cynthia Harold Teen
Vaughn, Beryl Emerson, Molly Helpmate
Vaughn, Beryl Herringbone, Jessica Ma Perkins
Vaughn, Beryl Meek, Peggy Meet Mr. Meek
Vaughn, Beryl Penny Sky King
Vaughn, Beryl Starr, Norma Bachelor's Children
Vaughn, Beryl Summers, Alice Masquerade
Vaughn, Beryl Wiggins, Margie Uncle Walter's Dog House
Vaughn, Walter Lambert Portia Faces Life
Vaughn, Walter Wilson, Reid Against the Storm
Verdugo, Elena Bronson, Millie Meet Millie
Vigran, Herb Harry the Horse Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Vigran, Herb Sad Sack Sad Sack
Vigran, Herb Smith, Hector Father Knows Best
Vincent, Elmore Fishface, Professor Professor Fishface
Vincent, Elmore Peabody, Phinus Lum and Abner
Vinton, Arthur Brown, Will Aldrich Family, The
Vinton, Arthur Dorsett, Sergeant Perry Mason
Vinton, Arthur Kane, Killer Buck Rogers In the 25th Century
Vinton, Arthur Lawyer We Love and Learn
Vinton, Arthur Munn, Ed Stella Dallas
Vinton, Arthur Nickerson, Pete Pepper Young's Family
Vinton, Arthur Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Vitez, Joan Allison, Doctor Mystery In the Air
Vitez, Joan Esther Goldbergs, The
Vitez, Joan Lane, Ivy Valiant Lady
Vitez, Joan Worth, Ann Ann Worth, Housewife
Vittles, Louis Goodwin, Archie Adventures of Nero Wolfe
Vogel, Marguerite Contralto Goat Goat Island Goats
Vola, Vickie Curtis, Brenda Brenda Curtis
Vola, Vickie DeVries, Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Vola, Vickie Elaine Our Gal Sunday
Vola, Vickie Locke, Dale Manhatten Mother
Vola, Vickie Manning, Carol Foreign Assignment
Vola, Vickie Marshall, Kitty Backstage Wife
Vola, Vickie McGill, Stacy Adventures of Christopher Wells
Vola, Vickie Miller, Edith Mister District Attorney
Vola, Vickie Shanghai L'il Jungle Jim
Vola, Vickie Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
von Eltz, Theodore "Ted" Fernak, Inspector Saint, The
Von Zell, Harry Narrator March of Time, The
Von Zell, Harry Smith, Bill Smiths of Hollywood
Von Zell, Harry Welby Fabulous Dr. Tweedy
Vonammon, Fred Moran, Terry Today's Children
Vonn, Veola Madamoiselle Fifi Eddie Cantor Show, The
Vonn, Veola Princess Nadji Chandu, the Magician
Vonn, Veola Wilson, Dimples Blondie
Vuolo, Tito Uncle Carlo Goldbergs, The
Wachsman, Samuel Japanese Goat Goat Island Goats
Wade, Ernestine Stevens, Sapphire Amos 'n' Andy
Wadsworth, Henry Randall, Alabama Jane Arden
Waldo, Janet Archer, Corliss Meet Corliss Archer
Waldo, Janet Eddie's Girlfriend Eddie Bracken Show, The
Waldo, Janet Emmy Lou Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Waldo, Janet Franklin, Irene One Man's Family
Waldo, Janet Girlfriend Mel Torme Show, The
Waldo, Janet Janet Young Love
Waldo, Janet Lake, Jennifer Gallant Heart
Walken, Glenn Bauer, Michael Guiding Light, The
Walker, Bob Friend Hearts In Harmony
Walker,Robert Dillon, Davy Maudie's Diary
Wall, Lucille Andrews, Isabel Pretty Kitty Kelly
Wall, Lucille Blake, Portia Portia Faces Life
Wall, Lucille Jones, Belle Lorenzo Jones
Wall, Lucille Wilbur, Winifred, "Win" Your Family and Mine
Wall, Peggy Fairchild, Peggy Step Mother
Wall, Peggy Howard, Blue Betty and Bob
Wallace, Andree Lambert, Marty Brave Tomorrow
Wallace, Andree Lansing, Irene Backstage Wife
Wallace, Myron "Mike" Flamond Crime Files of Flamond, The
Wallace, Myron "Mike" Kagel, Lou Crime on the Waterfront
Wallace, Regina Aldrich, Alice Aldrich Family, The
Wallace, Tom Wiggins, Uncle Walter Uncle Walter's Dog House
Walsh, John Stubbs, Homer Dear Mom
Walter, Jerry Montgomery the Mole Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Walter, Jerry Perry, Gil Island Venture
Walter, Wilmer Gump, Andy Gumps, The
Walter, Wilmer Harum, David David Harum
Wanamaker, Richard Benson, Bobby Bobby Benson's Adventures
Wanamaker, Sam Smith, Ellis Guiding Light, The
Warburton, Charles Smith, Sir Dennis Nyland Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
Ward, Colleen Frances Barry Cameron
Ward, Colleen Judy Lorenzo Jones
Ward, George Rollo Daddy and Rollo
Ward, Otto Ward, Otto Hossier Hot Shots
Ware, C. Hames Bracey, Lew Aunt Mary
Waring, Richard Cummings, Grant Second Husband
Warner, Gertrude Allen, Christy Against the Storm
Warner, Gertrude Colby, Mercedes Don Winslow of the Navy
Warner, Gertrude Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Warner, Gertrude Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Warner, Gertrude Malone, Tracy Young Dr. Malone
Warner, Gertrude Miniver, Kay Missis Miniver
Warner, Gertrude Porter, Nikki Adventures of Ellery Queen
Warner, Gertrude Street, Della Perry Mason
Warner, Gertrude Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Warner, Gertrude Wells, Susan Price David Harum
Warner, Gertrude Winslow, Hope Whispering Streets
Warner, Gertrude Winters, Linda City Desk
Warner, Joe Rosenberg, Morris Smith Family, The
Warren, Bob Chase, Mark Death Valley Sheriff
Warren, Bob Chase, Mark Shafter Parker and His Circus
Warren, Helen Nielsen, Anna Prairie Folks
Warren, William Black, Jefferson United States Postal Inspector
Waterman, Willard Barton, Roger Guiding Light, The
Waterman, Willard Boss Me and Janie
Waterman, Willard Bullard, Ramson Great Gildersleeve, The
Waterman, Willard Chula Island Venture
Waterman, Willard Diamonds Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Fairchild, John Step Mother
Waterman, Willard Gildersleeve, Throckmorton P. Great Gildersleeve, The
Waterman, Willard Longbow, Billie Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Magician Easy Money
Waterman, Willard Merriweather, John Halls of Ivy, The
Waterman, Willard Mix, Tom Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Shaw, Mike Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Waterman, Willard Teen, Mr. Harold Teen
Waterman, Willard Trent, Mike Hot Copy
Waterman, Willard Warner, Leo Girl Alone
Waterman, Willard Webster, George Those Websters
Waters, James R. Goldberg, Jake Goldbergs, The
Watkins, Linda Dot Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Watson, Milton O'Flynn, Flynn Captain O'Flynns, The
Watson, Mrs. Carlotta Stewart Aunt Carrie Aunt Carrie
Watson, Sylvia Jones, Rowena (Jonesy) Matthew Slade, Incorporated
Way, Karl Hayfield, Francis Myrt and Marge
Wayne, John O'Brien, Dan Three Sheets to the Wind
Weatherwax, Rudd Trainer Lassie
Weaver, Doodles Feedlebaum, Professor Spike Jones Show, The
Webb, Betty Regent, Betty Chandu, the Magician
Webb, Jack Churchill, Winston One Out of Seven
Webb, Jack Friday, Sergeant Joe Dragnet
Webb, Jack Kelly, Pete Pete Kelly's Blues
Webb, Jack Lion's Eye, The: Jeff Regan Jeff Regan, Investigator
Webb, Jack Little Man Inside Little Man Inside, The
Webb, Jack Madero, Johnny Johnny Madero, Pier 23
Webb, Jack Nelson, John Little Man Inside, The
Webb, Jack Novak, Pat Pat Novak for Hire
Webb, Jack Regan, Jeff: The Lion's Eye Jeff Regan, Investigator
Webb, Jack Stalin, Josef One Out of Seven
Webb, Jack Truman, Harry S One Out of Seven
Webb, Jane Baxter Daughter Baxters, The
Webb, Jane Baxter, Janie Baxters, The
Webb, Jane Boyd, Belinda Those Websters
Webb, Jane Daughter Island Venture
Webb, Jane Gaylord, Peggy Guiding Light, The
Webb, Jane Jane Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters
Webb, Jane Lamont, Mary Doctor Kildare
Webb, Jane Mead, Peggy Douglas Aunt Mary
Webb, Jane Midge Bartons, The
Webb, Jane Truitt, Gladys Truitts, The
Webber, Peggy Carter, Sandy Woman In My House
Webber, Peggy Friday, Ma Dragnet
Webber, Peggy Paul, Mrs. Doctor Paul
Weber, Karl Bennett, Gary Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters, The
Weber, Karl Burton, Brad Second Mrs. Burton, The
Weber, Karl Crandell, Jack Lonely Women
Weber, Karl Harding, Kirk Woman In White
Weber, Karl Knight, John Girl Alone
Weber, Karl Marshall, Clyde Helpmate
Weber, Karl Matson, Ray Doctor Six Gun
Weber, Karl Stanley, Phil When A Girl Marries
Weber, Karl Thorne, Inspector Inspector Thorne
Webster, Charles Abbott, Pat Abbott Mysteries
Webster, Charles Arnold, Jack Myrt and Marge
Webster, Charles Bryson, Tom Backstage Wife
Webster, Charles Cahill, Mr. We Love and Learn
Webster, Charles Clark, Thomas R. Valiant Lady
Webster, Charles Evil Queen Light of the World, The
Webster, Charles Jehoida Light of the World, The
Webster, Charles Kimball, Doctor Life Can Be Beautiful
Webster, Charles Mintern, Fred Right to Happiness, The
Webster, Chuck Drake, Paul Perry Mason
Weeks, Barbara Arnold, Liz Open Door
Weeks, Barbara Dixon, Joan Meet the Dixons
Weeks, Barbara James, Nancy Her Honor, Nancy James
Weeks, Barbara Madame Sophie As the Twig Is Bent
Weeks, Barbara Madame Sophie We Love and Learn
Weeks, Barbara Malone, Ann Young Dr. Malone
Weist, Dwight Burton, Stan Second Mrs. Burton, The
Weist, Dwight Callaham, Inspector Big Story, The
Weist, Dwight Collins Valiant Lady
Weist, Dwight Hitler, Adolf March of Time, The
Weist, Dwight Mister District Attorney Mister District Attorney
Weist, Dwight Weston, Commissioner Shadow, The
Welch, Phyllis Curtis, Martha John's Other Wife
Weller, Carrie Wilberforce, Martha Goldbergs, The
Welles, Orson Cranston, Lamont: aka The Shadow Shadow, The
Welles, Orson Holmes, Sherlock Mercury Theatre On the Air
Welles, Orson Lime, Harry Third Man, The
Welles, Orson Moriarity, Professor B.B.C. Light Programme
Welles, Orson Shadow, The: Lamont Cranston Shadow, The
Welles, Orson Valjean, Jean Les Miserables
Welles, Virginia Cosette (Older) Les Miserables
Wells, Dick Jones, Bob Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Wells, Dick Kramer, Frank Right to Happiness, The
Wells, Maurice Biggers, Warren Lawyer Tucker
Wells, Maurice Foreign Correspondent Foreign Assignment
Wells, Maurice Putnam, Donald Your Family and Mine
Wells, Sarajane Duval, Gwendolyn Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Wells, Sarajane Fairchild, Betty Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Wells, Sarajane Holmes, Eileen Woman In White
Wells, Sarajane Ruthledge, Mary Guiding Light, The
Wentworth, Martha Daniels, Ma Gallant Heart
Wentworth, Martha Nancy Witch's Tale
Wentworth, Martha Penner, Mother Joe Penner Show, The
Wentworth, Martha Wintergreen Witch Cinnamon Bear
Werner, Gertrude Gregory, Helen Modern Romances
West, Harold Watson, Doctor John H. Sherlock Holmes
West, Jane Baily, Trudy O'Neills, The
West, Max Singleton, Mr. My Children
Westfall, Kay Jones, Elsie Bachelor's Children
Weston, Ruth Kellogg, Maude Life Can Be Beautiful
Wever, Ned Bishop, Al Betty and Bob
Wever, Ned Carter, Peter Lora Lawton
Wever, Ned Drummond, Hugh "Bulldog" Bulldog Drummond
Wever, Ned Hale, Anthony Her Honor, Nancy James
Wever, Ned Hopkins, Tom Kate Hopkins, Angel of Mercy
Wever, Ned Kirby, Colin Valiant Lady
Wever, Ned Locke, Lawrence Manhatten Mother
Wever, Ned Loring, Anthony Young Widder Brown
Wever, Ned Miller, Jerry Big Sister
Wever, Ned Nick Little Italy
Wever, Ned Scott, Jim Under Arrest
Wever, Ned Spencer, Jeff Two On A Clue
Wever, Ned Tracy, Dick Dick Tracy
Wheel, Patricia Treman, Claire Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Wheel, Patricia Wife Doctor's Wife
White, Alfred Levy, Soloman Abie's Irish Rose
White, Alice Bumstead, Blondie Blondie
White, Billy Callahan, Cornelius Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
White, Bob Comic Side-Kick Milligan and Milligan
White, Bob Petrie, Doctor Jack Shadow of Fu Manchu, The
White, John Cowboy Death Valley Days
White, John Lonesome Cowboy Death Valley Days
Whitehouse, David Miller, Russell Vic and Sade
Whitfield, Anne Carter, Sandy Woman In My House
Whitfield, Anne Harris, Phyllis Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show, The
Whitfield, Anne Lacey, Penny One Man's Family
Whitfield, Anne Little Miss Marker Damon Runyon Theatre, The
Whiting, Barbara Graves, Judy Junior Miss
Whiting, Barbara Mildred Meet Corliss Archer
Whitley, June Anderson, Margaret Father Knows Best
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Awful Gibson Family, The
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Awful Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Jackson, Bill Beulah
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Roustabout Circus Days
Whitman, Ernest "Bubbles" Sam Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Wick, Bruno Fowler, Mr. Goldbergs, The
Wick, Bruno Ming the Merciless Flash Gordon
Wicker, Irene Bertram, Sylvia Road of Life, The
Wicker, Irene Joyce Judy and Jane
Wicker, Irene Moran, Eileen Today's Children
Wicker, Irene Singing Lady Singing Story Lady
Wicker, Walter Crane, Bob Today's Children
Wickes, Mary Barker, Irma Lorenzo Jones
Wickes, Mary Louise Meet Corliss Archer
Wickes, Mary Wife That's My Pop
Widmark, Richard Arbuckle, Albert Ethel and Albert
Widmark, Richard Davison, Neil Home of the Brave, The
Widmark, Richard Dixon, Wesley Meet the Dixons
Widmark, Richard Farrell, David Front Page Farrell
Widmark, Richard Host Friday, Adventure Night Sears Radio Theatre
Widmark, Richard Webster, Alan Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Widmer, Harriette Beulah Tale of Today, A
Widmer, Harriette Madame Queen Amos 'n' Andy
Widmer, Harriette Peggy Lonely Women
Widmer, Harriette Mattie, Belle Carters of Elm Street, The
Widmer, Henriette Aunt Jemima Aunt Jemima
Widmer, Henriette Aunt Jemima Cabin at the Crossroads
Wilbur, Betty Jones, Mom This Is Judy Jones
Wilcox, Frank Father Central City
Wilder, Patricia Honey Chile Bob Hope Show, The
Wilkerson, Martha G.I. Jill G.I. Jill
William, Warren Investigator Strange Wills
Williams, Carol Lois Shorty Bell
Williams, Florence Cameron, Anne Barry Cameron
Williams, Florence Farrell, Sally Front Page Farrell
Williams, Gayne Chandler, Frank: Chandu, the Magician Chandu, the Magician
Williams, Gayne Chandu, the Magician: Frank Chandler Chandu, the Magician
Williams, Ken Wells, Brian David Harum
Williams, Mark Tompkins, "Tailspin" Tommy Tailspin Tommy
Williams, Rhoda Anderson, Betty Father Knows Best
Willis, Patty Baby Doll Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Willock, Dave Tugwell Jack Carson Show, The
Willock, Dave Tugwell Sealtest Village Store
Willock, Dave Tugwell Signal Carnival
Wills, Beverly Adams, Fluffy Junior Miss
Wilson, Beth Singer Grouch Club, The
Wilson, Claire Worthington, Juliet Orphans of Divorce
Wilson, Don Star Boarder Glamour Manor
Wilson, Don Wilson, Don Jack Benny Program, The
Wilson, Ethel Aunt Harriet Aldrich Family, The
Wilson, Ethel Case, May Lora Lawton
Wilson, Ethel Higsby-Smith, Mrs. Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Wilson, Ethel Louise Second Husband
Wilson, Ethel Marlowe, Maude Backstage Wife
Wilson, Frank Roustabout Circus Days
Wilson, Kathleen Barbour, Claudia One Man's Family
Wilson, Lois Daughter Miss Hattie
Wilson, Marie Peterson, Irma My Friend Irma
Wilson, Ward Beetle Phil Baker Show, The
Wilson, Ward DeHaven, Mr. Aldrich Family, The
Winchell, Jerry Mahoney, Jerry Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney
Wincholl, John Old Timer Musical Steelmakers
Winkler, Betty Bennett, Nita Lone Journey
Winkler, Betty Channing, Eden This Life Is Mine
Winkler, Betty Dawson, Rosemary Rosemary
Winkler, Betty Dunlap, Shirley Attorney at Law
Winkler, Betty Ferguson, Esther Welcome Valley
Winkler, Betty Jordan, Joyce Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Winkler, Betty Levy, Rosemary Abie's Irish Rose
Winkler, Betty Marcia Betty and Bob
Winkler, Betty O'Neill, Peggy O'Neills, The
Winkler, Betty O'Neill, Sally Scott O'Neills, The
Winkler, Betty Rogers, Patricia Girl Alone
Winkler, Betty Telephone Operator Grand Hotel
Winkler, Betty Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Winkler, Bobby Newsboy Big Town
Winninger, Charles Captain Barney Maxwell House Show Boat, Form 1
Winninger, Charles Captain Henry Show Boat
Winninger, Charles Uncle Charlie Ivory Tent Tent Show
Winninger, Charles Uncle Charlie Uncle Charlie's Tent Show
Winslow, Paula Riley, Peg Life of Riley, The
Winslowe, Paula Foster, Miss Big Town
Winstanley, Ernie Reid, Dan Lone Ranger, The
Winston, Irene Gordon, Myra Valiant Lady
Winston, Irene Hemingway, Rosemary Woman In White
Winston, Irene Jordan, Mrs. Story of Bess Johnson, The
Winston, Irene Stanley, Eve (Eve Topping) When A Girl Marries
Winston, Irene Topping, Eve (Eve Stanley) When A Girl Marries
Winters, Joan Ames, Alice Girl Alone
Winters, Joan Bertram, Sylvia Road of Life, The
Winters, Joan Warner, Alice Girl Alone
Winters, Roland Bartlett, Russell My Best Girls
Winters, Sam Yankee Peddler Travelin' Man
Wintersole, William Slade, Matthew Matthew Slade, Incorporated
Winthrop, Barbara Dix, Dorothy Dorothy Dix on the Air
Witley, June Turner, Miss Honest Harold
Wolf, Johnnie Finkelstein, Izzy Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Wolf, Johnnie Finkelstein, Mrs. Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten
Wolfe, Dan Grandfather Calamity Jane
Wolfe, Dan Son Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Wolfe, Dan Son of Mrs. Danbury Amazing Mrs. Danbury, The
Wolfe, Edwin Bradley, Curt Pepper Young's Family
Wolfe, Edwin Shober, Shuffle Ma Perkins
Wolfe, Miriam Miss Switch the Witch Miss Switch the Witch
Wolfe, Miriam Nancy Witch's Tale
Wolfe, Winifred Barbour, Teddy Lawson One Man's Family
Wolfson, Martin Second Brother Into the Light
Wong, Barbara Jean Barton, Judy Cinnamon Bear
Wood, Helen Dascomb, Elaine Those We Love
Woodbury, Frances Arnold, Mrs. Myrt and Marge
Woodbury, Frances Aunt to Portia Blake Portia Faces Life
Woodbury, Frances Field, Stella When A Girl Marries
Woods, Donald Foster, Leslie Those We Love
Woods, Lesley Adams, Janet Munson Woman In White
Woods, Lesley Arden, Elaine Portia Faces Life
Woods, Lesley Conway, Meredith Midstream
Woods, Lesley Cunningham, Celeste Guiding Light, The
Woods, Lesley Evans, Carol Road of Life, The
Woods, Lesley Lane, Margo Shadow, The
Woods, Lesley Maid Backstage Wife
Woods, Lesley Martinson, Peggy King This Is Nora Drake
Woods, Lesley Matron Lone Journey
Woods, Lesley McCarey, Margaret Bright Horizon
Woods, Lesley Mickey As the Twig Is Bent
Woods, Lesley Mickey We Love and Learn
Woods, Lesley Roberts, Audrey Rosemary
Woods, Lesley Sherwood, Margot Joyce Jordan, M.D.
Woods, Lesley Waring, Evelyn Man I Married, The
Woods, Lesley Wesley, Mary Boston Blackie
Woods, Lesley Williams, Anne Casey, Crime Photographer
Woodson, William Britton, John Just Plain Bill
Woollcott, Alexander Town Crier Town Crier
Woolley, Monty Montague, Edwin Magnificent Montague, The
Woolley, Monty Uncle Goodhart Magnificent Montague, The
Worenskjold, Dorothy Worenskjold, Dorothy Candy Matson, YU2-8209
Worth, Betty Florence Man I Married, The
Worth, Betty Reynolds, Andrea As the Twig Is Bent
Worth, Betty Reynolds, Andrea We Love and Learn
Wragge, Eddie Bob Mary and Bob
Wragge, Elizabeth Davis, Peggy Red Davis
Wragge, Elizabeth Mary Mary and Bob
Wragge, Elizabeth Young, Peggy Pepper Young's Family
Wray, Fay Rosemary Keeping Up With Rosemary
Wright, Ben Black, Peter Pursuit
Wright, Ben Hey Boy Have Gun, Will Travel
Wright, Ben Holmes, Sherlock Sherlock Holmes
Wright, Ben Honeywell, George My Little Margie
Wright, Ben Lacey, Nicholas One Man's Family
Wright, Ben Toku Green Lama, The
Wright, Ben York, Reggie I Love A Mystery
Wright, Bill Cheerily Al Pearce Show, The
Wright, Bill Hamburg, Professor Golden State Blue Monday Jamaboree, The
Wright, Will Kremer, Ed Fibber McGee and Molly Show, The
Wright, Will Maloney Glamour Manor
Wright, Will Tutt, Ephriam Amazing Mr. Tutt, The
Wyatt, Arthur Flamond Crime Files of Flamond, The
Wyatt, Eustace Percy, Lord Our Gal Sunday
Wynn, Ed Fire Chief Ed Wynn Show, The
Wynn, Ed King Bubbles Happy Island
Wynn, Keenan Shrevie (Moe Shrevnitz) Shadow, The
Wynn, Keenan Shrevnitz, Moe (Shrevie) Shadow, The
Wynn, Keenan Smith, Gregory Amazing Mr. Smith, The
Yankee, Eunice Lillums Harold Teen
Yarborough, Barton Assistant to Roger Allen Attorney for the Defense
Yarborough, Barton Barbour, Clifford One Man's Family
Yarborough, Barton Brazos, John Hawk Durango
Yarborough, Barton Davidson, Rusty Today's Children
Yarborough, Barton Durango, Hawk Hawk Durango
Yarborough, Barton Larabee, Hawk Hawk Larabee
Yarborough, Barton Long, Doc I Love A Mystery
Yarborough, Barton Long, Doc I Love Adventure
Yarborough, Barton Romero, Sergeant Ben Dragnet
Yarborough, Barton Stevens, Sleepy Hashknife Hartley
Yarborough, Barton Turner, Skip Adventures by Morse
York, Dick Brewster, Joey That Brewster Boy
York, Dick Fairchild, Billy Armstrong of the S.B.I.
York, Dick Fairchild, Billy Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy
Yorke, Ruth Arden, Jane Jane Arden
Yorke, Ruth Courtleigh, Olive Amanda of Honeymoon Hill
Yorke, Ruth Marie Marie, the Little French Princess
Yorke, Ruth Marino, Mrs. Little Italy
Yorke, Ruth Morrison, Helen Mother O' Mine
Yorke, Ruth Owens, Maybelle Life Can Be Beautiful
Young Carleton Davis, Chip Chip Davis, Commando
Young, Agnes Aunt Jenny Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories
Young, Agnes Dickey, Hattie Snow Village Sketches
Young, Agnes Hazy, Miss Missis Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Young, Agnes Morrison, Mother Mother O' Mine
Young, Agnes Owens, Minta My Son and I
Young, Agnes Smith, Ann Meet Me In St. Louis
Young, Alan Young, Alan Alan Young Show, The
Young, Arthur Baxter Son Baxters, The
Young, Arthur Baxter, Bud Baxters, The
Young, Arthur Junior Fitz Ma Perkins
Young, Bebe Mildred Meet Corliss Archer
Young, Carleton Brother Society Girl
Young, Carleton Clark, Robby Hilltop House
Young, Carleton Craig, Owen Carol Kennedy's Romance
Young, Carleton Craig, Winfield Life Begins
Young, Carleton Criminal Lawyer Lady Councellor
Young, Carleton Cummings, Bill Second Husband
Young, Carleton Dantes, Edmond Count of Monte Cristo, The
Young, Carleton Farrell, David Front Page Farrell
Young, Carleton Grosvenor, Dick Stella Dallas
Young, Carleton Jenkins, Bill Our Gal Sunday
Young, Carleton Laughton, Jim Hollywood Mystery Time
Young, Carleton Mears, Bill Trouble House
Young, Carleton Queen, Ellery Adventures of Ellery Queen
Young, Carleton Roder, Kirk Portia Faces Life
Young, Cliff Friend George O'Hanlon Show, The
Young, Lee Evans, Bill Road of Life, The
Young, Mary Lily Arnold Grimm's Daughter
Young, Robert Adams, Doug Passport for Adams
Young, Robert Anderson, Jim Father Knows Best
Young, Roland Topper, Cosmo Adventures of Topper
Young, Roland William Johnny Presents
Young, Seymour Kransky, Jacob Guiding Light, The
Young, Seymour Marsh, Jack Today's Children
Younger, Beverly Keene, Kitty Kitty Keene, Incorporated
Younger, Beverly Penny Sky King
Yourman, alice Andrews, Mary Archie Andrews
Yourman, Alice Anderson, Mrs. Aldrich Family, The
Yourman, Alice Gibbs, Mrs. Hearts In Harmony
Yourman, Alice Spear, Myrtle Myrt and Marge
Zacharias, Ellis M. Host-Narrator Secret Mission
Zarley, Lois Bertram, Sylvia Road of Life, The
Zarley, Lois Mansfield, Sybella Woman In White
Zerbe, Lawson Brent, Fred Road of Life, The
Zerbe, Lawson Brent, John "Butch" Road of Life, The
Zerbe, Lawson Clark, Jeffrey Valiant Lady
Zerbe, Lawson Harvey, Peter Rosemary
Zerbe, Lawson Lawton, Rex Lora Lawton
Zerbe, Lawson Martin, Skip O'Neills, The
Zerbe, Lawson Merriwell, Frank Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Zerbe, Lawson Miller, Dusty Big Story, The
Zerbe, Lawson Press Agent Strictly Business
Zerbe, Lawson Taylor, Pascal Against the Storm
Zerbe, Lawson Williams Treasury Agent
Zerbe, Lawson Young, Larry "Pepper" Pepper Young's Family
Zinke, Peggy Jane Jolly Bill and Jane
Zinke, Peggy Sally Two On A Shoestring
Zoller, Jack Stratford, Danny Life of Mary Sothern, The
Zuckert, Bill Parker, Detective Lieutenant Crime and Peter Chambers
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Hey, I was just out blogging around and I ran across your site. I just thought you would like to know that I enjoyed yours, and I will be back for future updates! I am a professional wrestler in training, and I am chronicling my rise to the top of the wrestling world in my own blog, feel free to stop by sometime, I have a guestbook and interactive polls, show your support, and when I reach the top I'll take you with me!
Your listing is a great resource that answered a question that had been bugging me for years about Marcia Barry.
My mother's name was Minabelle Sara Abbott, not Sothern. Her married name was Minabelle Abbott Hutchins. After my sister was born, they moved the studio for the Mary Sothern show to my family's basement so my mother wouldn't quit. I have the book my father wrote about her, as well as the WKRC history of Cincinnati radio CD and book set. I donated some old recordings that had been in my mother's collection to them for the project and my name is listed as a donor to their museum. She was a great singer and worked for a time as "Sister Sara" on live hillbilly radio broadcasts on WLW, as well as many other projects including work during WWII on WABC in New York. My comments here are just from memory, but I could be more specific if you wish. Nice site.
Patrick L. Hutchins
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Patrick L. Hutchins
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